» Fantasy » Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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him, a bitter chill with every move and I wasn't sure why but I knew he'd bring trouble to this pack.

"Very bad things" a shudder slid down my spine as Sam muttered the words into my ear.

I shook my head clear of the information and I pulled back with a smile, "How's Maisie?"

All thoughts cleared his mind and he gave me the widest smile, "Only a few of months left."

I laughed as he signed the words and I absorbed his excitement. He swirled me around and I felt the same lightness in my chest that I felt when training outside with Bain. It felt like safety. Like security.

"I think August is my mate" I dared to whisper very low in his ear.

Sam jerked back suddenly and he laughed, hugged me so tight and whispered back, "I'm so happy for you."

We only stopped dancing when my feet felt like they were going to fall off. When the fire pits were only small ashes, barely providing any heat.

I sat on the steps of the back entrance, legs stretched out and a thick coat around my shoulders. Quinn was asleep next to me, head in my lap and an even thicker coat over her.

"How long do you think it'll go for?" I spoke in hushed tones to the Oracle sitting on the other side of me.

He was leaning back on his elbows and devouring his cigarette. His child-like laughter followed, "They go until dawn."

I was watching the crowds before me; majority have left now and purely because they had found what they came to search for. Their mate.

"Did you find her tonight?" My eyes meeting the Oracle's.

Regret warmed my face and as he shook his head, I wished I hadn't asked.

"I don't think she exist, Changeling" his voice was so small and weak.

I believed the moon wouldn't be so cruel and not give the Oracle a mate and he knew deep down too. It was the reason why he stayed here so late, why he hasn't stopped watching the crowd of wolves dancing and mingling. My hand rested on his arm, "Soon" I promised.

He only gave me a small smile and took another draw of his cigarette.

Urith stepped up with a tender smile down at the sleeping Quinn, who was peacefully snoring in my lap still. He reached for her but had to dodge her swatting hands, "Let's go my dove, bedtime."

I watched them leave into the house, Quinn's soft laughter echoing through the halls and I turned back to Bain, "What did you give to the moon?" I asked, forgetting about earlier today when I saw him without a gift in his arms.

His dark eyes rose to the moon itself, "I gave it something to make its decision to help Mara easier."

"So cryptic" Alexei muttered before sauntering over to us.

My eyebrows rose at the sight of him. I was surprised he was still here and even more surprised that August hadn't kicked him out.

His calm and nature-coloured eyes danced with mischief, "Actually sweet Eden, I am getting kicked out."

I huffed out a laugh and leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees, "Of course, did you have fun at least?"

His smile stretched at the edges, showing his dimples and laughter lines, "As much as one can."

"Look out" Bain gestured to the Zetas headed towards us.

Alexei didn't turn to see but bowed to me instead, "Until another time, sweet Eden" then he vanished into the frozen woods.



DAYS HAD PASSED. Then weeks. They consisted of a blurred mixture of training, cooking, reading and sleeping. I barely saw August. I only saw him when I was going to bed and he would come into his room to get clothes. He looked even more tired every day. 

The snow had almost completely disappeared, the pond no longer steamed and the air wasn't biting anymore. I was going to miss winter.

They had all the windows open when I walked into the training room. The soft spring air swirled around the room, taking away the violence of the atmosphere and it stopped my movements. The peace of it froze me.

"Who the hell is this?" asked a lanky woman across the room. Her eyes were the colour of school chairs, plastic muddy blue and she had her lips in a pressed line, gawking at me.

"I could ask you the same thing" I eyed Bain who stepped over to the lanky female and I almost laughed when he grabbed her hand.

"This is Olivia" he smiled at her and suddenly it clicked.

I gasped, "Is she—" my words died in my mouth as Alice aggressively shook her head behind them.

"Is she what?" Olivia snickered.

I forced myself to smile, "Is she staying here?"

The Oracle nodded, reluctantly I thought and he gestured between us, "Olivia, this is Eden."

Her hair was the colour of hay, a warm sickening yellow and she was playing with the ends when she turned away from me and sat down near Alice.

Alice stood and pulled me out of the room. I was in shock, "I don't understand."

Her short hair was half tied up and little strands were escaping as she shook her head again, "Apparently they met the night of the Solstice and because Olivia doesn't have a mate either, they were talking and now they're like together" her nose was crunched up in disgust at her words.

My frown felt harsh on my face, "I thought it was your mate or nothing?"

"It supposed to be" her amber eyes were on the training room doors and she huffed out a laugh, "How do I know so much? I'm not the one who even lives here."

