» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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all, Ariana Moon.” Derrick growled, standing.
“I told you, I am no longer that name, but I am still that woman.” Adellandra told him, her mind averted from Draconis’ loving purrs. “I may have been reminded of my past life in the Dragon Nations, but that does not take away who I am today.”
“Yeah, Derrick.” Adarra supplied. “We’re still who we are to you; we’re just better now that we’ve been reminded of who we were to Drakkar and Draconis.”
“Is Draconis this huge black dragon who loves to press himself into innocent people’s heads?” Derrick asked sarcastically.
Adellandra took a breath. “He wouldn’t do that.”
“How much do you guys know those dragons who called themselves your mates anyway?” Shane asked.
“I know enough to know that Lord Draconis, my Lord Emperor-mate, would never do anything to hurt me, or any member of my family.” Adellandra replied. “He loves me, always has and perhaps always will.”
“What about the vows we made?” Derrick cornered, staring into her eyes. She could sense, even without Empathy, that he was upset and felt betrayed. He had every right to be upset. To her dismay, he continued. “We’re married, both in Ancient Mystic ways and those of this Realm! How could you just throw that all away for some dragon who claims to be your long-time love and mate?”
Adellandra frowned, her mind wanting to talk to him alone when he was calmer and more rational, but the urge for Draconian duty forced her to continue. “He is not some dragon, Derrick James Reading. He is the Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations and my loving mate. As for me, I’m still sorting out the details of what happened; between what brought us to the Mystics and why we were taken from our home in the Nations. All I know for now is that you still are my Earthly Protector and there is no changing that. At least, not that I know of anyway.”
Derrick huffed, grumbled "Whatever," under his breath, turned on his heel and left.
There was an awkward silence in the room, with each Crusader and family member unknowing of what to say next.
The twins of Adellandra and Adarra looked at each other and sighed.
"I apologize for his behavior." Adellandra said quietly. "After the War, things between us have been a little on edge." She looked around the room. "I meant no harm, I have deceived no one. I love you all as my family and my personal friends. Until I can better understand why Adarra and myself have been chosen to become Earthbound by the Ancient Mystics, we must all live our lives as we do now. It is all we can do."
Aaron "Unicorn Starchaser," the main male that first had her innocence and loved her for so long, stood and hugged her. Sierra, who was now going by her Dweller-kin name of Airmed, stood next to him, rubbing Adellandra's back while she broke down and cried in Aaron's embrace.
"I am so sorry...." Adellandra sobbed in his arms.
"I don't blame you." Aaron responded in a whisper. "None of us do."
Adellandra pulled back to look at Airmed, who was nodding. "He's right."
"It's just so confusing and hard to handle." Adellandra remarked.
"You're not doing it alone." Adarra said from behind Aaron. "We are here for you; even Shane. Just as you're there for us when we need you."
"We're Crusaders." Shane spoke up in his "Shadow" voice. "We always help those in need."
"Aye, I know." Adellandra remarked, smiling at him. "'Whenever deemed.' You know, you guys are pretty understanding about it."
"Why wouldn't we be?" Aimee asked, shrugging and hugging her. "We're your friends. Don't think we're going to desert you simply because you found out you're from another Realm."
"Yeah, that doesn't matter." Scott announced after her. "What matters most is who you are. Who cares if you're Lady Empress of the Dragon Nations?"
"I do, thank you." Adellandra said simply.
Scott stopped and held his breath. "Wait -- I didn't mean it like that."
While he stumbled for his next words, Adellandra smiled mischievously.
Scott laughed lightly. "I should have known. You knew what I meant."
Adellandra smiled. "Of course." She clapped her hands, catching the attentions of all in the room. "Now then. It's getting late and we still have lives to live. That will never change, no matter what happens. I say we say our good night's and be on our ways to bed."
"I agree." Adarra chimed, holding onto Shane and giving him her own mischievous look. "Don't you?"
Shane kissed her on the lips, silently giving his answer.
One by one, the Crusaders and their children filed out of the Reading's basement, heading for their separate beds. When everyone had left, Adellandra stood in the dark. She closed her eyes and grasped her Spirit Crystal, which hung from the same chain as her Dream Amulet.
Not to worry, dearest. She sent Draconis with a purr. Your beloved Empress is on her way home.

