» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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Draconis touched her back and watched her for a moment before saying anything. “There is something else on your mind, isn’t there?” He asked softly.
“You know me all too well.” Dracora turned from the view to his curious black eyes. “I keep thinking of Adellandra.”
Draconis nodded. “Aye, so do I.” He supplied. “You know she is still menaced by Orthos?”
“Of course; I am always with her.” She tapped her forehead. “Our combined shields keep him in his place.”
“For now.” Draconis supplied. “I do not like him, nor do I think I ever did.”
“There is much not to like about Orthos.” Dracora agreed. “Did she share with you how he appeared within her?”
“If you speak of the recent War of the Realms, I read it in her memories.” The Emperor responded. “I must say, Sita, I am not impressed.”
“Nor is anyone else involved who knew him.” Dracora supplied. “We have been at our wits ends researching ways to rid ourselves of him for good. I must admit, even I am at a loss.”
“Not to worry, ‘Cora. We will have our Empress back soon enough, full and whole.” Draconis supplied.
Dracora only nodded, returning her attention to the view. When she sighed with a smile, Draconis was intrigued.
“There is something else on your mind, other than Adellandra?” He asked, curious. She turned back to him and blushed. He smiled. “Please, dear sister, do tell.”
Dracora stepped to rush away, but he caught her.
“Let go of me!” She laughed.
He shook his head. “Not until you tell me why your eyes have the look of Love within them.”
“I would rather not have you teasing me about it, thank you very much.” She supplied. “So I must keep it to myself until the time is right.”
“Or until whenever the object of your affections is free to return those affections?” Draconis released her, crossing his arms. “Tell me, please, who has your heart?”
“Promise not to tease me about it?” Dracora asked. “The situation is, well, confusing.”
“How so?” He asked.
“You have to promise me, Draconis Vilinos Dratianos.” Dracora supplied. “No teasing.”
Draconis raised his hands in surrender. “Aye, I promise. No teasing, now tell me, please.”
She huffed and sat on her old bed, the nest of her youth before she was a Countess. He sat beside her and she began to explain.
“His Earthbound name is Derrick Reading.” She began. “He is the Earthly Protector of your Lady Empress.”
Draconis growled lowly, uncomfortable.
“The feelings began when we first met.” Dracora supplied. “You already know of my coupling with Yorn during the Mortallan War.” He nodded, silently telling her to go on. “The feelings between Yorn and me were only of lust; not those of true-love, and certainly not that of a true-mating.”
“What about this Derrick?” Draconis asked. “This Mortal? What are your feelings of him?”
Dracora looked to her lap for a moment, thinking of her next words. She looked back up at him, studying his reaction.
“Dare I say it, Bratton, but I believe I have found my true-mate.”
It was a whisper, gentle and soft. Draconis’ body softened as well, and he relaxed enough to hug her, kissing her cheek.
“If you believe in him that strongly, than I have no objections to the mating.” He supplied. “I am happy for you, sister.”
“Not even to the fact he’s a lowly mortal mating Royal Draconian blood?” Dracora was skeptic. “I remember vividly how you reacted when you found out Yorn and I were wed. You were not impressed our bloodline was being tainted by a mere mortal.”
Draconis shrugged. “That was then; this is now.” He sighed and kept his other thoughts to himself. “Well, Sita, I must depart. I have an Empire to run and an Empress to bring home. Feel free to make yourself at home.”
Dracora stood, astonished. “What about my mating a mortal?”
“I will worry about that when the time comes.” Draconis supplied. “After all, he is still wed in their ways to Adellandra, is he not?” She nodded. “Until he sees that you are his true mate, I wish you luck.” He cleared his throat, which told her he was trying to hide his true reaction. “In the meantime, we all must do what we do best, and that is live our lives and rule our Nations. Do you not agree?”
Dracora could only stare, and nod emotionless.
Draconis, Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations, only smiled and walked away, leaving her in awe.

Outer Realm Worries

Ariana Reading, now named Adellandra, stood hand in hand with her twin sister, Aluna Morehouse, who was now named Adarramena. Their Crusader friends and family gathered around the Reading’s living room, patiently watching and waiting for either of them to speak.
We must do this, Sita. Adellandra sent to her sister, squeezing her hand.
Adarramena swallowed and nodded, taking a deep breath. She let it out slowly, calming her nerves.
We must explain to them; it is our responsibility. Adellandra continued when she sensed Adarra’s apprehension.
I know, I know, but why does it have to be now? Adarra sent back.
What better time than the present to tell stories of the past? Adellandra teased.
Adarra sighed. “We were having such a good time, too.”
Shane stood and reached the twins. “If there’s something the two of you need to tell us; by all means, do so. We’ve got a lot of questions in our heads, and I for one want answers.”
“I apologize in advance, Shane.” Adellandra supplied. “What we are about to reveal is alien, even to us. I only ask for patience as we tell our stories, and hope that what we do tell you does not influence you to think of us any differently.”
