» Fantasy » The Soul Hunters, Dee Carteri [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Soul Hunters, Dee Carteri [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Dee Carteri

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other two vamps manage to get a lucky strike in,drago yelled a shrill yell,but it wasn't because of the wound it was because she felt so stupid as to let one of them get a very lucky strike on her.
The other three members heard a cry and with that they left the safety of cover and headed towards their comrade. Unbeknown to them, drago didn't need any help at all. The other two vamps never posed much of a challenge for her, she killed both of them with great ease, as the other members of her group finally made it to where she was, all they could see was drago standing there, blood everywhere and vamp bodies lying in many pieces, they all stood staring at her. “what took you so long “she said2we got here as quick as we could “one of them said “but looks as though we weren’t needed anyway “he continued.drago looked around and said “guess your right “a raised smile came upon her face. The others looked at each other and smiled.drago wiped the blood of her mask with her sleeve, as she did so she noticed the blood about her feet and on her clothes, “that’s gunna be a bitch to get out “she said, a small laugh escaped her. With that she led her group onwards, taking care as they went.
Van now stood at a crossroads with the remaining members of the clan. Which way to go he thought to himself. Van signaled to one of his group “go to the left and scout ahead, but be careful “he said. With that the woman nodded and headed of in that direction. Van turned to the others and told them to rest “it may be some time before we get another chance to “he continued.
The other members looked for places to rest, they knew van was right, nobody knew when they would rest next or even if they would get out alive. Van stood in the center of the crossroads looking down each corridor in turn, keeping a tight vigil. He would stand his ground and face anything that might come his way.
He was a tall, proud and very noble man, he had lead his clan into many a battle and he would never ask them to do something he wouldn't do himself and for that reason he had the respect from his fellow clan members.
The scout had now been gone for about thirty minutes. She was making her way down the corridor, taking great care so as not to give herself she was approaching a bend, she could make out voices in the distance. She stood fast trying to see if she could make sense of the voices that she could hear. The voices were now getting closer, so with that the scout decided it was time to make herself scarce. She moved back the way she came, she didn't rush as she didn't want to give herself away. She moved with caution, stopping every so often to hear if by some chance she hadn't given herself away, but as yet she was quite safe.
It took her nearly forty minutes to get back to van and the main she approached she could see van still holding his stoic vigil. “what’s wrong “van asked her, as she made her way towards him”voices”she replied “I don't know how many there are “she replied panting hard “headed this way “she continued “how far away do you think they are “van asked “maybe twenty minutes “came her reply. “Go rest my friend, tell the others to stand too “with that the scout nodded and fell back down the corridor telling the others to stand too.
“This is your time my friends “van said to the other clan members, “take up your positions and fight as well as I know you can and we shall come through this “he told them. They looked at van and they started to go and get into position, one of them turned to van and said “are you to take cover “van looked at him and with a raised smile replied “I shall stand fast and lure them in my friend, be ready for my call”. The man looked at van and moved off and got himself situated.
All the members were now ready and waiting for whatever was coming. Van stood arms folded, after about fifteen minutes he could now hear the voices as they approached, they weren’t loud, they were quite soft, a dim chatter. What was coming and how many he thought to himself, but at the back of his mind he didn't care because he had faith in his fellow clan members, and he knew they would fight and if it meant their death then so be it.
The group that was approaching was ever so near now. Van looked off to his sides and saw that the men and women of his group were ready for anything.
Van could see shadows in the dimly lit corridor; they were now no more than ten feet away. Just as van was about to shout out the command to attack he stoppedhimself, there was something odd about this group, he strained his ears and it was lucky that he did, for he recognized one of the voices.” You should have said you were coming “he said into the darkness, “you were nearly, how can I put this, slaughtered “he carried on saying, “meet much opposition on your travels” ”what do you think “came a reply. Van looked around him and told the others to stand down.
Drago was now in full view of van and the others.drago turned to her group and told them to take a rest “nice colour”van said “suits you “he smiled”thanks, I thought it looked good at the time, but I'm not sure now”drago replied “have you heard anything from the others yet “she asked “no not yet “van replied. “Take a rest “van told drago, she went and sat down leaning up against a wall. Van came over and asked how much opposition she had faced,drago told him not much, only three and how she sent them back to hell, hence that was why she was covered in blood.
Van looked and nodded, but as he looked he noticed that she had deep lacerations on her arm.he called over one of the group who had some medical training. He told him to take a look at the wound and to clean it and bandage it up.drago removed her armour, then her jacket, so as to let the medic have a look at it.after a few minutes the medic had finished and drago had replaced her jacket and armory.
Van looked at her and asked “you feel fit to move out” ”just you try and stop me”drago replied “here take my hand “he extended his hand, drago took it and with that van helped her up.”Thanks”drago said “no problems “came vans reply, they both stood with the others gathered around them, they peered straight ahead “let’s move “van said and with that they started on their way again.

