» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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was looking, along with her blooded tear, kissing it away sadly.
"When you left me, I put it there, to remind me of you." Draconis told her as he held her tighter. "Now that you have returned, promise me you will never leave me again."
"That is a promise I will be honored to keep." She kissed his lips hard, moaning in her mind, "Kadeska-mina, my Emperor. Let us become one once again."
"To eternities end."
"Light to dark and dark to light, we are balanced."
They fell asleep in their old quarters at Mal’estar’s Castle, snuggled in each others' wingspans.


The Ancient Mystic’s Grand Magus of the Realms flew in her own Dragonwolf form, searching for answers. She descended near a warn-down hutch-cave, deep in the Dragon Nations.
“’Darra?” She heard the familiar voice of Scar from behind her. Turning, she met his dark eyes. “So, it is you?” He asked, walking closer to her.
She shook her head, confused. “I don’t know who I am, Scar.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head. “You are my Little One.” He told her. “And my name is not Scar.” She waited, pulled to his dark eyes and mesmerizing smile. “It is Lord Drakkar Dratianos. I am Emperor Draconis’ duo, just as you are his Empress’ duo, Lady Adarramena Dranna Dratianos.”
“I don’t understand.” Adarra sighed. “What happened, what’s going on?”
He caressed her cheek gently. “I have the answers to your unending questions, mia lanta.”
“’Mia lanta.’” She echoed, searching her vocabulary for a translation. “That’s ‘my love’ in Draconian. Isn’t it?”
Drakkar nodded, smiling. “I see your memories are returning.” He supplied. “Would you like to know everything?”
Something in his words told her to believe him. She nodded.
He bent his head and kissed her lips, sharing with her a vision and memory from the distant past.

In a part of the Dragon Nations, Drakkar and his mate Adarra fought side by side, with Adarra’s younger brother Anton. They were in full Royal battle armor against demons from the Demon Realms. In the heat of battle between Draconis and Brakkon, they had taken advantage and attacked the Empire city of Mal’estar. Adarra, Drakkar and Anton couldn’t bear to see that happen, so they suited up and fled out to the other soldiers, taking on as many demons as they could. They used magic and might, power and strength, but were each wavering.
Adarra shot as much of her magic to destroy the attacking demons but she was getting weaker by the moment. She looked to her mate of Drakkar for help, but he wasn’t any better.
If you must, draw on her magic. Drakkar sent.
“Her” was Adarra’s twin sister Adellandra, the one the Draconians were calling the “Runaway Empress,” as she ran away from her mate of Draconis, taking her three children only-she-knows-where. Being they were twins, Adarra and Adella could draw on one-another’s energies and magic should each of them need it.
Well, Adarra needed it, and knew very well that her twin didn’t. That didn’t mean she was going to do so without permission. Adarra shook her head.
Drakkar frowned. I will not have you die on me, Adarramena! Draw on her magic – NOW!
Adarra couldn’t refuse. She quickly nodded and sent an apology to her twin’s mind. I’m sorry, ‘Della…
Using the twin-link between them, Adarra pulled on her twin’s magic. She put as much of her own magic into the attack on the oncoming demon as she could muster.
After firing the shot, she fainted.
Drakkar noticed her right away and stopped to scoop her up and disappear.

In the present, Drakkar ended the kiss and stared at her eyes. “Well?”
“What was that? It was us, I know, but how?” Adarra asked. “Who’s Adella?”
Drakkar could only smile. “Would you like to know more? What happened after that?”
Adarra was insistent. “Yes. Please, Drakkar. Tell me everything. I have to know!”
He laughed lightly. “Very well, if you insist, lanta.” He bent down to kiss her again, giving her yet another vision-memory.

