» Fantasy » Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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equal and I'd curse the moon before I'd let someone give up their seat for me.

It was a Psi who announced him.

My father.

He looked the very same as the last time I saw him. The same disinterested look, the same disapproved straight line of his lips and the same bone-white teeth smiling at August. His aura was cold and thick with deceit.

"Rotaeche" a quick tilt of his head and he claimed an empty seat.

Morgan strutted in, chin high and his lips in a wicked smile, "Hello, dear sister."

I just looked at him. I didn't respond and he didn't like that. He took the seat next to father with a foul frown on his face.

My mother was a step behind him, dark hair flowing and her eyes instantly met mine. I wanted to speak to her. We smiled at each other and I felt my father's eyes burn into me.

"We summoned you today because we found some new information" August started, our eyes connected and he turned to my father, "Cameron is dead."

A gasp from my mother and Morgan huffed out a laugh, "How?"

"He died years ago. We went to see him and we were met by his nephew, Sawyer" August ignored my brother's attitude, "and he informed us that he didn't send the Burn Notice."

"Impossible" my father muttered. Dark eyes glowing with rage.

"It's true" added Quinn.

My father still didn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. I watched his train of thought through his dark eyes, "Someone had to send it."

August nodded his golden head, "We're working with Sawyer to figure that out" he crossed his arms in front of him, "but safe to say we don't have to worry about any attacks."

"What about Mara?" I couldn't keep it in, it practically ripped from my body, "That wasn't nothing."

Her mauled tiny body. Her pale gravestone. Her mate crying out for her. I will always remember her.

"I'm not saying it was" August's gaze was challenging, "We have scouted the Velasquez pack."

My brows furrowed instantly, "You think her own pack killed her?"

"No—" he started but stopped himself "Eden, we will talk about this later."

The snicker from Morgan was almost my undoing. I wanted to argue. To scream. The flame within me threatening to alight.

"We've set up a meeting with the Velasquez's" Quinn continued, "August and the Zetas leaves this afternoon to meet with Alexei himself."

Alexei screamed dangerous when I first met him but my gut told me that an Alpha doesn't kill their own. Not any Alpha with morals.

My eyes glowed with annoyance, he didn't want to take their word for it and he wouldn't, "Fine, so do what you have to do and inform me the second you find out who sent it."

I didn't show my surprise when he finally answered. I expected him to refuse. I expected him to ask for more. He practically rolled over without hesitation. Maybe my father had changed.

I watched as Morgan fled the room first, mother standing to follow and my father finally sliding his chair back, lifting himself from it and without a single glance in my direction. He left and took the violence with him.

"Leave us" was all August demanded and everyone hastily made towards the doors.

The silence was thick.

I looked up at him when I heard his chair scrape against the polished cement. He was already watching me, light eyes on dark.

I crossed my arms, "I don't think her own pack killed her."

He offered a small smile and our string came to life, straining between us, "I know, I don't think so either."

"Then why did you tell my father that you suspected them?" I retorted.

He rose his arms exasperated, "Because he didn't believe me about Sawyer and I needed to buy time."

I sighed out my frustration and I took in his tired face, "Have you been sleeping?"

He was thrown back by my question and I frowned as he shrugged, "Some."

He was closer now. In arms reach. I could smell him. Cedar and Jasmine. He was my mate. I was sure of it. He had to be feeling it too. My thoughts threatened to spill out of my mouth.

He lifted his hand to my arm. Skin burning from his touch and he slowly moved it up to the side of my face, "I'm sorry" he spoke in hushed tones, "I know I've been super distant lately.

I rolled my eyes and huffed out a laugh, "You could call it that."

He showed his paper-white teeth and I felt him pull me closer, "I've been so busy with the pack and Sawyer..."

"I know" I returned his smile.

His breath was warm against my face and his scent was intoxicating, swarming around us, "I will try better next time."

I stopped listening. Only thing I could focus on was his hand on my face, his eyes drinking in mine and his lips so close that my own could feel their warmth, ached for them "Do you..."

I wanted to ask if he felt this. If he felt the pull between us. If he felt the toxic lust that threatened to destroy me. To destroy us.

However, as if he could read my thoughts, "I don't think the moon would be so cruel and not make you my mate."

My skin prickled at the words. My heart thundered in my chest, so loud that he could definitely hear it, "You feel it too?" my voice was small and unsure.

He pulled me in, putting his spare hand on the lower part of my back and my entire body melted at the touch, "I wanted to ask you the same question."

My mind was jelly. I couldn't process what was happening. I couldn't believe it. This whole time I was worried about August not feeling what I was and this whole time, he was.

I felt my tears threatening to fall as he kissed my cheek, then my other cheek and finally his lips melted onto mine. They were firm and soft all at once. I could feel his urgency and I met it with my own. My world exploded. It didn't feel real. I was living in a dream. My heart beating so hard against my chest. His hands were in my hair, so tender and careful.

