» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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run away from him one day, taking their three young children, Kronin, Locarra and Locanna with her. Neither she nor the children were heard from since. Draconis turned chaotic shortly after that and all hell broke loose. He searched everywhere for them but couldn't find them. There had been once rumors of a lonely old Dragonwolf-maiden who lived alone in the hutch-cave of her youth, but they turned to be unfounded. Every time he went to look, she was gone and no one was there.
"In fact," He said softly. "Nothing was there but old, dusty remnants of yesterdays gone."
Ariana took a deep breath and Felt the sadness he Felt. "I am sorry for your losses, Lord Emperor Draconis. I will be sure to bring them all back for you, so peace can be restored to both your heart and the very spirit of Mal'estar."
Draconis slowly came down from his Throne again and did something that perhaps shocked the both of them. He hugged her, kissing her cheek and hand. "Spoken like a true Lady."
Ariana smiled. They stared at each other for a moment, each thinking their own insane thoughts of each other. He squeezed her hands and kissed them. "By daybreak, please, Lady. I do not think I can bear much longer than that."
She bowed to him. "T'would be my pleasure, Lord."
Before he could say anything else, Lady Guardian left.


Lord Draconis smiled at the place she disappeared. A figure came out of the shadows and asked. “Was that who I think it was, Branno?”
He nodded. “Aye, Dranus. That was my Empress.”
“How did she survive for so long?”
“I was asking myself the same thing.” Lord Draconis remarked. He turned to his Brother-Bodyguard. “Feel up for a visit to Monarch’s Glen?”
Dranus’ eyes widened, and for the first time in a long time, he smiled. “I thought you would never ask.”
When they arrived at Monarch’s Glen’s castle, they found Dracora talking to Terrantis with her back to them. Terrantis noticed but ignored them.
“Lady Princess Dracora Dratianos,” Draconis started, keeping his eye on her. “It sure has been a long time, hasn’t it, Brattona?”
Dracora froze in her spot while Terrantis stood and watched them. He and Dranus were silent behind each of the siblings.
“I knew it!” Dracora ran to her older Lord Brother and hugged him. “I knew you’d returned, Draconis!”
“’Cora, I never left.” Draconis pointed out in her ear. “Neither did Dranus.”
Dracora pulled back and stared at him for a moment before slapping his cheek. Her smile turned to a frown and her hands hit her hips. “How dare you, Draconis Vilinos Dratianos! How dare you leave me with the care of the Nations while you go Chaotic and nearly destroy it!”
Draconis put his hands up in surrender, not even fazed by the slap. “Brattona, calm down, pleska.”
Dracora huffed and relaxed. “Where have you been since the Dragon’s Fall?”
He shrugged. “Around. Does it matter? I’m back in our beloved Nations, only to find an Ancient Mystic woman naming herself the Lady Guardian and your Blood-Sister claim she has found my children.”
“Did you recognize her in any way?” Dracora asked, waiting for his answer. “She was in Dragonwolf form.”
“Not at first, no.” Draconis supplied. “When she growled at me about respecting Lords and Ladies of the Realms, I saw the fire in her eyes. That fire reminded me of my dear Empress. Tell me, Dracora, where did you find her?”
“How much time do you have?” Dracora asked him with a smile.
“I told her to bring me proof by daybreak, so we have until then.” Draconis supplied. “Shall we take a walk?”
Dracora smiled. “Aye, Lord Bratton. We have a lot to catch up on. Such as, is Scar with you, haunting the Grand Magus?”
Draconis wrapped his arm around her waist and eyed Dranus, nodding for him to follow before telling her. “Yes, and no. You see; it’s quite by accident he returned to Mal’estar.”
The three siblings of Dracora, Draconis and Dranus walked around the grounds of Monarch’s Glen for the rest of the afternoon, swapping stories and catching up.


