» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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Lord O’Dell.”
“I know you will not.” O’Dell remarked. He hugged her. “I trust in you, M’Lady.”
From that day on, she would be the Lady Guardian of the Realms.

Story #2
Lord Max and the Sphere

“Congratulations, M’Lady.” Lord Max spoke up, hugging her as well. “I am sure you will do a remarkable and memorable job.”
“Thank you, Max.” Lady Guardian nodded. “My first duty as Lady Guardian, I’m going to do something with this.” She held up the Sphere again. Closing her eyes, she separated the lighter crystals from the darker, making them all levitate in the air before opening her eyes once again.
“They must be returned to their rightful places.” Enchantra told her.
“On that, I agree.” O’Dell said.
Max spoke up. “I believe I will reclaim the Black-as-Night Crystal and the Dominionite Crystal segments.”
“Aren’t they also known as the Dark Elemental Crystals?” The Shadow asked.
“Aye, as the Jewels of the Province are the Light Elemental Crystals.” Enchantra explained. “The Black-as-Night Crystal, as you have already figured, is the Link to them all.”
“With the exception of the amethyst around my neck, all of the Jewels need to be hidden in a secure place with plenty of protective spells and enchantments.” Lady Guardian announced.
The three Originators stared first at each other, then at her. They were noticing the same thing. Almost as soon as she had taken her title, she was more astute, more in-charge and more like a true Guardian of the Realms. It was as if she were a totally different woman now.
“I agree.” O’Dell managed to break the silence. “Brother, I will leave that to you.” He looked at Lady Guardian. “That is, if you do not have any objections?”
“You’re still an Originator and my Elder. I respect that.” She said. “So, no. I have no objections Lord O’Dell.”
“Now that we’ve done what we’ve come here to do,” The Protector spoke up, agitated and impatient. “Let’s say we return home to our normal lives.”
“Normal,” Grand Magus snorted. “Nothing having to do with us Ancient Mystics can ever be remotely considered normal.”
“You know what?” Lady Guardian grinned at her twin. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
All agreed.


Lord Maximaniac of the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom visited his brother for a while longer before returning to his castle. With him, he carried the five segments of the Dominionite Crystal as well as the famed Black-as-Night Crystal.
His Lady Queen Jezebel’s eyes widened when she saw those particular crystals in his hands. “Max?”
He strode past her to his chambers beneath the castle.
She watched him place all six crystals on the podium next to his Spellbook, waiting patiently and in fear.
For that Spellbook, that very Spellbook, was the one that had been stolen and used by Orthos during all the Wars and the Crusades while Maximaniac was Banished. Its dark spells were responsible for the near-destruction of the entire Realm of Dreams, its Companions and Creatures, as well as their brother O’Dell and whatever force threatened to get in Orthos’ way at the time. That very Spellbook is the one Jezebel herself found Max’s own words of love to her hidden within the pages. It were those words that changed her mind and heart.
Jezebel tried again. “Max?”
She was careful not to disturb him, seeing how he was searching for something within the pages of his Spellbook, but, darn it, she was his Queen! She had a right to know what he was doing with those crystals!
Max flipped through the Spellbook as if he hadn’t heard her. He found the right page and spoke. “Patience, my Queen.” He said without moving his eyes from his work. “All will be as it should be soon. We must have patience.”
Jezebel eyed him suspiciously. “Not while you have those crystals in your possession, it will not.”
Max simply smiled. “Of course it will be, for I do not plan on having them for long.”
“You cannot destroy them, Max!” Jezebel cried, exasperated. “Are you mad? You will overthrow the delicate balance within all Realms!”
“I know this as well, dearest.” Max kept his grin. “I assure you, they will be taken care of appropriately.”
“How will you do that?” Jezebel asked him.
“I will Exile them throughout the Realms, hidden in places only us Originators and Lady Guardian will be able to find them.” Max supplied.
Jezebel was confused. “Who is Lady Guardian?” She asked. “Certainly Young Guardian has not perished from the Outer Realm and taken her title so soon?”
“Nay, dearest.” Max shook his head. “On her own will and my suggestion, she took her title as Lady Guardian. She saw the same as your sister and myself and took it upon herself to take her title early.”
“How noble of her?” Jezebel was shocked, but understood the reasoning behind the Earthbound Young Guardian’s decision.
“Indeed.” Max grinned. “Now hush woman. I must concentrate.”
Silently, she took his hand. They shared a look before raising their clasped hands to the ceiling. They used their combined magic to raise the six crystals to the air in levitation. Together, in one voice, they chanted.

“We raise our hands, hearts and magic,
“To call upon the Spirits of these Crystals.
“Exile their forms and cloak their magic,
“Safe within the Ancient Mystic Realms.
“Reveal only to Guardians and Originators,
“When we have need, we command thee!
“As it is our will, so mote it be done!”

