» Fantasy » My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗

Book online «My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗». Author Shivani Sharma

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out at his place?" I ask my mom.

"Okay, you can go there but I want you all home before 10:00 pm," mom said passing the plate of pancakes to Sofia.

"Why? Tomorrow is Sunday right?" I ask her.

"Yes, but I have to start with your training," mom said taking a sip of her coffee. Oh, I almost forgot about it, but I thought she was only saying that because she did not want me to moved in with Robert.

"I was not joking when I told Robert father when he asks me for you to move in with them, there is a lot of things you need to learn, you're going to be the queen of werewolf world, which mean you were going to attain many councils meeting, where you will meet the alpha's daughter who will try to make you feel low, and try to seduce Robert so that they can rule by his side, you should learn how to face them, the things you learn from Griselda was not even one/fourth of it, I want you to be ready for anything and everything," mom said in a stern voice, this is the first time she has talked with me in this voice but, I know it because she is worried about me and wants the best for me and, I am grateful for it to her.

"Okay, mom, I will be here before 10:00 pm," I said smiling at her.

"That's my girl," mom said smiling at me. We finish our breakfast and me and my friends go to our room to take the thing we are going to need when we are at Robert's place. I call him and informed him that mom has allowed me to hang out with him but wants me to be home before 10:00 pm, he said he is okay with it and they are waiting for us at his place.

I walk downstairs with my bag to see all my friends and sibling are there with their bag in the living room waiting for me, we said goodbye to our family and drive to Robert's place. As soon as I get out of the car I was greeted with a bear hug from Robert's sister Olivia and mother.

"I have missed you so much, so had Alice," Olivia said while hugging me.

"Talking about Alice, how is she?" I ask breaking from the hug.

"She is doing just fine and so is the other orphanage children," Olivia said smiling at me. Then I produce her to my friends.

"So how long are you going to stay with us?" she asks guiding us inside the castle.

"Till, 9:00 pm, because my mom wants to start with my training, from tomorrow," I said smiling at her and she nodded her head at me.

"Robert, look whose, her," Olivia shouted for him. Then, I saw Robert coming outside of his room with a smile on his face. He runs towards us in inhuman speed and engulfs me in a tight hug, and then kiss me passionately.

"God, I have missed you so much," he said breaking the kiss and breathing heavily.

"But, we have met just two days ago," I said smiling at him.

"I know, but I still miss you," he said and kiss me again.

"So, what is the plan for today?" Jared asks clearing his throat.

"First why don't you guys settled in your room and after that we will think, what to do?" Robert said and guide us to our room and bring us all to his room.

"So what's the plan?" Anush asks us.

"How about Amusement park, it has been so long since I go there?" Olivia suggested to us.

"Good idea, I have also heard that there is a place nearby amusement park call paler, where we can play paintballs," Eva said smiling at us and we agree with them. After discussing for some time we had a full plan ready, first, we all go to the amusement park, then we go to the paler, and have so much fun while playing paintballs, we have made two teams there boys and girls team but since there are more boys then girls so we decided on two team Team A whose leader was Robert and team B whose leader was Jared and Ii off course was in Roberts team. And guess what we Win.

After paler, we go to the pizza hut because we all were starving and then visit Zoo and aquarium, after that, we go to the beach where we enjoy playing volleyball and enjoy taking a sunbath.

After the beach, we come to Robert's place to take a bath and get ready to hit the club. Some of us only have a few drinks since they have to drive home like me, Anush, Eva, Jared, and Robert while others were fully drunk by the time we head home.

We reach home at 10:15 and Jared and I drag our sibling to their room with the help of some maids and goes to their room and then tuck them in the bed after taking their shoes and high heels sandals off their foot and then walks to our room.

I grab my nightdress from the closet and get inside the washroom to have a hot shower. After getting dry and dressed, I get inside the bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was out like a light.


Training - 1


(Alisha P.O.V)

I wake up with someone trying to wake up, then I heard my mother calling me.

"Wake up, Alisha, we have to start with your training," my mon said while shaking me trying to wake me up.

