» Fantasy » A fairies tale, Meg .S, K.T J, Kalya. R [ereader with dictionary TXT] 📗

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kept throwing rocks, but he had stopped for some unknown reason. When she caught a glimpse of him, she saw why. He was cornered. She had accidentally made the monster corner him up to the wall. And there were no rocks around him. He had run out.
The monster swiped at Collin, and if he hadn’t rolled out of the way, he would have been like sliced bread. He only got a huge gash on his cheek where the claw hit him. Simolia quickly turned the dragon toward her, and tried to freeze it again.
Collins face felt like it was on fire. Maybe it was. He didn’t know. He stood up, and felt his cheek, where it hurt the most. When he held out his hand, it glistened red with his own blood. He heard a shout, and turned just in time to get hit with the spiky tail. He got caught in between two of the giant spikes, and slammed into the wall. The back of his head hit the wall hard, and he saw stars. His wings had bent when he got hit, and it felt like one was broken.
The monster pulled its tail out of the wall, and Collin slid down about fifteen feet, before hitting the ground, which hurt him even more. He had no idea that he had been that far up the wall.
Collin tried to stand, but his left wing pulled him down, and his right foot wouldn’t bear the weight. He settled for dragging himself over to a pile of rocks, sitting with his back to the wall, and chucking more rocks at the monster.
Megdelia had dragged Nathentex underneath one of the benches in a balcony, and turned back to the monster. She turned just in time to see Collin get up from the ground, and the monster turn, making its tail whip around in Collin’s direction. She shouted for him to fly, and he looked up. Wham!! He got hit full in the chest, and pinned against the wall. After the monster pulled out its tail, and Collin fell to the ground, he didn’t get up. He just dragged himself a couple of feet, stopped, and started throwing rocks.
Megdelia started to fly toward Collin, but saw Aralina run out of one doorway, and Kaliea out of another. Drake was running after Kaliea, and as far as Megdelia could guess, Aralina was being chased by Darius. That meant that Jolent would be dealing with Katalia. Megdelia saw Kaliea fly over Drake and kick him in the head. Aralina was re-enforcing a wall of plants in front of the doorway. Simolia was freezing the monster’s head. Collin was throwing rocks at Drake and the monster. Nathentex was in one of the balconies, unconscious, but safely hidden. Megdelia decided to go after Katalia.
Megdelia found Katalia in the throne room, telling Jolent, who was in a black cage hanging from the ceiling, to be quiet.
“Kat.” said Megdelia.
Katalia quickly turned.
“You again.” the princess said.
“Let Jolent go. He’s done nothing to you.” said Megdelia.
“Yes he did! He brought you here! I was supposed to get married right after those two prisoners were killed, and you’ve ruined everything.” Katalia yelled.
“Oh, good!” Megdelia sighed in relief, “You didn’t get married?”
“No, thanks to you.” Kat said resentfully.
“Kat, please try to remember me. I’m one of your best friends!” Megdelia pleaded.
“No matter how many times you try to trick me, I won’t fall for it. I’m finished with you. You have gotten in the way too many times.”
Kat waved her hand, and Megdelia got shoved to the side by a strong force of magic. She fell to the ground, and rolled over, just as Katalia leaped at her with two swords, and slammed them into the ground, where Megdelia’s throat used to be.
Megdelia jumped up, and flew into the air. Kat ran to the wall and grabbed a bunch of daggers that had been hanging on the wall. She threw them at Megdelia, who flew out of the way of each one. However, one of the daggers caught her on the ankle, and cut it.
Katalia threw four daggers. One above Megdelia, one underneath her, one to her left, and one to her right. She then threw electricity-type magic straight at her, and caught her on the wings. Megdelia tumbled to the ground, and landed on her stomach.
She glanced up, to see Kat standing over her. Kat gave her a cold smile, and threw more magic at her. Megdelia felt tingling sensations running up and down her body. Everything looked fuzzy, and she felt as if the world was far away. Then she passed out.
James was hearing a lot of commotion in his pocket. Then he remembered the ‘ear’ he quickly dug it out and heard the whole thing they found the castle.
“Guys what’s going on where are you?” He asked just as his parents came into his room.
“Up near the twin peaks!” Methuen answered.
“Methuen? I thought you were at the elves house?”
“I get better. Bring elves with me they nice.”
“Mother, Father. Katalia and the others are near the twin peaks. Can we not send an army to rescue them?”
