» Fantasy » The Soul Hunters, Dee Carteri [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Soul Hunters, Dee Carteri [interesting books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Dee Carteri

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Prologue June 27th 2011 9:38pm
Van HelsingIII looked pleased as we all assembled into the field behind the old worn down warehouse. Stood next to him was his second in command Hellman. As the last one crept along the field I did a head count 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..25 that’s all there was, who needed more we were strong,together even alone nobody could stand against us.
Here we were, stood outside this shabby worn out warehouse not knowing what was inside, but as I said together we were strong, and whatever was inside we would face it together.
We would conquer.
Death had no influence over us all, we would be victorious. We all understood there would be casualties in this up and coming battle, but as long as we stood firm we were as one, nobody or nothing could overcome us.

Chapter one
June 27th 2011 10pm

The rain was falling down heavily the sound of the rain was echoing off the tin roof. The smell of death so rigorous in the air, the slight sniff caused the back of my throat to sting, there was also the slightest distinction of perfume too, there had been humans here before us there had been a lot of destruction in this part of town tonight and now it’s time to put a stop to the sleaze bags once and for all.
VanhelsingIII stood tall and proud at the head of the group. He was surrounded by his two commanders Hellman and Drago, along with his three senior officers DirtyAddict , Lie, and the Intel officer Roo.
Roo was waiting to pass on the information he had gathered about the wearhouse, the layout, where the enemy might be situated as well as the exit doors the last thing we needed was something escaping through another door. I could tell by the look on VanhelsingIII stern face he was weighing up the information Roo had passed over would this Intel be enough to sway the battle in our favor "i didnt get much of a look inside he has henchmen on watch through the day. But from what i can see we stand a good chance with this one ,just like the wearhouse the other evening it only has one exit door at the far side theres no roof top for quick exit so the action will all be awaiting inside, if i am correct i counted 33 vampires entering the wearhouse 2 hours ago, the numbers may outweigh ours but many are very young probably with not alot of expeirience behind them and unfortunatatly thats all i have on this experdition"he nodded his head at van and fell back in line .
The other officers were standing around waiting with intent to hear how this battle would be won, would it require stealth or would it be the old fashioned all out frontal assault.
VanhelsingIII turned to his force and with an air of authority, he spoke "My friends ,my compadres here we stand together again united ,this may be one of the toughest battles we have ever had to face the numbers out do us, but together we shall vanquish whatever may be waiting in there for us. Stay sharp and let’s lock and load and blow them out the water we will walk away from here knowing we have vanquished yet another dark source into abliteration. He turned back round to Hellman and placed his hand on his shoulder "it’s time hell" Hellman turned to face us next and we all knew what was coming "now let’s get in there and killem" All three commanders stood in the front followed by the senior officers and Intel behind us and the others stood behind them I envied the coolness and collectiveness of the other two commanders they were two guys who laughed in the face of fear and the confidence they showed in there force was admirable we all knew with these leading we would all come out on top we had faith nothing would ever be too much for us as a group to handle. I stood next to Hellman ,i turned my head to the side to look at hell and and van like i did before every battle , they both in responce turned there heads in my direction and gave me a nod of acknowledgement ,this was our way of saying without words to cover our backs and make sure we all get out alive ,van and hell both had such an air of mystery surrounding them , but anyone who knew them understood the burning fire that grew inside of them before every fight before i joined them they had been best friends but it made me wonder about their histories and how they had managed to get together such a powerful band of people,what had drove to this and was it for the same reasons i had became a hunter a long time ago.
He commanded an air of expectation aswell you see every member of the clan he had hand-picked one by one because he could see the potential in every single one of us. Question was how had he found them all,was it in the same way he had found me almost a year ago.VanhelsingIII raised his hand into the air, the clan members who had been speaking fell silent "my friends we have come here today to vanquish whatever evil dwells within it ,it may be as I said a hard drawn out fight, but there are no other people I would rather be standing strong with than all of you. A sudden cheer resounded through the once silent night, he lowered his hand and the clan fell silent again.
"We shall be victorious ,I have faith in every single one of you, make whatever awaits inside pay for their misgivings I know some of us have our own reasons for wanting them dead but don’t let that misguide you to think you are alone we are as one with the many numbers we have become ,raise your voices loud and proud, let them know we do not fear them “he continued “sing ,sing ,sing my friends ,let the heavens hear us and let hell know we are coming " with that we all raised our voices and sang with all our hearts.

Chapter Two
July 27th 2011 10:30pm
The sound of the singing, echoed through the desolate warehouse corridors, the enemy inside could hear the song. Some of them looked at eachother,some were starting to feel the fear rise inside of them, some were even trying to break away from the main group and trying to find a way out of the situation there leader had now put them in .
A yell came from the dark said "stand fast don’t let this infernal racket scare any of you, tis but words with no meaning, can’t you see they are trying to install fear into you.
"What are we to do my lord" a tiny voice from the back of the group responded. The dark cloaked figure raised his head; a set of deep red crimson eyes glowed in the dark.
"They know not what they face or by how many". “Yes but my lord these are worriors with no fear they laugh in the face of death and will stop at nothing to be rid of everysingle one of our heads. they took out my cousin a few evenings ago in a wearhouse just like this one they simply demolished it withing minutes and the numbers were as great as ours do not give these men false hopes when we stand infront of these inspiring worriors and there fear of steel" the dark cloaked figure turned away from him to his closest commanders if this is the end of me my closest friends avenge me when you can" "I will my lord they will wish they were never born “and with that the small figure turned and faded into the darkness.
The dark cloaked figure ushered for his lieutenants to his side and he issued each of them with orders and as he did they would bow, turn and go. The cloaked figure turned towards the clan, he summoned 20-30 of the clan before him. Four other smaller groups broke of and headed in different directions, they would be the ones that would try and pick off as many of the enemy as they could. And would pay for it with their lives.
The trap was now in the throws of being set and it would just be a matter of time before the battle would begin and death would be the only victor for one of the battling clans, but for which one.The dark figure turned and with that he summond ten of his best fighters to come with him as his own personel body guard,”we shall find a vantage point,and when the time is right you shall all fight for your lives beside me”,”we are truly honored my lord”came the reply from his loyal subjects,with that they faded into the dark.the four groups that had broken away from the main group were now heading to their respected locations,where they would now wait for the oncoming battle.the singing from outside was seeming to subside,those who had been around for some time knew that this was the beginning and maybe the end of them.

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