» Fantasy » We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗

Book online «We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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Will disappeared 15 years ago and Carlos died a few years ago. The Alstep family is quite a mystery indeed,” the woman explained. “Much like yours, Rosco. One of your relatives married a werewolf, didn’t they?”


“You do not need to bring my family into this, Carla. Considering you disowned of Rune and she came into my care, there is no need for you to insult my family. I am proud of both my children and always will be.” Rosco retorted fiercely.


“There is one part of the letter that confuses me, however,” Councillor Airing went on, ignoring the heated discussion between Carla and Rosco. “Mr Rarogn claims that we’ve all believed a lie for nearly 8 years.”


“What lie?” Thorn inquired, flicking his brown hair back. “Is there something that happened during the Demon battle that we don’t know about?”


“Yes. The last part of the letter says ‘I do not know if you are aware, but there are rumours flying about that M.W is a prisoner of war. You believe that she is dead, but she is believed to be alive and has been for these 7 years you have believed her to be perished.’”


“M.W,” Rosco repeated, his frail pale blue eyes slowly widening with shock as he pieced the puzzle together. “Mia Wilde.”


“We must find her and release her,” a young woman piped up. “Her daughter is still alive, isn’t she?”


“Luna is on the quest right now. We can’t inform her of her mother’s status until she returns.” Thorn pointed out.


“This quest has dragged on far too long, I think,” Councillor Airing remarked. “It has been nearly five days and they have made no effort to try and find the next two of the Phoenix’s Treasure. I feel we should create a diversion to lead the children to the Land Of The Lost. One of the Treasures will be hidden there for sure, plus Mia is likely to be kept prisoner there.”


“They will die if they try to take on the Demons!” Rosco argued angrily, his voice rasping with old age. “They are only 14 or 15 years old!”


“They made the choice to make the perilous journey and they will pay the price for their foolishness and their stupidity,” the young man replied coolly, looking over to the hawk on his shoulder. “Kazran is a bird of stealth and swiftness as well as cunning. He shall find a way to change the course of their path.”


“You and that flipping hawk.” Thorn grumbled to himself as the mighty bird of prey swooped above their heads and out through one of the great windows, gaining speed with every beating of his mighty brown wings.


“You will regret ever sending Kazran to change the destiny of these children,” Rosco spat in disgust. “Cynthia has spoken of an omen in the stars. She knows of a prophecy surrounding the children.”


Councillor Airing raised one eyebrow in surprise. “The Seeker did not think to consult me about this? What did she hear?”


The elderly man glared at the young man with his good pale blue eye, while his right eye as always was clouded with blindness. “How do I know that you will believe what I say?”


“If you have spoken to Cynthia, I am virtually required to believe you,” the blonde haired man insisted, a slight coldness in his tone. “Please share what you know of this prophecy.”


Rosco sighed. “Fine. Here goes;”


“Turmoil and troubled times lie in the depths of the journey.

Great burdens will be discovered,

And mighty legends will be lost to the shadows.

The union will be shattered like glass.

The lionheart will bring peace,

The hunter will bring trouble,

And kindness will fall from grace.

Youth must look into the eye of wisdom,

And decree that we’re all stories in the end.”


Robert Chase scowled at the last sentence. “My son believes the fact that life is just one big story. Does this refer to him?”


“I do not know, Robert. I only know that great danger is coming and that those children must be prepared for the perilous climax that lies ahead.” Rosco murmured softly.

Chapter 23 - Reunited

Bungalow resumed his place on Luna’s feet, his shaggy dark grey fur tickling her ankles. He was rather casual looking, just sitting around without a care in the world.


On the other sofa, Leon was showing Ash some photos from an old family album Nigel had found. Celeste was out shopping for a few essential items, so it was all pretty peaceful at The Lodge.


“Bungalow’s certainly taken a shine to you, Luna,” Leon remarked. “He always hisses and scratches me when I come close.”


“Maybe you and cats just don’t go together,” Ash suggested, flicking through the album and abruptly stopping at one page, his eyes narrowed. “When was this picture taken, Leon?”


The older fair haired boy shrugged. “No idea, but one of those children bear a startling resemblance to Luna.”


“One of those children is Luna, but I’m interested because Mia and George were clearly still alive when it was taken because she looks so young. How did you come in possession of this picture?” Ash inquired suspiciously.


“I think when Emma went back to visit Nighthollow for a bit, she brought this photo back with her,” Leon answered. “She hasn’t been back for 8 years, so I’m going to guess that this was from her latest journey.”


“I was 6, then,” Luna added. “I didn’t know you then Ash, but I really wish I did.”


Ash looked oddly touched. “Thank you. It would have been nice to have known you before training too.”


“Speaking of ages, it’s your birthday on Saturday, isn’t it Ash?” Leon asked with a smile. “15 years old. Nearly the same age as me. When are you Purebloods counted as adults?”


