» Fantasy » Rogue, Shannon Burton [accelerated reader books TXT] 📗

Book online «Rogue, Shannon Burton [accelerated reader books TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Burton

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I breathed.


"Then I will take comfort in the fact that somewhere in your mind you hold a deep and profound love for me."


I smiled and knew that he was right.Somewhere in my mind there was his love.Waiting to be set free.


He pulled me into the shower and I sighed under the hot cascading water.His body pressed close to mine and I whispered his name.He claimed my lips in a deep kiss.It was fire playing with fire and I prayed that in the end we wouldn't burn out.












Chapter 7

Last night was a searing dream; forever burned into my mind.It was like waking up early in the morning for the first time ever to watch the sunrise.It was a whisper of wind against burning skin or a drop of water to a man wondering in a never-ending desert.If this is what lost is then I don't mind never being found.


Last night was a miracle.And I don't mean the kind when you rummage through your work desk and realize that you did that report a week ago, or when you go to the grocery store to find that they finally have your favorite box of cereal.I mean the kind of miracle that saves you from the brink.Like when the doctor tells you that you have terminal cancer and you only have days to live, and then you look back years later on that day and can't help but think 'I was suppose to die.' Yes! That kind of miracle.The kind that brings you to your knees and you find yourself praying to whoever thought you were worthy enough to have just a few more breaths.


Last night was my miracle.Every kiss and every touch was a breath that I was deemed worthy enough to have.And when I awoke, there it was again.It filled every inch of my body and I could fill the tears sliding down my cheeks at the sight of your dear face.My Love.My Mikael. What a beautiful name.I loved it.I loved you and your beautiful name with my whole heart.My Heart. I could feel it as if it had never left.


"Hey what are you doing up so early." A voice whispered.


I opened my eyes to see Mikael watching me.


"Your crying.What's wrong Zhara?" His face was masked in worry and I wanted to giggle.


When I still didn't answer he sat up and I watched as the sheet slid down and revealed his his upper body.The sight made me drool and I yearned for more of last night.Oh the things we did last night.


A small giggle escaped my lips and soon it turned into full blown laughter.It felt so good to finally laugh and mean it.Only yesterday I felt trapped in my own skin and now I know what its like to laugh,and giggle,and love.I can love.


"Zhara are you ok." He had a light smile on his lips.


I laid down on my back and watched Mikael.The sun shone through the window and caressed his face.The light highlighted his bronze skin and beautiful eyes to perfection.He lifted his hand and trailed it lightly on my knee and I bit down on my bottom lip.He didn't even know what he was doing to me.


"Are you going to speak or are you just going to stare at me." He chuckled.


"I would much rather stare but since you seem intent on me speaking than I shall do so." I responded.


A smile lit his features and my breath caught.


"Jesus your beautiful." I whispered.


I was finally able to appreciate his smile.That beautiful smile.


"Are you feeling alright today?" Doubt was plain in his features and he had a deep furrow between his brows.


"Yes I'm fine." I answered.


" just seem a little off." Mikael admitted.


He climbed over me and bent to pick up his pants from the floor.My heart couldn't take it anymore and I knew if I didn't say something I would probably shatter into millions of pieces.


"I love you." I whispered.


At first I didn't even think that he heard me but then he turned slowly to face me.


"What did you just say?" He whispered back.


I just stared at him.


"Zhara please tell me what you said." I could here tears in his voice.


"I love you." I whispered once more.


"Do you mean that?"


I nodded my head slowly and sat up.He walked slowly over to me and placed both his hands on both sides of my cheek.Looking deep into my eyes, he leaned down slowly and kissed me.I analyzed Mikaels every movement and when his lips touched was like igniting fire.I kissed him with all the love I felt.We were true mates, I could feel it through our bond.This man meant everything to me.Nothing in this beautiful and broken world could ever compare to my Mikael.


"I love you Zhara." He said as he bit lightly on my lip.


"As I love you."


We made love again that morning.It wasn't as magical as when we first mated but it was beautiful all the same.




"Hey are you guys coming down for breakfast?" Talon yelled through the door.


I giggled and looked at Mikael.


"Are you hungry?" He asked.


"I could eat." I answered.


"We'll be down in a few seconds." Mikael yelled.


I slid out of the bed and walked past Mikael to the bathroom.I could feel his eyes on me the whole way.


"Talon!" Mikael yelled.


"Yeaa." Talon yelled back.


"Tell mom we'll be down in like thirty minutes."


"God you guys are gross!" Talon laughed.


I looked around the corner to see Mikael coming towards me.


"Start the shower." He growled.


Twenty minutes in the shower left me looking like a prune but my body was definitely humming.


"Hurry up and put some clothes on before you tempt me further."


I rolled my eyes as he pulled his pants and socks on.


"No underwear or shirt today?" I raised an eyebrow at him.


