» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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back, Adarramena."
Adarra just grinned.
Lady Adellandra searched the Palace for Lord O'Dell. He was outside by the Elemental Towers. The Earth and Fire Towers were crumbled to the ground.
"Goddess," She gasped. "O'Dell, what happened?"
That's all she needed. Adellandra growled. "I don't care if Dranus has to stay with us, he's going to find Tristian and Kronin and bring them back here."
"I agree with you." Draconis left her side for a few moments and came back. "Our kanos should be returning shortly."
She nodded. "In the meantime, time to get a certain Dominionite Master and all his parts out of the three of us."
"Right." Chorused both O'Dell and Adarra.
"Have we figured out a way yet?" Adarra asked.
"I might have." Draconis supplied. "He is attracted to dark energies and magic, am I right?"
They nodded.
"And being I am the Darkest, he should be easily and quickly attracted to me." Draconis continued. "I'll lure him out of you and, with Adellandra's help, destroy him in his ethereal form."
Adellandra blinked. That didn't sound like such a bad idea! "To get Orthos back in ethereal form is perfect!"
I told you my bratton would know what to do. Dracora's voice echoed in her mind.
Adellandra grinned, shaking her head. That you did, Blu-Sita.
"What are you grinning at?" Draconis asked with a smile of his own.
"Dracora." The twins chorused.
"Anyway," Adellandra blushed away, getting back to business. "Swords and magics at the ready."
"Allow me, my darling." Draconis shifted to his dragon form and called an incantation in Draconian.
Both twins and O’Dell could feel the pull of Orthos being lured out of them, and the red magic of the Master's Empathy was forced out of Adellandra. The same was done with the blue energy of his Logic from O'Dell and black energy of his Magic from Adarra. All three watched in awe as the circles of magic became one being.
Again, alive and in the ethereal-flesh, was the Old Dominionite Master, Orthos. O'Dell's twin and the younger twins’ Great-Granduncle. The most evil thing they've ever known, who use to destroy countless sets of Companions just for fun, take their kits for his Warrior Army and wreak all sorts of havoc against Dreamers.
At the sight of him, Adellandra shifted to her black Spirit Dragon form and growled loudly.
"Destroy him, now!" The Lady roared at her own mate, the red in her eyes glowing bright. "Before I do!"
Muttering another incantation in Demonic this time, Lord Draconis Vilinos Dratianos, Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations and Lord Guardian of the Realms, raised his magic high. He borrowed the magic from the darker sides of his mate’s Draconian, Ancient Mystic and Wolfkin, destroying Orthos for the final time.
The duo roared loudly to the skies, to let the Realm of Dreams know their new Lord and Lady Guardian meant business.
Adellandra was the first to shift back in Lady Guardian-form. Draconis fainted from exhaustion, shifting back to his demi-form. She fled to his side.
Dranus and their kanos came at that moment. "What a spectacular display of power?" Dranus asked.
Tristian purred, agreeing and Kronin nodded.
"I agree, Lady Adellandra." Tristian supplied. "What did you and Father do?"
"Call me Mutyr or Matéré." She told him with a small smile. Draconis' head laid in her hands and she kissed it. "We destroyed the evil within the three of us; Adarramena, my duo-Sita, Lord O'Dell, our Great-Granpere, and myself."
"You remember, Mutyr?" Kronin asked with a grin. He hugged his mother.
"Aye, kano. I remember." Adellandra turned to her twin, who was still dazed and confused. "Adarramena Dranna, meet your nephews, my kano Kronin and adopted-kano Tristian."
Adarra couldn't say much, only nodded. "Pleasure." She rubbed her head. "So you guys did it, huh?"
"Draconis and I did it together, yes. We did destroy Orthos, for good."
Kronin looked the three of them over. "You still have traces of Dark Mystic Magic in you."
"Very good, kano." Adellandra supplied. "Being the three of us are Ancient Mystics, we always have the Dark Mystic Magic within us to remain balanced."
Draconis moaned in her arms. He looked up at her and only thought. Feed me, lanta.
Adellandra nodded, holding his head to her breast. He covered them both with his wings and Fed from her, replenishing himself with her blood.
Wanting some privacy, she sent Dranus the message. Leave us. Take them all with you.
"Come with me, all of you." Dranus announced. "Lord O'Dell and Lady Adarramena need rest, and Lord and Lady Guardian need to be left alone."
Without further questions, all five of them left, hiding inside the Palace.
“Have you Fed enough, dearest?” Adellandra asked him sweetly, kissing his head.
He licked the prick-wounds closed and kissed her lips. "Aye, cara mia."
"Italian.” Adellandra grinned. “I didn't know you knew Italian, my love."
Draconis held her. "I speak many different languages, and always the language of love for my mate."
Adellandra purred, kissing him passionately and headed back to the Mystic Palace. O'Dell and Enchantra were cuddled together and she was glad O'Dell was back to his normal self.
Enchantra saw her and rushed in for a hug. "Oh, lass, thank you for bringing O'Dell back to me."
"Wasn't only myself, Mistress." Adellandra told her with a grin. "You mostly have Lord Guardian Draconis to thank."
Enchantra, with her silvery eyes and black hair that shone in the moonlight, bowed to Draconis. "Thank thee, m'Lord Guardian. I thought my love was lost forever."
