» Fantasy » Rogue, Shannon Burton [accelerated reader books TXT] 📗

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already had.


"You fuckin left without telling me."


"I didn't want you to worry." Mikael growled.


"Fuck that! I should be coming with you guys." I growled back.


"I told you so." Talon muttered.


"Shut the fuck up Talon and fix the damn tire." Mikael yelled at him.


I took a step forward and took up a defensive position.


"Back to square one are we?" Mikael laughed.


I didn't laugh.I was dead fuckin serious and this time I would win.Mikael realized that I wasn't backing down and he removed his coat.


In a flash he charged, but I easily blocked the kick he threw.I sent a kick to his ribs but he recovered quickly.I was pissed and I was ready to release some of my pent up power.I knew that I shouldn't but my anger wouldn't allow me to stop.Without knowing it I raised my hand and Mikael stopped in mid run.


"Zhara what are you doing?" I could here the worry in Mikaels voice but I ignored it.


Talon shifted slightlyin my peripheral but I was focused.


The wind shifted direction and tossed my hair every which way.I knew with my red wings and shifted eyes I looked like a Furie goddess and this seemed to push me further over the edge.I wanted them to see and acknowledge my power.My markings began to glow and Mikael knew to get out of the way.He easily grabbed Talon as the fire left my hands.The fire enveloped the car and I watched as it blew up.


Mikael screamed for me to get out of the way but I stood there fascinated.Fire and smoke enveloped me and I could still hear Mikael screaming my name.The fire didn't harm me.Instead it felt like a gentle caress against my skin and I soon felt calm.I walked out of the flames to see Mikael with his head in his hands.Talon stood off to the side runnning his hands through his hair.


"I am so much stronger then you give me credit for." I  whispered.


Mikael looked up and I saw that tears were in his eyes.He got up and pulled me roughly into his arms. 


"You scared the shit out of me Zhara." Mikael cried.


He pulled back and forced his lips to mine.The kiss was so different then any kiss him and I had ever shared.It was desperate and demanding.


"Fuck I love you.Don't ever do that again!" He whispered into the crook of my neck.


"Well don't ever leave without asking me if I want to kick ass to." I growled back.


"Ok Zhara, but please this time I want you to stay home and look after Acadia.I left Damien in control but feel free to take the reigns."


"You want me to lead Acadia while your gone?" I asked hesitantly.


"Yea you are an amazing leader Zhar.I have faith in you." Mikael acknowledged.


"Fine I will stay this time but next time.." I glared.


"Yea yea I know.." Mikael laughed.


"Ok be safe.I'm gonna head back." I pouted.


Mikael lifted his hand and ran it along my jaw line.His lips met mine in a passionate kiss and I returned it.


Talon cleared his throat and we broke apart.


"Were gonna get going but I will give you a call every day." He promised.


"How long will you guys be gone?" I questioned.


"That I don't know but when I do you will be the first to know."


"Oh and Talon, Tera is pissed and crying that you didn't say good bye." I laughed.


Talon let out a groan and pulled out his phone.


I took one last look at Mikael and ran down the road.My wings lifted me easily into the air and soon I was flying above the many trees in Oregon.


My thoughts soon drifted off to this Rylan guy as I flew.Who in the hell was he and why did he hate Acaidens and humans so much?


"Well you are a beauty just like your mother." A voice behind me said.


I whipped around to see a very large Furie.He had huge black wings and blonde hair.His eyes were a faint gray and his skin showed the signs of aging.He looked to be around fifty years old.


"Who in the hell are you?" I calmly asked.


"You even have her spirit! So powerful and confident." He praised.


"Oh do forgive me.I have been cooped up so long that I forgot my manners.My name is Rylan dear Zhara." He made a sweeping bow and shot me a salicious smile.


I wasn't surprised.I had a feeling that I would be running into him sooner or later.He seemed taken aback when I showed know reaction to his name.


"You do know who I am, don't you?" He questioned.


"Yes I know who you are but that doesn't mean that I care."


"I will pardon your lack of wisdom because you are your mothers daughter.You even got the flaming color of her wings.How beautiful." Rylans eyes glazed over and I instantly knew exactly who he was.


He was the one that was obsessed with my mom.He killed my father.


"I have heard many things about your powers and beauty but I just had to see it for myself.I have come to make you an offer daughter of Tildana. Join my cause."


Wow was this guy full of himself!


"You want me to help you kill off people that I care about? You obviously have lost your fuckin mind!" I laughed.


The way I was handling the situation seemed to piss him off because his eyes shifted in seconds.


"I am making you the offer of a lifetime and you dare to turn me down!" Rylan growled.


"Well you used more words than I would have but basically yes.I am telling you to fuck off." I growled back.


