» Fantasy » We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗

Book online «We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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his mouth to reply, Celeste pranced over like a graceful doe with Leon trudging after her. “You were told to stay inside, Cece! Are you completely incapable of following simple instructions?”


“I want to meet these guys,” Celeste commented cheerfully, standing beside Luna and waving. “Hey! Welcome to The Lodge!”


Atlas raised an eyebrow. “Who on earth are you?”


“I’m the one and only Celeste, but call me Cece,” the werewolf chirped. “The sour puss behind me is Leon Alstep. He’s a Halfblood – mix of Pureblood and Winged. I’m just a simple werewolf.”


“Never met a werewolf before, but pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Atlas remarked, holding out his hand politely. “I’m Atlas Ravener. I’m a friend of Luna’s and Ash’s, so I thank you for looking after them.”


Celeste had a grin plastered on her face. “You’re Atlas? You’re pretty cute, considering Luna told me you’re socially awkward. We’re long-lost cousins, you and I. Your father is my great-uncle.”


The black haired teenager froze abruptly for a moment; his dark green eyes a pure mask of shock. “Are you trying to imply-“


“She’s related to you, Atlas,” Ash confirmed sharply. “Though I suggest you keep Jason away from her because she’s a bit of a flirt.”


The werewolf winked cheekily, which made Clarissa snort. “Just what we needed: a flirty werewolf who’s actually related to the most awkward person in the entire group.”


Adele slapped her over the head with one ghostly pale hand. “You should be glad we actually have Luna and Ash back in one piece. The group wasn’t the same without them – even you can admit that.” she scolded angrily.


I really hate arguments, but I’m glad we’re all back together again. Luna reflected.


“Hey, what’s this?”


Luna turned her head to see Nigel picking up a long golden rod type thing from one of the flowerbeds next to The Lodge. Curiosity got the better of her naturally, so she strode over to take a closer look at the strange object. The top of the rod had the head of a fierce looking bird, along with two palm-sized gold wings sprouting out from the bird’s neck, which was probably supposed to be it’s back. Looking at it closer made Luna realise quickly what it was.


It was the staff – or the second of the Phoenix’s Treasure.

Chapter 24 - Unfavourable Odds

“So, if we find the sword, we’ll put Alpha in checkmate and thus win his twisted little game,” Atlas explained, rolling out the map. “We just need to figure out where the little trickster has hidden this final Treasure.”


The red dot showed that the group were at The Lodge, which was completely 100 percent accurate. The yellow dot was steadily moving across the map until it stopped at a dark shadowy area.


“The Land Of The Lost,” Rune sounded worried. “They’re going to finish it in their own territory. How predictable.”


“At least we know that this won’t be a fake,” Luna pointed out. “Alpha wouldn’t lead us out to the Land Of The Lost for no reason. He wants a fight and he’ll certainly get one heck of a fight when we turn up.”


“But you can’t guarantee that you’ll all survive the final showdown,” Isabelle added, flicking her raven black hair back over her slender shoulders. “I fear that someone will die.”


“We all knew there would be a price to pay.” Ash replied bluntly.


“You don’t have to go,” Cassie murmured. “Will and I can gather up a few Purebloods in the area and we’ll go to that dreadful place. None of you can expect to win against Alpha.”


“This is our destiny, Mrs Chase. There is no alternate option. The battle starts and ends with us.” Atlas insisted.


“Then at least let me and Cece come with you,” Leon pleaded desperately. “We want to help with the effort. If you Purebloods are in this battle, we are with you. After all, we both have Pureblood relatives and no parents to fret about us.”


Ash raised a suspicious eyebrow. “You mean Celeste wants to come along for the boys.”


The young werewolf tossed her wavy brown hair over her shoulder with hurt in her pale brown eyes. “I’m serious; I want to help. I know I’m not the most honest of people, but I swear on my life that I’m along for the ride, not the people.”


Will shared a regretful look with Nigel, who bowed his head solemnly. “Very well. You may all rest here tonight and set off in the morning.”


Ash opened his mouth to reject, but Luna placed a firm hand on his shoulder. She knew he was desperate to finish the quest, but they had to regain their strength first before they were going anywhere.


“I suggest you all head on upstairs to get some sleep.” Cassie announced briskly.




Luna couldn’t sleep that night.


Nightmares of darkness and blood disturbed her every time she closed her eyes, which made her wary of whatever tomorrow would bring. She didn’t want anyone to die. If it was compulsory, then she’d made up her mind to sacrifice herself. Sure, she knew that Ash would be especially wounded, but it was a small price to pay to ensure the lives of her friends would be scarcely touched. They’d forget about her eventually.


Besides, they all had so much still to live for. Atlas had clearly fallen for Isabelle and was technically old enough to begin a full-fledged relationship; Rune was the youngest in the group and definitely wasn’t ready to be whisked away by Death; Clarissa had a bright future ahead despite her arrogance; Adele didn’t have to be dragged into this mess at all and could have chose not to journey on; Jason still had many more years in him; Celeste and Leon also chose to make the perilous quest and Ash was a talented young fighter who would one day make his foster parents regret mistreating him so badly as a child.


