» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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“Rename them, and raise them well.”
“The time will come when they are Called to this Realm once again.” O’Dell responded. “Until then, their true-names and lives must remain a secret.”
“Yes, sir.” Susan knelt to the still-sleeping twins. She placed her hand first on Adarramena. “You will be Aluna Star Woods.” Next, to Adellandra, “You will be Ariana Moon Woods.” And last, the baby. “You will be Antony Gregory Woods.”
With brilliant flashes of silvery light, the ritual was done, and the four of them were gone.
Their story from that point was yet to come.
As for Dracora and Drakkar, Drakkar disappeared to grieve the loss of his loving mate. Dracora stayed behind.

When he broke the kiss this time, he held her tight. “I knew it was only a matter of time before we reunited. I just had to keep hoping for your return.”
She didn’t hear him. The two vision-memories echoed in her mind. “Our whole lives were based on lies.” She whispered, pulling away from him. “If what you sent me was true, Ariana and I were just pawns for the Ancient Mystics.”
“We have them to thank, dearest.” Drakkar told her. “If it had not been for them, neither of you would be alive now.”
“But they played with our lives!” Adarra cried. “Sure, they rescued us from death and all that, but for what? So they could mold us into their own images and declare it destiny? What did they want us for, anyway?”
“Adarramena, please. Calm yourself.” Drakkar tried, stepping closer to her. “Enchantra and O’Dell saw something in each of you. I know not what now, but whatever it was brought you back to me. That is the most important thing of all.”
“Why is it so important anyway?” She asked. “I have a family in the Outer Realm. Friends, children, an Earthly Protector husband. I have a life outside of this Realm.”
“It’s important because we are and always have been mates.” Drakkar supplied gently. He didn’t like the fact another male was in his place, nor did he like that she loved him. He ignored that for now, hoping to remind her of their love. “Since we mated before the Dragon’s Fall, we have always been together. It was only recently, when you became Blood-sister to Firestorm, that I found you again. I’ve searched endlessly for you, hoping that you would find your way home.”
“How?” Adarra asked, calming down. “How did you know about that?”
Drakkar shrugged and grinned. “Let’s just say I told him to do it.”
“You were the one to make him break his promise to Dixilynne and Celeste?” Adarra asked. “They’re both pretty strict. How did you do it?”
“I told them who I was, and neither could refuse me.” Drakkar smiled. He kissed her again. “I love you, Adarramena Dranna, and I will always love you.” He took her hand and led her inside the hutch-cave. “Come, let me show you.”
Adarra’s heart pounded, letting her know she was doing the right thing. All doubts she’d had before about him vanished.
She knew, in her heart, everything would work out.


