» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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her patrols but not yet ready to return to the Outer Realm, perched herself in a tree near the border. She stared at the FireWall and wistfully thought of the dragon that haunted her dreams since the Mortallan War.

At the same time, her twin the Grand Magus was dreaming. She found herself in a form not her own; but that of the Dragonwolf, and identical to the form her twin was now taking. Before she could answer the many questions that were swimming in her mind, she heard a voice interrupt her thoughts.
“Come back to me, Little One.” The voice was male, gentle yet rough. “You belong to me.”
Afraid, yet curious, she searched the woods around her. No one was there.
“What’s going on? Who are you?” She asked into the air.
The voice was silent but a gentle chuckle deep in her mind. It reminded her of the voice and actions of a Dweller-kin. “Firestorm? If you’re teasing me, please stop. It’s not funny.”
“Nay, Little One.” The gentle male voice purred, this time, in her ear.
Startled, she used her Empathy to sense as whomever it was suddenly appeared beside her. She spun, her heart racing when she saw the male figure smiling at her.
He looked regal, with lengthy black-as-pitch hair tied in a tail, and eyes the color of onyx embers to match. He met her eyes, making her blush. Her heart skipped a beat, the male looking and feeling hauntingly familiar. Handsome, yet familiar. Was this some Dweller-kin to have her in such a state?
“I assure you, I am no Dweller-kin.” He answered as if reading her thoughts.
“Who are you?” She asked again, this time in a whisper.
The male shook his head and finger at her. “Not yet, I’m afraid. You are still not ready to know the truth.” He grinned, the smile meeting his ember eyes. Just watching those eyes made the Grand Magus blush. “However, I do believe I know just the thing to keep you pleasantly distracted in the meantime.”
He took her in his arms and kissed her lips. At first, she had to resist, for she felt she was betraying her Earthly Protector. Then, she thought he sent her a reassuring feeling along her Empathy, relaxing her mind and heart. Now, she felt…like kissing him back. For a split second, he held her closer before disappearing into the mists.
He left her with an ache in her heart that screamed for completion.
Confused, she left to find her twin, seeing if the newly-titled Lady Guardian had any answers.
She closed her eyes and thought of her dear twin, opening them again when she arrived at the FireWall just below the tree she’d perched herself in. One look at her sister’s face told her she was thinking something similar.
“Ever wonder, Grand Magus, just what makes the two of us so different and special, even from our siblings?” Lady Guardian’s voice inquired without taking her eyes off the FireWall. “How we’ve always been told we’re a very special set of Ancient Mystic twins?” Without waiting for her to answer, she continued. “I don’t know about you, dear sister, but I believe this past war showed us something. It has changed us so drastically, we may never return to what we once called normal.”
Lady Guardian finally looked to see Grand Magus’ new form and smiled. “Comes naturally, doesn’t it?”
Grand Magus shook her head as her sister flew down using dragon’s wings. That made her smile. “Not yet, but I’m sure it will be soon.” Her sister returned to staring at the FireWall. “What is it about that FireWall that piques your interest?”
“I’m not sure, really.” Lady Guardian replied with a shrug. She told her twin about the past visions. “Though I didn’t get a good look at it, the black dragon seemed familiar in a weird way. I don’t understand it, not yet.”
“Sounds like what I’ve been through.” Grand Magus told her sister about the male. “Do you think the two could be related somehow?”
“I’m not sure what to think.” Lady Guardian sighed. “Let’s head home. We still have lives and children in the Outer Realm.”
The twins met eyes and Grand Magus nodded. They disappeared, returning home.