"Five more minutes, please," I said and turn away from her. After some time, I feel a cold water slash on me.

"What the..." I yelled and sit up on the bed.

"Your awake, good, go to the washroom and get ready, then meet me in the living room, there is someone who wants to meet you," mom said smirking at me and walks out of my room. I groan and get out of my bed and walk to the washroom to get ready for the day. I decided to wear comfortable clothes which consist of my workout clothes and walk downstairs to the living room to see Miss Griselda is sitting on the couch and talking with my mother while having a cup of tea.

"Miss Griselda," I yell and run towards her, seeing me running towards her, she put the cup down on the table and stand up to hug.

"I miss you so, much munchkin, how are you?" she asks while hugging me tightly.

"I am fine, Miss Griselda, how are you?" I ask breaking the hug and sit beside her.

"I am fine, thanks for asking," she said smiling at me.

"So from Today, both I and Miss Griselda are going to train you," mom said to me.

"I will teach, how to fight and defend yourself, while miss Griselda will teach you about the supernatural world and how to act or behave when you are between the high ranking people and how to present yourself between them, " mom explains to me.

"But first let's go and have some breakfast," mom said and lead us to the dining room, we seat beside mom and one by one join us for breakfast.

"What's up? How comes sleepyhead wakes up early today?" Jared asks teasingly.

"I wake her up early so that we can start with her training today, and I also want you guys to join us," mom said and I smirk at them.

"Why? It's not we are going to move in Roberts pack," Aiden asks with a groan.

"Yes, but you will take over the kingdom when we retire from our position, so you need to be prepared for everything," mom said pouring a glass of milk for me.

"But won't it be too much for Miss Griselda to teach every one of us?" Josh asks mom.

"Oh, don't worry Joshie, I am sure Miss Griselda don't mind if you join us, do you, Miss Griselda?" I ask her.

"Of course not, I have taught a large number of students at the same time," she said smiling at me and I smirk at my siblings in victory while they glare at me.

"And I also want you guys to start going in council and other meetings with us so that you know what to do and how to do when you take over after us," mom said to us.

"But isn't it too soon for them?" grandma asks him.

"Not at all ma, Robert is 18 and he has already trained to be the king of a werewolf, he is coming to attend the council meeting and sometimes also takes part in it, by presenting their spices and taking part in decision making by telling us his view, the sooner we start with our children the sooner they get ready for their future," mom said to her.

"I agree with her, mom," dad said to grandma while smiling at mom.

"Dad, not you too," I and my all sibling said at the same time and soon everyone burst out laughing. After breakfast, mom said Miss Griselda to go to her room and take today off, while she trained us today. Then she takes us to the training ground.

"Okay, guys, let's start the training with whim Hoff, do the whole set 5 times," mom said clapping her hand in excitement, and snap her finger and a clock appears in front of us. We sit on the ground and started doing it. Mom gives us 5 minutes rest and tells us to do some screeching exercise. After that, she told us to do 20 laps in the training ground.

"But mom, my siblings are the vampires, it won't much time for them to complete it and they will not ever break into sweats," I said to her with a pout.

"You, underestimating your mother, Alisha, I know what I am doing, so trust me and start running," she said and we did the same. But as we start running it's like we are running on the treadmill, we are running with we didn't move from our place. We look at her with questioningly.

"Keep running, I will tell you when we are done," mom said smiling at us. We shook my head and keep running we run for what like half an hour.

"Okay, stop let's take a five minutes break," she said and we stop running and started panting while keeping our hands on our knees. When I look at my sibling they were also panting like me, and when I look at my mother with a question she just smiles at me.

"Alright 5 minutes are over, do 30 squats, 2o push-ups, after then takes 1o, minutes break," mom said and we started doing that. After 30 minutes we all take 10 minutes break. Mom snaps her finger and punching dummy appear in front of us.

She snaps her finger one more time, and the boxing gloves appear in our hands. We started punching the dummy, with mom guiding us. When we are done with that it was already time for lunch and we feel our whole body was screaming in pain like we were hit by the train.

Mom decides to end the training now and go for lunch. After lunch, she tells us to go to

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