» Fantasy » The Soul Hunters, Dee Carteri [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Soul Hunters, Dee Carteri [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Dee Carteri

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/> chapter 3
july 27th 2011 11.06pm

The rain was now easing up,it was more of a fine drizzle,the downpour was over.van raised his head skyward. A fine sheen of rain was upon his face,he looked out toward his fellow friends.he had a feeling that not all of them would be coming out but he would try with all his might to not let that happen.with that he raised his arms skyward “friends”he started to say “we stand at this most difficult time,but together I know that we shall be victorious,for I have and im sure that you do to,have faith in your fellow clan members”cheers erupted from the others.”LETS PUT AN END TO THESE VILE AND EVIL BEINGS,LETS SEND THEM BACK TO THE DARK ABYSS THEY CAME FROM”with that loud cheers went up.each member of the clan started to check their weapons,making sure there could be no jamming in the firing mechanisms,others checking there blades were sharp,there could be no mistakes now at this vital stage of the operation.plans had been set,the clan was now spliting up into there units,nods of exknowledgements were being exchanged between clan members.the time had come.
Hellman headed of with five clan members,true and loyal they would follow him to the ends of the earth,lie advanced with another five fighters,they headed towards a side door just of to the right.hellman proceeded to the back of the warehouse,it would take him a few minutes to be in position.van drago and the remaining fighters made there way towards the main door they would have to stand in the open for a bit whilst hellman got into place,that didn’t fade them in the slightest,they had been in this position on a few occasions.van knew that they wouldn’t have to wait long.
With that a whistling came threw the air,it was an arrow that was the signal that hell was now in place.van looked toward drago and then to the others”THIS IS IT MY FRIENDS,LETS SHOW THIS SCUM HOW WE DEAL WITH THERE KIND”with that they all drew there weapons,van booted the door in with so little effort,lie saw and with that she and her force entered the side door,unbekown to them hell had already gone in the rear door.van was scanning every area whilst drago check the high points just incase any of the scum were they walked in a bit further they passed a door one of the others went to check to see if it was locked,as they cautiously turned the handle and pushed the the door opened two figures jumped out onto the clan member,shots echoed through the empty corridor,the clan member managed to get of a few rounds but they overpowered him,blood was flowing from his wounds,drago was soon amongst,them her fighting prowess was exceptional,she dispatched the two vile scum with great ease,they didn’t stand a chance,van moved to the fallen member,his wounds were serious,”lets get him out of here”van said,drago nodded drago summond one other member and told them to take there fallen brother out.lie and her group hadnt come across any resistance as yet,they approached with lie and her group rounded a bend they could here some kind of murmuring coming from up ahead,something didn’t feel right to lie who with a clenched fist ordered her group to stop.”wait here”she whispered.with that lie headed on slowly,trying not to make a sound,with great stealth shecame within a few feet of the noise.she could make out about three or four of the vile she was about to move a sound echoed of to her right it was three more coming towards the group.that would make about six to seven of them now.with that she edged her way back to her group as she drew nearer she whispered”its me “.the group waited to hear what she had found.lie a breath”there seems to be a party of scum waiting for us”she smiled”lets not keep them waiting”and with that she held her rifle and patted it”lets not dissapoint them”with a smile she waved at the others to follow her but with great stealth,as they rounded the bend lie let out a yell”kill them all fight with all your heart”with that cries of joy could be heard.van halted in his tracks at the echoing sound vibrating down the empty halls,he turned to the others and said”lie has found some fun”drago looked at van and said “she has all the fun”a smile came upon her face.lie was fighting with an over whelming confidence that seemed to rub of on the others in her of the vamps got a shot of,which hit one of the group full on the chest,that slowed him down a touch,the wound wasn’t fatal as his armour took most of the blow,another was jumping at the shot clan member,but was caught short as another drove a stake straight into the vamps upper torso and as it fell to the ground it was blasted in the face,sprying blood and parts all over the walls,lie had dispatched two of the vamps with ease,she hadnt even got a scratch,the other clan members had downed another two of the scum,one had managed to escape.the vamps were dead and lie and her group had only picked up a few minor injuries.lie told her group to take a short break.she felt that some of them might need it.