With a loud “pop!” the six crystals disappeared, to be dispersed within the Ancient Mystic Realms.
Jezebel and Max stared at the spot for a moment before she broke the silence.
“I only hope you know what you are doing, my lord and love.”
Softly to himself, he sighed. “As do I.”


There must be something I can do, O’Dell thought to himself. He paced his castle chambers, deep in thought. He’d left the Palace shortly after the newly-titled Lady Guardian and her family. Between the Crystals, Lady Guardian’s true identity, and the threat of my own brother’s logic, there must be something I can do to assure peace. Is there nothing that can be done about what Orthos has done?
Lord O’Dell sighed, settling himself at his Throne. He thought first on a time, not so long ago, when a member of the Draconian Imperial Family dropped by his doorstep.

O’Dell was in his garden visiting the fairies when he heard the door to his castle open. He sensed someone walking in the doors and stopped to listen.
“O’Dell!” A husky male voice called out his name. “I need to speak with you! O’Dell! Are you around, old friend?”
That piqued O’Dell’s interest. He headed inside to greet the man who supposedly knew him as “old friend.”
“What is all this fuss about?” He called out in his best Lord Guardian voice. When he saw the stranger, a tall male Balinese Feline Companion, he blinked. “May I help you, Companion?”
The Balinese sighed. “My Lord, may I introduce myself?” He bowed. “I am Braken Hawk, a new Companion to this Realm.”
O’Dell studied him. “I have never heard of the family name Hawk.”
Braken rose. “That is because I am the first. The name is, or should I say ‘was’ Lord Brakkon Dratianos.”
O’Dell blinked, searching his eyes. Sure enough, he was telling the truth. “How? You are a dragon! How did you become a feline Companion?”
Braken told his tale. O’Dell merely stared in wonder as he listened.
“Where is Thorn now? And Draconis?” O’Dell asked when Braken was finished.
“I know not, Lord.” Braken supplied. “The last I knew, Draconis destroyed me, sending me back to the Realm of the Gods. He raged war against the Demon Lord Archimond and the Nations were in ruins.”
“You say he went chaotic and destroyed the Dragon Nations?” O’Dell was in deep thought, rubbing his chin. His silver eyes were dark. “What of the Empress and your grandchildren?”
Braken didn’t know how to tell him. “My lady Locarra has passed to the Summerlands, O’Dell. Shortly afterward, I went chaotic.”
“I am sorry for your loss, Braken. I was asking about the Lady Adellandra and Draconis’ children.” O’Dell supplied. “Where are they while Draconis is chaotic?”
“Adellandra left him not long after Locarra died.” Braken said. “She took the children with her and has not been seen since.”
“What of your daughter Dracora?” O’Dell asked.
“She disappeared as well, on your insistence I am to understand.” Braken rushed. “Why all the questions, O’Dell?”
O’Dell smiled. “If I am to welcome you into this Realm as one of my own Companions, I need to know how you arrived.”
Braken slumped into the nearest chair and sulked.
“Now, now, Braken. Cheer up.” O’Dell supplied, clapping him on the back. “I will keep your identity a secret, if that is your wish. You may consider yourself home.”
“Home.” Braken remarked under his breath. “I am homeless. I cannot return to the Nations as I am now. There is still war and I will be the laughingstock of the entire Dragon Nations!”
“It is not all that bad, I assure you.” O’Dell said.
“I am made to be a feline Companion, a common housecat for Goddess’ sake.” Braken told him. “Stripped of all titles, status and honor as a dragon Lord. What am I to do?”
“Relax, for one.” O’Dell remarked. “For another, you could follow me. I have the perfect place for you in the Feline Village.”
Braken stood. “Perfect place, eh?”
“Aye.” O’Dell nodded, wrapping an arm around Braken’s shoulders. Braken looked at him suspiciously. “The Feline Palace, nestled in the—“
Braken interrupted. “Let me guess, the Feline Wood?”
O’Dell laughed. “Come, Braken.”
Rolling his eyes, Braken Hawk followed.

((Shortly after Lady Guardian is named so, O’Dell visits Lord Braken and tells the tale. The time is near and a truth is revealed. Lady Guardian IS Lady Empress and Lord Braken IS Lord Brakkon Dratianos. O’Dell seeks help for his brother’s logic.))

Story #3:


Scott “Fire-Archer” Archer was Amethyst’s Earthy Protector. He was practicing his gift of fire-archery on a target in the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields. It was a remote area of the Fields where few trees stood, so it was perfect.
The Fire-Archer shot another fire-arrow from his crossbow, hitting a place of the target near the bull’s eye. Cyrix, in his Fire-Demon form, clapped him on the back.
“You are getting quite adept at this, Fire-Archer!” He responded. “In such a short time, too. I am impressed!”
Scott waved a hand ahead of him, extinguishing the flames of the arrow with a thought before turning to him. “Thanks, Cyrix. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”
“I am sure you would have done fine.” Cyrix remarked. “Care for a live target?”
Scott’s eyes widened. “What do you mean, ‘live target’?”
Cyrix laughed.
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