"Curse the damned moon, pick a better time" strolled in Bain.

I tried to jerk back but August held me to him, he didn't let go as he shot daggers at the Oracle, "Pick a better time to interrupt."

"You have to go now or you'll be late" Bain turned slightly, so he didn't have to watch us.

"I know" August growled, "Now get out."

Bain rolled his eyes but did as commanded.

August returned his attention back to me and sighed, "I hate that I have to leave you."

I breathed in his scent, "We have to know who we're dealing with."

He led us out of the room and he was hesitant to leave me in the corridor, "I will be back before dawn."

My mouth spread into an easy smile, "I'll be here."

He held my hand a few seconds longer before I watched him disappear down the hall. The sun was already setting outside, casting shadows throughout the house.

If my mind wasn't a giant mud puddle, I'd be scared for him and anxious for his return but nothing seemed real yet. He was my mate. August was my mate. August. My mate.

"We're getting ready to leave" it was Alice who spoke to me first when I entered the kitchen.

Morgan was nowhere to be seen. Mother and father were standing over near the sink, Alice next to them.

Father glanced up at me at her words, "Are you coming home with us?"

I was shocked to see hope in his eyes, "I don't know" I muttered. Did he want me to come home?

"Please, E" Alice begged, "We miss you."

"We can make your favourite" he added.

My eyes flew to Quinn, she was sitting at the dining table and watching me like a hawk, "It's up to you" she bowed her head, "You're always welcome here, regardless of your decision."

"Maybe I could visit for the night" my voice was so vulnerable and small.

Alice smiled so wide and Mother stepped forward, pulling me into a hug, "Come on dear, let's go home."

Quinn waved me off, "I'll let August know, don't worry."

Alice held onto me as we sat in the back of the car, her head resting on my shoulder and her small hand clutching my wrist, "I'm so happy."

"Your room hasn't been touched, no one's been in there" My father insisted with a smile of his own. I've never seen him so light-hearted.

My heart swelled. They truly missed me. They truly want me to come home. Maybe I shouldn't have jumped so fast to conclusions, my father was probably just stressed and a bit frightened.

I could go back to normal. My life could go back to normal. I'd see Maisie again and work at the bookstore. I'd help mother choose what to make for dinner, argue with Morgan and Alice can go back to ignoring me on her phone. I hadn't realised that I missed my old life so much that I didn't even think about my current life.

My life with my mate. My life with my friends. Bain, Quinn and even Urith. Unexpectedly, I realised that I would miss them more. It wasn't forever I told myself. I would visit for the night and simply return back to them.

We made it halfway home when the car came to a sudden stop, my father squinted through the darkness, "What is that?"

Alice was asleep and I had to move her off me to see what it was. The trees surrounded us and cloaked us from the world, the road ahead was pitch black and we could only see what the headlights allowed us to see.

I frowned, "I can't see anything, what is it?"

My mother's soft snores were my only answer before the car jolted off the ground, spinning and slamming into its left side.

My head connecting with the side window in agonising pain. I could only hear Alice's screams and my mother's cries.

"Alice!" I called out and reached for her. I only met the cloth of the car seat as she was pulled out.

Her amber eyes glowing with fear, "Eden!" she disappeared from view.

"Mum!" I cried out, "Dad!"

Hands grabbed me and I hissed as I was dragged out of the crushed coffin. My eyes finding Urith's, "Are you hurt?" he was yelling and I could see the sweat forming on his brow.

I shook my head, "My parents."

"They're gone" he muttered, "Someone took them and I suspected they're after you."

I flinched at his words, "Alice?"

The nod he answered with was a kick to the stomach and I wanted to scream, to fight and kill whoever it was.

An arrow flew past Urith's face, a mere inch between him and it. My confusion was met with his distress, "An arrow?" I asked as he shouted, "Run!"

My legs burned as we headed into the trees, my lungs screaming the further we pushed. My legs feverishly moving and moving. Only when my lungs burned did I stop, I hid behind a thick oak. My breath ragged, "I need a second."

Urith turned back to me and grabbed my arms, "We don't have a second!"

Footsteps. I could hear quick feet on dry grass, twigs and branches snapping. Urith stood, blocking me from the incoming danger. My heartbeat loud in my ears.

"Who are they?" I released my breath as the Oracle burst out of the coverings, his own face red and hair dishevelled, "What do they want?"

Urith huffed out a breath of relief, "Thank the fucking moon" he bent down and took a deep breath, "I don't know, they took her parents and Alice."

"Quinn is on her way but we have to buy time" the Oracle shook his head, "We can't stay here, we need to move."

I froze at the sound of a faint swooshing. The sound of an arrow flying through the air, "Look out!" I shouted as the arrow landed in Urith's shoulder.

Urith roared in pain, blood

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