He grinned devilishly and I wondered what he was up to.


"I'll meet you downstairs.I need to make a few calls." Mikael answered.


I threw on my skinnies and a white tank top and headed downstairs.Everyone was making their plates when I arrived and it seemed that everyone couldn't stop sneaking glances at me.


"Is there something you guys need to say?" I growled.


It seemed that I had retained my bad ass personality and I was happy about that.


"Your mated with Mikael.We can feel it." Ada spoke up.


A smile slowly lit her face and I rolled my eyes at her.


"That's still no reason to stair so can we please eat."


As I was making my plate Mikael came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.


"Can you make mine to?" He whispered into my ear.


"Nope." I laughed.


He growled something about domestic mates but I ignored him.


"Hey sweetie can I talk to you for a second?" Ada whispered.


I followed her out into the back yard and we both sat down on some benches in the sun.


"You love him." She stated simply.


"How do you know?" I asked.


"Your eyes.There a warm green.How is that possible?" Ada answered.


I nodded my head and smiled lightly.How could I deny the truth of her words?


"I don't know how but I will talk to Rayon about it later."


Ada nodded her head and I watched as worry masked her features.


"It's wonderful to see him in love again.There was a girl before you.Her name is Prentiss and she lives in another Acaiden town called Thalon and we have never really been at peace with them.So when Mikaels father was alive, he promised Mikael to her in an effort to bring peace.Her father agreed that when she turned eighteen is when they would marry.She turned eighteen last week and I recieved a call from her father yesterday." Ada admitted.


"He's mine." I growled.


"Yes, and I know there is no one in this world strong enough to take him from you." Ada smiled.


"What I wanted to tell you is that we are holding our Honorary Independence ball in two days and Prentiss and her father will be here.I have already told her father that Mikael has mated with another and he seemed very angry."


"Doesn't matter.If they cause trouble I will fuck them up." I growled.


Ada reached out and patted me lightly on the hand, "Glad that we had this talk." She laughed.


We both rose and went back into the diningroom.I went and took my place by Mikaels side.Tera gave me a knowing smile and I playfully glared back.


"My mom told you?" Mikael whispered.


"Yep.I'm not worried and you shouldn't be either." I answered back.


He grasped my hand warmly and nodded.


"If you say don't worry.Then I won't."


I lifted my head from my plate and looked around me.So much had changed in the last few months.I was a Furie now mated to an Acaiden and I was a leader.My love had been stripped from me and now I have it back in full bloom.


"What are you thinking?" Mikael whispered.


"How much has changed." I answered.


"Would you change any of it?"


"Nope.Not a single thing." I smiled warmly.


"There's someone I want you to meet." I said, as Amina walked in with Ada.


"Zhara!" Amina yelled.


I watched as she ran up to the right side of my chair.She was giddy with excitement and I smiled at the young girl.Under my care she would be protected.


"Good morning Amina.Did you eat?"


She nodded her head and I watched as her pretty curls bounced.


"Good there's someone I want you to meet." I smiled.


Amina smiled just as broadly.


"Who is it?"


I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the left of my chair.She came face to face with Mikael and her eyes widened.


"Oh my!" She said.


Mikael got out of his seat and delivered a graceful bow before Amina.


"Hello Amina.My name is Mikael." He smiled lightly.


Amina seemed to be in a daze and I wondered if he had this effect on every woman.


"Pleased to meet you Prince Mikael." She delivered a beautiful curtsey and I smiled.


"Please just call me Mikael.I heard that you will be staying with my and Zhara."


"Oh yes! Zhara said that I could." Amina looked to me for confirmation and I gave her a brief nod.


"Will you and Zhara be my new mommy and daddy?" Amina asked.


I choked on the food I had in my mouth and the room fell silent.


Mikael looked from me to Amina but I wasn't sure what to say.His eyes bore into mine as if he was pleading for help.He must have seen something in them because he turned back to Amina and smiled.


"Yes Amina.We will be your new mommy and daddy."


Amina gave a loud cheer and to my relief I didn't feel worry or anger at Mikael telling her yes.I had already saved this girl and promised to protect her with everything I had.Wasn't that what a mother would do anyway?


"Really! I'm so excited.I have a prince and a Furie for parents." Amina squealed in delight.


I smiled gently at her happiness and my eyes sought out Mikaels.He was already looking at me and I knew that we were thinking the same thing.We were parents now.


"There's something that I need to do.I will be back in an hour or so."


"Ok and please be careful." Mikael pleaded.


"I will." I glared back.


I stood up from my seat and kissed my mate and daughter.My daughter.


It was an unknow word but I knew in the end it would work out.I went upstairs and put on some knee length black boots and headed outside.


"Can I go with you." I turned to see Amina peeking around the wall to the diningroom.


"Not this time.I need to

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