» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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incisors into her son and drank his blood. When she felt his breathing waver, she licked the pinpricks closed and lifted her head.
“I am deeply sorry, darling.” Luna whispered. “Mommy will fix it.”
She took a point from her Dream Pentacle and pierced into her arm’s flesh, drawing a small line down her wrist. It was enough to draw blood. She placed a charm on him to open his mouth and drink it. “There now, Caleb Ryan. It is done. Sleep now, sweetheart. All will be well.”
Luna rose from his bed and quietly left the room.
What did I just do? She asked herself in her mind.
Just as I told you to do, Little One. The male, whoever he was, was back in her mind. Now, finish the rest of them, and I will tell you more about who I am.
Still curious about the stranger, she reluctantly obeyed. Whomever it was in her mind was still the familiar male she’d dreamed about, and still the handsome lover-like stranger.
Obeying, she went to each of their rooms, deepening their trances as she so knowingly and swiftly sank her incisors through their tough fleshes. She drained just enough blood from them to need hers to heal. Luna woke them with the pretenses of them having just a ‘strange dream’, forcing them to drink the fluid from a slit in her own skin. When she was finished with the youngest, Logan, she fled the room in shame.
She didn’t want to resort to such extremes, but she had to do it. Something in her soul cried for her to do it. Something that told her she couldn’t, no, wouldn’t, live without her precious children.
Than why did she feel so badly about it?
She didn’t return to her husband’s side, instead going to her Altar Room. All she could do was slump to the floor and cry.


Aaron couldn’t stop staring at the moon. He was sitting out on the porch-swing, staring at the full moon high in the sky.
“Wanna talk about it?” He heard the familiar female voice of his twin whisper in his ear. Aimee sat down next to him and took his hand in hers. “I’m not much, but I am a great listener.”
Aaron looked to her and kissed her forehead, sighing. “Aim, I’m still so confused. All of this is so new to both of us. Airmed being not only a witch, but a Dweller, Bonding me to her through blood as her Bondmate and being my Earthly Protector as well. It’s all too much to handle at once.”
“Going pretty fast, is it?” Aimee asked. “I know what you mean, Big Brother. It’s the same with Scott and me. I start dreaming of him and he suddenly enters our lives again. We fight in this War, and find out he’s got these brilliant powers over the element of fire. Not only that, but we also find out he’s my Earthly Protector, too. I don’t know about you, but I find all of this a bit overwhelming.”
“Try being a Dweller-kin for a day.” Aaron supplied. “Or would that be ‘night’? I don’t know. All I know is that I’m what Red Shawl called an Ancient Mystic Watcher-kin Sundancer. I’m Bonded to the woman of my dreams, wounded in War, my memories scrambled, my soul-self left searching and brought back to life, only to find myself gnawing on your arm. Next thing I know, I need blood to survive and can’t be out during the midday hours. How am I supposed to live like that?”
“The same way we did when we were kids.” Aimee responded. “Live it day by day, learn what you can, use it when you need it, and think of nothing but protecting and taking care of your family.” She took her twin’s arm and hugged it. “The last thing you want to do is give up.”
“I never want to give up; I only want to know some answers.” Aaron supplied. “We’ve gone to Red Shawl, but I’m still confused. If only there were someone else, or somewhere else I could get some answers from.”
Aimee unhooked her arm from his and stood. “The only answers are within. Remember that and you’ll find them before too long.”
She kissed his forehead and said her goodnights before leaving him.

((Continue Aaron’s Scene with a Hunt on his own, his first. He runs into Daniel, who was sent by Ramon to watch over the area. Aaron goes into the woods, far from the city of Hill View and eyes – all his senses: smelling, hearing, feeling – a fox in the distance.


