» Fantasy » The Daughters Of Chaos: The Prophecy, Crystal D. Rosado [the beginning after the end novel read txt] 📗

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The Daughters of Chaos: the Prophecy


“So about last night..” he interrupted. “what about it?”.
My palms were wet and clammy, I didn’t know what to say ,I’ve never been this nervous before. I cleared my throat and tried again.
“well I’ve been thinking about that moment we had when we were walking on the beach by the water, when are hands brushed against each other and we both turned away embarrassed, but then you grabbed my hand and pulled me in close. we looked in each others eyes, and it felt like we had a connection and we almost.. Um.. you know kissed? ”.
he started to blush. ‘’yeah, what about it!?’’.
ok dawn you can do this just tell him you want to be nothing more then just friends, its easy. Oh who am I kidding I want to be more then friends. I cant help but feel more then I do for him. With his dark brown soft spiky hair. Eyes the color of a setting sun, but sometimes it changes into a soft blue- green at night. A body so perfect you would think the gods spend so much time on this one being to make him more perfect then the rest. A smile so breath taking you could easily forget your name. He’s brave ,smart, funny, and very talented. Anyways it doesn’t matter because its to dangerous for me to get involved with him, I have one mission only and that’s to help him remember who he is. Ok take a deep breath, now spit it out!.
“ Taylor, I just want you to know that it was nothing more then just a moment, it’s best we stay friends you know, so we don’t ruin our friendship”.
oh my goodness, what the hell was I thinking , I’m so stupid to even think that ”so we don’t ruin the friendship” that was so corny, he must I’m retarded or something.
His expression changed to a look of disappointment , then he look at me and said “yeah sure, um no problem”.
“I was going to say the same thing, you know bout the not ruining the friendship part, it’s for the best I guess ‘’.
he looked hurt, I wanted to die.
‘’ring‘’ the bell for lunch. ‘’you want to go to lunch with me, I mean If that’s okay with you ?”. he ask. “yeah, of course, I’ll see you in a few , I’m just going to use the restroom first ”.
I needed an excuse to get away. “ok cool, see you in a few.” I really needed a few moments alone, to think about what the heck just happened. I walked down the hall to the girls restroom, more like ran down the hall. I hope he didn’t see me. I went in and locked the door behind me. I went to the basin and let the cold water run. I looked In the mirror , I didn’t recognize the girl staring back at me. As I looked at my reflection but not really my reflection , I twirled around the silvery-teal moon pendant Azari, a powerful sorcerer and dear friend of my family, charmed it so that I could blend in with the humans.
The looks I was born with would never let me play the part of a normal school girl, they were to extraordinary for this world. I wondered if I didn’t have it on would thing’s be different , I mean they would be because I would get a whole lot of attention, but I mean would he still like me the same way even if I’m not my usual self. I looked at the ordinary girl in the diamond shaped mirror, the one wearing a mini teal sun dress and white converses, with hazel eyes ,autumn honey-brown curly dead hair that flowed a few inches down her back. Nicely tanned skin , slightly perfect lips , pixie like nose, small ears , who was just about five feet, three inches tall to be exacted .
she was beautiful in her own special way. I cupped my hands together and took a hand full of cold water and splashed some on my face. I took another deep breath, something was off. I got that strange feeling in the pit of my throat. It wasn’t the pale green painted walls ,or the oval shaped windows, or even the small floral tiles that were creating endless patterns on the floor. Something didn’t feel right about today.
I glance once more in the mirror at the girl I hardly recognized and shut the water off and left the restroom making my way down to the café . As I entered it was like every other day at Casper high , loud and active. Great when I hoped for a day of peace and quit everyone decides to show up. I scan the crowd, there was no sign of Taylor, so that was good. I made my way to the line to eat so that I would at least have something in my stomach to ease my tension. I grabbed a tray and filled it up with as much food as I could possible eat.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder. ‘’for a second there I thought you were never going to come out of the restroom. I found a table for us by the vending machines, c’mon”. my heart began to pond hard against my chest when I saw that it was him. I followed him to our table. I didn’t really notice what he was wearing today. He had on one of his black muscle shirts and some faded old blue jeans, with black combat boots. His hair looked so soft and it stuck out in every direction. And his eyes seemed much lighter today. He moved his bag out the way and placed my tray on the table, I sat down and started shoving fries into my mouth. They were warm and crunchy on the outside, but soft and delicious on the inside ,just the way I like them.