I can be with my parents again. I can meet up with Mary Ravener and tell her how brilliant her son is, and likewise with Carlos Alstep for Leon.


A tap at the window made the Pureblood turn her head to see a beady-eyed hawk staring back at her, it’s beak tapping the glass pane. Luna was rather surprised indeed. Hawks don’t belong in the shadow of the city. What’s this one doing here?


Stepping lightly, she stood at the window and flicked it quietly, making the hawk ruffle it’s dark brown feathers. It tilted it’s head to one side in puzzlement, clearly wanting to come in the warmth. Luna noticed this and lifted up the window, allowing the hawk to soar in and perch on the shelf above where Rune was sleeping. As she gazed at the mighty bird of prey, she suddenly noticed a tag attached to the hawk’s left foot. It was a relatively thick gold ribbon decorated with a single black diamond, which made Luna’s heart leap out of her mouth.


The hawk was Kazran, Councillor Airing’s pet bird.


This clearly meant the Council were spying on them.


Something didn’t feel right.


Kazran swooped down from the shelf and headed over to Celeste with his talons outstretched and poised to strike. Luna had to snap into action instantly, so she grabbed a book from the windowsill and threw it at the hawk, making him caw out angrily and waking everyone up with a start.


“Grab that hawk!” Luna cried at her alarmed friends. “He’s a spy from the Council!”


Atlas dived to grab the stunned Kazran, but the hefty bird had flown away and was heading towards Rune, who ducked just in time so he smacked into the wall.


Leon took the chance to make a dive for him, but then he was thrown back against the wall by some sort of invisible force and the dark brown hawk suddenly increased in size, making him nearly hit his head on the ceiling. He swung one wing back and knocked Celeste, Atlas, Jason, Rune, Clarissa and Adele over.


This only left Luna, Ash and Isabelle standing.


Ash immediately seized a dagger from his bag and flung it at the monster hawk, managing to hit Kazran’s left wing. Rather than letting out a screech, he simply yanked it out with his beak and thrust it aside, just whisking past Luna’s shoulder. If she had flinched away, the dagger would have surely stabbed her.


“Duck!” Isabelle screamed, dropping to the ground as Kazran swung another wing round over her head. Luna was about to do the same, but the large brown wing smacked her hard in the stomach, making her yell out in agony as she fell the ground, hitting her head on the wooden floor.




Ash’s desperate shouts were the last thing the young girl heard before blackness drowned her into a forceful doze.




Rune took the warm tea from Cassie’s hands into her own. “Thank you.”


The older Pureblood nodded with a small smile on her face. “You’re welcome, Rune. Emma conjured it up herself – it will help you get over the shock and hopefully help you get back to sleep. You’ve had a frightful night.”


“Has Luna woken up yet?” Isabelle asked, her voice cracking with worry as she looked over to the Pureblood who’d been asleep on the sofa for just over an hour.


Rune shook her head regretfully. “No. I know she’s unconscious rather than dead, but that blow she took to the head was quite severe looking. I’m going to try and heal it when she eventually wakes up.”


“She’s going to be killed when she learns what happened,” Atlas sighed, shaking his head. “At least we know that attack was purposely set upon us.”


“That was our suspicion anyway,” Clarissa cut in sharply. “If the attack was a complete accident, Kazran wouldn’t have turned into a monster or attempted to go on a mad killing spree. The Council are obviously cooking up some sinister plot against us.”


Atlas frowned. “My father is on the Council. He can’t have allowed this to happen…” he trailed off, holding his head in his hands. Isabelle put a comforting arm around him, sympathy in her luminous green eyes. Rune stiffened slightly, but said nothing.


“I think this was a whole big diversion to get to the Land Of The Lost faster,” Adele suggested, placing her white tea cup down on the oak table next to the armchair. “Your buddies in Nighthollow are obviously desperate to get the Phoenix’s Treasure back, so they’re quickening the pace. It’s one of those ‘hey, get moving, you’re not on holiday’ type things.”


Leon let out a short laugh of mild amusement. “Nice to see someone can crack out some humour.”


“She’s waking up!” Celeste cried, poking Luna’s head with one long finger. Rune leapt up instantly to check on her friend, who was actually stirring back to consciousness. Her pale blue eyes fluttered open like a butterfly unfolding it’s wings and looked straight at Rune. “What happened? Why do I ache all over? Why are we all still awake? What’s the time?”


The girl’s muddy brown eyes glimmered in amusement. “We should knock you out more often.”


“Seriously, my head is throbbing and I can’t feel my left side.” Luna groaned.


“Let me look at your head, then.” Rune instructed, flicking her long black hair over her shoulder.


Her friend obediently sat up, showing a minor wound on her head

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