» Fantasy » Rogue, Shannon Burton [accelerated reader books TXT] 📗

Book online «Rogue, Shannon Burton [accelerated reader books TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Burton

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my old seat.


"This is where I belong.Protecting and leading these Acaidens while my mate is gone."


Damien looked up and gave me a sad-knowing look.He understood what I was saying and he accepted it.He gave me a brief nod and continued eating.The room had grown silent and everyone watched the exchange.


"I understand.Mikael would'nt have wanted it any other way." Luca agreed.


"I agree.Damien you are a good leader but this position was never for you.You wouldn't be able to handle the amount of responsibilty that comes with protecting so many lives.The amount of betrayal and the blood shed that will take place isn't something that I think you can recover from.Mikael and Zhara are like the same people.Anything he can handle,she can handle.And that's just the simple truth of things." Ada admitted.


The room broke out into conversations as everyone absorbed the fact that I was their new leader.I had noticed that not once did anyone question if I would keep them safe or how I would do it.It simply was.This is where I belonged; at the head of Acadia until my mate returned and then my place would be leading by his side.


Chapter 6

I slept until morning when I left the dining room. I knew I would have a long day ahead of me.As soon as the first rays of sunlight touched my window I sprang out of bed and got dressed in black leggings and a tight black v-neck.When I made it down stairs I grabbed a small snack and went in search of Luca.I found him on the field teaching a few of our young Acaidens.


"Luca.I need you to finish up and come with me."


Luca looked over to me standing on the edge of the field and gave me a brief nod.


"Ok boys we will pick up practice tomorrow.I need you to bring your weapon of choice and great running shoes."


All the boys groaned at the thought of running but a stern look from Luca silenced them.


"Ok your dismissed."


They all took off running in my direction but once they reached me they stopped in their tracks.


"Hello boys." I greeted them.


To my surprise they all gave me sweeping bows and greeted me.


"What was that all about?" I asked as Luca walked towards me.


"You asserted yourself in your position last night.You are the commander now and they are showing you your due respect." Luca explained.


I nodded and decided to let it go.


"I need you to show me what it is that Mikael normally does to keep everything and everyone in order."


"Well he doesn't really keep a routine.Whatever needs his attention, he does.If someone needs help then he helps.If there's a meeting,then he goes and gives his council." Luca informed me.


It sounded like Mikael did everything to keep this place running.


"Well then I guess I should get started."


"The best place to start is Mikaels' office." Luca confided.


"Thanks.I'll see you in a little." I waved as I strolled back to the house.


When I reached Mikaels' office, everything was neat and tidy.I sat down at his desk and looked through his many drawers but I didn't find anything.No schedule or notes on what to do.


"Damn it Mikael.How do you know what to do if you don't have notes?"


"He walks." I looked up to see Ada standing in the door way.


"What do you mean?" I questioned.


Ada walked further into the room and stopped in front of the window.


"Mikael does everything with his heart.He lets it lead him and where ever he ends up is what needs to be done." Ada said.


"You make it sound so simple." I sighed.


"Oh forgive me.I didn't mean for it to come out that way.What he does is so far from being easy.He cares about each and every person here and he would bend over backwards to protect them.So what you should do is go out there and understand the people that your protecting." Ada pointed out.


She gave me a light smile and turned on her heel.The door closed lightly behind her and I groaned.I looked over to the left of the mahogany desk and saw a picture of Mikael and Ada.Mikael looked too be about fifteen and Ada was standing right beside him with her arms wrapped around his waist.Ada beamed proudly at the camera and I could clearly see the affection she held for him.He was smiling gently at the camera and I stared longingly at his sun kissed eyes. I wanted to be his but I knew he wouldn't accept it on those terms.He wanted me to love him but that was such a long way off.


I tore my eyes away from the picture and got up slowly.With my purpose in mind I strided to the door and out of the house.No one seemed to be in the house at this time so I assumed they were all going about their lives in town.


The air outside had warmed up a bit and I could feel that spring was on its way.I closed my eyes and breathed in the sweet air.My shifted ears began to pick up on all of the sounds around me and I listened.Kids played in the field and people shopped in town.To my right I could hear women laughing and a baby crying for attention.A high pitched cry pierced my ears and my eyes flew open.


What in the hell was that?


I took off my shirt and unfolded my wings.I was seriously tired of ripping my shirts when I shifted so I threw it on the balcony.My wings immediately picked up wind and I urged them in the direction that I heard the sound.The cry didn't come again as I flew but I knew that it was a call of distress.I ended up landing at a small cliff surrounded by dense trees.A small but deep lake waited at the bottom of the cliff.I listened for the sound again but I didn't hear it.My ears strained to catch the distressed cry but I was greeted with silence.I looked around me for clues and about a three feet away was a feather.A small black feather.