‘’wow you sure seem hungry today, when was the last time you ate !?”. I was just beginning to feel better , now I felt worst knowing that its because of him that I haven’t been quite hungry for the past few days. I finished my fries then started on my cheese burger. With out looking at him I spoke “ um about four days ago , I haven‘t been feeling well lately, but I’m fine now why..?’’.
I felt like such a pig talking with my mouth open, but right now I really didn’t care. He looked grossed out, but his eyes were wide open in reaction to how long I haven’t eaten. Has it really been that long since I last sat down and actually ate , feels like more. I mean being a half witch and half vamp really makes me stronger to resist blood and more curious of what other human foods I can eat. I’m curious to what is this thing on my tray called a’’ Hostess Twinkie’’ taste like. As I’m spacing out about that, Taylor turns my seat around with one hand to face him and yells ‘’ FOUR DAYS AGO!‘’. I shout back at him ‘’shut up, why are you making a big deal out of this?!’’ he looks taken aback. ‘’I’m eating now aren’t I ,so chill out. I mean its no big deal really, your starting to get a little soft on me , what’s with you?!’’. he glares at me as I spin myself back around and continue eating my burger and fries , which I’m about to put down to taste this ’’ Hostess Twinkie’’ .
‘’What’s with me! What’s with you?!’’. I stopped eating and looked at him. He looked really hurt, I felt like I just got stab in the heart . I didn’t like it when he was angry with me , which is rarely because he‘s never angry, he’s always so mellow and smiley all the time. He continued speaking“ Are you just going to ignore the fact that you haven’t been eating’’. I roll my eyes. Gosh if he only new about me. He continued
‘’ I’m not upset with you, I’m just mad at the fact that When the hell were you going to tell me. You really thought that you were going to just brush this by with out telling me, seriously I’ve been your friend since you first got here, Come to think of it I’ve been your only friend’’ ouch now that really pierced me through the heart, I felt hot angry tears rolling down my cheeks.
‘’what exactly are you trying to say, that you don’t want to be my friend anymore. Fine then, what ever, just go already. I don’t need you. Just know as of right now our friendship meant nothing to me, including what happened last night, even when you though we had a connection and you pulled me in and almost kissed me. Thank goodness for Mr. Roberts because you know what ,I’d rather kiss Derek then you. If I would have kissed you last night , I would have regret that for the rest of my life!’’. he clenched his jaw. His eyes became a metallic liquid gold and it looked as though he was about to shed a few tears himself. It hurt me more then him, but I mean come on where exactly was he going with this. ‘’ you know what , I’m not going anywhere dawn .not until you tell me what’s going on. I mean seriously we both know how much you despise Derek, and I know that you felt what I felt last night’’. he unclenched his jaw and relaxed a little, he then smiled at me , which made my heart skip a beat. He lifted up his right hand and caressed my cheek and wiped away the left over tears I had left running down. ‘’ why are you making this difficult for me. Just admit that you know there is something going on between us. Why push me away, when I can give you my heart’’. he then took his left hand and took mines to place it over his chest, I could feel his heart beat franticly.’’ this is how you make me feel, I cant help but feel the way I do when I’m with you. Please, don’t do this, don’t push me away’’. I closed my eyes to take all this in. then I realized that I couldn’t do this , the only way I could keep him safe was to get him where it hurt the most, his heart. I took my hand off his chest and slapped his hand away from my face. He sat back and crossed his arms over his chest and looked te other way for a few seconds then looked back. Glaring at me he waited for me to speak. ‘’ I don’t know what you think you feel for me , and I really couldn’t care less. All those times you though I felt something wasn’t for you, it was for Derek. Why do you think he coincidently appear every time we hung out , I told him too, but I also told him to keep it on the low so you would find out. Why do think I always excused my self to use the

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