“16 – it’s when you finish training and free to do what you like. You can marry at 15, though,” Ash explained. “I know that one of the boys in my cabin married his girlfriend when he turned 15, but he’s almost 16.”


“So when are you 15, Luna?” Leon questioned.


The wavy blonde haired girl let out a slight groan. “Christmas Eve.”


“Well, at least you get snow. My birthday’s in August.” the Halfblood sighed wishfully.


Before any more could be said, Celeste rushed in with a panicked expression on her face. Leon stood up to face her instantly. “What’s wrong, Cece?”


“Demons!” she gasped between breaths. “Here!”


Ash sprung up onto his feet, gesturing Luna to stand up also. “Come along. You know what we have to do.”


The werewolf looked pale. “You’re not seriously going to try and kill them?”


“It runs in our blood,” Ash insisted sharply. “Besides, Will and Cassie are Purebloods too.”


“Good luck, both of you,” Leon added, bowing his head as the two began to leave. “Be careful with those monsters.”


Before the two Purebloods even reached the front door, Ash spun round and stared at Luna, concern swimming in his dark green eyes. “If you want, you can stay here with Celeste and Leon.” he offered.


“We’re bound by friendship, which means neither should leave the other to fight their own battles,” Luna pointed out. “Besides, I don’t cower in the corner when there’s a battle going on.”


“I don’t want you getting hurt.” Ash mumbled softly.


The young girl raised an eyebrow. “I’m fine, Ash. You needn’t worry about my welfare – look after yourself, for goodness sake.”


Nodding briskly, Ash flung open the door and darted out, Luna following just behind. She knew her friend was much faster and stronger, but she was beginning to gain on him in speed and what she didn’t have for strength made up for nimbleness.


The first Demon, a massive eagle-like bird with sharp talons, immediately opened his beak to let out a fireball. Ash quickly snapped into action and raised one hand, sending the fireball back to it and thus setting it on fire. He then looked over to lift a large lorry, but the remaining Demons suddenly disappeared in a flash.


“I know this trick,” Ash commented in some sort of relief, but he looked deeply worried. “They’ll come at us randomly in random directions. It would be logical to stand back-to-back so we can see when and where they’ll come from.”


Luna let out a short laugh. “You sound so much like Atlas!”


“Hilarious, but in this situation I’m actually not joking about. If we just stand around, one of us will get injured, poisoned or killed when we least expect it.” the brown haired Pureblood replied icily.


Rolling her eyes, Luna turned around and stood so her back was slightly brushing against Ash. Her head just came to the top of his shoulder blades, which made him let out a short sarcastic chuckle. “I’m thrilled to pieces to be paired with the midget.”


“Considering you were begging for my forgiveness earlier, that’s not a very wise move.” Luna commented airily.


A Demon with a long snake like body and scaly wings came at Luna, fangs poised to strike. She raised her hands to fry it, but Ash suddenly grabbed her and pushed her to the ground, crouching down beside her just as a large Demon flew over and smacked into the wall of the safe house, crumbling to the ground with a sickening crack.


The snake Demon slithered towards the two friends, but Luna raised her hands and released a ball of fire, but the flame accidentally brushed past Ash’s hand and made him give a slight gasp of pain. “Burn my flesh, why don’t you?”


“Sorry,” Luna grumbled. “I’ll let it kill you next time, yeah?”


Ash ignored the comment and stood up, brushing his jeans before offering to help her up. “I really hate to mention it, but I think there are reinforcements coming from over there.”


The wavy haired teenager looked up and saw a small band of strange figures heading towards them. However, Luna observed that they didn’t look like Demons – they all looked similar and didn’t move as quickly as the Demons she and Ash had already encountered.


A strong gush of wind stung her eyes, making her drop back onto the ground so she wouldn’t get blown over. Ash fell a few seconds afterwards, covering his face with his hands.


“Stop!” a voice screeched. “Clarissa, stop it!”


Clarissa? Luna was puzzled for a few moments. She’s with the others. They can’t possibly be here, let alone have tracked us down.


A heavy mist fell over the safe house, followed by Will yelling “Get inside you two! We’ll deal with them!”


“Don’t hurt them!” Luna screamed, realising the situation with great surprise and horror. “They’re Purebloods!”


The mist suddenly vanished, making Ash uncover his face and blink uncertainly at Luna. “What did you just say?”


“Those things over there aren’t Demons,” Luna breathed, leaping up to her feet. “They’re our previous little gang.”


The smallest figure darted over just as Luna got up and dragged the girl into a fierce embrace, vibrating with gleeful laughter. “You’re alive!”


Ash instantly sussed out that the young teenager was none other than Rune and raised one eyebrow in surprise. “What are you doing here?”


“I think we should ask you the same thing,” Atlas replied curtly, folding his arms. “First you saunter off leaving just a short note, and then you drag Luna into your little mess. We’ve been going demented over you two.”


“Don’t be so harsh on them, Atlas. I’m sure they had reasons.” Isabelle scolded him softly, stepping forward.


Before Ash could open

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