» Fantasy » My Alpha's mate, Shivani Sharma [romantic novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «My Alpha's mate, Shivani Sharma [romantic novels to read txt] 📗». Author Shivani Sharma

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smell the intoxicating smell of my mate and put my mobile on my packet has, I saw her walking out of the building and to the bus stop and, I call her stopping her on her way to a bus stop.

"Miss. Dawson, I was wondering if you need a lift, since, I saw you got here by bus. And though, I will drop you at your apartment since it comes on my way to home, " I said to her while smiling at her from outside but feeling nervous from inside.

"I mean if you like, of course," I said nervously when I didn't get any reaction from her and head her chuckle lowly at me, too low to be heard by human but I headed it through my tighten senses.

"Sure why not, I would like to take a ride from you, thank you, Mr. Mcknight," he said smiling at me, I smiled back at her and open a door for her. She gets inside the car, I close it and walks to my side. I get inside the car and buckle the seat belt.

"Where to Mr. Mcknight?" my driver asks me.

"To Miss Dawson, apartment, Kelvin," I said to him and he started the engine of the car and drive to our destination.

"How did you know the address of my apartment?" she asks me looking shocked.

"I pick up the apartment myself because my employee who is employed to do this has taken leave due to some family emergency, and others were to busy to do it, so I dod it myself," I said to her.

"Do you like the apartment, I choose for you?" I ask getting curious.

"Yes, Mr. Mcknight, it was beautiful and spacious," she said smiling at me and I heard Knight purred inside my head, satisfied with her answer.

"Miss Dawson, please call me Xavier, as long as we are outside the office, Mr. Mcknights makes me feels old," I said smiling at her.

"Well, in that case, I would like it, if you call me Elena," she said smiling at me and I smiled back at her. We talk for some time and I gathered all my courage to let it out and asks her.

"Elena, I know I am asking this out of nowhere and we don't know each other that well, but I had like you since the day you come for an interview, you are not the type of girl who runs after a man for his money or looks, you are a girl who likes to have a man who is kind and has a good personality, and I also know that you think that I am a womanizer and that I want you only to get into your pants but Elena I really like you, would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask her with hope in my eyes and pleaded her through my eyes.

"Yes, of course, I would like it," she said smiling at me, making a big smile form on my face.

"Thank you, so much," I said to her and kissed her on her cheek.

"I promise that I would not let you down," I said smiling at her.

"I hope so," she said and the car stops beside her apartment. I get out of the car and open the door for her.

"Good night and sweet dreams, Miss. Dawson," I said and lightly kissed on her lips and get inside the car. I saw her standing there still shocked with the kiss as the car drive away.

The car stops beside the door of my Mansion and I walk inside my mansion with a big smile on my face, only to be disappeared when I saw Samantha sitting on the couch, with an angry Abby standing beside her in my living room waiting for me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask her with greeted teeth. Samantha is the daughter of Alpha Ruth and my girlfriend but it all change when she cheated on me with the CEO of Rival company and the Alpha of Rogue pack, not only that she was also providing confidential data to him.

"I told her that you didn't even want to see her face but she didn't listen to be and storm inside the house as she owns it," Abby said glaring at her.

"It's okay, Abby, why don't you go to your room and have some rest, I will call you when I am done with her," I said to Abby, she looks like she is going to protest and I blinked at her during her that I am going to be okay, she nodded her head and walks upstairs to her room.

"Baby, I am so sorry, I know what I have done is wrong, and I promise I will make it up to you," she said walking towards me and put her arms around my shoulder.

"Get out of my house," I said taking her arms around from my neck and getting out of her way.

"But baby, we are mates," she said and I laugh a better laugh.

"Oh no, we are not, and I thank the moon goddess for that because it would be better to be mateless than have a mate like you," I said with an emotionless face.

"How can you say that you didn't even find your mate yet," she asks with a pout.

"I think that because I would have known that when I turned 18 and meet you, and for your information, I have finally found my mate, so get out of my house before I kick you out myself," I said with a growl, I feel Knight scratching inside my mind to come out and claw her face.

"You will regret it," she said with a growl, flipped her hair at me and walks out of the mansion.

"Can I come out now?" Abby asks from upstairs.

