» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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arms around her neck. She hugged him close. “Since waking from Firestorm's blood-binding, I've felt...different. More alive, I guess.”
“Is that what made you use the Sphere?”
Luna stared at him. “I don't know what made me use it. Perhaps all the hard work Ariana was doing made me want to repay her by using it?”
“But the Dream Realms' Sphere?” Shane asked her. “Didn't you think that was just a tad dangerous? You've never been in control of that much power before. What made you even think of using the Sphere? Weren't you aware of the danger you could cause if you couldn't control it properly?”
Luna glared at him with a certain fire in her eyes he'd never seen or Felt before. It made him silently gasp. “Listen here, Shane Michael Morehouse. I already got the lecture from my twin on using that Sphere; I do not need it from you! No, I didn't know I could control it, but I did. Yes, I knew all about the Sphere before I connected the pieces, but I did it for the great of good. Now, tonight, the four of us are going to return it, in its entirety, to Lord Guardian, so we can be done with it!”
Shane was shocked. He didn't know what to say next, so he took his son from her hands and left the room. Something told him she needed to be alone.

Visits to the Dragon Nations

Derrick Reading was the Protector as he Crusaded to the Dragon Nations for answers. With him was his old friend of Wolfton Stargazer, Sire of the Canine Valley. They traveled the Province Wood in silence. When they reached a wall of fire, Derrick stopped in his tracks.
“What is this?” Derrick asked Wolf.
“That is the Firewall.” Wolf supplied. “It is a magical barrier between the two Realms. Stories say the Dragon Emperor of long ago put it there in order to keep the Realm of Dreams from his own destructive magic when he became Chaotic.”
Derrick gulped. “How do we get over it?” He asked. “There has to be a way; I remember long ago when Ariana was stuck in the Dragon Nations with Dracora. How did she get back through it?”
“It is said she opened a magical door.” Wolf supplied. When the Protector stared at him in wonder, he smiled. “The Wolf-packs have many stories with Young Guardian in them. Matéré has been telling me all about them.”
Before the Protector was able to ask what “Matéré” was, a large male in the uniform of the Palace Guard interrupted them. He had golden wings with claws that clipped at his neck, as if he were wearing a cape. He wore a sword at his side and was holding a long staff.
“Sulheya to you both, and Kaetaa.” He said. “I am Trenor, General of the Draconian Armies at Monarch's Glen here in the Dragon Nations. You are wishing to pass the Firewall to see the Countess?”
The Protector nodded, seeing the emblem on his chest. It was of two dragons in flight, one yellow, one red, with the shield of a black castle behind them. “Yes, General Trenor. I am known as the Protector, and this is Sire Wolfton Stargazer of the Canine Valley. What was that you greeted us with?”
Trenor's smile met his black eyes as he looked at Wolfton. “I do believe your friend knows the first, do you not remember, Mountain Pack?”
Wolfton grinned. “Aye and it is a good memory.” He supplied, turning to his friend. “I know 'Sulheya' is 'greetings', in Ancient Wolf-Speak. Matéré's Pack uses that language often, keeping the old Tongue alive.” He turned back to Trenor. “But what does 'Kaetaa' mean?”
“It is the Draconian word for 'greetings'.” Trenor supplied. “What business have you with the Countess, Protector?”
“It's about Young Guardian.” The Protector announced, watching Trenor's face.
Trenor nodded curtly and saluted. “Aye, Sir. I will show you the way.” He then stood back and shifted to a huge golden dragon. “Climb on and I will personally take you there.”
Wolfton and the Protector gave each other looks of surprise before climbing on Trenor's back.
“Now do you want to tell me what Matéré means?” The Protector asked as he settled and held on tight.
“Simple.” Wolfton supplied with a grin. “It means 'mother.'”
“Why did he call you Mountain Pack?”
“That is the Pack in the Mountain Region of our Realm that my Matéré is from.” Wolfton supplied. “In truth, Matéré is Alpha SheWolf of the Timberwolf Pack. Our Pack is part of the Mountain Wolf Forest Packs.”
The Protector shook his head. They were both yanked in their seats as Trenor took to the air.


The one known as the Unicorn opened his eyes.
He wasn't dreaming. He really was shackled to a wall in the Unknown somewhere. He saw an iron door with a cross-barred window. Just outside the window, he could see the flame of a torch.
That's all he could see, he thought to himself, shaking his head. He thought to his short conversation with Albrath.
What would the Dark Lady want with him? He wasn't any threat to her besides being a Crusader of the Dream Realm.
She did say she was told to keep me here. Unicorn thought to himself. I wonder who told her?
At least he was able to get a telepathic message to the other Musketeers. Soon, someone would rescue him.
The torch outside the window flickered, and he heard footsteps and saw shadows. He listened closely and heard voices.
“We have him, Master.” He didn't recognize the young-sounding but rough voice. “Now what do we do with him?”
“We wait until help arrives.”
That voice was unmistakable. It was Damian.
“I want to kill him now!” The first voice supplied. “I want to finish what the Dark Arrows started.”
“You will have him, Dominick.” Damian responded. “Now is not the time. We cannot make it too easy for them, can we?”
“Nay, Master.” Dominick sighed. “Why should we wait?”
“Bane and Balor need to prepare.” Damian supplied. “I admit, Balor is an interesting Stalker. In the meantime, would you like to play with our guest?”
Dominick laughed. “Define 'play'.”
“Anything you can think of, Dominick. Make him suffer, but keep him alive.” Damian supplied. “I want him to Feel everything, understand?”
“Perfectly, Lord Master.”
There were footsteps, and the shadows disappeared.
Unicorn gulped, wondering when help would arrive.