It was in a playful tone but the air around us thinned at the mention of it. We hadn't spoken about it yet, about how I left home and now suddenly live here. I hadn't told her what exactly happened at home nor had she asked since. Alice just accepted it and didn't ask any questions. Deep down I think she's scared to ask because I would tell her the truth.

I laughed and shrugged, "How's everyone at home?"

Her small arms crossed, "Yeah okay, mum actually comes out and speaks to me" a small smile stretched over her face, "Dad is even in a better mood."

I didn't hide my surprise, "That's good then."

"When are you coming home?" her voice was so small that I almost didn't hear her. Her amber eyes burning into my dark ones, "We miss you, E."

"I know" my response was a mere whisper, "but I have to stay here and train for Cameron."

"Cameron doesn't exist" her tone was sharp, "you saw it for yourself, Cameron is dead and so is the Burn Notice."

I didn't want to believe it. We hadn't heard anything from my father about new threats or messages. It's been dead silent. I knew Cameron was dead and Sawyer didn't send the Burn Notice. We should be safe now. Except there is this dull nagging feeling in my gut, like the threat is not over and the real threat is someone else entirely.

Our attention was drawn to Quinn who exited the training room, coming right for us, "We're training outside today."

I frowned, "Me and you?"

Another smile she allowed us to see, "Yes and then you're going to spar with little Alice."

"It's degrading when you call me little Alice" huffed the small brunette.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and followed Quinn outside, "Come on little Alice, it'll be fun."

It was not fun.

Quinn was tough. She didn't throw punches or kicks like everyone else. She wrapped her body around you and disarmed you within seconds. She took out my legs with her own and pinned me to the ground before I could register what was happening.

After she kicked my arse multiple times, she finally taught me how to get out of each of her tricky manoeuvres and how to do them myself. There was a reason why Quinn was so high up in the ranks and now I see why. I wouldn't dare fight her in a battlefield.

She danced through her graceful movements, always knowing her next throw. I never seen Quinn like this. No fear or lack of confidence. Like she didn't know what fear was. Like it didn't dare live within her.

I was pinned to the ground with Quinn's legs twisted through mine and her arms trapping my own behind me when the Zetas approached us.

Quinn thankfully released me, "What is it?"

"August called everyone in, Vic Addandam is arriving shortly" Danny quickly answered.

"Father?" Alice's head popped up from her phone.

"Here?" I added with my heart thundering in my chest. I hadn't seen him in weeks. I wondered if mother was coming as well. If they were excited to see me. If they had missed me.

"Yes, he arrives in minutes" Danny bowed his head and they both left us.

I watched their retreating backs as Quinn helped me up from the ground, "He must be here to discuss the Burn Notice."

"Does he not know of Cameron's death?" the frown on Alice's face was deep and annoyed.

A shake of her blonde head and Quinn looked confused, "Gus said he'd tell them himself."

"Guess we'll find out" I muttered before we headed back to the twisted house.

The room wasn't full this time. Only the lead members and the Zetas were sitting. Alice had wandered off, not wanting to be a part of this and Sam was nowhere to be seen. Urith was there, standing behind Bain's chair and he moved behind Quinn once she took a seat in front of August. I remained standing next to Urith. My eyes watching the doors. Waiting for him.

August met my eyes and I felt our string tug. I had missed him. Missed looking at him. We've not had a moment alone in days.

Quinn glanced up at me with an annoyed look on her face and she turned to the Delta beside her, "Give Eden your seat."

The Delta huffed, his name Henry I think and before he could open his mouth to retort, Quinn was staring him down. Challenging him to disobey and giving her an excuse to destroy him.

"No, I'm fine" I started but Urith shook his head subtly.

"You do not stand while a Delta sits" his voice was low enough for only my ears.

"I don't want you to stand either" I answered, chin raised stubbornly.

He gave me the smallest of smiles, "There's no room for equality here. I do praise you for wanting it but I know my place, Eden" he held Quinn's shoulder, "and it's behind my beautiful mate."

The Delta finally moved, losing the staring contest and I reluctantly took his spot.

I never understood why they had such ranks. I understood it was to do with power. The Alpha and Beta made sense but a pack is supposed to be one-unit, multiple wolves protecting the same thing and I thought of how degrading it was to stand why others sat, not taking into account of how much they would protect the pack. Every single pack member would die for their Alpha. The higher ranks didn't care any more about the pack then the ones standing, they shouldn't have to prove it either.

I decided right then and there that if I was ever an Alpha, I would make no higher or lower ranks, all ranks would be

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