» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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Opalescent Spirit Crystal glowing. It was time.
She reached her free hand out, calling upon the powers of the Sphere. She felt the warmth in her hands and a spell came to mind.

"I bring with me this mortal hour,
"A sphere of magical Dream Realm power.
"To pay back what was given free,
"One sister to another, my twin to me."

Luna opened her eyes and saw the rainbow glow surrounding them both -- a ribbon of touchy magic from another Realm.

So touchy, it woke Kelly and her younger siblings.
"Go back to bed you guys." She told them in a whisper. "Let me handle this."
"But Kelly!" The twins Mark and Andrew chorused.
"No buts, you guys." Kelly shook her head. "Take Melody back to bed and head there yourselves."
What about Mommy and Auntie Luna? Melody asked in her sister's mind.
After hugging her, Kelly supplied. "I'll take care of it, okay? Go back to bed now, please?"
"Awe, man!" the twins chorused, with Mark taking Melody's hand and leading them back to their separate rooms to welcome sleep again. Kelly could swear she heard Mark mumble under his breath, "We never get to have any fun."
At that, Kelly sighed and headed to her Momma's room. At the doorway, she could feel something tugging at her very soul, and she could feel something odd happening within her. Kneeling to the floor, she doubled in pain. The tears crept to her eyes, silent tears not only for herself, but every member of the Ancient Mystic family.
Shadow! Protector! Young Guardian! Kelly sent, hoping her uncle's and stepfather's own personas would hear, or at least feel the pain that was going through all Ancient Mystics. Grand Magus is back in our Realm! Please, hurry back! You've not much time!
Clearing the tears from her eyes, Kelly watched in silence and fear. Luna as the Grand Magus prepared to say another spell using the Sphere. The Enchanted Child named Kelly Reading braced herself.

"Now is the time to find,
"All Ancient Mystics of all the lines.
"Link us together to Young Guardian and me
"Show them we fit together, perfectly."

Grand Magus took a deep breath and pulled on every Ancient Mystic's power for the last two lines. Even Kelly had to gasp when she felt the tug, and the amount Grand Magus was taking from her. Once she heard the words, Kelly knew every Ancient Mystic's fate was sealed with theirs.

"What's mine is yours and yours is mine,
"Part of mine now yours 'til the end of time."

Kelly could feel the effects of the spell. It was binding, and enough to make her cry out in pain. Instantly, she knew what Luna was doing. She was using the Dream Realm's Sphere to bind every Ancient Mystic to herself and her twin. It was a powerful Ancient's Spell.
Though Grand Magus had gotten herself into the trance with the spell, she couldn't get herself out of it. Kelly could barely see the ribbon of Magic that came from the Sphere. It nearly suffocated her Ancient Mystic Force, forming a barrier around the twins.
She called in her mind to her stepfather Derrick, hoping he'd wake in time to save them all.

In the Dream Realm, the Protector felt the pain coming from his mind and Pendant. Something was happening at home and he had to get back. The sense of urgency Kelly put in the message made him go back.
After saying good-bye to Sunny, he woke up.

The feeling of pain tripled as he woke. He awoke beside his love, but there was something happening he couldn't make out. Luna, who was dressed in her Grand Magus robes, was glowing, and so was Ariana.
"Daddy." He heard the soft croak from the doorway.
Turning, he saw Kelly, doubled over in pain. He jumped out of bed to confront the girl. "What's going on here?" He whispered in her ear as he hugged her. He continued to watch the scene after they parted.
"So much pain, Daddy." Kelly whispered, holding her head. "Both Momma and Aunt Luna are hurting, making every other Ancient Mystic hurt. Badly."
"Oh, Gods." Derrick breathed. "I felt it in the Pendant. Are they going to be okay?"
"They will be, after Shadow wakes her."
He didn't want to leave the twins alone, especially Ariana, who could be in trouble. He had no choice.
"Let's go, kid." Derrick led her to the Morehouse's.
When they entered the bedroom, he saw Shadow lying in bed, his own Pendant aglow.
"Time to bring him home, Derrick." Kelly whispered.
Derrick couldn't agree more, and began the chant.

"The time has come, Crusading done,
"Come back home where you belong."

Derrick heard Shane's body gasp back to life. He sat up and met his best friend's pained and golden eyes.
"Kelly found the twins." Was all Derrick growled.
Shane gasped and nodded, looking to his niece. "How are they?"
Kelly looked to her stepfather for answers.
"In about twice as much pain as we are." Derrick said. He whispered a question in Kelly's ear. "Are you going to be well enough to head home?"
Kelly stared at him and Derrick could see how pure glowing silver her eyes were. After a moment, the blue came back and they closed. Derrick still held her in his arms, protecting her from whatever her Aunt Luna was doing.
Shane noticed this as well. "Let's see what the Grand Magus is up to this time."
Kelly opened her eyes and nodded.