Draconis held Adellandra and purred. "If it weren't for my darling Adellandra here, I would not have had the energy to do what I did. I believe I should be thanking you."
Enchantra and O'Dell both blinked. "Thanking us?"
"You took good care of my Adellandra when I no longer was capable of it." Draconis couldn't keep his eye off of his mate. "You blooded both herself and Adarramena as Ancient Mystics and nurtured them as your own. You taught her how to be the Lady Guardian of the Realms, the role that brought her back to me. I have many things to be thankful to you for." He stood tall and faced them both, hand to his heart and bowing his head. "I will always be in your debt."
"I don't mean to break up this love-fest, but where are Dranus and the children?" Adellandra asked O'Dell.
"Dranus took them, as well as Adarramena, back to the Dragon Nations. Mal'estar I believe he said." O'Dell supplied. "It would seem Tristian had an idea on how to deal with the reconstruction of the fallen Elemental Towers. He agreed on something not even our engineers thought of so long ago when they were first built."
Draconis nodded. "And what would that be?"
"The shields are fading as the centuries go on." O'Dell said. "Tristian thought they needed to be reinforced and made stronger. So he and Kronin are working on the plans for it now."
"Our Kano is a very smart werelion." Adellandra told Draconis. "In all my years of being Young Guardian, I've never even thought of that myself. I just thought the Towers were protected because of them being in the Mystic Province."
"For the longest time, they were." Enchantra spoke up. "Damian used his magic to attack them outright after the War of the Realms."
"Leave Damian to us, Mistress." The Lady snarled. "We will both take care of my cousin."
A squeeze of her waist by Draconis and she was calmed, but not much.
"That we will, definitely." Draconis supplied. "We had better return to Mal'estar love, before we are missed."
Lady Adellandra only nodded, still seething in her thoughts of Damian, who was now calling himself the Master in his father's place.

Story #4:
Attack on the Dragon Nations!: Damian's Revenge

The Royal Couple could think of nothing but Damian now. Damian was Sabrina's brother, Orthos' son and the very Dominionite that trained stolen Companion children to be his own personal Warrior Army. He sickened the Lady Guardian so much that Dark Mystic Magic buzzed in her system, even after Orthos was long gone. The only thing she could think of to do about it was destroy him using it against him.
Draconis caught her pacing one night. "Stop that, it's annoying."
She continued to pace, not hearing him.
He caught her arm. "I said, stop. Whatever could be making you pace this much?" He looked at her eyes and summed it up. "Damian will be destroyed by the next full moon."
Adellandra pulled out of his grasp. "Aye, that he will. By me."
"Us." Draconis corrected. "There is no just you or just me anymore. It is only us; in all things."
She huffed. "I am afraid this is personal, Draconis." She told him. "I have been dealing with him and what he has done since I was young. I know once he finds out we destroyed his father, he'll want to destroy us."
"He will not get that chance."
"You do not know him as well as I do." Adellandra pressed. "He will use what we love the most against us. I know how his mind works."
"And I know as well, not only thanks to your memories but those of my own." Draconis supplied, holding her. "The Nations have been dealing with Orthos for as long as I can remember. His son, the child, will be destroyed."
"He has not acted against us yet." Adellandra told him. "We go by the Ways of the Realms on this one. Not by those of the Nations."
Draconis laughed. "The Realm of Dreams is part of the Nations, sweetheart." He pointed out. "But since I am still new at being Lord Guardian and you know more than I of how to handle what you call Dominionites, I will see it your way."
"Should he attack us outright, he will be destroyed." Adellandra’s eyes grew red and she grinned evilly.
Draconis laughed maniacally. "His last breath shall be drawn out of him care of my blade!"
Lady Empress Adellandra Mout’ella Dranna Dratianos couldn't agree more.
It took a week for Tristian's reconstruction of the Elemental Towers and the strengthening of the magical shields that surrounded them. The Royal couple was going over Tristian's blueprints when Dranus, out of breath, flew into the Combat room.
"Lord and Lady, I believe the maiden Elizabeth has something to tell you." Dranus huffed, catching his breath. "It concerns the Lady's cousin Damian."
Adellandra growled under her breath and was immediately at attention. So was Draconis.
"Well, what is it?" The Lady spoke up before her mate could say anything.
Dranus moved and the dragon-maiden Elizabeth came out of hiding. Once she saw the looks on her Lord and Lady’s faces, she stood at attention.
"My Lord and Lady, I regret to inform you that the one named the Master of the Realms claiming to be the Lady's cousin has taken my Lord's sister Dracora and her new vassal the Protector hostage." Elizabeth never met their eyes but rattled off her news. "Scouts report there are Dominionites attacking the entire Realm around Monarch's Glen. It will not be long before the Master attacks Mal'estar and the rest of the Nations with his Dominionite Armies."
The Lady Empress roared her Spirit-dragon’s roar. Something had to be done about him! He was exacting his revenge so soon, and she couldn't let him get away with it. Not anymore.
"Thank you, Elizabeth." She growled lowly. "That is all."
With a nod, she was gone. Dranus stayed, listening. Adellandra didn't care if he saw her angered.
"Damian just made his move." She announced. "We head to Monarch's Glen before the night is out and destroy Damian."
"I will handle him, Adellandra." Draconis screamed.
"No, Draconis, I will handle him."
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