» Fantasy » My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗

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our room to have some rest and meet her at 3 pm in the living room. I drag myself to my room, and then to the washroom, as soon as a hot waterfall on my body I feel my stiff body relax and pain subsides a bit. I change in comfortable clothes and set the alarm and get inside the bed. As soon as I put my head on the pillow I was out as a light.  Training - 2


(This chapter consist all the knowledge about the supernatural world, nothing particular interesting read-only if you want to know about supernatural creature)

(Alisha P.O.V)

I wake up to my alarm going off, I shut it and get out of bed and look at the clock. I have half an hour, to show up in the living room for my training. I thought and walk to the washroom to wash my face and brush my hair and walk towards the living room.

"Good, everyone is here," mom said smiling at us but Josh cut her off.

"Mom, I hope you are not going to train us in the ground, because our body is still paining like hell," Josh looking at mom with hopeful eyes.

"Don't worry, I am not going to train you on the ground, but Miss Griselda will give you, theoretical training about the supernatural world," mom said smiling at us and we all sign in relief.

"Let's go to the theater it will become easy for me to teach you all there," Miss Griselda said and all of us except mom follow her. She turns the light on and attached her laptop with the projector. After some time, something appears in front of the screen.

"So, lets began, As you know there are many types of creatures in the world, as human, Lycian, vampire, werewolf, elf, mermaid, demons, angle, etc, every creature is different from each other, even Werewolf and Lycian even if they were counted in the same spices in the world, by its power and quality that spices contain," Miss Griselda said and a picture appears in front of us.

"The only same thing the supernatural spices contain is all the good five senses and guts feeling, which is their six sense, this is the main or the basic power that every supernatural species have, the only spices that not contain it is human and that is why the did not include in the supernatural world," she presses enter in her laptop and the picture appears in the screen.

"Werewolf is the human being who can convert into their wolf form, they like to lives in the pack, but some werewolf also is the rogues who did not have packs because they are banned from their pack, or their pack was extinguished in the war and they run away from the war, or they don't like to stay in the packs and create chaos for other packs. Their souls are divided into two parts which they call their soul mates, there are 7 ranks in their pack:

1. Alpha and Luna: Alpha and Luna are considered as the highest rank in the pack. Alpha is known as the leader of the pack and his mate is known as luna of the pack.

2. Beta and beta female: Beta is known as second in command, and his mate is known as beta female if alpha dies in the war and he did not have any successor to take over the pack after him, then beta will take over the pack.

3. Gamma and Gamma female: Gamma is the third in command and his mate is known as Gamma female.

4. Delta and Delta Female: Delta is known as fourth in command and his mate is known as Deta female.

5. Head warriors: The Head warrior is the head of warriors who train the pack warriors and handle direct the warriors in the war or attacks.

6. Warriors: The Warriors are the werewolf who fight during attack or war. Their main duty is to patrol the pack territory and protect the pack's members.

7. Last but not least. Omega: Omega is considered the lowest rank in the pack. Some of them decided to become healers, doctors, nurses, and maids but they still are known as Omegas.

Wolfbane is a poison hunter used to kill them. Hunter is the human being who goes hunting mainly rogues to protect themself from them. Werewolf is also allergic to silver, they get burned when they touch silver," Miss Griselda explain to us and give time to us to note it in our notebook, after that she changes the screen again.

"Lycian, there is no much difference between werewolf and Lycian. Like a werewolf, Lycian also life in packs, and have ranks and soul mates like them. But unlike werewolf that half shift in their wolf form. But they also contain some special powers and their senses are more power full then werewolf.

But the only gender that born in Lycian form was male, a female gender never born in a Lycian pack. But their mate can turn into Lycian when they complete the whole mating process, like claiming, marking, and mixing their blood.

It was forbidden for the werewolf and Lycian to change the human into their spices until they are their mates. Because they cannot able to handle the process of change and die and also because unlike them they can't able to control their beast in full moon day if they manage to live till they change." Miss Griselda explain to us and give us time to note it down in the book.

"Vampires, in the movie they have shone that vampire can not eat the food and survive only through blood. They can not able to go in the sun," Miss Griselda said and my vampire sibling snicker at that.

"Buts it's not true. The vampires can eat food and go in the sun without burning still ash. Like werewolf Vampire also have mates, they will know who their mates are when they feel pull towards them and wanted to suck them try when they were near their mate.

Humans can only be converted into a vampire when there is a red moon season. They also can only convenience the child in the red moon season. As a werewolf, they are also very possessive with their mate. Like a werewolf, vampire also has their beast inside the body, or you can call it the inner demon, its take over their body when they find their mate hurt or killed by someone.

They like to stay cocooned in their room with their mate and did not like anyone to disturb them at that season. In that season they only feed themself by their mate blood." Miss Griselda said and we note it down in our book.

"Elef, those creatures have pointed ears and were small in heights. These creatures were gifted with high senses with magic,"  Miss Griselda said to us.

"Demons, they used to leave in the earth in human form, many centuries ago until Roshan started to attack and capture them for their powers. After the war, they moved to their own realm and did not interfere in the matter related to the earth until ordered by the queen of all creatures, which is your mother," Miss Griselda explains to us.

"The same goes for angles, they also used to live here until an attack by Roshan. Yes, they have wings and magical powers, they folded their wings in their body until they needed them. They also make their own realm and moved there after the war and only appears here when your mom summons them," Miss Griselda explains to them.

"Mermaids, they were half fish and half-human. The leaves in their realm deep under the sea. They can turn into human form when they come out of the water to the shore, but they come into their real form if someone throws water at them if they didn't know to control their real form," Mis Griselda said to his.

"There are other shapeshifters to in the world, they are bears and Dragon shifter, they live in their community, in the mountains or caves, and the last but not least, witches and warlocks they are the human gifted with higher pain tolerance, fast healings had high senses with the touch of magic, they live in the cave in their coven and practice witchcraft like making potions and different type of spells for different things," Miss Griselda explains to us and tell us about few more creatures until it was time for dinner.

At dinner, mom said to meet her in the living room at 5:00 am for the training. After saying good night to everyone we go to our room and fall asleep.

New School project

(Alisha P.O.V)

I wake up with my alarm going off near my ear. I shut it and get out of the bed with a groan, still feeling sleepy. I walk to my closet and grab my workout clothes, then walk inside the washroom to get ready for the day.

It has been a month since mom and Miss. Griselda had started with our training, at first, it was tiring as hell but with each passing day, we get used to it. From Monday to Friday, we wake up 4:00 am, do training with mom, then go to school, after school, we have a few hours nap then we have trained with Miss. Griselda, then doing school work and studies and go to sleep after having dinner.

On Saturday and Sunday, we wake up at 9:00 am, do training with mom, then train with Miss. Griselda after lunch and an hour rest, then we have a whole evening and night to ourselves to do whatever we want to do. So at that time, we hang out with our friends.

After brushing my teeth and hair, and washing my face to drive remaining sleep away, I wear my workout clothes and walk downstairs and then walk towards the training ground, where mom was waiting for us, to start with our training. After training for one and half an hour, I walk back to my room to get ready for school.

After getting ready, I join others in the dining room for breakfast and leave for school. It takes half an hour for me to reach there. I park my car in the parking plot and walk inside the school. I walk to my locker and takes the book I need for my first period and my friends come and join me and we all walk to our class together.

After some time, the bell

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