» Fantasy » My Alpha's mate, Shivani Sharma [romantic novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «My Alpha's mate, Shivani Sharma [romantic novels to read txt] 📗». Author Shivani Sharma

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Chapter - 32

(Richard P.O.V)

After 2 days.

I was in my office, going through some pack work when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said in my alpha tone.

"Domain is here, boss," bobo said coming inside the room.

"Send him in," I said still looking at the pack financial file. After some time, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said and look up from the file to see Domain getting inside the office. I stand up from my seat and shake hands with him.

"This file contains all the information, you need about that girl," he said while passing the file to me. I take it from it and open it.

Name - Elena Dawson.

Age - 23.

Origin: Califonia.

Has completed civil engineering from mount high college.

Father name: Ajay Dawson.

Brother name:

Mother Name: Mira Dawson.

Blood group: B +.

Has worked in Mcknight enterprises in an internship for 3 months.

Current working status: Is working in Mcknight enterprises.

Best friend: Stella Anderson.

Relationship Status: Girlfriend of Xavier Mcknight.

Supernatural creature: No. Is a human.

Hobbies: Playing the piano, singing, and basketball.

(Note: Both Addresses is fake and imaginable )

Current address: 404, Ena, Harshat Venue, Soya Street. New York.

Permanent address: 508, Elisa, Olloplic Venue, AQrraohit street, Near Eva Stadium, L.A.

"Thank you, Domain," I said smiling at him.

"No problem, anything for my friends," he said smiling at me. We talk for some time with each other and then he takes his leave.

I call my head warrior and give him the address of her apartment and other him to send some of the warriors to keep an eye on her and give me information about her everyone, he bows his head at me and walks out of my office.

The next day, he informs me that Xavier had arranged some of his warriors near her building to protect her. He also had his female beta stay at her apartment. So I guess what Samantha said was true because, if she wasn't his mate, he wouldn't have so many warriors near her to protect her.

I tell my warriors to stay on guard and keep keeping eye on her but make sure, they did not get caught by them. It won't take much time for his men to caught my warriors because his warriors are Lycian and they would are much stronger than my warriors and have much higher senses them, mine warriors.

(Elena P.O.V)

It has been more than a week since Reena, move in at my place and we have become best friends in no time. We go to the office and come home together. I have also met his boyfriend Govinda and also have become friends with him.

Today we all have decided to go to the club with some other friends from her and Govinda and with Xavier. He said he will meet us directly at the Club. Right now we are arguing with each other over my dress.

"No, I am not going to wear that dress, Reena, it's too short, and it will make me very uncomfortable there," I argued with her.

"Come on, Elena, it's not that short, al east trie it for me, if you feel really uncomfortable with it, then I will let you choose the dress, to wear at the club, and if not then you are going to wear it," she said while looking at me with her puppy dog eye. I give up and takes the dress from her hand and walk inside the washroom. I remove my clothes and wear a dress.

Surprisingly it fits me perfectly and reaches just above my knee, and shows some of my cleavages but not too much to make me feel uncomfortable. I arrange the dress so that it didn't show too much and walks out of the washroom. Reena wolf whistle at me when she saw me walking out of the washroom.

"You know, if I was betting for the opposite party, then I would chase after you if I have seen you in that dress," she said smiling at me.

"Your have clean up good yourself if I have to say myself," I said smiling at her. She is wearing a blue sleeveless dress, which reaches just above her knee, with teardrop hearing and her hair made in a messy bun with few hairs left in a curl in the side of her face.

"Why thank you," she said giving a slight bow to me with a big smile on her face.

"Now, let's do your makeup," she said making me sit on a stool near the dresser.

"Okay, but not much, I don't like putting too much makeup," I said to her.

"You, don't need much either, you are a natural beauty," she said smiling at me. She put a light grey eye shadow and eyeliner then put a little bit of blush over my face. She made my hair in a high ponytail. I take a lip gloss and apply it on my lips. We grab our purse, mobile, and get out of the apartment. I lock the apartment and take the elevator.

We get inside the car and drive to the newly opened club. It takes half an hour for us to reach there. We show our ID to the bouncer and get inside the club. As soon as we get inside the club, Reena's boyfriend Govinda approaches us.

