» Fantasy » The world of Zin, John Boone [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «The world of Zin, John Boone [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author John Boone

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The Secret in the Woods

Chapter Two

Zoe awakens to a hard but steady knock on his door.
He gets up and makes his way toward the door.
When he opens it Kamota and the Prince burst through the door.
"Hey Zoe its time to go and from now on you can refer me to my real name Salander."
Salander says.
"Ok Salander so were are we going to head to first?"
Zoe asks.
"We are going to search deep within the forest"
Kamota says.
"Ok give me a few minutes for i must get dress and get my gear on."
Zoe says.
"Alright but hurry."
Kamota replies.
Salander and Kamota leave Zoe.
Zoe quickly runs into his dressing room and puts on his warrior garments on.
With a flash he grabs his wand and scimitar stuffing it tightly in its sheath that hangs on his back.
Out the door he flies to meet his companions.
Once out side Kamota speaks.
"We will head deep in the forest close to the Hill giants land but not to close for their very unstable."
Kamota states.
"Yes that is a good plan. Well lets be off the men my father promise are at the border we will begin the stragedy there."
Salander states.
The three hero's ride to the border line to meet with the king's men.
"Hello there Kargo and Raffin I thought it would be you two."
Salander says.
"Yes my lord so have you come up with a ideal on how we shall proceed?"
Kargo asks.
"Yes I and Kamota have decided to tread the land till we are deep within the forest near the hill giants land but not to close to begin a feud."
Salander says.
"Very good plan my lord."
Kargo says.
"Shall we be off the king was wanting us to be quick and swift for he fears the orcs are planning war."
Raffin says.
The five quickly ride out of the land of Zin and embark on their mission.
They travel far and wide into the forest.
They stumble upon a far wide empty field that was once filled with trees.
The field was destroyed and hacked into pieces and seems as if it was just done here recently.
"My lord what do you think happened here?"
Kargo asks.
"I honestly don’t know. My guess would be that the orc's are up to something.
Salander says.
"My lord we must hurry and see if we can put a halt to their progress."
Kamota says.
"Yes I agree we must hurry. Let us be off."
Salander replies.
They end the conversation and ride hard into the once filled field.
They ride till they reach the end and they spot movement in the woods.
In the woods were hill giants.
"Their far from their land."
Salander states.
"I wonder why"
Kamota says.
"I have a bad feeling about this master."
Zoe says.
"Should we advance and ask why their in our land?"
Raffin asks.
"That is our only option it seems. Forward march men."
Salander says.
They ride steadily easy towards the hill giants.
The giants see their approach and begin to enter into an offensive stance.
"I am prince of the kingdom of Zin. May i ask why you tread on out land?"
Salander says.
"We have run low on wood sources so we have begin to take little here.
The giants say.
"Very well can you pay for what you stolen?"
The prince asks.
"Yes here this should cover it now leave us to out work."
The giants say.
The giant throws Salander a huge bag of gold.
"Thank you."
Salander says.
They all ride off quickly and leave the giants and don’t stop riding till their far away.
"My lord that was fishy"
"Raffin says.
I must agree"
Salander replies.
As they begun talking 12 orcs jump out of the woods in a attempt to ambush the five hero's.
Stand guard and attack them quickly."
Kamota screams.
Kamota charges for the first orc with a striking blow.
The orc dodges it gracefully and returns the blow.
Kamota drops to the ground avoiding his death and slices the thigh of the orc.
The blow cuts flesh and begins to bleed heavy but the orc resisted it and struck back wounding the ground for his blow missed the mark.
Kamota hops up in a instinct and stabs hard at the orcs arm slicing it clean off.
The orc unable to move screams as Kamota hacks him into ground meat.
Zoe begins to use magic calling upon the power of wind in his mind.
Gusts begin to come and lift mud over the next orc blinding him for the time being.
The orc goes into a frenzy and begins to swing wild to avoid being killed.
Zoe moves past the unpracticed swinging and stabs the orc in the back but did not finish it.
The orcs vision returns to him and with this stabs for Zoe's heart.
Zoe dodges the fatal blow and comes up with his scimitar and bangs it against the steel of the orcs blade.
Sparks ignite from the powerful hit and Zoe calls upon his magical power creating a flame barrier around his blade.
The orc becomes startled by the power of Zoe's.
Zoe swings and the orc parries but is burnt by the intensity of the flaming blade.
Zoe catches him in a frozen stance and drives his scimitar deep into the orcs belly releasing the orc from his lifeless body.