Ariana, now named Adellandra, awoke in the Outer Realm. She rose from her bed and noticed her new-mate old-Lord lover Draconis wasn’t there with her. Her heart fell and she sighed.
Was it all just a dream? She thought to herself, clutching her Dream Amulet. Was Lord Draconis just another figment of my over-stressed, confused mind? She shook her head. Couldn’t be, she thought. His love for me felt so real!
She sighed as she went along her day. Since she awoke later in the morning, she didn’t have to take care of the older, school-age children. Adellandra thought of her youngest, Theodore, who was now a year old, and went to the nursery to check up on him.
She was silent as she walked in, closing the door behind her.
Theo sat up in his crib and blinked his eyes open. When he sensed who was there, he stood and opened his arms for a hug.
Adellandra smiled as she picked him up and hugged him tight. She kissed his cheek, saying. “Oh, darling. I’m sorry I’ve not been here for you.”
After a moment, she heard a tiny voice in her head. It’s okay, Mother. I understand and forgive you.
She looked at him and smiled, sending back. When did you start sending messages with words and feelings instead of just images?
Silly Mother. Theo laughed. I am my father’s son. It’s in my blood.
Adellandra gasped at the saying. It would seem her youngest son was smarter than his age, just as her oldest daughter. Adellandra knew both were the children of Aaron “Unicorn Starchaser” Schmidt.
Of course it is, Theodore. Adellandra sent back, kissing him and placing him back in his crib. “I will return later. I promise.”
Theodore blew her a kiss from his crib, which made her smile.
After she closed the door behind her, she used her empathy to find the live-in Caretaker, Juliet Grey. There was something on her mind, and she wanted to know the woman’s thoughts on the subject.
Adellandra found Juliet in the laundry room, placing a basketful of clothes in the washer. She watched her and waited until the woman was done before saying anything.
Juliet turned after starting the washer to see her there. “Oh, good morning Ariana.”
The smile on the Caretaker’s face made Adellandra smile. She decided not to say anything about what happened in the Dragon Nations the night before.
“Good morning to you, Juliet.” She stammered, clearing her throat. How could she ask the woman without sounding suspicious? “I was wondering.”
Juliet stopped and said. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, yes, it is.” Adellandra stammered. “I was just wondering something. Based on your experience with us, have you noticed anything strange about Derrick and me lately?”
Juliet held her breath as if wanting to say something but was afraid to. She hastily shook her head.
“Are you sure?”
Juliet nodded. “N-n-nothing unusual. Why do you ask?”
She stuttered, which means she’s keeping something from me. Adellandra thought, and then shrugged, trying something. “Something is just not right anymore. Not since we fought in the War of the Realms.” She struggled for words. “It’s like Derrick and I are growing further and further apart.”
Juliet looked down. “May I speak freely, as your friend and not your housekeeper?” She whispered.
“Anytime, Juliet.”
Juliet looked up and said. “The children are a little restless, Derrick’s quiet, you’re hiding away when you are here, and when you’re not, who knows? It’s all a little unsettling, if you ask me. I was wondering what was going on, but didn’t want to butt in for fear of being scolded.”
Adellandra pat her on the back. “Oh, Juliet, you never have to fear of being scolded by either of us. You’re not only our Caretaker, you’re our friend.” She started, smiling. “You’re there with the children when either Derrick or myself cannot be. You’ve been a big help to us when we needed you. Why would we ever scold you?”
Juliet shrugged, looking away. “I don’t know. I guess I’m used to it.”
“How so?”
“I’ve been a housekeeper before.” Juliet supplied. “Whenever I spoke my mind, the Master would scold me, the Mistress would ignore me, and the children wouldn’t listen to me.”
Adellandra Felt her pain. She had a feeling Juliet was hiding something from her, and that something explained why she was so jittery and shy at times. “I’m sorry you had such a hard time before us, Juliet. I promise you this; nothing like that will ever happen to you again.”
Unknowing of what to do next, Adellandra hugged her. “We’re glad to have you here, Juliet Grey. I’m certain, with time, everything will work out for the best.”
Juliet smiled when they pulled back. “Me, too.”


Adarra woke with Shane snoozing beside her. Something felt different within her, now that she knew the truth.
It all made sense, she thought to herself. Why Ariana and I were so different, even from our Mystic siblings. Why we both had images of dragon-males claiming to be our mates from long ago. The reasons we had memories and magic unlike any other Ancient Mystic, and how I always wanted to learn more. I already knew what I was doing, even from the beginning. It all made sense.
She looked over to her Earthly Protector. I never want to lose what we have, Shane; even if it means losing my new love of Drakkar.
I hope you are kidding, Little One. Drakkar sent. She wasn’t surprised to hear his now-familiar voice in her mind.
She wasn’t surprised, but she was a little angry.
That’s an invasion of privacy, Drakkar. She scolded him silently. I don’t care if you were my mate, I don’t like my thoughts being read by everyone who thinks they can hear them. They’re mine to think.
Drakkar only sent a Feeling of amusement. I knew you would say that, Little One. As I observe you everyday, you’re getting more and more like my old Adarramena. Drakkar laughed lowly. I guess I should thank Firestorm and his mate.
Adarra sighed. Do what you want; you always have before. Meanwhile, I’m going to start my day by checking up on Shane’s and my children.
She stepped out of bed and started her day.
Adarramena Dratianos, I wish you would rid yourself of the Mortal. He is useless.
Stop being so jealous! Adarra responded as a huff in her mind. She secretly closed the link between them.
She did love both Drakkar and Shane, but one thing was certain.
Drakkar had a tendency of getting on her nerves.

Part Four:
Living Between the Realms

Monarchs of the Dragon Nations

Drakkar Dratianos found his way back to Mal’estar after Adarra’s very sharp, very rude thought to his mind. He stormed through the Chamber room doors, growling under his breath.
“’Karr?” It was his duo, Lord Draconis’ voice that startled him. “What’s wrong? Why storm through my Chambers? Do you not have any respect, even for your Lord Emperor?”
Drakkar stopped in his tracks and looked up. His Emperor-twin brother’s eyes were red but patient. “Apologies, bratton.”
“That’s better.” Draconis smiled. “Now, do you want to tell me what happened between you and your mate or am I only left to guess?”
“Adarramena insists on keeping that Mortal with her!” Drakkar exasperated after explaining. “I do not understand it.”
“Does she remember who she really is?” Draconis asked.
His brother shook his head. “Not fully, no.”
“That is why.” Draconis announced. “Not to worry, bratton. She will soon see who she really is, and come back to you in no time.”
Drakkar told him what he’d done by placing his memories of the Ancient Mystic’s blooding the siblings in Adarra’s mind.
Draconis closed his
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