» Fantasy » My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗

Book online «My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗». Author Shivani Sharma

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mischievously making me groan in annoyance.

“Why don’t you go and take a shower, while I pick up a dress for your date?” mom asks and, I nodded my head and walks towards my room. I put my bag on the couch, grab my undergarments from the closet, and walk inside the washroom to take a long, hot shower. I take my own time taking a shower enjoying every moment of it.

When I come out of the washroom, I see my friend rampaging throw my wardrobe.

“Hey, when did you come here?” I ask making her jump and, I giggle at her startled expression.

“Geeze, don’t scare me, like that again,” she said putting a hand on her heart to calm it down.

“Sorry,” I said smiling a sheepishly.

“Find anything for me to wear yet?” I ask her while drying my hair with a towel.

“Nothing yet, anyway did you told Mia about yo being Robert’s mate?” she asks me.

“No, I didn’t get the chance to tell her?” I said throwing the towel on the bed.

“So, when are you planning to do so?” she asks me.

“I don’t know, really,” I said to her and she looks at me with a look saying are you kidding me.

“I am thinking to have girls overnight at my house, on Saturday or Sunday, that way we can spend, some time catching up with each other and I will tell Mia about it, what do you think?” I ask her.

“Good idea, she will get a heart attack when she gets to know about you dating Robert,” she said with an evil smile on her face.

“There is no douth on it,” I said with a smile.

“Did you something to wear for her?” mom asks while peeking inside my room.

“Not yet,” Kanika said with a sigh.

“Thought so, but no worries,” mom said and enter inside my room with the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. it was a light golden, one-shoulder dress which takes our breath away.

“Wow,” we said at the same time.

“Do you like it,” mom asks smiling at me.

“I love it, mom, thank you,” I said and hug her tightly.

“Where did you buy this dress, Mrs. Ellwood?” Kanika asks her.

“I didn’t buy it, dear, I order it to my designer for some special occasion, but since it’s your first date, Alisha, I want you to wear it,” she said smiling at me.

“But, mom,” I protest but she cuts me off.

“No, if or buts, if I say you’re going to wear it means your going to wear it, that’s it,” she said with a stern expression on her face.

“Oh, mom, I love you so much,” I said and hug her gain and she hugs me back.

“Now, go and change your clothes,” she said handing me the dress and pushing me to the washroom. I come out of the washroom, wearing the dress mom gives to me and see a big smile on her face of my mom and friend. They hold my hand and, make me sit on the chair next to the dresser.

“Damn, you know I am jealous of you girl,” Kanika said while doing my make up.

“Why?” I ask her.

“You haven’t even completed your school yet and you already found your mate and going on a date with him,” she said doing me.

“Don’t give up yet, Kanika, you still have a chance to go on a date with your mate, when I met Logan we already have Sofia and Alisha in no time and the twins were on their way, he never takes me on a date until, and when he takes me on a secret date only to propose me to marry him,” mom said with a pout while doing my hair.

“Maybe, because I already want to make you completely and officially mine, instead of taking you on a stupid date,” dad said entering inside my room and standing near a door while smirking at mom and folding his hand near his chest. Mom blushes and looks away from him.

“Ah, Alisha, you are looking breathtaking baby, Robert is a lucky son of a bitch, to have you as a mate,” dad said smiling at me and walking towards me.

“Thank you, Dad,” I said smiling at him.

“Robert is here,” Sofia said entering inside my room.

“Wow, di you are looking gorgeous,” Sofia said smiling at me.

“Let’s me escort you to the hall,” dad said forwarding his hand to me and I take it and walk downstairs with my father and I feel my breath hitch when I see him. He wore a white tee with a maroon blazer and blue jeans. He has styled his hair perfectly, letting a few strands fall on his forehead as I like. He looked dapper and drool-worthy, talking with my brothers. He stands up from his seat, mouth hangs open when he saw me walking downstairs with my father.

“Close your mouth otherwise fly will get inside your mouth,” dad said closing his mouth, and then he walks and stands beside my brothers leaving me in front of him.

Camping with Robert

(Alisha P.O.V)

“You are looking gorgeous, Alisha, this is for you,” Robert said passing the bouquet of Rose.

“Thank you, and you have also clean up good,” I said smiling at him.

