» Fantasy » My Alpha's mate, Shivani Sharma [romantic novels to read txt] 📗

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on the wall while growling at her, I can feel knight scratching the walls of my mind while growling inside my head to get out and kill her limb by limb for even thinking to hurt our mate. I open the door of my office and threw her out of my office.

"Call the security and tell them to throw her away from my building, and bring me the black coffee with one spoon of sugar," I order Reene and close the door of my office, and start pacing around my office.

I have to do something to protect my mate, I can't bring her to my mansion because then she will ask many questions that I can't be able to answer to her. I think I will have some warriors to stay at her building and protect her from shadows. I will also have my PI spying on Samantha so that I know if she makes any moves to hurt. I have to make some distance with Elena until she is out of Radar. With that thought, I mind linking my warrior and order her to buy all the flats in Elena's floor apartment, upper floor, and the below floor apartments and have some warriors to stay there and protect her from shadows.

Then I call my PI and tell him to send some people to keep an eye on Samantha and informed me about her every move. I sit on my seat and close to my eyes to calm myself, but how can I when knight keep pacing around my mind and growls sometimes. I heard a knock on the door and straighten myself.

"Come in," I said while opening my laptop and pretending to be working on it.

"Your coffee sir," Reena said and put the cup of coffee on my table.

"Anything else, sir?" she asks and I shook my head at her, she was about to get out of my office but I stop her in the midway when an idea struck on my mind.

"Reena can I asks a favor from you?" I ask her.

"Yes, sir," she said to me.

"I know I am asking this all of a sudden but can you stay at Elena's apartment for a few days, she is my mate and I am afraid Samantha will hurt her to have me, if you stay there with her in her apartment then I can be a little bit easy, knowing that your there to protect her, if she makes a move on her," I ask her hoping that she will say yes.

"Of course, sir, it will be my honor to do that, that way I will also get the chance to know about our Luna and become friends with her," she said smiling at me and I feel a little bit easy.

"Thank you, Reena, I will call Elena and inform about your move to her, and inform you when to move in her apartment," I said smiling at her.

"Your welcome, sir," she said smiling at her and walks out of the office. I take a sip of my coffee and call Elena, and she picks up after the third ring.

"Hello," she said on the phone and I heard knight purr inside my mind after hearing her sweet voice. The things that mate bond can do to us, I thought shaking my head.

"Hello, Elena, can I asks for a favor from you?" I ask her.

"Yes," she said to me.

"Actually, my secretary's apartment is in the renovation, and I didn't have time to find her new apartment for her for a few days, would you mind if she stays with you in your apartment for few months or days?" I ask her.

"Not at all, actually I will be happy to have her there, it sometimes feels lonely there," she said and I smiled at her reply.

"So when did I tell her to move in with you?" I ask her.

"Anytime she wants, just tell her to take keys from me before she moves in with me," she said to me.

"Okay, I will, is Wednesday okay with you?" I ask her.

"Yes, sir," she said to me.

"Okay, then I will inform her, thank you, Elena," I said smiling at her on the phone.

"No problem sir," she said and hang up on me. I call Reena and tell her that she can move to Elena's apartment on Wednesday and hang up on her and get back to work.

Chapter - 31


(Samantha P.O.V)

I get up from the floor and dusted my dress. How dare he throw me like this from his office, he will regret it. After some time, two security guards come towards me and each of them grabs one of my arms.

"Don't touch me," I said taking my arm away from them.

"I will go, my self," I said folding my hands in front of me and started walking towards the elevator. I have come here to give you last chance but not only have you insulted me but also throw me out of your office like I am a piece of trash, now you wait and watch what I will do with that slut of yours. If I don't make you Beg in front of the whole world, then I am no longer be known by Samantha Raymond.

The elevator ping and I walk out of it and walks towards my car, I glance at his office for one last time and drive away to the person who would be more than happy with the news I have for him.

It takes half an hour for me to reach there. As I get out of the car, I saw him running back to his packhouse in his wolf form and hide behind the tree, after some time he comes out wearing his pant and walks towards me.

"Well well well, what do we have here? What are you doing here Samantha, did Xavier denied to accept you?" he asks smirking at me.

"Hell to you too, Richard," I said faking a smile to him and controlling the urge to strangling him, knowing that I can't do that if I want his help to teach Xavier his lessons.

"How did I own this pleasure to have you here in my territory?" he asks rating his eyebrow at me.

"I have news for you, which will be very useful for you, can we go inside and talk in his office," I ask him. He nodded his head at me and lead me to his office.

"So, what do you have for me?" he asks me while taking a seat behind his desk.

"Xavier has found his mate, here are some photos of them," I said while taking another set of photos from my purse and giving it to him.

"Xavier is a womanizer, he sleeps with a new woman every night, what if she is one of them?" he asks me.

"Why don't you find out yourself, if you don't believe me," I said with a shrug.

"Okay, then I will do, just that, but first let's have some fun," he said grabbing me from my waist and pulling me closer to him and kissed me passionately. He opens the drawer while still kissing me, and put pictures in the drawer. He makes me wrap my legs around his waist and takes me to his bedroom.

(Richard P.O.V)

After having my way with Samantha I walks back to my office and seat behind my desk. I take the photos out of my drawer and go through them again. As long as I know Xavier he generally doesn't take a woman on a date. He gets a woman from the club or bars and takes then to his home to have his way with them.

And after that throw them away from his life, but the girl in the photo didn't look like a type of a girl who goes after him for his money and looks. Maybe he has met her in the club and she has played hard to get, so he decided to date her until he gets into her pants.

Maybe that is the case, I better find out about it and Samantha better be not lying to me otherwise she will pay for it. I mind linked my head warrior and order him to come to my office. After that, I call my Personal investigator and tell him to come and meet me within half an hour.

After some time, I heard a knock on the door. Come in, I said in my Alpha tone. Liam my head warrior comes inside my office and bow in front of me.

"I want you to send some warrior to keep an eye on Xavier and the woman with him, in the photo," I order him while showing him the pictures.

"I know what you are thinking, I will give you all the information about the girl where about as soon as my PI find all the information about her, but till then, keep an eye on Xavier okay," I ask him and dismissed him. Then goes back to do some paperwork.

After sometime Bobo, my beta informed me that my Personal Investigator is here to meet me through mind link and I order him to send him in.

"Come, in," I said when I heard the knock on my door.

"Richard my friend, its been so long, how have you been?" Domain asks walking inside the office.

"Hey, Domain, I am good, how about you? its really been long, huh?" I ask standing from my seat to shake hands with him. Domain is a lone wolf and is a very good friend of mine. I have offered him to join my pack many times but he likes to free soul.

"I am good, so what can I do for you?" he asks me.

"Directly at the point huh? You haven't changed at all," I said with a chuckle.

"Anyways, I want you to find me every information of this girl," I said to him while showing him the picture of Xavier with a girl.

"You think, she is his mate?" he asks me and I nodded my head at him.

"What will you do, if she is his mate?" he asks me.

"Take revenge of my brother and sister in law's death," I said while glaring at the picture, I look up to see he wanted to say anything, but he just shakes his head and looks at me. Knowing that no matter what he will say, I will not stop until I have my revenge.

"How long do you think, you need to find every information about her?" I ask taking him out of his misery.

"I think maximum 2 days," he said looking thoughtful.

"Good, then see you after 2 days," I said shaking hands with him. I take the pictures from the table and walk out of my office, and I get back to my work. Let's hope what Samantha said was true.

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