» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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sighed, nodding as he kissed her cheek. Wolfton followed, still awed by the coin in his hand.
When they were gone, Young Guardian grinned at the Countess. “Now then, where was I?”


Balor, protégé to the now-Destroyed Crucis, took his new command with little trouble. The only trouble he did have was with the Ancient Mystic known as Young Guardian.
He wanted his revenge for her beating him and Destroying his mentor. Through Damian and Lord Bane, he would get it. Thanks to Lord Bane's son Dominick, who'd set the trap and captured the one known as the Unicorn, Balor now had his chance.
He misted through the barred window, careful not to make himself known.
The Unicorn lay shackled against the wall, eyes closed. As soon as Balor misted in the room, the Unicorn opened his eyes. Balor saw that they turned from green to a deep red, and fangs protruded from his mouth, a low growl escaping.
It was then he decided to solidify and make himself known.
“I should have known that Bondmate of yours would Turn you.” Balor announced.
“What business is it of yours?” The Unicorn growled, red eyes on him. “Who the hell are you?”
“Allow me to introduce myself.” Balor supplied. “I am Balor, your kin-Clan leader.”
The Unicorn's eyes widened, and Balor smiled.
“Are you aware of your kin-power, Unicorn?” Balor asked.
The Unicorn held his breath. “Kin-power?”
Balor nodded. “Oh, aye. Being Turned to Stalker brings great power. We are able to do many things Mortals cannot. You yourself just witnessed the Mist. Your Bondmate Turned you with her own wild power.”
“You're not the leader.” The Unicorn announced. “Ramon Martiya is.”
“I am far older than he, youngling.” Balor announced. “Though, I do admit he has his father Crucis' charm.”
“What do you want from me, Balor?”
“Patience my boy, patience.” Balor crooned. “The final exchange is the most important. It is the one that fuses all power together within your body and makes you Stalker.”
The Unicorn stared. “You want to Feed from me?”
Balor shook his head. “On the contrary, Unicorn. You Need to Feed from me.” Taking a tattered nail, he tore a line down his wrist, showing it to Aaron.
The Unicorn flinched, turning away and hissing. The blood that dripped from Balor's vein was black, and smelled of death and decay, just as he did. He could sense the power within it, but wanted nothing of it.
“Drink, Youngling, and become complete.” Balor's hypnotic voice pushed him to turn back.
Don't give in, Bondmate! He heard Airmed's voice in his head. You're stronger than he ever will be!
The Unicorn looked Balor in his black eyes and smiled.
“That's it, Young One.” Balor said. “Smell the power that awaits you? Sense the magic that flows in my veins? You can have it too, all you have to do is Feed.”
“No thanks, I only Hunger for my Bondmate.” Aaron crooned in the same echoed voice that was unlike his own.
At that, Balor hissed. The Unicorn looked up to see Airmed and a wolf Immortal with wings he sensed as Young Guardian there. His Bondmate Airmed was in Immortal form, with black-hooded cloak and deep dark eyes. Her Pendant glowed red. The Unicorn didn't recognize the new form of his best friend. On her back was her Spiritblade, and she was wearing her Fighter's Gear.
“How did you get past the guards?” Balor asked, incredulous.
They both saw the snide grin on Young Guardian's lips, along with the red in her eyes as she said simply. "Now.”
All three of them called the Exiling Spell, but all it did was make Balor laugh.
“Foolish Mortals.” He laughed. “I am no Dominionite, so that Spell doesn't work on me!”
“Maybe not, but I know what will.” Young Guardian announced. She unsheathed her Spiritblade and called to the air once the magic that wrapped around the blade had him frozen in his tracks.
Her eyes glowed, and the Unicorn could only stand and watch, listening with interest.

“Magics of the Realms Unite,
“I call thee forth.
“Winds of Power, hear my call!
“Destroy this Stalker's dead body
“And recall his soul within my blade!”

Young Guardian directed her magical blade to Balor, who stood staring at her in horror. A brilliant yellow-white light glowed, whipping itself around the Stalker, engulfing him with magic.
“Decorum, Sanctus, BANE!” She cried, and the Unicorn saw a crystal on her blade's hilt glow, sucking Balor's very soul into it.
He could do nothing but hang there, silent.
She looked up at the Unicorn. “Are you okay, Aaron?”
He nodded. “For the most part.”
“Good.” Young Guardian announced. She turned to an awaiting Airmed. “Get him down from there.” She nodded and Young Guardian continued. “I'll deal with anyone outside this door.” She paused when the Unicorn looked at her expectantly. With a nod, she told him. “I'll explain everything later, I promise. For now, let's get out of here.”

