» Fantasy » We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗

Book online «We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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got blood on your shoulder?”


Ash gave her a coy grin. “Leon beat me up.”


His mother wasn’t too easily amused. “You deserve it.”


“You may see Robert in me, but I’m not the monster he was.” the teenager replied bitterly, folding his arms.


“You are nothing like Robert, Ash. You are too soft-hearted to be anything like him – you’re more like Will. I know you’re trying to be big and strong, but you should stop trying to be something you’re not and accept your qualities. Deep down inside you lives a tiny seed of love. You may not realise it, but you need to allow that seed to blossom so you can open your eyes to see the world in a new light. You need to discover where your heart lies.”


The brown haired boy scowled. “What heart?”


“You’re human, are you not? Living things have feelings.”


“Trees and plants feel nothing apart from pain when they loose a branch or something.”


“Your sarcasm is what is blinding you, Ash. I want you to see the evil that has been done to you and see the good. Sometimes it may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a necessary part.”


“Don’t say things that have no meaning to you.”


“I should say likewise. I’m sure you’ve said things you’ve regretted.”


“Haven’t we all?”


“Stop answering me like that and think about the situation for the moment. You’ve got a lovely friend here who you’ve just left to question her choices which she did for you, son. You may have wanted to jump off the edge, but you aren’t the only one.”


Ash was puzzled for a moment, confused by his mother’s words. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, hiding his surprise successfully as always. “Are you trying to tell me Luna was suicidal like me once?”


Cassie nodded solemnly. “Hadn’t she told you?”


“No, she didn’t.” Ash was about to say something, but whatever it was, it was lost as he turned his dark green gaze onto his sleeping friend. She looked like she’d been crying earlier, which made guilt rise inside him like a fire.


This whole thing was his fault.


If he hadn’t agreed to go ahead with this stupid quest, none of this would have happened. Ash knew better than anyone that Luna would not have gone if he hadn’t given in so meekly.


Besides, they still had two of the Treasures to find and they’d made no progress. The only thing they’d learnt was that Ash was untrustworthy and disloyal.


He couldn’t even tell his childhood friends in person that he was ditching them for the sake of his own ambition. No, he had to leave a scrappy note and drag an innocent young girl into his twisted mess while letting her believe wonderful fantasies that he was oblivious to.


Then it struck him.


He knew where he stood.


Cassie seemed to sense it too – she just smiled at him warmly. “I know of your talents. Use them to your advantage.”

Chapter 22 - Forgiveness And Order

When Luna awoke about two hours later, Cassie had left and she was completely alone. It was still raining much to her annoyance, but she wasn’t horribly bothered.


Once she’d sat up and blinked the sleep out of her eyes, she eyed a folded piece of paper on the windowsill that hadn’t been there before she’d fallen asleep. Curiosity killed the cat immediately – she had to know what it was.


Sitting back down, she opened the piece of paper and saw a relatively large amount of writing, followed by a drawing. Luna decided to read the words first.


People look at me and see a scary looking teenager who looks like he’ll fry ants and kick kittens for the sheer pleasure of it all. You look at me and see some type of hero who slays dragons and monsters to save his friends.

People talk to me with caution because they don’t like me. You talk to me casually and brightly because I’m your friend and almost your brother.

People don’t accept me easily because of what I’m like. You accepted me without hesitation and without thinking of how I act.

People don’t trust me with the smallest of secrets. You trust me with your life.

People don’t smile at me. You smile at me almost all the time no matter what I’ve done to you.

People can’t make me cry at all, apart from my foster parents. You have made me cry a few times – now is probably a good example.

People don’t try to joke around with me. You tease me and we’ve had many good times.

People don’t like me all that much. You love me and still do despite my arrogance.

I don’t tend to care for people. I have always cared about you even though I don’t always show it.

I don’t tend to apologise to people without sarcasm. I am writing this very desperate and very real apology with no tricks or scams, not even sarcasm.

I don’t tend to thank people without sarcasm. I am thanking you for opening my eyes.


Words couldn’t describe how Luna felt. She felt like crying and dancing with joy at the same time.


Remembering the rest of the letter, the Pureblood scanned her pale blue eyes down the page and saw a beautifully detailed sketch of a young girl watching a butterfly dance in the breeze just next to her face.


She knew who the girl was.


She also knew who had left her the note.


Gathering herself up, Luna gently made her way out of the living room and towards the open back door leading into the garden, where she saw a figure sitting at the base of the great oak tree with their back turned away from he door and staring out at the rain clouds. It was still raining heavily, yet the tree seemed to provide some shelter.


Luna darted out in the storm and over to the tree, ruffling the figure’s short wet dark brown hair. “Bring a coat next time, Ash? You’ll get a cold.”