“I already know half the story, thanks to the beast who calls himself Luna’s mate.” Shane growled.
“His name is Drakkar Dratianos, and he may be a beast, but he’s also my mate from another time.” Adarra announced. “From what I know of him, ‘Karr probably told you only his side of the tale.”
“Now it’s ‘Karr, is it?” Shane growled. “Whatever happened to ‘Scar’, or ‘Prince Drakkar’?”
“I already told you!” Adarra cried, but was stopped by Adellandra’s voice.
“Enough. Both of you.” The former-Lady Empress was already feeling like her old Empress self, the one Draconis had reminded her about. “No more arguments. We are familia, and Crusaders of the Realms.”
Both Shane and Adarra stared at her. After a moment, Adarra nodded tightly. "Aye, my Lady Duo-Sita."
Shane was astonished, but knew when to listen and obey. Even he could see the vast difference in his sister-in-law, and accepted it without fail. He nodded tightly as well, taking a seat by his seven-year-old son Caleb.
Adellandra smiled at the sight, which reminded her of the twins' main duty. She looked around the room, the Readings' basement which also served as a special space for magickal workings. She saw her children: fourteen-year-old Kelly had a two-year-old Theodore in her arms, seven-year-old twins Mark-Antony and Andrew James were playing cards while four-year-old Melody was watching them. She also saw her five-year-old niece Meredith Morehouse, Adarra's daughter who reminded her a darker-haired version of her own daughter Melody. Caleb, the triplet cousin to Adellandra's own twins, had his three-year-old brother Logan in his lap.
Adellandra looked to the left, where she saw her almost-sister Amethyst and her new husband-Earthly Protector Scott Archer snuggled next to her, holding her hand. On the floor was Amethyst's adopted-daughter Angel and Kelly's own Earthly Protector step-brother Bradley Allen. Bradley Allen was fifteen-years-old and Angel was seven, the same age as the triplet cousins.
On the adjoining couch was Amethyst's twin brother Aaron Schmidt, the very male that sheltered both Adellandra-as-Ariana Moon and his twin in the orphanage as the three of them grew up. Aaron Theodore, as he was called then, used to be Adellandra's lover-best friend; he fathered both her oldest daughter Kelina Erin, Kelly, and youngest son Theodore. Adellandra smiled at him; he smiled back, hugging his new Dweller-kin Sun-Dancer Earthly Protector Sierra "Airmed Starchaser" Gregory. He frowned when his eyes went to Derrick, Adellandra's own Earthly Protector.
I hope whatever you guys tell us cheers him up. Aaron thought to her. He looks so depressed!
I'm afraid it will not, Unicorn. Adellandra used the name of his own Dweller-kin Dream Realm Persona as she shook her head and closed her eyes.
Than do what must be done and be done with it. Airmed's voice chimed in her head next.
You'd better tell them all the truth, Adellandra. Lord Draconis' voice pressed afterward. You are my mate, we both know it, and you do not belong in the Mortal Realm.
Adellandra could feel tears wanting to well up in her eyes. Her heartbeat raced and her body began to nervously shake. There was just so much going through her mind that she didn't know how or where to begin.
She took a deep breath once again and opened her eyes, swallowing her fears and nervousness. She spoke up. "Attention Crusaders, friend and family alike." She began. "I have an announcement to make."
Before anyone could move or react, Adarra took her sister's hand and looked her in the eyes. "We have an announcement to make."
Adellandra squeezed Adarra's hand, looked to the crowd of Crusaders and began with. "We are not who we once thought we were." All sat up in their seats, and Adellandra knew she had their full attention. "In truth, my name is Adellandra Mout'ella Dranna Dratianos."
"And I'm Adarramena Dranna Dratianos." Adarra supplied.
"Right." Adellandra supplied. "We are the titles of Ladies, and are not originally from this Realm."
"We're from the Dragon Nations, from the Empire of Mal'estar." Adarra spoke up.
"Thank you, Adarra." Adellandra nodded to her with a smile. "I am not only Lady Guardian of the Realms, I am Lady Empress of the Dragon Nations. At least, that is what I remember. The form I now take in the Realms is the one I was born to, that of the Dragonwolf."
"So's mine!" Adarra cried.
Adellandra laughed. "Did you want to tell the story, or should I?"
Adarra grinned. "By all means, go ahead."
"Again, Adarramena, thank you." Adellandra responded. It was good to joke around, especially now. Looking at her husband-Earthly Protector, she continued their story, basing the information on the many memories she'd shared with Draconis. She allowed her family to ask questions, and hoped that she had the answers.
When she was finished, she thought she felt Draconis' wingspan wrapped around her, and his voice purr in her ear. I am very proud of you, mia lanta. Now, come back to me.
In due time, Draconis. Adellandra sent back with an equally warm and playful purr.
Now that you have returned to my side, I dare not let you out of my sight.
Adellandra giggled to herself.
“I don’t think it’s funny at
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