"Yes, you can," I said feeling a huge headache.

"Your okay?" Abby asks worriedly.

"Yes, can you heat up the dinner while I go upstairs and take a hot shower?" I ask her, she nodded her head at me and I walk upstairs to my room.

Chapter - 28


(Xavier P.O.V)

While taking a shower I remember I have asked her for a date but didn’t tell her, when I will going to take her on a date. So I finished taking a shower and get dressed in comfortable clothes. I call my secretary and she picks up at a second ring.

“Hello, Reena,” I said on the phone.

“Yes Alpha,” she answered.

“Do I have an appointment or any meeting with anyone tomorrow after 6 pm?” I ask her.

“Let me check Alpha,” she said and I heard her opening her laptop and checking my schedule.

“No, Alpha,” she said to me.

“Good, then book a table for two, at my favorite restaurant for dinner,” I order her.

“Yes alpha, anything else,” she asks me.

“No, Renna, that’ s all, thank you,” I said and hang up on her. After that, I call her and she pick up after the 3rd ring. After talking to her I walk downstairs to have dinner with Addy. Addy was very happy when I informed her that I have finally asked my mate for a date and it’s tomorrow. We talk for some more time and go to sleep.

(Elena P.O.V)

After entering the house, I kept my purse on the table and wear an apron, and prepare dinner for my self. after dinner, I clean up the dishes and arrange them in their places. After that, I clean the kitchen and prepare the hot bath for me. I remove the clothes and get inside the bathtub and don’t know when I fall asleep.

I wake up in the bathtub feeling cold when I heard my phone ring beside me and pick it up. I see the unknown number on it if it was Oliver who is calling me from someone else phone I will hang upon him, I thought and pick up the phone.

“Hello,” I said on the phone.

“Hello, Miss Dawson, I hope I didn’t disturb your sleep, if you have fallen asleep,” I heard Mr. Mcknight said on the phone.

“Not at all, Mr. Mcknight, how can I help you?” I ask him.

“How many times have I told you to call me from my name when we are outside the office?” he asks me.

“You have only told me once, and I didn’t know if you have called me for an office-related thing or not?” I answered him with a shrugged.

“Well I can assure you that it’s not an office-related thing, so you can call me from my name, anyway I called you because I have asked you for a date and forgot to tell you when I am taking you for a date, I hope you are free after office tomorrow?” he asks me.

“Yes, Xavier I am free, tomorrow,” I answered him.

“Good, then, I will pick you up tomorrow, and you can leave 5:00 clock to go home and get ready for the date,” he said to me.

“Thank you, Xavier, but I don’t think I will need to leave to get ready, we can go directly from the office if that is okay with you, ” I said to him.

“I am okay with that Elena, if that you want, I will see you tomorrow at the office, okay?” he said to me.

“Okay, goodnight bye,” I said to him and hang upon him. I get dressed in my night dressed and get inside the bed and fall asleep.

The next day, I get up with a smile on my face. Today I am going on a date with Xavier, with that thought I get ready for my day and pack all the things I needed to get ready for my date in the bag. I decided to have breakfast at the nearby cafe. After breakfast, I pay my bill and catch the bus for the office. I greeted my collages with good mornings and get to my work.

After a few hours, I saw my wristwatch to see it was 5:30 pm. I close my laptop grab my things and walk towards the washroom to get ready for my date. I decided to go with a simple but elegant white dress with a little bit of makeup. I brush my hair and look at myself in the mirror.

When I was satisfied with my look, I pack my things and walk out of the office to see Xavier was already waiting for me. he is wearing a white shirt, blue pants with a blazer and his hair are combed nicely.

“You look gorgeous, Elena,” Xavier said taking my hands in his and placing a kiss on the back of my hand.

“You don’t look bad yourself, Xavier,” I said smiling at him. He opens the door for me and gets inside the car. After closing it he walks towards the driver seat and gets inside the car and started driving to our destination.


The date with Xavier was amazing. At first, he took me to the theater. He had booked the whole theater just for us, can you believe it. I mean I know he is rich and all but the whole theater, I thought with a shake of my head and then he takes me for a beautiful candlelight dinner and we have so much fun spending time

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