Story #1:
Almost-Perfect Return to Mal'estar

When Adellandra awoke next, she found herself back in her quarters at Mal'estar. Draconis was snoring gently in his Companion-like dragon-immortal male form. She looked at her own body and saw she was back to her new-old Dragonwolf form; with the fur-covered leathery grey dragon's wings and Mountain Wolf-Companion body. Purring softly to herself at the romantic sight, she lightly kissed his forehead.
"I am lucky to have you, mia frisco." She whispered in her Draconian-lilted accent that sounded otherworldly. When she saw his eyes flicker open to meet hers, she continued. "Thank you for returning to me what was once thought lost forever."
"You are welcome, mia frisca." Draconis raised his head to kiss her. "I have missed you sorely.
"Now that my memories have returned to me full force, I have missed you as well." Adellandra told him. "You have returned to me the Gifts of my blood-kin, and I thank you for it."
"As I thank you for returning to my side as my Empress." Draconis purred, kissing her once more. He sighed. "I am just sorry I caused you so much pain so long ago."
Adellandra shook her head and squeezed his torso. "You did not; my Visions did."
"It was your Visions of my Chaos that caused you pain, Lanta." He said as he sat up.
Adellandra rubbed his back. "Think nothing of it, fridishda. What is in the past needs to stay there, remembered only for what strength it gave you It made you the male you are today."
"Even if that male was birthed by Darkness?"
Adellandra shook her head, trying to make sense of the many memories rushing through her mind. She opened her mouth once she felt she had the right words to soothe his worries. "Aye my love, just as I am the Light. We complete each other, for we are each others' balance."
He stared at her for a moment, smiling and thinking. "You got that just from the memories I gave you?"
"Memories we shared, remember." She pointed out. "Another thing I got from those memories was of your Dratyr, Lord Brakkon. Once I combine my memories of him with those I have of the male he reminds me of; Lord King Braken Hawk of the Realm of the Epsilon, I come across many similarities."
"Really now?" Draconis asked. "Care to elaborate?"
"For one, he is new to that Realm, as he was born in the Realm of Dreams as Braken Hawk." Adellandra explained. "Two: Lord Braken and Lord O'Dell, my Ancient Mystic Great-grandfather who was my predecessor as Lord Guardian of the Realms, are awfully close; close as two rulers of two different Realms could be as comrades."
"As brothers?" Draconis asked, curious.
"Aye, for Braken is the only Elder I know who is older than the Elder Companions who fought in the Wars for Power long before I was even reborn." Adellandra explained. "My detectives' instincts are triggering, and I want to investigate the matter further, but it must be put to the back of my mind and dealt with later. We have more important things to worry about now."
"Such as how we are going to eliminate Orthos from the three of you for good?" Lord Draconis responded, standing and quickly dressing to his Royal Battle Gear.
With a wave of the arms, Adellandra followed, wearing her own Lady Guardian's Fighter's Gear. "Exactly. What better place to start than with O'Dell himself? Let's go."
"We will, I promise." He purred. "There's still a few things you have forgotten, my love."
Adellandra looked at him quizzically, the statement catching her off-guard. "What would those be? I have my memories back, thanks to you, I am back where I belong, as Empress of Mal'estar and the Dragon Nations, and I have you. What have I forgotten?"
"Our children." He purred in my ear. "They've been waiting patiently at the door for us to greet them for an hour now."
Adellandra laughed, embarrassed. She didn't want him to see she was blushing.
"Besides," He continued. "We have a lot of catching up to do, lanta."
Adellandra kissed him, thinking also of the children she'd left behind in the Realm of Dreams. "That we have."


While Adellandra was waking up in Draconis’ arms, Derrick was confused.
He found himself in his Protector persona’s uniform, decked out in gold and white. His Companion-horse friend Sunny was missing and he awoke to see he was facing the FireWall from inside the borders of the Dragon Nations.
Looking around, he didn’t see either Guard General at their posts, and he was near the Castle of Monarch’s Glen.
Curious, he headed in that direction; each Draconian he met greeting him with the Nations’ gesture of respect; a nod of the head with closed eyes and a fist to the heart. He returned each greeting, smiling, yet still confused as to why the Draconians were treating him with such respect. It was as if they saw him as something more than a Dream Realm Crusader. To them, he was royalty!
Not wanting to question it further, he entered the Garden around the Glen’s Castle. His attention was averted to a single black rose. The morning dew still trickled on its petals, and the color changed to a silvery-onyx before his eyes. When he looked up, he saw the moon and sun both shining from the sky.
“Caught your interests, Protector?” A gentle female voice purred from behind him. He looked to see the Countess herself smiling at him.
He blushed and bowed.
“You may rise, Derrick.” Dracora told him with a smile. “You, of all people, need not bow to me.”
“My apologies, Countess.”
“Oh, do drop the title.” Dracora supplied, laughing. “Call me Dracora.”
“My apologies, Dracora.” Derrick said nervously.
“Accepted.” She told him, keeping her gentle smile. “My Onyx Rose catching your interest?”
“Yes.” He said, caressing a petal on one. “Yes, it is. It’s quite an unusual breed. I’ve never heard of a rose that
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