» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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did it.” O’Dell said. “I can still sense Orthos, and you watched Young Guardian and I destroy him.”
“That I did,” Enchantra said softly, unsure of what to tell him. “It is all in your mind, my dear. He is gone for good, trust me on that.”
“You do not Feel what I do.” O’Dell shook his head. Enchantra held him and kissed his lips. “I am his twin, Chantie, and can still sense him.”
Enchantra shook her head now. “I do not sense him, and I do know about the twin-link between you. What you are Feeling could very well be just an echo of what is left of that.”
O’Dell made her look him in the eye.
“However, I do sense something in your aura around your head.” Enchantra continued. “It does have Orthos’ signature around it.”
O’Dell gave that thought. “A spell, perhaps?” He asked, not exactly to her but to himself. “Could he have sent a silent spell on me after he was destroyed? A spell to make me think he was still around; and to fear him?”
Enchantra nodded sadly. “It very well could be.” She held him. “It is all right now, my lord and love. As with everything, we will figure it out together.”
O’Dell hugged her back and sighed. “I am glad to have you around, my darling Enchantra.”
“I am always here for you, O’Dell. Do not forget that.” Enchantra kissed him.
“I hope we aren’t interrupting anything.” They heard the voice of Young Guardian from behind them.
When they looked, they saw her standing there with her twin the Grand Magus, husband the Protector and the Shadow. She was in her recent-favorite form, the Dragonwolf, wearing her Fighter’s Gear, with her magical blade at her back and the Amethyst Spirit Crystal around her neck. In her hands was a large glowing Sphere Enchantra recognized as the Dream Realm’s Sphere.
“No, not at all.” Enchantra supplied for them both, once seeing O’Dell was staring into space, a look of shock on his face. She nodded her greetings to the four of them. “We were only talking.”
“I heard the last of your conversation, Enchantra.” Young Guardian continued sternly. “And I am afraid you’re right.”
Enchantra blinked.
“I’ll explain myself in a moment.” Young Guardian held up the Sphere. “We needed to return this to you. I have taken the liberty of stringing the Spirit Crystal around my neck. That way, the Realms are safe from any destruction the Sphere might cause.”
Now O’Dell blinked. “You did that? What made you think of keeping the Spirit Crystal?”
“As I see it,” Young Guardian began, holding up the Sphere. “Should all the pieces of the Sphere be put together, as they were by Grand Magus, it could cause ultimate destruction. Especially should they all fall into the wrong hands.” Just as she finished her sentence, she sensed something behind her and whipped her dagger out. “I know you’re here, Max, you might as well solidify, or whatever it is you do to appear out of thin air.”
Enchantra caught the silent looks between the Grand Magus and the Protector. Shadow was watching the scene intently, eyebrows narrowed in thought.
Sure enough, Lord Maximaniac of the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom appeared out of thin air like a wisp of the wind. “You have grown more acute, Young Guardian.” He grinned, hands up in surrender. “You can put your blade away. I will not harm you.”
Young Guardian did just that, a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Lord Max, it’s become a force of habit.”
“A very good habit at that, with all the trouble around the Realms.” Lord Max remarked. “Greetings to you as well. I need to have a short word with you, O’Dell.” He turned to O’Dell and moved to take him away.
“What about the Sphere?” Grand Magus finally spoke up.
Lord Max stopped and raised a hand. “I assure you, we will get to that, but in a moment.” He responded. “This is a matter of great importance, Grand Magus.”
“So is returning the Sphere!” Shadow growled. “Do you remember what trouble it caused us in the Outer Realm?”
“Shadow, I assure you, we will get to that!” Lord Max frowned. He turned back to O’Dell and put an arm around his shoulder, nodding to the group. “We will return in a moment.”
Young Guardian huffed, lowering her head. “Please hurry, Max. What I have to say is also a matter of great importance.”
After a moment of searching her eyes, he nodded. “Very well.”
Young Guardian sighed, putting the Sphere back in the pouch in her belt. “To what I overheard, Enchantra, you are right.” She started. “Orthos is not gone, not yet. At least, according to the Feelings of darkness I’m getting from my Empathy. I’m sure you’ve been able to sense him still in O’Dell?”
Enchantra didn’t meet her eyes. “I have sensed it, aye, but I thought my sensors were off.”
“They weren’t.” Grand Magus responded. “I’ve sensed him, too.”
Young Guardian spun around to meet her twin’s eyes with a glare. “What?”
“I’ve sensed Orthos somewhere, but I can’t place it.” Grand Magus said quietly.
Her sister sighed. “Even Dracora’s sensed him.”
Enchantra gasped. “Dracora? Where does she come in?”
Young Guardian told her that had transpired between the Countess and herself. “It would seem the blood-link between us has grown stronger, and so has our telepathy.”
The Protector groaned. “Lovely.”