Young Guardian of the Dream Realm flew the skies in a new form she had been experimenting with, that of the Dragonwolf. She still wore her Fighter's Gear, but there were slits in the shirt for her wings.
Young Guardian? She heard Aaron’s voice ache in her mind.
I’m here, Unicorn. She thought back to him, feeling an empathic push in return telling her that he was in trouble somewhere. What’s wrong?
She would receive no response but that of the pulsating of the Blood-Pact scar. She quickly glanced at it to find it glowing. That glowing and that pain told her that the Unicorn was in deep trouble and in need of her.
Young Guardian stopped in midair to close her eyes and concentrate on the link between them.
Aaron? She pushed, still trying to find him. Where are you?
Before she could get an answer, she heard her title being called, forcing her to open her eyes.
“Young Guardian!”
She looked ahead and saw a golden dragon flying toward her. Neither she nor the dragon was able to stop themselves before they collided in mid-air.
Unable to hold her concentration, she shifted back to her usual Immortal form. Her wings disappeared, as did her wolf's body and tail. Seeing her falling, the dragon caught her before they both fell hard to the ground below.
“Young Guardian!” The dragon shifted his form to the male Dweller-kin she'd known as General Trenor. “Are you all right?”
Young Guardian shook her head and blushed. “I guess I need a little more practice.”
Trenor laughed. “Was that the first time you shifted to a flying wolf?”
Young Guardian nodded. “I prefer for it to be called a Dragonwolf, a wolf with dragon's wings, and it was one of the first times, yes.” She stood. “Grand Magus Saw the Protector here with the Countess. Have you seen him?”
Trenor nodded. “Aye, Young Guardian. I just took the Protector and a Mountain Pack Wolf he'd named Sire Wolfton to see her.”
Young Guardian grinned. “You've done an excellent job, my friend. Now, it's my turn to see my Blood-sister.”
Trenor grinned back, saluting. “You know the way, I assume?”
“It's been awhile, but yes, I do know my way around the Dragon Nations, oddly enough.” Young Guardian saluted back. “Farewell for now, Trenor.”
She shifted back to a Dragonwolf and took to the skies once again.
Quietly, as she flew to Monarch's Glen, she Thought to her blood-sister. Dracora, blood-sister, I'm coming. I know the Protector is with you. I'm in Dragonwolf form, so please keep my identity a secret.
Very well. If you insist, Dracora's thick accented voice echoed in her mind. It was clearer than it ever had been before.
Young Guardian thought the blood binding had something to do with it.

When she reached the Castle at Monarch's Glen, two Guards she'd never met before let her through the gates once she showed them her Dream Amulet.
As she expected, the Protector and Sire Wolfton were standing in front of the Throne in the Main Hall. The Countess Dracora was sitting regally at her Throne, listening.
Young Guardian was silent as she stood and listened in.
“I am sorry, Protector.” Dracora was saying. “I cannot explain anything that she herself cannot tell you. Why have you not asked her?”
The Protector bowed his head and knelt. “Something is happening to her lately, I saw it for myself. I fear she's becoming a little, uh, dark in her magic.”
“She is the same female she has been for years.” Dracora announced, then looked up at Young Guardian who was waiting behind the Protector and Wolf's forms. “Once she met the eyes of Ramon Martiya, the Compulsion Spell I put on her was released.”
Neither male seemed to notice her glance, so she went on.
“She may have experienced some forms of the Dweller-kin abilities, such as Stealth, but I assure you, she is the same woman you married, and the same Young Guardian of Dreams.”
Dracora nodded to Young Guardian, who approached the Throne and bowed to her blood-sister.
“Pardon my intrusion, Countess, but I need a word with you, if I may?” Young Guardian asked.
“Certainly.” Dracora replied, turning to the males in front of her. “If you gentlemen are finished, please excuse us.”
“You might want to find another way over the Firewall, though.” Young Guardian supplied. “General Trenor is on patrol, so he won't be able to help you.”
“How did you know about that, lady wolf?” Wolfton asked.
“Trenor is the one who met me at the Borders.” Young Guardian supplied, and smiled as she shifted back to her usual self.
“Ariana!” The Protector cried. “I didn't know you could shift to a wolf with wings!”
“I prefer the form to be called 'Dragonwolf', love.” Young Guardian announced. “If you wish, you can peruse the marketplace.” She placed her hand on her Amulet. A silvery light shone for a moment until she pulled it back. In her hands were two coins that looked identical to her Amulet. She handed one to each of them. “Should any Draconians or Dweller-kin harass you, show them that coin and tell them you're with me. I'll meet you at the Borderline in an hour.”
The Protector
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