Emerald returned to the Grand Magus alone. She hid herself in the shadows, as she usually did, and watched as Luna “Adarra” sat knelt in front of her Ancient Mystic Mirror. Her eyes were closed and she was silent, which made Emerald wonder just what the woman was thinking.
She tried reading Adarra’s mind, but it was closed off, even to her. There was something different about the Ancient Mystic; it only confirmed their suspicions.
Adarra was no longer just an Ancient Mystic, but a Draconian. Question is how much she knew about the magic her blood held.
Emerald watched as she opened her eyes, showing a silver hue. Her eyes glowed silver while her body glowed deep red.
“Grand Magus?” Emerald whispered. No reaction, for she continued to stare into space. She tried, “Adarra?”
Adarra turned to her, eyes bright. “I have Foreseen great changes for us all and have Turned my children.”
It was in a voice Emerald hadn’t heard from in over a century. A gentle, magical voice; an echoing voice of a Goddess or a Princess.
“Do you know what you have done, Blood-Sister?” She asked her.
“I have Seen it. I only wish my children to join me when the Changes occur.”
Emerald shook her head. “What did you See?”
The Grand Magus took a deep breath and replied. “Let us leave it at this: as one destiny ends, another begins.”
Emerald gasped when she saw the red aura around her body growing brighter. The vision of a wolf with dragon’s wings came to view, confirming the Countess’ conversation.
She didn’t have a chance to say anything to that before the Ancient Mystic Draconian named Adarra slumped to the floor in a faint.
“Oh dear.” Emerald whispered.
“What happened to her?” She was so into her thoughts, she didn’t hear Adarra’s husband Shadow walking in the room and kneeling down beside her. She watched as he felt her forehead and wrist for a pulse. “Emerald?”
Emerald shook her head. “My apologies, Shadow.”
Shadow smiled. “It’s ok; I do it too, sometimes.” He placed a hand on her forehead again. “So, what happened?”
“I found her, eyes the color of pure silver, aura red as blood, knelt at her Mirror.” Emerald explained. “I sensed something different about her, and it scared me.”
“Silver eyes?” Shadow was confused. “Tell me from the beginning.”
Emerald told him what had happened. “I fear we have Turned her.”
“Turn, as in she’s a Dweller now?”
“Aye. Your Adarra is not only Ancient Mystic, but a Draconian as well. Dare I even say how, but I felt I have known her somewhere before.”
Shadow blinked, and then frowned.
Emerald continued as he stared, waiting. “It is hard to explain, Shadow.”
“Please try.”
“I cannot, not yet.” Emerald tried. “All we can know now is she needs to Feed. She has given your children too much of herself, and must be replenished.”
Shadow stared at his wife and said. “Tell me how, and I’ll gladly do it.”
“She must Feed from you.” Emerald said. “Do you remember how Celeste Fed you?”
“She didn’t Feed me, only sucked the poison from my veins.”
“I was there as well, watching over you.” Emerald supplied. “She Fed you her own blood to Heal you. You must do the same to Adarra and Heal her.”
Shadow placed a hand on his wife’s cheek for a moment before reaching for his pocketknife. Emerald watched as he slit a small line down his palm, making himself bleed. He sat her head up with Emerald’s help and forced her to drink the thick liquid that was pooling in the palm of his hand.
“Come on, Sweetling, take it.” Shadow whispered, holding her close. “Take what I freely give. My love, my life, my blood.”
Emerald was surprised he knew the right combination of words to seal himself to her through his blood. “I see I am no longer needed, so I will return to my own mate.”
She misted into the air and disappeared.

Part Three:
Trouble in the Dragon Nations

Dominionites in the Dragon Nations

Damian couldn’t wait to execute his new plan. He took a handful of Dominionite Warriors with him to the Dragon Nations. Once they reached the Border FireWall in silence, he sensed something dark and powerful dwelling within the Nations themselves. He only had to search and find it.
“I sense dark power nearby, Damian.” Dominick told him. “Could it be the Black-as-Night Crystal you desire?”
“I would count on it, Dominick.” Damian supplied. He turned to Lord Bane’s son. “Call me Master, and help me with the FireWall.”
“It looks pretty powerful in itself, Master.” Dominick wasn’t impressed, but realized then was not the time to retaliate against Damian. He’d have his chance later, but not then. “How do we get across the Border?”
“Same as my dear cousin did years ago.” Damian smiled. “Help me with an entrance spell.”
The two of them made a doorway of magic to get themselves and their small army through the FireWall. Once they were on the other side, General Trenor greeted them.
“Halt! Who dares pass the FireWall into the Dragon Nations?” Trenor stood tall and frowned at them. “Who dares bring Warriors into our lands without permission from the Countess?”
“Stop your blathering, dragon.” Damian spat, shifting to a dragon himself. “I have reason to believe a specific crystal is hiding within your precious Nations.”
“What does it look like?” Trenor asked. “And who be ye to believe such a thing?”
“I am called Master of the Dominionites.” Damian said, smiling. “I believe such a thing simply because I sensed it. The crystal belongs to me.”
Trenor stared at Damian’s black eyes, shifting to Dominick’s red-black eyes. “What makes you think it is here? We hide no crystals or gems in our Nations, the Countess knows of all.”
“She does, does she?” Dominick asked. “By all means,” he conjured his lightning staff and pointed it at Trenor’s chest, “take us to this Countess, and we will see for ourselves.”
Damian growled softly in Dominick’s direction.
“Follow me.” Trenor turned on his heel. Opening his mind to Dracora, he sent a message explaining what happened.
Thank you, my friend. I will handle it from here. Dracora sent back. Stall them until I find what they are looking for.
Aye, Countess. Trenor sent back.
I will
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