» Fantasy » The Daughters Of Chaos: The Prophecy, Crystal D. Rosado [the beginning after the end novel read txt] 📗

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bathroom, because all those times I used it to call him. Why do think I say I hate him all the time, its completely opposite ,I’m head over heals for him. Are you that dumb, I was using you to get him jealous . Why cant you face the facts it was never him I hated it was you. It was you Taylor, I really wish I didn’t have to tell you this way but you push me to far to the edge‘’. more tears were ready to roll from my eyes but I fought them back with a cocky smile on my face. It kills me inside to see on his face right now how much I was hurting him. I looked at his face and a single tear rolled down his face, that said it all. He hates me now. He sat forward and slammed his fist on the table and spoke ‘’ so all this time you were lying to me, using me to get to that jerk. This is pretty low dawn, I would expect it from Carla or Maryanne but not from you. I don’t know if were you come from they treat their friends like crap ,but I guess that’s it your not from just anywhere, you blend in just right with all the other pathetic people who enjoy making everyone else’s life a living hell. I hope you and Derek are happy together, but when things fall apart don’t come crying to me, because for once since you’ve been here I wont be here to wipe away those pretty little tears of your’s’’. I couldn’t hold my tears back anymore they just came down one right after the other. He looked at me and I realized that he knew I was lying, but didn’t want to lecture me about it anymore and picked up his bag , but before he could walk away, the huge floor to ceiling windows shattered all around us. I stood up and threw my arms in front of me, but Taylor dropped his bag pulled me into his arms and shielded me with his body. We were both knocked to the ground by all the people running for shelter. I push Taylor’s arms off of me and looked around the café, there was glass everywhere but lucky no one was badly hurt, except Taylor who was hit on his shoulder pretty hard by a of flying cement brick. ‘’ oh my gosh Taylor are you ok, let me help you..’’. He cut me off mid sentence.“ No, don’t touch me , I’m fine just stay down stupid’’. I guess he’s still pretty mad ,but I couldn’t I took another look around the café and realize to figures were standing a few feet away from were me and Taylor were knocked down. At an instant I recognized who they were. Ileana an evil sorceress princess a soul tainted of pure evil and Adam, my psychopath ex boyfriend , also know as Ileana’s older brother . It’s a long story, trust me.
‘’it cant be , what the hell are you two doing here?!”.
A crooked smile formed at the corner of her mouth. ‘’ well if it isn’t Dawn Elizabeth Chaos, the bad mouthed little sister of the four elementals. What are you doing so far from home princess, especially with out your big sisters to help you or your brothers, I was hoping to see Abraham .How is he?’’.
‘’Nothing that concerns you mongrels. By the way my brother hate’s you and would rather carve his eyes out with spoons then look at you again. He totally thinks you’re a psycho princess with the brain of an ugly stupid old troll , me I just think you look like and ugly stupid old troll’’. she looked pissed ‘’and for your information troll I don’t need to be baby sat all the time. Unlike you who has to travel everywhere with a sack of shit trailing behind you all the time , I can take care of myself ’’. I looked at Adam and smile my devious little smile, he threw me a dirty look and growled . Taylor looked from me to her.” Dawn what’s going on, how do you know her, and why did she call you princess?’’. he looked form me to her. ‘’let me guess something else you forgot to tell me about your self. Your some princess from some far away galaxy and you came to earth to have a normal life?!”
I kicked him in the back of his leg. ‘’no stupid I’m…’’ Ileana cut me off ‘’ close but not quite there yet honey. Your girlfriend here isn’t exactly who she says she is’’. he snorted ‘’no shit…and she’s not my girlfriend!’’. I hit him again to shut him up. ‘’so looks like she hurt you pretty bad didn’t she. well let me fill you in on a little secret , Dawn here isn’t just a princess, she’s a half breed’’. he looked confused now. ‘’what the hell is a half breed?’’ Ileana came closer. I stepped in between them , but then Taylor got up and push me aside to hear what she had to say. She smiled then kept talking. ‘’ well a half breed were I come from is sort of a abomination. She’s half vampire and have witch. Its why she can survive a few days without food or drinking any blood. She’s a freak you might say’’. he froze in place. I walked to his side to see his expression. ‘’you see she is unique because she is the only one of her kind, all her brothers and sisters came out to be either a vampire or witch. Not her, she was gifted with the power of both. She’s part of some big prophecy that one day a grate sorceress would react havoc upon our world, so she and her guardian would be the only ones to stop this sorceress. you see I’m the evil sorceress she and her guardian are suppose to stop .Anyways this prophecy wouldn’t stop me for anything in the world , once I’ve drained her of all her power and taken care of her precious guardian, I would rule all of the seven kingdoms’’. I stepped closer. ‘’shut up you troll , leave him out of it, this has nothing to do with him ‘’.She sneered at me .’’ of course it does isn’t he Taylor lautner , the young prince that was kidnapped from the kingdom of Fos, your precious guardian. Which in fact makes him a threat to me’’’.
