» Fantasy » The world of Zin, John Boone [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «The world of Zin, John Boone [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author John Boone

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and I would be so happy."
Zoe says excitedly.
"Great shall we begin."
Mo asks.
Zoe asks.
"Of course zoe we have limited time."
Po says.
"Oh alright then."
Zoe says.
The three move to an area were they had plenty have space.
"Alright then I will go first, zoe follow my movements."
Po says.
Po swiftly moves to the left with percised footing.
Zoe mimicks him perfectly shocking both po and mo.
Po throws a left jab faster than light and then raises his foot to a certain height.
Zoe does the same but falls back and land on his back.
Everyone begins to laugh.
"That wasnt bad zoe you matched me perfectly."
Po says.
"Yea till the end but still I dont understand but the movements felt so natural."
Zoe says.
"Thats amazing zoe it takes men years to learn but youve done so well your first time."
Po say
"Really you think so?"
Zoe asks.
"Of course zoe you truly are a remarkable man."
Po says.
"Alright it seems it is my turn zoe. are you ready?"
Mo says.
"Yes let us begin."
Zoe says.
Zoe and mo get into position
"Alright on this excersise were going to pratice strikes.
Just follow my lead."
Mo says.
Mo pushes forward with a soft but firm punch.
Zoe sees it and without thought moves to the right and swings his fist down knocking Mo's punch Away.
Mo twists and kicks hard at Zoe's side.
Zoe dodges and swings forward striking Mo's chest hard.
Mo gasps from the swing stunned by Zoe's strength but continues on.
Mo jumps and swings a kick and strikes Zoe's arm but Zoe shows no sign of pain.
Zoe didnt notice but Po and Mo did.
Zoe's eyes turned into what seemed as cat eyes.
Mo swung forward but Zoe with amazing flexibility ducked and came back up with a crushing kick Knocking Mo down.
Mo gives up and Zoe out of it returns to normal.
"Wow that was amazing the hardest fight ive ever fought."
Mo says.
"I didnt hurt you did I?"
Zoe asks.
"No but next time go a little bit easier."
Mo says.
They all laugh.
"Your eyes they changed Zoe is that normal?"
Po asks.
"I dont know I never noticed before."
Zoe says.
"Oh well still you were amazing.
Lets continue this tomorrow Zoe."
Po says.
"Alright then see you tomorrow."
Zoe says.
As zoe walks away he feels troubled about his eyes and decides to talk to Kamota about it.
He finds Kamota with Salander at the dinner party.
"Master may I speak with you and Salander?"
Zoe asks.
"Yes of course whats wrong?"
Kamota asks.
"Has my eyes ever changed form before?"
Zoe asks.
"Not that I am able to recall. why what happened?"
Kamota says.
"Well when po and mo were training me my eyes turn to those of a cats and I became flexible." Zoe says.
"Well then ill put the word in to find out if that is a part of your heritage."
Salander says.
"Alright thank you very much."
Zoe says.
"Now go eat before there's none left."
Kamota says.
Zoe says.
Zoe runs off to the tables to eat.
"Eyes that are like a cats?
Thats not common."
Salander says.
"No it is not but I do remember in old legends of those who controlled cat eyes were gifted with extream flexibilities and ended up bonding with the sabertooth giants."
Kamota says.
"Sabertooth giants?
Please explain."
Salander says.
"They are gigantic fierce animals gifted with size and power.
The old would hunt them but in result losing hundred of men.
The sabertooth resembles a cat including cat eyes."
Kamota says.
"Wow Kamota I am very surprised and you think Zoe have this power?"
Salander asks.
"Yes he has amazed me so far so it is very possible."
Kamota answers.
"What does this mean then should we put more research into the matter?"
Salander asks.
"Yes we should for my instinct could possibly be incorrect for my memory have faded over the years."
Kamota says.
"Yes of course I shall returned to the castle and put the order in goodbye Kamota and get some rest you need it.
Salander says.
Salander runs of to the castle and Zoe is almost finished with his dinner.
As zoe takes the last bite of his stew he feels funny as if something or someone was calling for him.
Within moments he begins to understand the words filling his head and was frighten by it.
"Young one I have seen you in my dreams we have become one you need to come to me."
The mysterious voice says.
"Who are you and what do you mean we are one?"
Zoe asks desperatly.
"I am a Saber Tooth and my name is Lina.
We are connected because you have the ancient bloodline of many hero's.
Your power is what makes us one and you must find me for I am locked away.
I am the last of my kind as you are Zoe.
I have been waiting here for you to discover your true nature Zoe so I must plead for you to find me."
Lina says.
"But how am I suppose to find you I dont have any ideal were to look."
Zoe says.
"I am located past the forest in the hill giants land Zoe in a temple carved of many faces.
Inside the tomb I will be underneath you must open the gates to set me free young one."
Lina says.
"When should I leave? and should I bring anyone to aid me?"
Zoe asks.
"Leave at dawn Zoe and bring a small band not large Zoe remember this for I must go I have grown weak."
Lina says
"Wait dont."
Zoe screams but it was to late the connection had been lost.
"I must go speak with master Kamota."
Zoe thinks.
Zoe runs past the men and the smell of sweat leaving the training grounds.
Zoe runs to Kamota house and beats on the door.
In a second later kamota answer's.
"What is wrong my boy?"
Kamota asks.
"Master there is a sabertooth named lina.
She spoke to me in my mind and said we were connected.
She has told me to travel into Hill Giants land and rescue her."
Zoe screams.
"Hold on Zoe so a sabertooth has called to you?"
Kamota asks.
Zoe says.
"When do we leave and ill fetch Salander."
Kamota says.
"Wait master arent you worried?"
Zoe asks.
"Zoe I knew I just wasnt sure if I was right.
But that is of no matter we must save her for she was right you two are one now."
Kamota says.
"She told me to leave in the dawn and set out towards the hill giants and come to a tomb of many carved faves and unlock the cell she is being held in master.
Zoe says.
"Then go rest Zoe I shall have all prepared just be ready to set of in the morning.
Good night.
Kamota says.
Zoe leaves still scared but does as he is instructed and goes straight home.
He opens his door and steps in and gets cleaned for bed.
With a thought of confusion Zoe falls silently asleep.
New Friendships Stronger Powers.