Drakkar reappeared in a place he never knew he would. He looked around the room and spotted a couch in the far corner. He set his mate’s unconscious body on it and felt her forehead. “Dare not die on me now, Adarramena.” He croaked.
A voice broke his thoughts.
“What are you doing here, Bratton?” It was female and familiar.
Drakkar turned to see his sister Dracora standing beside another female and a male. The other female’s name was Enchantra, and she was an Ancient Mystic Sister in the Realm of Dreams. The male was Lord Guardian O’Dell of the Realms himself.
Drakkar bowed to the two Mystics. “I do not know, Brattona. I just grabbed her when she fell and disappeared from the battleground.” He rose. “My apologies, Sister Enchantra and Lord Guardian.”
“No apologies needed, Prince Drakkar Dratianos.” Enchantra smiled. “How did you know which Sister I was?”
Drakkar smiled. “The same as how you knew which Dratianos I was. A twin always knows the differences between other pairs.”
“What can we do for you, Prince?”
“It’s my mate, Lord Guardian.” Drakkar supplied.
Enchantra went to examine Adarra. “She overexerted both herself and her duo.” She supplied, than looked to Drakkar. “Where is her twin now?”
Drakkar shrugged his shoulders. “Ask her.” His head nodded to Dracora, who was silent.
“I know nothing of it, and you know it.” Dracora supplied. “The last I knew of my Empress-sita, she was planning on taking the children and herself away.”
Drakkar frowned. “The two of you are virtually inseparable. Are you sure you are not hiding anything?”
“If I were, you would know of it already.” Dracora responded. She shook her head. “Now you know why I took some of our people to the Mortal Realm. Your duo has gone chaotic, and there is no end to his destruction.”
“There has to be a way to save Adarra from him.” Drakkar agreed.
“I believe we can help with that.” Enchantra looked to O’Dell. “My love?”
O’Dell took a moment to stare at Adarramena’s silent form before responding. “Bring her in and set her beside her sister.”
Dracora blinked. “You knew! All this time?”
O’Dell shook his head. “I could sense her, aye. One of our soldiers found her unconscious in the old hutch-cave that used to belong to their parents. I asked them to bring her here until we could figure anything more.”
“What are you going to do with her?”
“Them?” Drakkar echoed after his sister.
They watched as a Dragonwolf identical to Adarramena was brought in and laid down beside her.
“There is something about those girls, O’Dell.” Enchantra stared at the twins. “Something that screams magic.”
“They are Draconian.” Drakkar said, hoping it would explain it. “They have great power.”
“Nay, something else.” Enchantra supplied. “They are worth saving. They must live, but not here. Not now. Not while many wars are being fought.”
“For once, I agree.” Dracora supplied. “But what are you going to do with them?”
Enchantra smiled. “Give them another destiny.” She looked up to O’Dell. “Find Susan and bring her here.”
O’Dell nodded, and smiled once knowing what she was thinking.
“Who is Susan?” Drakkar and Dracora asked at the same time.
“My Granddaughter.” Enchantra smiled. “She has five children already and enough room in her house and heart for three more.”
“Three?” Dracora asked.
“Do you mean Anton?” Drakkar inquired.
Enchantra nodded. “He is resting in the other room. I had to put him under a spell in order for him to stay that way.”
“He is a fighter.” Dracora said. “What are you going to do with them? They are not dead, just weakened. How are you going to give them another destiny?”
“They will be reborn as Earthbound Ancient Mystics.” Enchantra said simply. She turned her attention to the silver-glowing Empress. “This one is different; even from her twin and brother. I cannot place it.”
“Adellandra has always been different.” Dracora supplied, smiling. “Kind, loving, gentle, and good, yet a fierce fighter and honorable Empress.”
“Only she knows why she left our bratton.” Drakkar said.
“It was to save the children from destruction.” Dracora now stared at her Empress-sita.
“Gramere?” A female voice asked from the doorway. “What’s going on? Why did you send Granpere for me?”
“Fetch the Dragonwolf male for me, Susan, and set him down beside his sisters.” Enchantra stood when she obeyed.
Susan stared at her Gramere. “I know who they are now!” She whispered. “The Empress of Mal’estar, Lady Adellandra, her twin Princess Adarramena and younger brother Sir Anton Dranna.”
Enchantra only nodded, confirming. “Do you know what I wish you to do with them?”
Susan stared, her silver-blue eyes shifting from one silent sibling to the other. “I don’t know.” She looked to Enchantra.
“Raise them.”
Susan was confused. “I’m sorry, ‘raise them?’” She shook her head. “They are already fully-grown. How?”
“The time rift between the Mortal Realm and this Realm is different.” Enchantra began. “We wish for you to keep them safe and raise them as your own children. They will be significantly younger when I blood them.”
“’Blood’ them?” Drakkar asked, speaking up. “I mean no interruptions, but, surely there must be another way?”
Enchantra shook her head. “Not if you want them alive to see Mal’estar once again.”
“But blooding them as Ancient Mystics will –” Dracora began but was cut off.
“I know what it will do, Countess.” Enchantra supplied. “I assure you, there is no other way around it. They must be blooded as Ancient Mystics in order to survive your brother’s chaos.”
Drakkar growled. “If you hurt her, I will know of it!”
O’Dell shook his head. “No, you will not. Once the ritual is done, the three of them will have no memory of who they once were.”
“They will have their powers.” Dracora supplied. “And their forms. The Mortal Realm is not ready for Dragonwolves just yet.”
“All will be well.” O’Dell said sternly. “They will resume immortal form and be taught of whatever magic their minds believe they are ready for.”
Dracora and Drakkar looked at each other, unable to answer. What else could they say about it?
“Shall we begin?” Susan spoke up quietly.
Enchantra and O’Dell nodded, holding hands.
The Dratianos siblings of Dracora and Drakkar only watched as the three Dragonwolves changed form to become young immortals. The only thing that showed who they were was the armor and their reddish-golden blonde hair. Each form grew younger and younger until they were mere children. Adella and Adarra were young girls and their brother Anton was an infant.
Susan picked up the infant and held him. “We must rename them.”
The baby Anton was still sleeping in her arms.
“We will leave that to you, Susan.” Enchantra supplied.
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