Story #1:
Young Guardian's Suspicions

Young Guardian, known as Ariana Reading in the Outer Realm, paced the Study a week later. She’s noticed unnatural things happening all around her. The same "Something" that she had sensed earlier was still there, only stronger. She could Sense it clearly this time, and it didn't bode well for any of the Realms of All the Worlds.
In the Outer Realm, also known as the Realm of Mortals, Ariana could Sense the darkness in those named Dreamers. Her own Empathy was involved as well, and was the same Feeling as that of her best friend shortly after the War of the Realms was over. She’d described it to his twin Aimee as "dark, but not dark." She'd spoken to both Countess Dracora of the Dragon Nations and Celeste Moondancer extensively about it, both denying any abnormal workings in the Outer Realm.
In the Dream Realm, she tried to patrol but ended up in the Unknown, the Old Dominion, and even the Demon Realms. Companions throughout the Realm of Dreams have come to see her as more of a ruler instead of just a Crusader or even her title “Young Guardian.” They were also slowly getting used to her as her many different forms, though many, like her old friends, were confused. Dracora had noted that the Dragonwolf form seemed to 'suit' her more than the Immortal-human form she'd always had before. Ariana had to agree. It felt natural to be either the dragon or the wolf, though she never really understood why.
Ariana knew she owed explanations to her Crusader family; about the way she reacted with the Dweller-kin leader Ramon when they met eyes, about the blood-binding with Dracora, and even that of the extra 'oomph' of power she'd had once the blood-binding spell was released from her mind.
There were memories deep within her mind and soul that were confusing to her. When she told Dracora about some of them, her blood-Sister only smiled and said "You will know in time, Sita." "Sita," she'd learned from Celeste the same night, meant "sister" in Ancient Wolf-Speak.
Back home at the present moment, she stopped in her tracks and took out the Dream Realms' Sphere, holding it in her hands. She'd replaced the Amethyst Spirit Crystal around her neck before going to sleep the night Luna cast the Ancient's Spell, so the Sphere wasn't totally in tact. It also wasn't a danger to any of the Realms, thank the Gods.
It still had to be returned to O'Dell and the other Originators. Trouble was, whenever she held it, she Heard a voice in her mind prodding her to use it. Along with the Voice was a certain 'pull' of her Empathy. The voice had been prodding her to use the Sphere in destructive ways, but she was stronger in spirit than some silly male voice.
Who was the voice that was in her head, echoing and evil? What force was so strong, it was able to break through her magical defenses? Most important of all, why did it feel so familiar, like something she’d fought before?
She stared at the Sphere intently and thought of her blood-Sister Dracora, Countess of the Dragon Nations.
Aye, Sita? Dracora's mind-voice was clear and gentle, and Ariana could Feel the sense of pride she had of her with Empathy. It's about time you use the mind-link. Now, what is it I can do for you?
Besides explaining to me what's going on in my head with my empathy, absolutely nothing. Ariana Sent back with a grin.
I Sense it too, Sita. Dracora Sent back, a Feeling of concern rang through the link. I fear I do not like what I am finding.
What's going on with my empathy?
It does not Feel like you, does it? Dracora asked back.
No, it doesn't. Ariana supplied in her mind. Do you have any idea of what it could be? Could it have something to do with our link?
Dracora shook her head. Nay, it does not. That was the first thing I Felt for when we linked. I’m thinking it is another being inside of you, using Empathy against you.
Another being? Ariana asked. Like a Djinn Mind-Dweller?
Dracora’s voice paused. Worse.
I was afraid you'd say that, Dracora. Ariana sighed. You'd better tell me what you Sense. I've to take the Sphere back to O'Dell and the other Originators, and I can't do that while I've got problems with one of my more potent powers.
I agree. Dracora supplied. I Sense great evil in three of you that you have all experienced before, only, I cannot understand it.
'Great evil,' huh? Ariana asked. What do you mean, 'great evil in three of us'? Which three?
Dracora's voice was silent for a moment, then she thought; Think back to who you destroyed back in the War. Who was there, and most effected by it?
Ariana stared at the Sphere, thinking back. I helped Ramon destroy his father Crucis before helping O’Dell destroy Orthos. After the scene went through her mind’s eye, she gasped. That's it, isn't it? It's Orthos!
Dracora's mind-voice agreed.
Now, Ariana thought both to herself and to Dracora, which three of us were there and affected the most by his destruction? There's myself, of course. There’s O'Dell; I felt the twin-link shatter between them; and last, there’s Luna. She's linked to both of us.
Dracora was silent, which gave Ariana a chance to think.
So, the three would be O'Dell, Luna, and myself. Now, what's there to understand?
What I do not understand is how he did it. Dracora asked, and sighed. Well, sita, I must go for now, my people are in need of me. Keep me informed.
That I will. Thanks. Ariana supplied, and closed the mind-link.
Tonight, she thought to herself. We'll see exactly what was going on with Orthos.


“Stop pacing, O’Dell.” Enchantra told him. She was watching him pace the Ancient Mystic Palace. It worried her, for she didn’t like seeing her lover pace. It never did bode well in the end. “Do tell me what is on your mind. What makes you so nervous?”
O’Dell finally stopped and looked at her. She could see the dark-red color to his eyes and a thin black aura of energy around his head.
“I do not understand how my brother
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