» Fantasy » The world of Zin, John Boone [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «The world of Zin, John Boone [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author John Boone

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The prince's mistake

Chapter One

Zoe is a young hero the one and true last of his race.
With his skills and strong magic he and his friends are the only ones that can truly save the world of Zin.
In the world of Zin There is a deadly tribe that treaten to stomp upon the gates of Zin.
A great and amazing book One to enjoy.
Cunning traps and ambushes as these heros fight their ways out of enemy forces and stomp away the dangers that come to their peaceful land of Zin.

"Kamota are we going to the prince's aid once more master?"
Zoe asks.
"Of course we are my young apprentice for it is our duty as the kind king's servants to protect and all of those that are next to be crowned."
Kamota states.
"Of course master his son is very devious in his own ways though my lord."
Zoe replies.
"I understand but it is our duty young one."
Kamota states.
"Of course well then shall we begin to get ready master?"
Zoe replies
"Yes go into your room and be sure to get your wand and scimitar."
Kamota says.
Zoe leaves his master outside and walks into the building.
He undresses and grabs his garments and then redresses into his war armor.
Before leaving he puts his scimitar into the leather strap on his back and grabbing his wand he swiftly glides out the door to meet back with his master.
"Master I am ready shall we be off for the prince might have gotten himself into trouble my lord."
Zoe says
"Yes I fear that he has to So lets be cautious and ride hard to his aid."
Kamota replies.
They ride hard out of the kingdom Zin, and glide into the forests of the orcs.
They run through mud and limbs that are lying on the forest ground making lots of loud noises and begin to fear their being followed.
"Master I sense something."
Zoe hesitates.
"I also sense the presence of evil, Zoe."
Kamota replies.
Almost a second later the battle cry of the orcs sounded off and the next time the two realizes is 5 heavy and hairy bodies coming their way fast and hard.
"Zoe cast firaga and burn them to ashes quickly now boy."
Without a moments thought Zoe begins to chant loud and clear.
Zoe screams.
The flaming ball smashes hard on left hand side of the incoming targets burning two orcs to the bone toppling them over their horses saddle's.
Kamota charges in to kill what looks like the leader slicing his head from his shoulders in a strong and forceful swing.
At this moment the two orcs that remained begin to panic and begins to flee.
With the quick and precise movements a stranger appears and hacks down the last orcs with a quick snap of his bow.
The battle was over and the orcs destroyed.
Ahh I see it was wrong of me and my apprentice to not expect you too be able to fend for your self prince."
Kamota says.
"Yes I had them right were I wanted them but then more kept coming and coming and the four men I had have been all slain so I must ask you Kamota and Zoe will you accompany me and help me destroy the encampment about an hour ride from here?"
The prince asks.
"It would be our honor"
Kamota speaks up.
"Alright then shall we be off my prince?"
Zoe asks.
"Yes we should leave quickly"
The prince states.
They begin to ride hard to the encampment were the prince's men were killed in cold blood by the savage orcs.
The sky begins to darken and they can see a horde of orcs all gather around the camp fire in the middle of the camp site.
"Zoe I need you to take your wand and make the fire leap out and strike the orc forces that sit next to the fire."
Kamota says.
"Yes master. Firaga!"
Zoe says.
The fire leaps out of the fire place and burns the orcs killing 3 of the 7 orcs melting the skin to their bones and flesh.
The prince screams.
Kamota jumps off his horse and charges an orc head on and begins to duel with him.
The orc keeps his pace up and defends quite easily and then changes to the offensive.
Kamota the skilled swordsman he is takes this and strikes hard into the orcs side bringing a stripe of blood to the linen.
The orc yelps out in pain but does not surrender instead he goes into a rage and launches a strong but unsteady blow to kamota's side.
Kamota see's the blows mark and parry it with ease.
With the orc unaware of what just took place Kamota stabs the orc deep in the chest and kills him quickly ending the beat of the orcs heart forever.
The next orc comes charging at Zoe with his battle axe raised.
Zoe see's the next orc and parries him without taking the blow luckily.
Zoe raises his scimitar and cuts at the orcs torso but misses his mark.
The orc rebels dangerously and uses all his brute strength and cuts Zoe’s sword arm but not deep enough to mortally wound him.
Zoe stab's at the orcs chest and hits it dead center bringing a deep wound which causes the orc to yelp in pain.
The orc fall's in pain and gives the young warrior the chance to fell him for good.
Zoe takes his blade and slams it deep in the orc's chest ending him for good.