One afternoon, not so long after they arrived, it was the Spirit Dragon Kronin’s turn for yard work at Dragon’s Keep. His twin sisters were off having their lessons somewhere else and he felt safe with them being with the other dragonlet children. Lady Aura interrupted him, with the one named Lady Guardian following beside her. Again, the magical woman caught his senses and he perked his ears to listen in.
"They came to us, Lady Guardian." Lady Aura told her. "They just appeared, as children often do, and have been a blessing ever since. Krogan is like an angel sent from the Goddess Herself!"
Kronin grinned to himself.
"Are you sure they're orphaned?" Lady Guardian asked. "Did Krogan ever tell you of his parentage?"
"Nay, nor did I ask." Lady Aura shook her head sadly. "Poor dears."
"I'll see what I can do, Lady Aura." Lady Guardian announced.
That's when he heard a gentle purr in his mind, almost maternal. I know you're listening in, young dragonlet. Need no fear; Lady Aura doesn't suspect a thing.
Lady Guardian approached him and grinned. He was the same one back in the camps before the War began! She thought to herself, keeping calm.
"Hello there. May I have a word with you?"
Kronin met her silver-blue eyes. "Eyes like the stars." He whispered, bowing. "Aye, my Lady Guardian of the Realms."
Lady Guardian grinned. "Smart dragon."
Kronin nodded.
Lady Guardian turned to Lady Aura. "Lady, I would like to speak with him alone, if you don't mind. Find his sisters and bring them to me."
Lady Aura bowed. "Right away, Lady Guardian. Certainly."
Lady Guardian took a deep breath and let it out. "Well, Young one, I have good news for you."
"I am listening, my Lady."
"I believe I found your father." She supplied. Kronin's ears perked. "Knew you'd like that. Anyway, my blood-bound sister, Countess Dracora of the Dragon Nations, has told me about the three Royal Children named 'the Lost Ones'. Now, I didn't know anything about them, so she sent me to her brother in the empire of Mal'estar."
Now that grabbed his attention. "Mal'estar."
"Aye, Mal'estar. Well, I sought and found Dracora's brother, Lord Draconis Dratianos." She continued, watching him. "After nearly killing each other, I told him what she said. I demanded an explanation of who the 'Lost Ones' were. His face and voice grew solemn and dark when he told me about them, and a little about his mate, Adellandra." She paused, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I believe with all that is within me that you are Lord Draconis' son, Kronin Dratianos."
Slowly, a small hint of realization set in. "Dratyr...” He whispered, his voice trailing.
Before she could react or say a word, Lady Aura came back with the twins.
"Lady Aura, gather their things." Lady Guardian commanded. "They'll be coming with me and not returning."
"Oh, certainly." Lady Aura announced, confused. "May I ask why?"
Lady Guardian grinned. "I have found their Dratyr." She looked to Kronin, whose eyes lit up. "I wish to reunite them."
Lady Aura clapped her hands and the twins hugged Lady Guardian.
Once Lady Guardian shifted her form to a Dragonwolf, which reminded Kronin of his mutyr, they soared the skies toward Mal'estar.
When they arrived at the Castle's Main Hall, Lady Guardian folded her wings behind her and escorted them straight to Lord Draconis' Throne. Kronin looked up to meet his eyes, as well as those belonging to the male he'd known as Dranus.
"Lord Draconis, may I announce Kronin, Locarra and Locanna?" Lady Guardian replied. "I believe they are the 'Lost Ones.'"
Draconis stood and Kronin bowed. "What is your given name, Young Kronin?"
"I am Prince Kronin Draconis Dratianos, Heir to the Dragon Throne and your kano." Kronin supplied, and met his dratyr's eyes. "Need I continue?"
"Actually, aye." The Emperor of Mal'estar wasn't convinced. "If you are truly my Kano, Kronin, than tell me the motto of Mal'estar -- in both your blood languages."
Kronin grinned and nodded, telling him first in Draconian, then in Ancient Wolf-Speak.
When Lord Draconis and Kronin met eyes, there was shock in the Emperor's.
Draconis nodded again, this time, smiling. "Kanas! Kano! I have missed you so!" He embraced his children with a hug. "Thank you, Lady Guardian, for bringing my children back to me."
Lady Guardian nodded. "My pleasure, Lord Draconis." She supplied. "I know how important family is."
Kronin spoke up. "Uh, Dratyr, have you found Mutyr?"
Draconis smiled at Lady Guardian and nodded at her.
Lady Guardian was shocked. "Oh no, Lord Draconis. I am not your mate. I have an Earthly Protector of my own already and I'm not so sure he'd oblige."
Kronin turned to her and grasped her hand. "Eyes of the Stars, Lady Guardian? Magic of both wolfkin and dragons?"
"Prince Kronin, it's impossible!" She announced. "I am an Ancient Mystic, not a Draconian or a Wolfkin of the Packs."
"Yet you have a form of the Dragonwolf." Lord Draconis smiled.
"My Lord, no." Lady Guardian huffed. "It means nothing. Ancient Mystics are able to shift their forms to whichever they like. I just happen to like the strength of the dragon and beauty of the wolf. That's it."
Lord Draconis laughed, and placed a kiss on her hand. "I will explain later. For now, I need time with my children. I need to introduce them to their half-siblings, Tristian and Ravena."
Sighing, Lady Guardian clicked her heals and left.
Kronin stared after her.
"Come, Kano." Draconis supplied, also staring after her. "She will know herself in time. He clasped his son's shoulders. "Now then, to meet Tris and Raven."
Kronin only gulped, then nodded, following wherever his Dratyr led him.
It took a few months to readjust himself with his Dratyr and Nation. He took to Dranus' and Draconis' sides in his Sovereign Duties. Draconis told him the story of Mal'estar, shortly after his mate took them away, ending to recently. It only confirmed the rumors and stories he'd heard while in the Realm of Dreams all those years ago. Kronin told him what had been happening, and his feelings he had about Lady Guardian. Draconis only grinned, knowing more than even his son.


For the next few months in the Outer Realm, Ariana and her twin Aluna were in constant dazes. Ariana’s thoughts went from Lord Draconis, to her near-failing relationship with her Earthly Protector and back. When she patrolled the Realms, she deliberately missed the Dragon Nations, for fear of running into Lord Draconis again.
Her heart just beat that much harder, as did her soul whenever he crossed her mind. Sure, she’d done her duty as Lady Guardian by returning the Royal Children to their royal Dratyr, but something else about Draconis made her heart race.
Seeing the four of them together made her think of her own family; the very
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