Chapter Six

Dreams of war and death hunt Zoe.
Men being taken from their homes and thrown into war.
Lifes taken away and children being slaughter mother's being ravished.
Zoe saw him in the middle of all the horror fighting side by side this most elegant and beautiful lion type creature.
Zoe was making the elements all around his bend to his favour and destroying the enemies.
But their were so many thousands and thousands Zoe begin to fear he could not win.
Zoe woke in a viloent shake at the beaming of light thourgh the window.
Kamota hadnt even woken him yet which surprised Zoe.
With a few moments of wandering around the room and getting ready Zoe hears a knock on the door.
Zoe opens the door and Kamota stood there with everything zoe could need and with Salander and Brian standing next to him Kamota motioned for zoe to step out.
Zoe did as he had been instructed.
"Zoe ah your awake already We are going to supply you with our arms for all the bravery you had shown during the ambush."
Brian says.
"Thank you so much for risjing yourself for me."
Zoe says.
"Yes it will be my pleasure to assist you on your quest."
Brian says.
"I to Salander prince of Zin will lay my sword to your use."
Salander says.
"Thank you so much."
Zoe says tearfully.
Zoe felt so happy with his comrades offering him their weapons he felt like he truly belongs for the first time.
"I as your master shall help you no matter what."
Kamota says.
"Yes so shall we be off?"
Zoe asks.
"yes let's make haste to the woods and then past the hill giants lands."
Kamota says.
The four get onto their horses and without waiting they ride off with haste to save Zoe's friend.
As they leave the gates the sun is shining brightly in the sky.
Zoe begins to wonder how the world could be so evil and beautiful at the same time.
All the evil the people could bring to such a beautiful place begin to anger Zoe.
He didnt like the fact that people did what they wanted and cared not for what they hurt.
Zoe anger slowly increased untill Kamota spoke.
"Calm Zoe I can sense the anger coming from your heart.
Be at ease young one what is wrong?"
Kamota says.
"Well master I do not know or see what makes people do such harm to sch a beautiful place.
I dont understand why people can kill without mercy or feel the pain they inflict.
Master it angries me how selfless people can be."
Zoe says.
They continue to ride as Kamota thinks of what to say to Zoe.
"Zoe people are evil by nature.
They do not understand or comprehand the pain they inflict.
People in general cannot control their actions that is why people can be so heartless."
Kamota explains.
"I understand master all I know is ill never be so heartless."
Zoe says.
Kamota replied.
The four continue on riding and Zoe with wonder kept watching the beautiful sun while being deep in thought.
Such horrors have come to claim the beautiful land that Zoe swore on his life to protect.
Never will he go back on his word for he felt as if it was his destiny to vanquish all evil.
The ride was a long way from their home and they havent even tocuhed the distince in the first few hours of their flight.
After many more hours of riding and Zoe daydreaming most of the ride they finally reach the hill giants land.
"Go quiet men."
Salander whispers.
The Four tred thourgh the land quietly and noiseless trying to cause no attention to them.
With a flash the four see a movement in a bush and out came many orcs.
Attack while we can."

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