The prince begun to shoot arrows at the third orc and quickly topples him over with many arrow wounds in the orc chest which kills him quick.
The last orc charges for the prince and launches a spear towards him.
The prince grabs his short sword out of its sheath and parries the spear and run's toward the unarmed orc slicing its juggler killing it for good.
"Whew amazing fighting Zoe I have taught you well."
Kamota says.
"Thank you master and prince I was surprised that you've become so good."
Zoe replies.
"Thank you Zoe I must admit though you have become a very promising young warrior."
The prince says.
They all laugh and begin to set out for their kingdom of Zin.
On their ride back to zin they run past heavy terrain and began to talk.
"My prince I fear the terrain is becoming worse than normal many trees have been cut you don’t think the orcs have a plan do you?"
Kamota asks.
"If they do my father will destroy them we the people of Zin have become very powerful and I doubt the idiot orcs have the bravery to try to pull an attack off."
The prince says.
"I pray you are correct my lord."
Kamota says.
"I do too but we can only hope their not crazy enough."
The prince replies.
"So Zoe how have your magic been coming along?"
The prince asks.
"It have been very good I have learned to conjure fire, water, wind, earth, and sleeping spells thanks to the help of my master Kamota."
Zoe replies.
"Yes I agree your master is a genius of a man and very brave."
The prince says.
"Thank you for the kind words my king but I see the border gate and the castle gate shall we ride hard."
Kamota states.
"Alright Kamota let us be off."
The prince says.
They ride their horses hard towards the beautiful and peaceful gates of Zin an a dignified way.
On their way to the gates they see young men harassing a girl about Zoe's age.
"Master can we please help that girl?"
Zoe pleads.
"If you feel the need go Zoe show them to respect a young lady."
Kamota replies.
Zoe rides up to the men and the girl.
"I am Zoe ligert and I demand you to leave this woman alone now!"
Zoe demands.
The men laugh.
"And what are you going to do about it?"
They say.
"I will fight you if it comes to it."
Zoe states.
"Oh really now come on then."
They say.
The men pull out their short swords and begin on the offensive which was a big mistake.
Zoe begins to chant.
Zoe brings a flooding wave of ice cold water washing the now soaking wet men.
The men scream and begin to run off.
"If I ever see your horrible faces picking on the weak again I promise you I will not be as merciful."
Zoe screams to the men that fled.
"Well done my apprentice you have grown more than I thought and you are learning to do what is right I must say I am most proud to be your master."
Kamota says cheerfully.
The girl gets up from where see had been pushed down.
"Thank you very must Zoe."
She says.
She then runs quickly southwards.
"Well she must have had somewhere to be in a hurry. Well men let us be off then to my father's throne I must tell him of the increasing orcs so close to our homestead."
The prince says.
They then turn around and ride to the gates.
The solder’s seeing the prince had returned open the gates for the trio Quickly without any identification.
Once in the kingdom they had left their horses in the royal stables and begin to walk the mighty step's to the prince's father's throne to inform him of the unusal Sightings in the forest of late.
"Father we have come to inform you have the orcs movements in the forest.
They have been coming closer and closer to our peaceful home.
Komato and I have seen many trees cut and the forest has been put under a rough terrain.
Komato please tell the king of the worries you have."
The prince states.
"My lordship as we were riding I seen many changes in the woods and as the prince had said the forest has been utterly tampered with.
I believe in a certainly of my heart the orcs are up to some type of plan involving wood and boulder's for the forest supply has been stolen.
I believe that they are preparing for a surprise attack.
I do not know this for certain but my lord I do believe we should send spies or something to gather information."
Kamota says.
"Well now Kamota and my son this is quite a bit of information.
I am very curious now so I will send spies.
I must ask you three as king of this land, will you three and two of my best man go deep in the woods and find an answer to this."
The king asks.
"Yes father I vouch for these two men they will accompany me and the two best solder’s in your main guard.
When we have completed the mission we shall return with information.
Father please make your men ready by tomorrow morning for we must bathe and eat and resharpen out blade's for the battles we fought earlier."
The prince requests.
"Very well my son be ready to leave at dawn."
The king says
"Yes father."
The prince replies.
The three walk out of the throne room.
"Master I am tired may I go home and sleep my lord."
Zoe asks.
"Yes Zoe you go home and sleep I will come to wake you in the morning."
Kamota says.
"Ok master good bye."
Zoe replies.
Zoe goes home and gets in bed without undressing.
Using magic wears him down.
He falls deep in sleep.

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