“Shall we?” Robert asks stretching his arm forward for me and I take it.

“Wait for a second, I want to take a photo of you guys,” mom said and walk to her room. After a few seconds, she comes with her camera in her hand and told us to get closer to each other and takes some photos of us. She also takes some single photos of mine and Robert.

“Robert,” I heard my dad call for him as we reach the door and we turn to see dad glaring at him.

“Yes sir?” Robert asks with a gulp while looking at him.

“Take care of my girl and I want her, home before midnight, did I make myself clear?” dad asks in a stern voice.

“Yes sir,” Robert said to him and we walk out of the palace and walk towards his car. He opens the door of the car for me, and close it when I sit inside the car then walks towards the driver seat. He starts the engine and drove to the destination.

“Where are we going?” I ask him.

“You just have to wait and see,” he said taking my hand in his and kissed me on the back of my hand. I laughed at him and replied with an okay.

The ride to our destination was filled with silence, but comfortable silence. After some time we stop near the forest.

“What are we doing near the forest? Are you planning to kill me and buried me in the forest so that nobody can ever find me?” I ask in a joking manner.

“I will die before letting any harm comes to you,” he said leaning towards me, he was so close to me that I can practically feel his minty breath on my face. I kissed me on my head and then gets out of the car. He comes towards my side and opens the door for me.

“Do you trust me?” he asks me, his eyes full of love and admiration.

“Yes, I do,” I said with honesty.

“Then turn around,” he said and I do without any complaint. I feel him put the blindfold over my eyes.

“Wait for a second, I will be back in a minute,” he said and I heard his footstep walking away from me. Then I heard, him opening the car backseat and taking something out from it.

“Hold it for me, please,” he said putting something in my hand. I hold it and move my hands around it and know it was a picnic basket in my hand. I feel him carry me in his arms.

“Robert, what are you doing?” I ask him shocked by his action.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, so I am carrying you to our destination,” he said holding me tight in his arms.

“What if any branches come in our way? How are you going to remove it from our way, when you were carrying me like this?” I ask him.

“Don’t worry about it, I have already taken care of it,” he said and kissed me on my cheek. I feel him, started walking towards our destination and I don’t feel any branches come in our way.

After some time, I feel him stop walking and he oh so slowly put me on the ground. He slowly takes the blindfold from my eyes. I blink a few times to get used to the light and what I saw takes my breath away.

There was a camp near the tree surrounded by two firepots on both the side of the camp. There was a heavy blanket inside the camp, with rose petals spread all over it and many pillows to help you lay down or sit on the blanket comfortably. In front of the camp was a beautiful lake, displaying the beautiful sky with sparkling stars and a full moon surrounded by it. I also see the fireflies flying around the forest.

“I know, it’s nothing much but, it’s all I can manage to do, I hope you like it,” Robert said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“I love it, Robert it is breathtakingly beautiful, I would be angry with you if you have taken me to a five-star restaurant for our date, you know when I thought what I expect from someone takes me on a date, this is what I expected from that person, and you come up with my expectation, ” I said smiling at him.

“I am happy that you like it, would you able to seat on the blanket or would you like me to bring a chair for you?” he asks me.

“I would be okay sitting on the blanket,” I said smiling at him and he helps me sit on the blanket and set the pillow for me making sure that I was comfortable on the blanket. Then he sits beside me and opens the picnic basket and arrange all my favorite food in front of us. He opens the champion and pours it into two glass, and gave me one glass.

“Cheers,” we said at the same time and touches our glasses and takes the sip of the champion.

“Would you like to watch some movie?” he asks me.

“Here?” I ask him reading an eyebrow at him.

“Yes, why?” he asks me looking amused.

“We are in the forest, Robert,” I said to him with a chuckle.

“So, what, all you have to ask me, and I will make sure you have that, no matter where we are in the universe,” he said looking deep in my eyes.

“Sure, why not,” I said smiling at him.

“What movie would you like to watch,” he asks standing up from his place.

“Isn’t it romantic?” I said after thinking sometime, he said okay and walk out of the camp. After 5 minutes, a wite curtain appears a few steps away from me out of nowhere. And soon I saw the production credits start playing in the curtain and soon Robert come and join me.

“I know it will not feel like a movie theater or home theater, but I hope it will do,” he said smiling at me and sits beside me. And

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