Oh no! I tore off my clothes and jumped off the cliff into the cold water below.With my eyes open I searched the murky water.There! A small hand moved in the water but I couldn't see much else.My wings became to heavy so I folded them back and swam with all my might.When I reached the hand I saw a small girl attached to it.Her eyes were shut tight and she was holding her breath.


I grabbed her hand and her eyes jerked open.She realized who I was and I saw a calm assurance cross her face.Her trust swept through me and fueled my need to protect her.I pointed up but she pointed down.I gave the girl an 'are you crazy' look and she rolled her eyes.She pointed down one more time and I looked down.The water was too dark to see anything so I swam further down.I realized that her leg had been caught in a bear trap.How in the hell did she get caught in a bear trap?


Since she was young she didn't have the amount of strength a normal Acaiden would have so there was no way she could get out of this.I pulled at the sides of the trap and freed her leg easily she began swimming up and I followed.The girl was obviously in pain so I had her hold onto my neck while I swam to land.


"Are you ok?" I questioned.


"Yes but my leg really really hurts." The young girl said.


"What's your name." I asked as I placed my hand over her leg.


"Amina." She answered.


She had such a musical voice.


"And how old are you Amina?"


"I'm eight." She smiled proudly.


"How do you feel?"


She frowned slightly at my words but then realized why I had asked.


"You fixed my leg!" She exclaimed.


She sat up and wrapped her little arms around my neck.I wasn't sure what to do so I settled for wrapping my arms around her.


"We need to get you home Amina.Who are your parents?"


Her eyes widened in terror and I wish I hadn't asked.


"I can't go back there." Tears began to fill her eyes and she sniffed lightly.


"Why can't you go back?" I knew the answer but I couldn't help but pray it wasn't true.


"Daddy was mean to me and mommy." Amina said sadly.


The look on this little girls face was a sadness I had never witnessed before.


"Is your mommy half human?" I questioned.


She nodded her head, "That's why he was mean to me and mommy."


"Is you mommy okay?"


"I don't know.Daddy brought me here and mommy was crying when he took me." She explained.


The chances were very slim that her mother was still alive.


"Is your daddy a full Furie?" I asked.


"Yea.He was yelling at mommy.He said he couldn't love us anymore."


"Okay.I'm going to take you to my house and then we can get you some hot chocolate and maybe even a slice of pie."


Aminas' eyes lit up like a New York christmas tree and I smiled.She really was a beautiful little girl.


"Are you able to fly?"


"Yep I'm all better now." She smiled.


She unfolded her little black wings and waited for me to do the same.Her eyes grew wide at the sight of my wings.


"They're red." Amina said with awe.


I gave her a light smile but she still continued to stare.I felt like a freak show or a poor animal locked in an exhibit.


"Okay Amina let's get going.It's getting cold out here." I pleaded.


With that, she took off into the sky and I followed.Her wings couldn't go as fast as mine so I slowed down to make sure that she could stay caught up.


"Your the daughter of Tildana." It was more of a statement then a question.


"Yes I am."


"My dad used to tell me stories about her.She was a beautiful Furie with large red wings and fire power." Amina remembered.


"Yea that was definitely my mom." I admitted. "Were gonna land at the royal house." I informed her.


With a nod of her head, Amina made a sharp dip and landed gracefully on the lawn of the royal house.I followed her exact movements and landed just as gracefully.


"Your so cool." Amina giggled.


I rolled my eyes and led the way into the house.


"Damien! Luca!" I yelled out into the quiet.


They both came rushing down the stairs.Damien looked like he had just woken up from a nap and Luca looked like he had gotten into some coffee.


"What's up?" Damien questioned as he rubbed his eyes.


"We have a rogue in Acaidia." I explained.


"We have a what?" Luca practically shouted.


"Where's Ada?" I asked.


"I'll go see if she's in her room." Damien volunteered.


In minutes Ada came flying down the stairs.She looked flustered and eager.


"Ada do you mind taking Amina into the kitchen for some hot chocolate and pie?"


"Oh of course." Ada kneeled down in front of Amina, "Well hello Amina.Would you like to come with me and eat all the pie we can?"


Amina shyly nodded her head and took a step closer to me.Her eyes wondered up to my face and I was happy that she trusted me.


"Go on Amina.I will be right here if you need me." I assured her.


"Ok but please don't leave me."


The pain in her voice made me pull her into a tight hug and she wrapped her arms around my neck once more.This little girl was becoming very important to me,very fast.



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