"Why? You have so much power and yet you want to live amongst these abominations." He yelled.


"I am mated to one of these abominations." I shrugged.


His face changed from anger to ruthless in a flash and I wondered just how crazy this guy was.


"Well that can be easily taken care of.You don't have to be with your mate.I can have him taken care of and then you can be my queen." His thoughts showed plainly on his face and I became pissed.


You do not threaten my mate.


"You must be terribly mistaken.There is no way in hell I would ever let you touch a hair on the head of my mate.He is mine.Mine." I yelled.


The anger had taken over and my powers filled every inch of my body.I felt a pull within myself.As if I was a locked door that someone was trying to yank open.The pull became so strong that I wasn't sure if I should fight it or not.Rylan had a worried look on his face but I ignored him.In an instant the pull stopped and I took in a deep breath and then it hit me hard.I didn't have time to react and soon fire shot up my chest  and into my throat.It burned like hell and left me gagging.The fire flowed forth from my mouth and onto the air that Rylan and I floated above.The fire did not fall, instead it defied gravity.It began moving and taking on shape.The fire dimmed down and out of the small flames emerged two 'men' made out of molten rock.


They took up a defensive position in front of me and I watced as Rylan flew a few paces back.


"You will regret this and once I kill off all of these precious Acaidens and humans that you love I will make sure that you beg me for mercy." Rylan snapped.


"Do not threaten me Rylan, because once I put an end to your rogues I would just love to have you die a slow death at my hands." I smiled coldly.



Rylan gave me one last glare and took off into the sky.The molten men turned to me and I wondered if they could speak or understand me.


"Can you speak?" I asked the one on the left.


"Yes master." It answered.


My eyes widened in surprise but I kept my composure.


"What are you?"


"We.. are your protectors." The one on the right answered.


"How did you become my protector?" I questioned.


"When your mother came into her powers she knew that people would want to steal her and use her for evil purposes.So she created us of her own flame and we came to be.Now that you have her abilities we are now your protectors." The one on the left explained.


I nodded my head in understanding and turned to fly back to the house.


"What would you like us to do master?" The one on the right asked hesitantly.


"Uhh I don't know.What do you guys normally do when the one your protecting is no longer in danger?"


"We become apart of the flame once more." They answered in unison.


"Okay well then go do that."


"You must call us back master." The one on the left explained.


I had no idea how to do that but it seemed that anything was becoming possible nowadays.So I closed my eyes and breathed in.Reaching deep within myself I felt for a flame.There it was! At the very core of my essence was a flame so hot and powerful it made me wonder if there was a way to even extinguish it.


I took in another breath and called my protectors back to me.This time they went directly through my chest and I could feel them settle into the flame that is me.It was one of those experiences that altered your view of the world around you.Once I got over the intial shock, I began the flight back home.It was peaceful and I played around with my thoughts as my wings flapped steadily in the wind.My thoughts drifted from Rylan to my internal flame.It was a beautiful night.The stars shined as bright as possible and the air was calm and cool.


When my feet touched ground I noticed that everyone had already went inside.It was around twelve in the morning now but I was to wired up to sleep.I wanted to know more of myself.As I walked into the house I smelled food and I realized that it had been quite sometime since I had last eaten so I headed off in the direction of the kitchen.


I found Ada and Tera making chicken burritos.


"Oh honey your back! I was so worried that I started cooking up a storm." Ada rambled on.


"Yes I just needed to check on something." I stated.


She nodded her head in understanding and went back to cooking.Tera looked up but didn't say anything.


"What Tera?" I sighed.


" have grown so different and strong.I don't feel like I even know who you are anymore.I remember there was a time when we were inseperable but now.." She trailed off.


I walked over and took a stool next to hers and we both sat in silence and watched as Ada whipped up delicious smelling burritos.Tera was right.We lived in the same world but we walked in completely different lives.


"I know that we aren't the same and we probably never will be.I am going through the process of finding out who I am in this world.It was easy for you because Talons' side is where you belong.I was chosen for something more deadly than that and along the way I am finding out things that I didn't even know about myself.People have tried to kill me and I have had to sacrifice so much Tera.Not just our friendship but every relationship I have ever had.Would I like us to go back in time to my room and sip hot cocoa? Of course! But you know just like I do that these people need me and your Talon needs you." I admitted.


It was the first time me and Tera had sat down in a while and I was happy that I allowed myself to finally get that off my chest.Tera had always been apart of my life and I didn't think I ever wanted to let that go, so I chose to remember her.


"I know.It just feels strange.We walked in here together, ready to save our town and then all of a sudden we  split up and all I get is a coldness from you.It hurts Zhara." Tera sighed.


I knew it hurt her but there wasn't anything I could say or do

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