Van and his group were making small inroads.there were many barracades that were placed in there way,they were taking time to dismantle them without trying to give themselves away.after a few hours and after a lot of moving things they came upon a fork in there path.drago looked at van and said”which way do you want to go”van stood looking from left to right,”decisions decisions”he said and a raised smile came upon his face,drago had never seen van like this before in all the time she had known him.”ladies first”van said to drago.”do you think it wise we split our group”came her reply.van looked at her,”your not scarred are you”van smiled.”scarred,me don’t talk crap van”they both exchanged a smile.”ill go left then”van said “ill go right”replied drago and with that5 drago and four of the group headed right,van turned and said “be careful””you too”she said.drago and her group walked for about ten minutes,slowly and quietly,checking every room with great care not to miss a thing or anybody.they hadnt meet any resistance at all,van on the other hand had met with some resistance.he had lost one of his clan.they were ambushed by five vamps,one of the group was over whelmed,he didn’t stand a chance,he was torn to shreds in a few minutes,his body was laying in a pool of blood,but it wasn’t all his,van and the others had slain the vamps and mutilated the bodies,they had decapitated and rip of the limbs of the vamps.van stood over the dead clan member and said”my fallen brother,may you sleep sound and see the ones you loved once more go in peace”the remaing members bowed there heads.
Hellman was now in a large room,there were doors of too the right”be wary me friends,this smells like a trap,be on your guard”the group nodded in reply,hellman pointed to the others to spread out and to be prepared,hellman looked around he couldn’t see there be any vantage point from above,so there could be no fear from a attack above,hellman knew that an attack was iminent,he had enough experience to know it was coming for him and the waiting was pleasurable to say the least.. Hell stood ready and waiting for whatever was going to come through those doors. His weapon at the ready, his heart rate slowed as he stood calm and collected, he had been in this type of situation to many times for him to remember.
He looked at his group of clan members, with a look they all knew instantly to be ready. “Whatever we shall face, we shall overcome it as one “he whispered “fear not my friends, because fear shows weakness and these vile scum will pick up on it”. The other group members looked at Hell and understood what he meant, they were ready as always.
They didn’t have to wait long as a group of around seven vamps came crashing through the two the first two entered they were dispatched with eloquent ease and of Hells group had somehow got themselves cornered by two of the vampires, it was only the quick thinking of one of the group, that managed to save the other from certain fate of death. Hell stood his ground and he fought with such sublime grace and style. The first vampire he encountered didn’t stand a chance, his head was taken from its body before he even noticed, with one great bound Hell was now facing his second adversary.
The other group members managed to dispatch the others, back to where they had come from, the dirt .they turned towards hell now watching in amazement and the slender of how Hell was now toying with the vampire that stood before him in his way. He was inflicting great pain on this one, he chooses his attacks wisely, he didn’t want to kill this one straight away, and he wanted him to suffer. But deep down Hell knew that vampires felt no pain. The vampire tried fighting back, but with little effort “I grow tired of this “Hell said aloud. “You won’t prevail hunter, we are many “said his vampire foe. With that hell decided he was bored of toying with this vamp and ended his undead existence with one attack.
The vampire exploded, bits of it that were left went flying everywhere. A speck landed on Hells jacket, he looked at it and with a stiff hand flicked it onto the floor. Hell turned to face his group “everyone O.K.”, he asked. The others nodded “Just minor injuries” one of the group replied “can you all continue “Hell asked. “We will fight till we die “came the reply from the others, with that Hell lead his group through the right hand door and they carried on their way.
Drago and her group made their way slowly and with great caution up the corridor, they were checking every room on their way. They walked a few feet more when all of a sudden drago raised a fist into the air, with that the others stopped dead in their tracks.
Drago made a sign which they all understood. Each one headed for the nearest cover they could find. “What is it “one of them asked. “Voices up ahead”drago replied. “I’ll go check it out and when you hear me call come running “she said with a hint of a smile on her face.
Drago made her way with great style and grace, weaving in and out of the junk, trying very hard not to make a single took her only a few minutes to get close enough for her to finally see what was making the noises she had heard.
Three vampires were standing in the way, one of them kept coming in and out of the shadows.drago knew that she could take all of them, but she was thinking should she wait for the others. “What the hell “she whispered to herself, “You only live once2she continued. With that she leapt from the dark at the nearest vamp and with style she killed the first vamp before he had known what had happened. Blood sprayed all over the place, as she turned one of the
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