Salander grabs his blade and slides it out of his sheath.
He then charges the third orc head on and bangs his blade against the opposing force.
The orc rebels and goes in for a chance to hurt Salander.
Salander see's an opening and thrusts his blade forward cutting the orc badly but not killing it.
The orc becomes angry and cuts Salander forearm before he retracts it.
Salander yelps in pain but continues on and slices the orcs face leaving a deep gash in its mouth.
The orc jumps back and begins spitting blood.
Salander takes this advantage and cuts the sword arm softly but deep enough to slow the orc.
The orc picks up his blade and swings downward towards Salander but his movement was to slow and weak so Salander knocks the blade out of his hand.
Salander pierces the orcs heart and watches him die.
Kargo goes after the forth orc and brings his great claymore and slams it had onto the side of the orcs blade.
The weight of the massive sword sends a tremble down the orcs arm.
The orc caught off by the massive swing leaves an opening long enough for Kargo to slice him in two.
The orc dies a painful and horrible death.
Raffin grabs his short sword and strikes hard for the orcs throat.
The orc parries it and knocks the blade away from him.
Raffin unready for that leaves his side wide open.
The orc strike hard and cuts the wound but not deep for he was unsteady.
Raffin moves to the orcs side and cuts the bicep of the orc and releases the blood flowing through it. The orc screams in terrible pain and falls in lost of blood.
Raffin takes his blade and cuts the throat of the orc for good measure and ends its miserable life for ever.
Zoe become's angry with the pain everyone was getting from the battle.
Something happens and Zoe begins to float.
"Zoe what are you doing!"
Kamota screams.
Zoe does not answer but instead sends a huge wave of fire upon the last seven orcs reducing them to ash.
Zoe begins to descend and lands on the ground.
Zoe faints into a deep sleep, sore and tired from the battle he had just fought.
The Unleashed power from within
Chapter three:
The group waits around Zoe's bed waiting for him to wake.
Kamota and Salander begin to speak.
Kamota do you have any clue on what happened out there in the battle?
Salander asks.
"No my lord what Zoe has done has never happened before.
He had so much power coursing through him and I had never seen it.
The power he releases though has happened before to those chosen in a bloodline of ancient mage blood.
By what the books told me all were extinct and the power was lost to the world forever.
I don’t know if Zoe could possibly the last soul survivor of his heritage.
It was strange that Zoe could be so talented though because it takes years to learn what Zoe can summon.
If he in fact does have the power in him though he will be the most powerful man in the world.
In my readings though it is hard to control the power which can make him use it not knowing for when he unleashed his power earlier today he was not consciously there.
The power causes the wielder to go into a berserk mode when using it.
So Zoe could in fact be a very dangerous person unless he learns to control his power.
Kamota states.
"This is amazing Kamota if Zoe can control his power he could save us from any treats that up rises.
But you Kamota must teach him to control his power if you are able.
Salander says.
"I will try if I am able."
The king reveals himself to the 5 men.
I have heard of Zoe’s new unlocked powers.
Kamota you must make sure he does not wield it carelessly.
Now I must hear of the news that you all learned in the forest.
The king says.
The group in detail tells the king of what took on in the forest.
They speak of the giants taking trees and of the gold they have given.
They also speak of the ambush and of what they believe to be true.
The also tell him of the enormous power that Zoe had wielded and of the seven orcs that were burnt to a crisp by its magnitude of power.
"I believe we do have a war coming.
Kamota see that Zoe learns to use his amazing power for we might have need of him when the battle comes.
The king say's.
"Yes my lord"
Kamota says.
Now all of you sleep for you do not to be weary in the morning Zoe will most likely be awake and then all of you train him to your capabilities.
The men go to their bunks and sleep deeply.
In the morning Kamota awakes and run's to Zoe’s house to see if he has indeed awaken.
Zoe was awake and was trying to recall on how he got home.
Kamota walks in without knocking and grabs Zoe in a tight embraced.
"Zoe my boy I was so worried I thought you would never wake from your deep slumber."
Kamota says excitedly.
"Master what happen to the orcs I cannot recall on what has happened."
Zoe says.
"Zoe I am going to explain it to you the best way I possibly can.
You have the ancient bloodline of mages.
The reason you can control magic so easily and so strongly is because of the power that lies in your sleeping body.

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