When the three of them walked into the room, they saw a peculiar scene happening. There was a rainbow shield surrounding the twins. Ariana's Amulet was glowing, the Dream Realm Sphere was sparkling, and all ten jewels atop Grand Magus' staff threaded their colored Magics around them.
Grand Magus herself stood, Shane noticing her blood-red eyes and the Dragon's Fire Magic in them. Both hands were outstretched to her twin, whose body was glowing as a protective mechanism. The glow was flickering, showing that the Ancient Magic fighting to link and bind the twins to all Ancient Mystics was winning over Protection Magic.
Kelly tried a few lightning-bolt spells to shock the magics apart and break the rainbow thread. She wanted to get both Aunt Luna and her Momma out of their trances and back to whatever they called normal.
It worked after three tries, only, not as Kelly intended.
The Grand Magus' eyes were no longer red, but her mouth, and the Young Guardian's, opened, screaming from the amount of pain and power each felt inside. Quickly, that pain went through the line to Kelly, who also screamed.
It could be heard around Hill View. Screams echoed from the mouths of all Ancient Mystics in the area. From Julia Stewart to her daughter Tamara Jane. The Reading twins Mark and Andrew, along with their cousins Caleb, Meredith and Logan. Baby Theodore squealed loud enough to make up for his older sister Melody's verbal silence. It seemed every Earthbound Ancient Mystic screamed.
Derrick and Shane had to cover their ears as they held Kelly and Luna, trying to soothe them into silence. All three Ancient Mystics were silenced after a minute. Grand Magus changed back into Luna as she fainted in Shane's arms. Kelly was exhausted and was near fainting in Derrick's.
The boys looked at each other. "What the hell was that?" Shane asked.
"I have no idea," Derrick shrugged, looking to Ariana.
"She'll be awake soon, Daddy." Kelly whispered, trying her best to hug him tight.
He hugged her back. "What about you, Sweetheart?"
Kelly nodded. She noticed something under the bed and fetched it. Looking it over, she asked. "What's this and why is it still buzzing?"
Shane went to her side. "You don't recognize that?" He nodded to it. "That, niece of mine, is the entire Dream Realm's Sphere, from the Elemental Jewels to both much darker Crystals."
"That was one strong spell she cast, whatever it was." Kelly said.
"I doubt she even knew or realized what she did, or the extent of it." Derrick supplied.
"On that, I agree." Shane said, looking down to Luna's form. "She must be hurting, bad."
"What do you expect?" Derrick asked. "She just used the most powerful Crystals in the Dream Realm. She's bound to be worn out by that spell."
"As they all will for quite some time." They heard an airy female voice reply. It came from a green mist in the air.
Shane recognized the Jewel Elder Dweller-kin, Emerald. "How do you know so much, Emerald?"
Emerald's green eyes sparkled. "You should know me by now, Shadow."
"I go by Shane in this Realm." Shane started, blushing. "Can you do anything for them?"
"My, my, are we impatient?" Emerald teased him. "I did not come to heal them, if that is what you think. No, I came to wake them so they can feel the new ties Grand Magus made with her Ancient Spell."
"They're in pain, Emerald." Kelly protested. "Can't you feel it? I can feel us all hurting. Do something, please!"
Kelly as the Enchanted Child begged the Elder with silver eyes, a look Emerald herself knew from Bella.
"Sorry, Kelina, the only thing Lord Guardian will let us do is Destroy Stalkers that invade the Realm of Dreams." Emerald supplied. "I only came to check up on the Grand Magus' blood-ties to Firestorm and myself. I was worried when she used that Sphere when she was not fully Awakened from the Binding."
"Can't you just numb the pain, if only a little?" Derrick looked desperate. "They're the most powerful set of Ancient Mystics, according to the Originators. Certainly, you can find it in your heart to do something?"
Emerald saw the desperation in his eyes and Shane's. Kelly was softly crying in Derrick's embrace. She thought of something and huffed. "Fine. I will wake them, dulling the pain until the ties are set for good."
Kelly hugged her. "Thank you Emerald!"
Emerald laughed. "Do not thank me yet, Child. I still have to do it and I believe I need your help."
Kelly's eyes were wide.
"Are you sure about this?" Shane asked Emerald.
The Dweller-kin nodded. "Positive." She held Kelly's hand. "This is what I need you to do. I want you to close your eyes and seek your Ancient Mystic Force." Kelly did it, nodding. "Next, I want you to find the ties that scream out your Momma's and Aunt Luna's lines of magic. Finally, I want you to grasp onto them in your mind and pull with all of your power. Pull them back with your own ties." Emerald gave her enough time to do it before taking her hand from Kelly's and placing one on each twin.
The boys watched in complete silence. Even Shane knew better than to interrupt a Dweller ritual. Derrick watched and waited for his Ancient Mystic Love to flutter her eyes open. He wanted to be the first thing she saw when she woke up. He gently brushed some hairs away from her face and admired her sleeping form. She and Luna were identical in everything but attitude. They had the same reddish-blond hair, same silver-blue eyes, even the same powers. He and Shane were lucky to have these particular twins to love and to love them back.
Shane smiled from his seat on the bed when Luna's eyes finally fluttered open. "Morning, Sunshine."
She groaned, sitting up with his help. "Did I do it?"
"You did more than you thought, Blood-Sister." Emerald replied, and Luna turned to see her standing there, one hand still on Ariana's chest. She looked at Shane and said softly. "You know what to do. Get them some grounding food, and your mate some juice to replenish her body."
"Gotcha." Shane
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