» Fantasy » A fairies tale, Meg .S, K.T J, Kalya. R [ereader with dictionary TXT] 📗

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have been a nightmare then. Because I know for certain, that your sister is back.”
He heard commotion in his ear, that the girls had heard that and were talking amongst themselves.
“Girls, you still have to rescue Collin. So keep on going I have a feeling that this may be a trick of some sort.” He whispered, as his mother left the room. The girls agreed and were soon quiet.
James got up, and walked out of the room. She was there. Katalia was standing across the hallway, crying.
“Kat?” he asked.
She looked up.
“Oh, James!” she said, and ran to him. She hugged him. And that was when he knew something was wrong. Kat was not like this. She only cried when she was frustrated, or angry. And, she never wore black, unless someone had died. She thought it too melancholy, and sad. Not only was this girl wearing black, she was wearing only black. There was not one flower, not one design in her hair, or on her dress. It was a plain, long sleeved long skirted, black dress. And Katalia hated long sleeves.
“You aren’t Katalia.” he said. “Who are you?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, James. Are you alright?” The girl said.
“You could have your head cut off, for pretending to be the princess.”
“But I am, so I’m in no danger of that.”
“Then, you won’t mind answering a few of my questions, would you?” said James
“If you want me to.” the girl shrugged.
“What is your nickname?”
“Who do you want to marry?”
“Why are you wearing black.”
“Because it was what I was wearing last, and Mom decided to pick me out an outfit.”
“What is our mom’s name?”
“Who is Darius?”
“Our uncle, the fire lord, the dark lord etc.”
“What is your favorite thing?”
The girl thought for a moment.
“There you go. That last one is incorrect.”said James, triumphantly.
“What do you mean?” the girl demanded.
“Kat’s favorite thing, is not style.” snorted James.
The girls face screwed up in resentment, then her voice began in a sneer,“Well, aren’t you a smart little prince, but let me tell you, you had better not tell your father, or mother about it, or else, your poor sister, will be no more. I’m not afraid of you, James. You are just a pathetic little prince, who can’t survive without your older sister right there next to you, helping you with every little difficulty that comes your way.”
“Where is Katalia?”
“She is with your dear Uncle.”
“Why did he take her? Why didn’t he take me?”
“Oh, you are such an idiot! You must know, prince, that your sister is the oldest child of the family! And that is all I am going to say. I needn’t give any information away that would disrupt my master. He would be most displeased, don’t you think?”
James ignored her question, and pulled out a sword from the wall, as his father had taken his away. The girl laughed, and waved her hands. A short, slim sword appeared in front of her. James slashed at her, but she blocked.
“See how strong your sister has become? Maybe you should let her stay with her uncle. She is quite happy with him, and her dear Drake.”
“What do you mean?”
“I am an image of your sister. Only, she isn’t quite like this any more. She is stronger. Drake has taught her how to wield a sword. Something a brother would do. Something that you never did, and never will do.”
“You’re a liar.” James said, and he stabbed her.
The girl screamed, and her sword disappeared. James’s father and mother and some guards came into the room, to see the girl crumple to the ground.
“James!” his mother cried. “What have you done to her?”
“This isn’t Kat.” he said, choking up. “Come and look. She is changing.”
Sure enough, the girl was changing. In the place of a seventeen year old fairy, was a monster. James recognized it as a certain dragon/chameleon. It could change into anything that it had seen. It could imitate any voice it heard.
The queen started to cry. James was led back into his room, and he got back into bed. This time when he went to sleep, he had no dreams of his sister.
The group all exhausted from running, decided to bed down for the night in one of the smaller caves they came across near the dragon’s lair.
The dragons lived together, mostly in pacts, and slept in humongous caves, bigger than any castle. It was at least as huge and cold as an abandoned castle. The dragons weren’t exactly a comforting thought either- should they come across any.
“There shouldn’t be any fire breathers in this cave it’s too small!” Kaliea said as the group came to their temporary abode. The girls stared at her they were a little hesitant about the ‘shouldn’t’ part.
“I’ll go find some water. Maybe this cave is deep enough to have a spring of some kind.” Simolia volunteered and set off with a glowing thing that they took from Methuen’s bag.
“I’ll set up our tent!” Kaliea said as she pulled out some small bolts of cloth from her bag. And started to sew. The two girls left stared at her. You could barely see her hands. They were moving so fast.
Feeling useless they gathered what sticks and other stuff that would burn and set up a fire place. Then, went through their bags looking for food.