“Does O’Dell complain of anything ‘different’ with himself?” Young Guardian asked, frowning but ignoring his sarcasm.
“He does admit to Sensing Orthos.” Enchantra told her. “Even I have noticed lately, when he makes his rounds around the Realm, he is different. Less like O’Dell and more like Orthos. His logic is not what it used to be.”
“I think I have it figured out, but I have to test my theory on O’Dell when he and Max return.” Young Guardian supplied.
“What can we do with the Sphere in the meantime?” Shadow asked.
“There’s nothing we can do, not yet anyway.” Young Guardian told him. “First things first. This problem with Orthos must be taken care of.”
“I agree, Young Guardian.” Enchantra supplied. “I Felt and Saw a dark aura around O’Dell’s head, and it did not sit well with me.”
“Nor should it.” Grand Magus supplied.
“Dark aura around his head, you say?” Young Guardian began to pace, her midsized wings clipped to her neck like a cape, and her wolf’s tail twitching in thought.
“Aye.” Enchantra said.
“You also say his logic is more like Orthos’ than his own?” Young Guardian went on.
“Aye.” Enchantra repeated.
Young Guardian stopped in her tracks and remarked seriously. “I know what must be done.”
That’s when O’Dell and Max returned.
“What must be done, Ariana?” Max asked.
“Before we figure out this mess about Orthos, or about the Sphere itself and where it should be returned, I must do something.” Young Guardian announced.
The Protector was confused, and so was Grand Magus and Shadow. The three Originators were silent, as if knowing what she was going to say.
“I’m sorry to do this, but I must relinquish command from you, O’Dell.” She continued. “Due to recent events, I, Young Guardian of the Realm of Dreams, hereby order you, Lord Guardian O’Dell, to step down from Guardianship of the Realms and give command of them to me.”
O’Dell looked down and Enchantra held his arm.
“What?” The Protector and Grand Magus chorused. The Protector continued. “What are you doing? You can’t handle the job right now and you know it!”
Young Guardian whipped her head and glared at him. “I haven’t the choice.” She turned back to O’Dell and paced to him. Her voice was level as she told him. “The Companions, both those in the Province and the Army, have noticed you’re not the man you once were. Not anymore. They’re beginning to fear you, O’Dell, and see me as Guardian of the Realms.”
“I’ve heard that, too.” Grand Magus supplied, nodding in agreement. She continued timidly. “They’re afraid if they do something wrong, you’re going to kill them.”
“That is ridiculous!” O’Dell gasped.
“Ridiculous but true.” The Protector responded.
“We ran into a Companion soldier the other night and he told us the same thing.” Shadow responded softly after her. “You’re not the same Lord Guardian as you were before the War began.”
“That’s why I’m commanding you to retire O’Dell.” Young Guardian supplied. “I know how Orthos was, almost as much as you. I don’t want to see you wither away due to madness and have the Realms of All the Worlds in chaos because of it. I’ll not allow that.”
“Believe it or not, Max was thinking the same as you.” O’Dell responded. “He told me he worries for me, and that I should give you full Guardianship.”
Young Guardian’s eyes went to Max. “Why did you think of that?”
“I knew you were ready for full Guardianship after I saw how you controlled the Companion Army during the War.” Max said. “You have grown drastically in the past year, Young Guardian. I believe wholeheartedly that you will grow even more as Lady Guardian. With that growth, comes wisdom; a wisdom that will serve you well in your command.”
“One question.” The Protector spoke up. “We’ve got lives to live and children to raise in the Outer Realm. How is she going to be Lady Guardian of the Realms when she’s still Earthbound?”
Enchantra grinned. “She will remain Earthbound and be Lady Guardian of the Realms as well.”
“That’s just it.” Shadow asked. “How?”
“Just as I have been doing for awhile now.” Young Guardian supplied. “Patrol when the night comes and answer any calls for help that O’Dell will Send to my mind with telepathy. When I’m needed, I’ll return here and take care of it.”
“Isn’t that going to be hard?” Grand Magus asked. “What about the children?”
“I’ll figure it out as I go along.” Young Guardian said. “I’ve not forgotten about the children, I assure you. I could never forget about them.”
“It’s settled then.” O’Dell replied. He placed a hand on each of her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “I, Lord Guardian of the Realms, now relinquish command to my successor. You are now the Earthbound Lady Guardian of the Realms, until the day you see fit to become Realmbound. All powers, duties, responsibilities, and patrols coming with the title of Lady I hereby give to you. Do you accept?”
“I accept.” The now-Lady Guardian’s voice was firmer, more assertive and demanded respect. Those around her were amazed at the change in her voice and manner.
“Do you understand what that entails, and demands of you?” O’Dell asked. “Family may come first, but the Realms are a close second.”
“I understand perfectly, and still accept the title of Lady, along with all its duties and responsibilities.” Lady Guardian supplied. “I won’t let you down,
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