» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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family she was neglecting in her duties.
I have to find a compromise, she often thought to herself. Between my duties as Lady Guardian and those in this Realm as a mother, wife and sister. Why can’t I do both and make everyone happy? Why can’t I be happy anymore?
Ariana spent those months with her children, even trying to fix her relationship with Derrick. Her only times of happiness were with the children. Not even the threat of Orthos’ Empathy within her was enough to take her mind away from that.
She also worked with Lord O’Dell back in the Realms, trying to figure ways of getting rid of Orthos from the three of them for good. O’Dell taught her many things, and she helped him hold back his twins’ Logic. In that, Ariana was happy. In fact, whenever she was in the Inner Realms of the Dragon Nations and the Ancient Mystic Realms, she didn’t want to leave. It felt more like home to her in the Nations than it ever did in the Outer Realm, and she never understood why.
Aluna, on the other hand, was still plagued by the mysterious, yet handsomely familiar stranger in her mind. The stranger introduced himself as Scar Dratianos, a Lord of the Dragon Nations. He still called her ‘Little One,’ and she didn’t object. It seemed right, and after a few months, she was used to hearing him in her thoughts and mind, and seeing him in her dreams.
In the Outer Realm, Aluna pretended nothing was any different than it had been before the War of the Realms. Since Feeding on Shane’s blood, she considered herself a Turned Dweller-kin, even going as far as telling her children what she had done. At first, they were confused, but quickly understood it was for the better. With his permission and full knowledge and will, she Turned her beloved Shane as well.
Deep in her mind, Scar didn’t like that at all. He was insanely jealous of Shane, though Aluna didn’t know or understand why. She’d explained everything about her beloved Shadow, sharing her memories of him with Scar, but the Draconian Lord wouldn’t let up. He was still jealous whenever the subject came up, which was often.
Both twins talked to each other about everything under the sun, and even of their Draconian males in their minds. They had some serious thinking to do.
Ariana brought up the subject of her Dweller-kin and Pagan ways one night, especially her name. "What made you choose the name Adarra for your Pagan Craft name?"
"It was chosen for me, and has felt right ever since." It was all she told her twin, half in a daze. "'Luna' just never really felt like my true-name. Especially now with Firestorm in the back of my head."
Ariana rolled her eyes and remembered how Firestorm was the Dweller-kin Watcher that had exchanged with her, the same as Dracora had done to herself. That had her thinking.
"Do you notice yourself changing and growing from within?"
She looked at her sister sharply and nodded. "You?"
Ariana slowly nodded back. "Dweller-kin and Draconian blood flows through our veins, sister. It seems to have awoken something strong and fierce."
Aluna looked at her feet. "Have you been feeling fleeting emotions for the Protector?"
So I wasn't the only one. Ariana thought to herself. She asked. "You for Shadow?"
"It's not right anymore." Aluna-named-Adarra whispered. "I don't know. I guess I'll have to figure it out later, huh?"
Ariana hugged her. "We both will."


One night, Kronin was curious and headed to his father’s Battle Room, where he found him mulling over books and papers at his desk.
Lord Draconis sensed him and asked. "Is there something bothering you, Kronin?"
Kronin looked down. "What of Mutyr?"
Lord Draconis grinned. "She is slowly coming to her senses. I assure you, within a month's time, she will return to us indefinitely."
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Nay," Lord Draconis shook his head. "For now, there is a delicate situation. She harbors within her the Ancient Mystic's version of Thorn, or at least his emotions. They are eating her Empathy alive. She is going through a lot and I must plan it accordingly."
"Is there anyway of destroying the evil within without it destroying her?" Kronin asked.
Lord Draconis nodded. "I have been working on that for months now." He said, staring into space. "Your mutyr and my sweet Empress Adellandra has somehow been reborn and blooded by the Ancient Mystics. She has lost her true memories of the Nations but not of her true-self. It is sad she struggles with all three bloods in her system, but our beloved Empress will return to us. By the blood of Mal'estar, we will be one again!"
Kronin was speechless, knowing his Lord Dratyr was serious, and lost in his obsession over his Empress. Draconis never saw or heard his own kano disappear and leave.

Story #3:
Mal’estar Revisited, Memories Returned!

