» Fantasy » Rogue, Shannon Burton [accelerated reader books TXT] 📗

Book online «Rogue, Shannon Burton [accelerated reader books TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Burton

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the nerve to look contrite.


"You bitch! She took you in while he was killing off your own people and now you have sided with him!"


In that moment I felt tired.These Furies, so high and mighty off of their so called justice were sacrificing others just to save themselves.


"So this is the end.I can't begin to describe my elation! This..this precious moment is mine.This is the annihilation of the ever present Mikael; Prince of the hybrids." Rylan laughed.


I knew I wasn't strong enough to fight him.He had been feeding off of humans and Acaidens alike for quite some time now.I could feel that this was the end but there was no way in hell I would go out without a fight.


"Ramona dear, head on back to the meeting place and march my soldiers into the hybrid hatch." Rylan commanded.


Ramona turned to do as she was told and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.If I made it away from Rylan then I would kill her first.I would tear her fucking head from her shoulders for betraying her only niece.


"Now it's just you and me.I know how your kind like to go out with pride so I am expecting a good fight.Short..but good." Rylan grinned.


I sneered in his direction but took up my fighting stance in the sky.As I watched where he was gonna attack first, I became distracted by the boiling lava.It sounded as if it was gonna erupt.Rylan attacked as soon as he saw me lose focus but I was able to dodge the brunt of the kick by moving to the right.Unfortunately, my side suffered a semi-powerful kick.


"Are we going to bob and weave all night or are we gonna play?" Rylan taunted.


If it kept me alive for just a little while longer I would dodge his hits for as long as I could.Now I was standing where he had been and he was standing in front of the bubbling volcano.The lava began to hiss loudly and large amounts of steam billowed up; causing Rylan to look back cautiously.I knew that he would be ready for me to come at him so I decided not to rush him.


"Listen, I am becoming weary of this fight already so if you wanna surrender I will tell your soon-to-be-dead relatives that you died honorably."


"Go fuck yourself." I retorted.


My dear Zharas' bad language was rubbing off on me.


"So be it."


Rylan rushed me full force and knocked me into a near by tree.The sound of impact was alot worse then the actual hit and I found myself grateful for the years of training.Rylan soared at me again and I effectively blocked him and surprising landed a kick to his side.Now I was in front of the volcano and I knew that it probably wasn't the best place to be.


"You can throw weak kicks all you want but.."


Rylans words were cut short by a rumble from deep within the volcano.Lava began to spew forth and I could guess that I probably wouldn't make it out alive.I was okay with that.There were only two Furies in this world built to withstand fire; Tildana and her daughter Zhara.



"Zhara! Zhara!" I turned wildly and tried to dodge as much as the lava that I could.


I turned to see Rylan heading for safety and knew that he wouldn't be able to outrun it.The lave was pulsing fast and falling hard.



"Zhara!" I yelled again.


There was no answer.Maybe she hadn't been here in the first place and now I was gonna die because I trusted a stupid fuckin Furie.


"Can you please stop yelling! I have a headache."


I turned slowly but saw no one.God dammit! My mind was playing tricks on me in my last moments.


Lava began to drip onto my wings and I could hear the sear of my feathers.This was it.Wherever Zhara was all I could do was hope that she was safe.As cruel as it sounds, I wouldn't care if everyone died, but Zhara..Zhara had to live.



Chapter 12

I was trying to sleep but someone keeps yelling my damn name.


"Zhara honey, it's time to wake up."


My eyes slowly blinked open to see my mother standing above me with a clear blue sky at her back.She looked beautiful.


"Come on sleepy head." She laughed.


Did my mom really just laugh? I rolled over to sit up and found myself beneath one of the largest trees I had ever seen.A meadow spread out before me with every wild flower imaginable.The grass was a beautiful emerald green and it seemed to go on for miles.


"Where am I?" I breathed.


My mother looked at me sadly but the look soon vanished, replaced by a cheery smile.How creepy.


"Zhara dear, this is our version of heaven." She answered.


Words seemed to fail me.What in the hell was I doing in heaven? The last thing I remember was jumping into the volcano and then..nothing.


"Mom am I dead?" I whispered.


Her eyes said it all.Her face was stressed and worried and it told me all that I needed to know.I was dead.


"I shouldn't be here." I whispered harshly.


"I shouldn't be here." More forcefully.


The wind whipped past and I shivered from the cold.


"No you shouldn't.I was hoping it would be a long while before I saw you but I had never imagined you would go through the loneliness I went through; the feeling of incompletion within your powers."


"So I didn't survive it?" I mumbled.


My mother shook her head but it was like she was laughing at me rather then answering my question.I could feel the self pity and sorrow coming and I let it take over.