“Hey, I have some sun flavored seeds,”Megdelia shouted in glee.
The rest of the girl looked at each other and groaned very loudly. Sun-flavored seeds were a particular favorite of Megdelia. No one, I repeat, no one else liked them at all. They found them rather, well, seedy.
A few minutes later Simolia waltzed back into the cave, happy as pie, because, guess what she had! Water!
“Yep, food and water is always appreciated,” Aralina stated under her breath exasperatedly, a few minutes later when no food showed up.
All of a sudden the girls heard a conversation that didn’t make sense in their particular situation.
“Where is my sister?” the demanding voice said. The girls jumped since it came on very loudly.
“She is with your dear Uncle.” the almost too sweet of a voice answered.
“Why did he take her? Why didn’t he take me?”
“Oh, you are such an idiot! You must know, prince, that your sister is the oldest child of the family! And that is all I am going to say. I needn’t give any information away from my master. He would be most displeased, don’t you think?”
There was a clanging sound, then.
“See how strong your sister has become? Maybe you should let her stay with her uncle, and her dear Drake.”
“What do you mean?” asked James voice.
“I am an image of your sister. Only, she isn’t quite like this any more. She is stronger. Drake has taught her how to wield a sword. Something that a brother would do. Something that you never did, and never will do.” said the super sweet voice.
“Liar.” came James horrified response.

Just then they heard a groan a door open and two gasps of surprise.
The girls found out why, “James! What did you do to her?”
“This is not Kat. Come and look. She is changing.”
There were sounds of what sounded like the queen crying. The girls already reassembled and looked at each other.
“James, Are you there?” Aralina asked. No one answered so she turned to the others, “What should we do?”
“Stay. We are all tired and we will not get any farther with the sun going down.” Simolia answered.
The others agreed almost unwillingly. Then settled down next to the fire and slowly fell asleep with a lot on their minds.
Simolia, couldn’t sleep and was soon awake and sitting next to the dying fire, with the blanket that Kaliea made wrapped around her shoulders.
She heard something move and jumped. She then saw Aralina roll over and thought it was just her. A silhouette appear at the mouth of the cave. She sat upright and gave a scream.
The others around her awoke suddenly. And came alert.
“Don’t be alarmed it’s just me.” the silhouette came closer to the dying fire and it formed into Jolent.
“YOU TRAITOR!” Megdelia exclaimed as she threw her blanket at him and jumped at him.
“You don’t understand...” He didn’t get a chance to finish for by that time he was tackled to the ground.
“Megdelia. Stop he’s trying to tell us something. Do you always have to jump into everything?” Kaliea chided.
Megdelia got up and helped up Jolent, “I don’t know what came over me! It’s like I had something building up in me. And I just got unleashed. I’m sorry Jolent.”
“It’s ok! I know you’ve had a difficult past.”
“I don’t even know my past. But that’s getting way off subject. What were you trying to say?”
“You don’t understand. I really am being blackmailed, it was out of pure luck that I was able to come tell you that the princess, the prince, and my cousin are in extreme danger. The princess is forgetting almost everything, the prince is going to be executed. And my cousin is most surely going to be as well since Darius found out of my deception even though I did almost everything that he said.” Jolent explained quickly as the girls gathered around re-stoking the fire carefully. Not allowing it to be too big, as to be a beacon to anyone searching for them.
“How did you find us?” Kaliea questioned.
“Very simple. You fairies are not that quiet.When you took out those guards.”
“You mean we were close enough to the palace that you heard us?” Aralina asked in disbelief.
Jolent nodded a smile on his face, he then turned toward the mouth of the cave and took a huge sniff. Then grabbed the bucket and doused the flame with whatever water was left.
“Quick everyone get as far into the cave as you can. He’s coming!”
The girls looked at him, but took his meaning that someone was coming that they did not want to meet. They grabbed whatever belongings that they could and ran deeper into the cave.
“Who are we hiding from?” Simolia asked handing Jolent the glowing thing.
“Draco, Darius’s friend dragon. I should have known that I got out to easily. I only took out seven guards and three trolls.”
The girls looked at him with surprise, but he didn’t see it for he hid the glowing thing in his hat.
They heard something at the mouth of the cave and froze. Jolent stood in front and slowly started to heared them backwards.
“Jolent,” a deep voice taunted, “I know you are in there with some very tasty fairies and a...”
There was a short pause then they heard the monstrous beast lick his lips in anticipation. Obviously he had been ordered not only to follow them, but also to eat them, as he continued a shiver went down their spines, but they were also confused
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