On her own, Ariana returned to Lord Draconis in Mal'estar in her Dragonwolf form wearing her Guardian’s Gown. The Guardian’s Gown was a long, flowing, angelic cream-colored dress she sometimes wore on her patrols. She still had the cloak with the Dream Amulet pinning it on.
"Lord Draconis?" Ariana asked shyly.
He was speaking to his second, one he later named Dranus. He turned to her with a smile.
"Ah, the lovely Lady Guardian." He gave her another hug and another kiss. "Come to check on me, have you?"
He Feels a little happier than he was when I first met him. Ariana thought. She counted that as a good sign.
Ariana smiled but shook her head. "I have other, more private matters to discuss with you."
"What is so private you cannot discuss it in front of my Branno?"
She stared at him, opening her mind before she announced. "Lord Emperor Draconis Vilinos Dratianos, am I your mate?"
Draconis' eyes widened and nodded, grinning. "See to my kanos if you will, my good man."
With a nod and a wink, Dranus was gone.
Draconis wrapped his wings around her and held her close. Ariana didn’t object. The gesture felt right. "You are my mate, Lady Guardian. I recognized you the moment I saw the fire in your eyes and heard the way you spoke to me."
Ariana looked down, ashamed. "I do apologize for that, my Lord."
Draconis grinned. "You can drop the titles, M'Lady, and it is all right. You can call me Draconis."
"Draconis." She looked into his coal-black eyes. They were dark as the night and so inviting. "And you can call me --." She stopped, unsure of what she wanted him to call her.
Somehow, Ariana Moon doesn’t seem right to me anymore. She thought to herself.
Their faces nearly touched.
He whispered against her mouth. "Adellandra Mout’ella Dranna Dratianos."
At the name, she melted in his arms. His voice continued in her mind, soft and gentle as they kissed. "Lady Empress of Mal'estar, Dragon Goddess, Mutyr to our children, my love and true-mate."
She couldn't help herself. She deepened the heavenly kiss and held him tight. "Kadeska-mina."
He broke the kiss, grinning. "Do you know what you just said?"
Ariana shook her head. "It just came out."
"You said, to put it kindly, 'make love to me' in Ancient Wolf-Speak." He kissed her again and held her. "How much do you remember, my love?"
Ariana shrugged. "Not much."
Draconis lightly kissed her head. "I can help you unlock your mind and memories of so long ago. Would you let me?"
Ariana blinked and nodded. Somehow, she trusted him with her very life and it felt natural.
"Aye, my love." She responded gently.
"I know Dracora has Turned you." He supplied. "Do you crave blood for sustenance?"
Ariana licked her lips. "Aye," She moaned. "The very essence of life itself. The Hunger within has grown since the Compulsion Spell that Dracora put on me was lifted."
He rumbled in her ear, holding her close. "Then Feed. Take from me what is freely mine to give." He took a claw and slit a line down his chest.
The dark blood slowly escaped the wound and she stared at it in wonder. Gods, she thought. Could I really drink blood as a vampire?
"Feed, my lovely one." He whispered. "Know my blood is yours for the asking."
"Draconis..." She moaned against his chest, licking at the tempting liquid fire that slowly dripped from the wound. He tasted like smoke and power. She closed her eyes and opened her mind, allowing all the images he sent of days long ago to jolt back to her mind like a current.
Everything he sent her reminded her. It all made sense. The way Kronin and his sisters Felt familiar, the way the Dragon Nations felt more like home than the Outer Realm, the way her heart beat more for Lord Draconis than it ever had for Derrick. The very memories rushed back to her.
Her name, positions and memories, Matéré Katerina and her Dratyr Sir Airemus Dranna, Adarra the Grand Magus' name was Adarramena Dranna and she was mated to Draconis' twin brother Drakkar, nicknamed “Scar” in his youth.
Gods, it all rushed back to her. Their reign as Emperor and Empress, the children, Kronin, Locarra and Locanna.
Ariana, now named Adellandra, heard him moan in ecstasy as she Fed deeply.
She felt fangs explode from her mouth and pierce his skin, Drinking more. Draconis roared, holding her tight.
"Drink, my love...Feel everything you had before...remember yourself as my mate, my Empress, my Goddess!" Adellandra heard his rough and sexy voice in her mind. "Drink in all that you are to me, to this Nation, to All the Realms of All the Worlds. Merge memories with me, share with me what love and life you have now and had all these many long years away from my embrace."
"I remember it all." She replied into his mind in a voice she'd not known for centuries. She stopped Feeding and licked the wound shut with her tongue. She purred, grinning. "Your Empress has returned to you, for now, for always."
Adellandra did something she only dreamed of doing before. She shifted fully to a black Spirit Dragon.
Draconis watched and shifted to his own form. "Wonderful, my sweet."
She nuzzled his neck, holding him close to her. She wrapped her wings around him and exposed her neck. "Your turn."
Draconis chuckled maniacally, but it sounded sexy and seductive. "Gladly."
He gently pulled the hair from her neck, showing dragon fangs for a split second before piercing her skin and Feeding from her.
She squealed in ecstasy and remembered how it felt to have him Feed from her bosom.
Gods, Adellandra panted to herself, edging ever closer to her fridishda, her beloved Draconis. Pure bliss.
She roared to the air, loud and long, the Draconian lover's call. He stopped Feeding, and in a split second, closed the wound, answering the call with his own strong roar.
They kissed passionately, each tasting the other on their lips.
"Take me, Lord Draconis." Adellandra moaned. "I am yours."
He picked her up in mid-kiss and flew them out of the Hall to the Meadow behind the castle. They descended underneath a lilac tree, kissing, holding, and petting.
She noticed a headstone under the tree and commented on it. It said, "My Empress."
"Draconis..." Adellandra’s voice trailed, a blooded tear fell from her cheek.
His eyes saw where she
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