"Hello, beautiful ladies," Govinda said and kisses Reena on her lips.

"Geez, get the room guys," I said making a disgusting face and he chuckles at me.

"We will after, enjoying here for some time," he said winking at Reena and making her giggle while I just shook my head at them.

"Anyway, guys are waiting for us in the VVIP room," he said and lead us to the room. As soon as we reach there Xavier takes me in in my arms and kissed me passionately which I return gladly.

"Now, who should get a room, huh?" Govinda asks wriggling his eyebrow at me and hides my face in Xavier's chest to feel its vibrate's due to his laugh.

"Love, meet my friend Kriya and Ronald, guys this is my girlfriend, Elena," Xavier said introducing me to his friends. I shake my hands with them and we all take our seats. The waiter comes to take our order and we order 20 shots.

"Don't drink too much and get drunk, Reena because I am not going to drive the car and drag your ass to your room," I remained her.

"Don't worry, babe, because all of us have a high tolerance when it comes to alcohol, you just enjoy the night," she said with winking at me. We have shots and order another round of shots. Then Xavier drags me to the dance floor to dance with me. We dance, talks with each other, and get drunk till our heart consist and I notice I was the only one who was drunk in six people between us.

"Go to sleep, love, and don't worry about anything, you are safe with me," I heard Xavier whispering to me and pass out on him. 


Chapter - 33


(Elena P.O.V)

The next day, I wake up with a huge hangover.

"Someone, please close the curtains," I said with a groan while putting my arm over my eyes to stop the light penetrating my eyes.

"Wake up, Elena, it's 10:00 am, now," I heard Reena said to me. I groan and sat up on the bed.

"Here, have this, you will feel better," she said passing a glass of water and a pill. I put the pill in my mouth and gulp it with the water.

"How, come you didn't have a hangover? You have a drink as much as me, I think you have drunk more than me," I said to her.

"I have more tolerance regarding alcohol than you, besides I have taken aspirin before going to sleep," she said to me while taking the glass from me.

"Breakfast is ready, go get fresh and come to the dining room," she said and walks out of my room. I get out of my bed and go to the washroom to get ready for the day. I do my business and get inside the shower. After getting ready and brushing my hair I walk inside the kitchen to have breakfast.

"So, what are you planning to do today?" Reena asks me.

"We have a lot of chores to do, like laundry, cleaning, going for grocery shopping, etc," I said to her.

"Yes, but we will be done with it all by the evening right?" she asks and I nodded my head at her.

"So what are you thinking to do in the evening?" she asks me.

"What do you suggest?" I ask her.

"How about we have a girls day, like going shopping and salon?" she suggested.

"Good idea," I said smiling at her.

"Mind if I call Kiyara, to tag along with us?" she asks me.

"Why not? I would also like to know her and become friends with her," I said smiling at her.

"Good then, I will call her and asks her," she said and call her and walks out of the room. After coming to the room with a big smile on her face.

"Let me guess, she said yes," I ask her and she nodded her head at me.

"I have also invited for a sleepover, at our place, I hope you don't mind it," she said to me.

"Of course, I won't," I said smiling at her and she smiles back at me. After breakfast, we go to the store for grocery shopping, then arrange it at there place, I do laundry while Reena does the dishes. After that, we change the bedcover and pillows cover then do some cleaning work. After lunch, we go to our room to have a nap before Kiyara comes to our place to go shopping with us.

We get up at 3:00 pm and get ready for our girl's day. Then we heard the bell ring and open the door to see Kiyara. I open the door wider for her to let her in. Then we talk for some time while having some snacks and goes to the mall.

We shop for an hour and then go to the salon. I have a message and pedicure while Reena and Kiyara have a manicure, pedicure, and facial. Then we go home and watch some movies while talking about boys. We all were starving so I order pizza and Chinese for dinner and eat it while watching a movie, then we go to sleep after talking for some time with each other.

The next day, we decided to go to the amusement park, so we invited boys to come with us. Then we go to a restaurant to have lunch and then go to the water park to have some fun.

After the water park, we go to the cafe to have some snacks because all of us were starving after playing in the water for a long time and then head home. At home, we have decided to have a movie night. Girls and boys fight with each other for the movie so, in the end, we

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