‘’ how do you know..” .Ileana interrupted him and walked closer. ’’ I know everything there is to know about you thanks to dawn”.
He looked at me. “ what is she talking about?’’.
Then I looked at Ileana.‘’ now I think its time for you to stop talking troll’’.
‘’ call me troll one more time and I’ll personally break each and every bone in your body”. I raised my hand to hit her in the face, but didn’t notice Adam come to my side so fast. He held up a silver dagger to my neck and grabbed a handful of my hair, and began to whispered in to my ear “ wow its as if it was meant to be, us here together. you just can’t stay away from me can you?!.’’ He presses the blade harder to my throat. “ its just like old times. I remember our last date , it was quite interesting, so vividly striking wouldn’t you say Dawn”.
“Now here we are in a somewhat similar situation, it’s a déjà vu sort of moment, except that its you who is about to die not your mother. she‘s already dead, thanks to me”. I can feel the hot energy tingling at my finger tips. he tilts my head back and kisses me at the corner of my lips. I struggled against his grip. ”it’s a pity you have to die, your so beautiful, just like your mother”. he laughs to him self as if it was funny. Taylor turns around and spoke‘’ is it true , everything she’s telling me right now, is it true dawn?‘’. I couldn’t breath.‘’ I was going to tell you sooner, but I thought if I hurt you ,you wouldn’t have any reason to know. I would go back to my world and you would live here in peace, I’m sorry, I really am’’. He closed his eyes.’’ I can’t believe you kept this from me, how long did you expect you would keep this from me?’’. I tried to speak but Adam pulled on my hair harder, I groan in pain. ‘’listen their’s no need for you to get rough , so let go of her now!’’. Ileana stepped in.
’’isn’t this what you wanted . For her to be punished for lying to you’’. he shook his head’’ no , so get your filthy hands of her’’ He stepped closer. Adam looked at his sister, Ileana nodded once .Then Adam pulled on my hair harder to expose my neck then glided the dagger sharply against my neck cutting me just enough to feel the warm blood trickle down. I scream in pain. At the moment Taylor swings his arm towards Adam to knock out the dagger, but Ileana grabbed his fist at first swing and threw him towards a cluster of chairs on the floor, he goes down face first.
” Taylor!”. I tried to go to him but then Ileana got to him first Grabbed him by the throat and threw him across a table hitting the wall with a bang. ”you troll, your going to kill him”. Ileana ignores me a walks toward Taylor’s half conscious body. She turns him over and picks him up by his shirt and slams him on the table so hard I heard something crack. He groaned in pain.
‘’ Now listen to me Taylor , I’m only going to say this once, stay out of my way or the next time I promise you it will be the last time you see the light of day. I was hoping we could be friend but seems to me your one of those guys who takes matters into their own hands’’.
then she walks away and come towards me and Adam. He holds me tight, so close I can feel the heat from his chest and the beating of his heart. I can see from behind Ileana Taylor getting up and walking the same direction. He looked horrible, he was bleeding from his right eye brow and bottom lip. He had a bruise on the side of his left eye and was holding his left side, while trying to walk as strong. Ileana grabbed something from the side of her cloak and stood a few inches from my face. She caressed the side of my face .
“ I’d like this to be a little lesson for the next time we meet, if I let you live that is. You can never stop what I’m about to unleash into our would, your people will die and it will be your fault ’’.
I wanted to rip her throat out with my teeth, and show her the one person she shouldn’t mess with is me. ‘’ you really think that a threat like that would ever stop me. Your more pathetic then I though troll. Your going to wish you never said that, because when I’m through with you’re your going to beg me to spare your life and ….’’
she slapped me across the face making me to bite my lip. I could taste the blood sliding down my throat. “ I told you to never call me
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