The two looked at their son then each other, then nodded, “I have a lot of friends my son and one of them just so happens to be the absolute head of the dragons! Meet me out at the courtyard. We have people to rescue and a brother to defeat
James smiled, “I knew you had friends in high places Dad.”
His father laughed then called his guards.
“Methuen, stay put we are coming!”
The prince jumped out of bed and ran to his closet. As his parents left the room. He grabbed the sword next to his bed and put it in his sheath. Then ran to meet his father in the courtyard.
“You called for me my friend?” the red dragon asked.
The king nodded, “I have indeed. My daughter has been captured by my brother. And I know his location could you please guide us there? It’s between the twin peaks.”
“I would be honoured to help you.” the dragon said in his low voice.
“Your highness, that voice sounds familiar!” Jolent whispered, faintly. Obviously he was just waking up.
“What do you mean?” James said as he turned his back to the dragon and walked a bit away.
“I think he’s an ally of Darius. You cannot trust him.”
“But, Jolent he’s an old friend of the family.”
“Was he so much a friend that he allowed the banished son of the family build his castle in his land? And didn’t mention it to his supposed friends?”
“You have a point there. But what can I do besides trust him for the moment. After all you may be wrong?”
“I may, but I doubt it.”
“Be quiet, will you?” Katalia hissed.
“Kat.” Megdelia said.
“You again.” came Kat’s cold voice.
“Let Jolent go.” James heard Megdelia plead. “He’s done nothing to you.”
“Yes he did! He brought you here! I was supposed to get married after those two prisoners were killed, and you’ve ruined everything.”
James sighed in relief. Kat wasn’t married yet.
“Oh, good! You didn’t get married?” asked Megdelia.
“No, thanks to you.” Kat’s voice sounded resentful.
“Kat, please try to remember me. I’m one of your best friends!” Megdelia said.
“No matter how many times you try to trick me, I won’t fall for it. I’m finished with you. You have gotten in the way too many times.” said Kat, and after that, James didn’t hear much.
He turned to his father who was joined by his mother dressed in some baggy clothes.
“No, Minus I am going too. You cannot deprive me of that. She is my daughter and I want to be there to see if she is all right!”
Minus looked to his son to see if he would back him up on his decision, and James would have if the situation had been different. But seeing the desperate look on his mother’s face he put an arm around her and looked at his father.
“She has to come father. She might help bring Katalia back to her senses.”
The King sighed, then nodded.
“But you look after her, son!”
James nodded extensively, “She will not leave my sight father!”
The Queen looked up into her sons eyes and smiled, hugging him closer, “Thank you!” she whispered.
“Shall we go?” the red dragon inquired.
“Yes, lead on my friend.”
The King mounted on the pegasi and took off toward the sky. With his guards, son and wife close behind him.
“Hold on Kat my dear daughter help is on the way.” he thought.
It didn’t take them awhile to get to the twin peaks and James told Methuen to move in and that they would be their very soon.
Methuen gave the orders to the elves who ran in with war cries. Then all was silent. James didn’t know what happened.
Until he and his group went through a invisible wall of some sort and saw them all on the ground surrounded by Darius’s soldiers. It was a trap.
He turned to get his mother out, but was stopped by the red dragon.
He groaned, for the red dragon had his mother in one of his talons.
“Hello ,princey!” Methuen called up to him. After the guard removed his hand from his mouth, “I couldn’t warn you about goons. I sorry!”
“It’s okay Methuen,” Prince James called down to him, “Is every one all right?”
Methuen looked around, “Yes everyone except Hosily. She take bad fall over me.”
“Now if you would all kindly land. No one will get hurt any more.” He made a gesture to the queen in his talon.
“Draco! I trusted you. You saved my father's life how could you betray us?”
“ I wish I could say it has all been a misunderstanding. But Darius has shown me the errors in my ways. And how weak a king you are. How you would betray us dragons without even another thought.”
James looked at the dragon. How could this dragon think that? His father would never do such a thing unless he was forced to.
James got a long enough glance at the dark castle.
“This place looks awfully familiar.”
He got his answer to that thought as his father who was being led in beside him gasped, “Why it’s my castle!”
And that’s all he heard from anyone for they were all gagged. And led to the dungeon where they were put into cells.
Until a small messenger dragon flew in, and told them that Darius had commanded, “Take them to the throne room.”
The guards shrugged and lead them up to the throne room. There they saw Katalia standing in front of an inert form, which James recognized as Megdelia.
Katalia turned, and stepped backward quickly. She glanced at the guards, and said, “Who is this?”
The queen looked as if she was in shock, even in person her daughter didn’t recognize her.
“She says
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