Protectors’ Investigations

Shadow followed the Protector on his mission to the Dragon Nations. There was something different about his best friend and brother-in-law. He’d never been interested in that Realm until now, and Shadow wondered why.
“All right, brother, let me have it.” Shadow supplied as the two raced their horses to the Borderline of the two Realms. “Why are we going to the Dragon Nations?”
The Protectors’ eyes never left the trail when he answered. “There’s something going on with my wife, and I believe the Countess at Monarch’s Glen has something to do with it.”
“Have you spoken to Lady Guardian about it?” Shadow asked.
The Protector shook his head. “All she gives me now are crooked answers that lead to more questions. It’s like she’s trying to hide something from me.” He finally looked to his brother. “Tell me that’s not right.”
Shadow shook his own head. “It’s not; you’re right on that. Both twins have been a little, ah, distant lately. Maybe the Countess knows what’s going on with Lu as well?”
The Protector finally smiled. “Why do you think I asked you to join me?”
Shadow grinned. “Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s because you can’t handle the big, bad, old dragons in this Realm? You need me to protect you.”
“Yeah, right.” The Protector laughed, as did his horse Sunlord. “You hear that, Sunny? He thinks I need him to protect me!”
“That is rich.” The horse answered from underneath him.
They stopped at the FireWall and stared.
“Okay, now what?” Shadow asked. “How do we get over it if we can’t fly?”
The Protector grinned, knowing. “We don’t, but the Guards do, once we tell them who we are and what we’re here for.”
“What are you waiting for? Call one of the guards.”
The Protector called to the air. “Hello! Anyone guarding the Borderline?”
The brothers heard a scream in the air that sounded like a murder of crows. When they looked up, they saw a hunter-green dragon swooping down on them. As the dragon approached ground, it shifted to a large male with the crest of the Dragon Nations upon his chest. It was just like Trenor’s before him, so the Protector smiled, knowing he was indeed another General.
“Kateea Dragon.” The Protector supplied.
The General nodded, his green eyes shining. “Kateea to you as well, Protector.” The General looked to Shadow. “Kateea. What can I do for the two of you this eve?”
“Grant us passage to the Nations; mainly, to Monarch’s Glen.” Shadow supplied.
“What need have you of the Countess, young one?”
“I am known among the Realms as the Shadow, one of the former-Lord Guardian’s Crusaders.” Shadow supplied. “Her Dweller-kin helped us in previous wars, and now, we wish to extend our thanks.”
“I know of those wars, for I have fought in them on Lord O’Dell’s side with his successor. You wish no ill-will toward the Nations?” The General asked.
“None, for the Crusaders fight for peace within the Realms.” The Protector spoke up, surprising even Shadow himself.
Shadow watched the two stare at each other for a moment before the General nodded. He rattled something in his own language, what Shadow guessed was Draconian, before smiling. The General put a fist to his heart, nodding his head as he translated. “Live strong, live free, live in peace.”
“You as well, my friend.” The Protector responded.
The General extended his hand. “I am called Terrantis, a General of the Countess’s Royal Guard at Monarch’s Glen. I have heard of the Crusaders’ deeds, and I wish them all well on their journeys.”
He turned and waved a hand to the FireWall. A magical door opened. “Go quickly, for the door will close soon.”
“Thank you Terrantis.” Shadow supplied, nudging his horse’s sides to jolt him ahead.
“You are very welcome.” Terrantis responded, nodding with a grin. “Go in peace.”
Once the two stepped through the magical door, it closed behind him, and Terrantis disappeared from sight.
“Now,” The Protector announced. “Onto Monarch’s Glen.”


Back home, once all Crusaders woke up, they were silent on their daily routines. The children were confused, the older ones finding a quiet spot in the Reading’s backyard to talk about it.
“They’re acting weird lately.” Kelly supplied. “Weirder than usual.”
“I’ve noticed.” Bradley announced. “It started during the war in the Realms.”
“Things have changed all of us drastically.” Kelly supplied. She looked to her younger siblings, brothers Mark and Andrew as well as the young, silent Melody. Her cousins Caleb and Meredith were there as well. “Haven’t you guys noticed?”
The younger ones nodded.
“I can sense something wrong with both our moms.” Mark supplied, shaking his head. “And I don’t like it.”
“There is nothing wrong with Mom.” Caleb insisted.
“Not a ‘bad’ wrong anyway.” Andrew responded. “After all, it could be for the great of good. Mother took her Ladyship as Guardian of the Realms.”
“That can’t be good.” Bradley said. “If she did that, as well as patrolling as usual, her strength is bound to be worn down, not to mention her magic.” He looked to his step-sister Kelly, who was in deep thought. “Mind telling us what’s on your mind?”
“I believe it’s about time I changed my title.” Kelly said. “Somehow, with all we’ve been through, ‘Child’ no longer fits me.”
Bradley nodded. “I agree. We’ll talk to the Sisters tonight. Meanwhile, we should keep a close eye on the other Crusaders.”
“All of them, including our own team?” Kelly asked. Her brother nodded. “I agree. After talking to Momma, I’m going to help Juliet with the little kids.”
“Let me take the younger ones and you can talk to Mrs. Reading.” Bradley rose from his seat. He outstretched a hand for Melody, who took it. “We’ll meet up later, if not here, in the Dream Realm.”
Kelly nodded, also rising. “I think you guys should follow him. What I have to talk to Momma about isn’t for younger ears.”
“Is it bad?” Mark asked.
“Not really; only, important.” Kelly said.
As she left, Bradley couldn’t help staring at her back. He was amazed; for in such a short time, she’d grown from child to a young adult. It was at that moment his love for her grew from brotherly to one from a lover, and he was hooked.
He felt someone tug at his arm, looking down to see Melody’s patient smile.
There were times for reflection later. Now, he had something else to do.

Meanwhile, Kelly marched to her Momma’s room. She found the Earthbound Lady Guardian at her desk, writing in a notebook.
“Come in, Kelly.” Ariana’s voice was gentle as she looked up with a smile.
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