I had actually thought I was strong enough to face what my mother had faced but I was wrong and now here I was.Dead.The word didn't sit well with me.It made me uncomfortable.It was to small of a word to end my life with.I was strong and capable of handling enormous amounts of bullshit! I could not just be dead!


Life was hard for the living and that is where I thrived.I didn't belong in a silly meadow underneath a tree while sipping tea for the rest of my after life.I had people down there counting on me.I could not be dead! Tera, Amina, and Mikael..oh Mikael was down there.My thoughts immediately halted and everything became crystal clear.I couldn't be dead because the person that I loved most, in and out of both worlds was down there.I looked up to see my mother smiling slyly.The meadow was blending out of focus and in the distance a large blaze was burning through the tall grass.


"Good girl Zhara." I heard my mothers whispered words.


"Zhara! Zhara!"


I could hear the voice but I wished it would stop.My head was pounding and I felt terribly disoriented.


"Zhara!" There that voice was again. Some people were just so damn disrespectful.


""Can you please stop yelling! I have a headache." I yelled back.


The yelling finally ceased and I stood up to get my bearings.


I opened up my eyes to see that there was light all around me.Where was I?


The walls were black and liquid appeared to flow around me.I reached out my hand to find it warm and gooey.The liquid ran up my hand of its own accord and seemed to seep into my skin.More of the substance began to attach to me and in seconds it began forcing me upwards.It moved fast and freely towards wherever it wanted me to go and for some reason I didn't feel fear.If anything I felt at home.I felt safe.


Much to my relief, a small opening was directly above and light seeped in and danced against the walls.Dark smoke billowed up from the escaping liquid and that is when I realized I was inside an erupting volcano.The liquid pushing me up, was in fact lava.Holy shit! I survived!


The lava pushed me up through the opening and I laughed as I shot into the air.My wings quickly acted and shot forth before I could even have a chance to plummet.It was exhilirating and beautiful but for some reason I felt off.I looked around and saw that nothing seemed to really stand out.I looked down and my heart stopped.My whole world shifted on its axis and I swooped down to save him.My Mikael.


He was barely skimming the tree line and his wings were caked in hardend lava.Burns marred his beautiful skin and he didn't look like he would last under the onslaught of lava much longer.


"Hi." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his torso.


"Zhara." He breathed.


It was a whispered prayer across my skin.


"Come on.Lets get you to safety."


I brought him down to a relatively safe distance from the volcano and watched as he slumped to the ground.


"Rylan and rogues are attacking Acadia." He whispered harshly.


"Right now?"


I couldn't believe it.


"We have to go." Mikael struggled to stand.


"You can't go like that.Let me heal you."


He slumped back to the ground as if my words gave him relief.I kneeled down at his side and placed my hand to the side of his burned cheek.


"You are so amazing Zhara."


His eyes met mine and I saw the truth of his words.To this man I was beautiful and flawless.I smiled at him and watched my powers work their magic.His skin reattached firmly to his face and his wings took on the raven colored hue.My beautiful Mikael was once again sitting before me.


"How do you feel?"


"Like shit, but I'm ready to go." He grinned.


His smile was infectious and soon I found myself taking his hand and lifting off into the sky.He was still tired but he kept up when I slowed down the flap of my wings.


"I don't want you doing any major fighting." I growled.


I looked back to see a smirk on his face and I knew that my words were falling on deaf ears.I roll my eyes at his expression but didn't push him.These were his people and if I knew Mikael, he would fight by them no matter what.




I look back to see Mikael pointing down and I let my gaze follow.Below us are hundreds of rogues moving quickly toward Acadia.


"Stay in flight!" I yell to Mikael.


I swoop down lower.Just a little more and I can start a blazing fire that will force the rogues into flight.Hopefully someone from Acadia will see them coming.


I feel for the bright flame inside of me and let it flow outwards.The fire immediately spreads across the grass and I watch with glee as the first two rows of rogues burst into flames.The rest of them take flight and I smile.Perfect.


I look up to see Mikael already flying off to Acadia.


"He never listens to me." I grin.


I decide to stay behind and follow the rogues to Acadia.That way I can use fire to effectively block them from escape.It's time to end this.


As soon as the rogues cross the borders I let loose a mighty fire and by the time the rogues realize that they're being herded it's too late.The Acadians rush at them and engage in battle.It's a beautiful sight to see The Acaidians and Furies fighting side by side.Damien is fighting against Talon and by the looks of it, Talon is winning.


How sad to see a brother fighting against another brother.In seconds Talon has Damien pinned to the ground and I can hear him telling Damien to surrender but Damien refuses.I watch as Talon raises his sharp claws into the air and slices through Damiens throat.Mikael isn't far from their

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