Her friend stood up to face her. He looked a complete state – the sad and red eyes told Luna everything.


“I’m already sick. Sick of having the cotton wool pulled over my eyes,” he replied thickly. “I’m a horrible person to have missed so much.”


“You’ve been awake the entire time. You haven’t missed a thing.” Luna reassured him softly.


“I take it you’re here to tell me you think I’m a monster and you’re returning to the others?” Ash inquired icily, wiping his eyes. He was trying to look tough, but Luna knew he was desperately upset. She fished out the note he’d left her, waving it at him. “I don’t think I’d come all the way out here to announce my departure if you believe so many good things about me.”


“But you still think I’m a monster?” Ash added unhelpfully.


“Quite the opposite. A monster wouldn’t have gone this far to apologise.”


“But I hurt you.”


“I made you cry, for goodness sake.”


“You nearly fried me.”


“I wasn’t intending on ‘frying you’. I was actually aiming for Celeste because I knew deep down that it wasn’t your fault that she kissed you.”


“I don’t even find her the slightest bit attractive. Werewolves aren’t the prettiest of them all, frankly.”


“She is pretty. Very pretty, as a matter of fact. I see why so many people like her.”


“She’s older than us; she would have more friends. Besides, she carries the Ravener name like Atlas and he’s quite good-looking for a nerd.”


“You’re better looking than Atlas. Celeste would probably agree.”


“He’s shy and caring. Girls like that in guys.”


“Some girls prefer the brave and daring type, especially if they’ve got attitude.”


Ash stared at her in surprise. “You prefer me over Atlas? Despite the fact he used to fancy you when you were 10 or something like that and you’ve known him for most of your life?”


Luna nodded. “He’s just a friend. Besides, you know where I stand.”


“I’ve learnt where I stand, with a little help from Cassie. I’ve been so blind not to see it.” Ash added, shivering as the rain began to get heavier.


Luna raised one eyebrow. “Did I hear you correctly? I thought you hated Cassie.”


“She’s a good person. Anyway, I know whereabouts I stand in the world.”


“Where would that be, then?”


“It always has been and always will be with you, Luna. You mean more to me than anything else on this planet and I have been incredibly lucky to have you by my side for seven years.”


The wavy haired girl blinked at him, touched and overwhelmed with emotion. She felt tears forming in her pale blue eyes. “Ash…”


Her friend put one hand on her cheek, wiping away tears with his thumb. “Don’t cry. You don’t know how close I am to breaking down by just looking at you.”


Luna sniffed. “Sorry for being such a mess.”


Ash drew her into a gentle embrace, allowing her to rest her head on his broad shoulder. Luna contently stood there with her arms around him and gazed out to the storm, which was gradually beginning to worsen and was startling her with the sharp forks of lighting.


“Let’s go back inside,” Ash suggested. “You’re soaked through.”




“Order! Order!”


The group of concerned and loud people settled down as soon as a tall man in a black cloak appeared, taking his position on a large wooden throne. A watchful dark brown hawk perched on his shoulder, glaring fiercely around.


“Stand for Councillor Airing!” a man yelled out to the crowd.


The crowd rose, only to be acknowledged with a nod by the man in the cloak. “Please sit. We are here today to discuss a variety of issues-“


“We should discuss why a group of teenagers are lost in the Normal world!” a tall man with very short black hair interrupted rudely.


Councillor Airing smiled at the man. “Please sit quietly, Councillor Chase. I understand you are concerned for your son, but yelling will make it no better. I can assure you that I think Ashley is capable of looking after himself.”


“My boy? Don’t make me laugh,” Robert replied icily. “That child is too soft-hearted. He will give in to something he’ll regret later.”


“He’s one of my best students,” Thorn butted in. “He can hit the centre of the target with three knives blindfolded – a very accurate aimer indeed. I was quite hoping he would be elected as a young spokesperson for the Council when the elections begin in a few days time.”


“Councillor Blackshield, please be silent,” Councillor Airing ordered sternly. “The matter at hand does need discussing. I received a message from a safe house to say that they have two of the five teenagers. The whereabouts of the others are unknown.”


“Who is missing?” a woman inquired.


“It’s between Luna Wilde, Atlas Ravener, Rune Braveheart and Clarissa Bird. Ashley Chase is confirmed to be at the safe house,” the head Councillor explained. “The messenger also knows that they have recovered one of the three Treasures.”


A murmur of surprise rippled through the great room, just as a young woman stood up with a crease between her eyebrows. “Did the messenger leave a name?”


Councillor Airing held up the parchment. “Only two initials: N.R.”


“Nigel Rarogn,” an elderly man amended, standing up. “One of The Winged. He married one of the Alstep sisters, didn’t he? The other sister is Robert’s sister-in-law because she married Will.”


“Nigel married Emma, Cassie and

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