Chapter 4
july 28th 2011 1.08am

The scout went ahead taking care to keep in the shadows. Stopping whenever he heard or even sensed movement ahead. After what seemed to be longer but was in fact ten measly minutes he stopped dead in his tracks, he could just make out movement he stared into the dimly lit corridor, he wasn't sure what was in front of him and he didn't want to know either but still he made his way gradually, as he got closer he noticed that up ahead was blocked off but not with debris but with dead bodies. This must be where there keeping the people they had been feeding on as he walked closer he noticed the many faces of the people he had but a few nights ago seen on the news described as missing g the visions of the crying relatives came flooding back to him but he continued to stay focused on the job at hand the bile of disgust rose through his body at an intolerable rate he just couldn't take in the sight before he continued looking at the sight of this atrocity that was in front of him he never heard the two vampires that were now upon him. They grabbed at his arms and pushed his face down into the ground, he tried to struggle but to no prevail they had hold of him tightly and the only place he was going was with them.
They picked him up and disarmed him and stripped him of his armory. “the master will be pleased “one of them said “we better take care to get him to the master in one piece” the other one said, “we best make sure when we get him there, there’s not a scratch on him or the master will blame us” the first vampire continued. He may think we fed upon his scrawny body” the second vampire replyed.they looked at each other you could literally see the fear on their faces.
The scout was just about to shout, but as he went to open his mouth a fist hit him square in the chin knocking him out the distance van and the others were making their ways down the corridor.drago turned to van with a look he was so use to by now “the scouts not left a marker for a while now van, do you think everything’s ok “ van looked and placed a reassuring hand on the small of her back and in a hushed voice replied “yes it is worrying drago but I'm sure everything is well he may have just come across a little trouble and just blended in with the shadows till it passed try not to worry babes” drago just looked at van, but van was feeling exactly the same as drago was he just didn't want to say it out loud.
To the left side of the warehouse hell and his group were making head road they had not come across any resistance, which was a little boring for hell but he knew there was more to come so it made the journey more enjoyable. His group was now resting; hell had told them to rest they had deserved it.
The scout was now coming to his head was pounding, his vision was groggy, he hadn't got all his senses back as yet, he could just about make out many voices they were bit incoherant,as his vision was clearing he could see around him, there must have been at least twenty vampires,standing,staring up at something or someone. Then from next to him he heard “we got one my lord “the voice said. “You did well “came the voice in reply “he might be able to tell us just how many we face “another voice said “maybe but I have other plans for this one “the distinctive voice replied. “you are awake “the tall robed figure said “I have plans for you, don’t worry none shall harm you “he continued to say with that he pulled the scout up with one strong arm and held him aloft for all to see “none shall harm this one “he spoke out to all his followers “any who do, shall have me to answer too “as he finished, all of his followers bowed their heads in acknowledgement. “the robed figure looked at the scout and said”see”he turned the scout to face him “you are quite safe for now “he smiled at the scout and dropped him to the floor, where upon landing on the hard stone floor the two vamps grabbed him and restrained him once again.
Lies group were now heading down a long corridor, it
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