» Fantasy » The Daughters Of Chaos: The Prophecy, Crystal D. Rosado [the beginning after the end novel read txt] 📗

Book online «The Daughters Of Chaos: The Prophecy, Crystal D. Rosado [the beginning after the end novel read txt] 📗». Author Crystal D. Rosado

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, do you hear, Stay with me dawn!”. I spoke very soft. ‘’ I’m sorry…I didn’t tell you…I..I tried but…I couldn’t…’’he placed his hands on my lips.’’ shhh…you don’t have to explain yourself, I understand why you kept it from me. You just try to hang on and stay with me okay, stay with me dawn’’. I took in my last breath and spoke.’’ Taylor…I..I‘’. then I was gone.


I wasn’t breathing, I couldn’t feel anything, I couldn’t hear. I was gone , but I didn’t feel completely gone I still felt like I was still there but not really there, like I was some place else, but why. Then I felt my self leaving my body behind as I was floating up into the sky . I couldn’t remember anything at that moment , or why I was floating . I turned around when I heard someone crying , not just crying but yelling, I looked down and saw a beautiful guy on his knees in the rain. He looked so familiar. He was holding something, I couldn’t see what it was, so I moved closer. Then I froze because in his arms was a girl, she looked like an angel. She had hair black as night flowing a few inches down her waist, pale white skin with perfectly curved face , that had perfect lips and eyes so angelically carved on her face ,she looked extraordinary. She had a body so perfect you would think she was a goddess . Her stomach was drenched in blood and her bottom lip was busted. She looked like she really got in to a bad fight. The boy spoke, ‘’Dawn, please come back. I NEED YOU DAWN, YOU COME BACK RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO YOU I’LL COME GET YOU ,YOU HEAR ME I‘LL COME GET YOU!’’. wait it cant be , he looked so familiar. I tried to think but nothing came up, I began to walk backwards. Something cracked underneath my foot, I lifted up my shoe and there was glass underneath, I looked around and there was glass scattered all around. I picked up one of the sharps and looked at my reflection, I saw the girl peering back at me. I realized who I was and everything came crashing down. I was the girl in the that guys arms. I was dead. Flashes of my child hood memories floated into my head making my eyelids flutter really fast a few time. Memories of my mother, how beautiful in deed she was. With her long silky red hair and flawless skin she looked about in her twenties. She had silvery-teal eyes, a small delicate nose, averaged sized ears, and perfect lips. I looked so much liked her, I had her nose ,her eyes, her lips. My mother was a witch, but not everything about me was all hers. I had my fathers intelligence, wisdom ,charm, humor and the fact that he’s a vampire. I also have his creamy white skin and beautiful long silky black hair. I have memories of the first time I rode a horse. The first time I sang in front of people at my mothers thirtieth birthday dinner. When I discovered about my destiny, and I came to earth. Even just the other night when I was walking on the beach with…oh my goodness Taylor. The first time I knew I was in love with him. Then Ileana and Adam, they were the ones who did this to me, the reason I’m dead. I dropped the shard and it shattered into tiny diamond fragments. Taylor looked up were I was standing , he was staring right at me, but not really at me , just looking to see who was there. ‘’who’s there?!’’. I froze in place ,can he not see me. He looked back down at the girl who laid in his arms. I walked towards him, he was looking at me with sort of an aw expression. He looked at my face then he lifted up his hand and began tracing the curves of my face. He pushed back some hairs that were damped against my cheek, then leaned a little closer and whispered into my ear. ‘’ I need you dawn, you have to come back to me. I don’t know how I could survive in this world with out you , please come back’’. then he leaned back just a little to look at my face, then leaned forward again slowly and pressed his lips against mine. I felt a rush of electricity tingle through my lips. I was some how still connected to my body. I could tell he felt it too because his head automatically shot back up. He looked stunned, I couldn’t believe it, I had to do something, but as I turned around a bright light from behind blinded me. Someone was approaching, after a few seconds I saw who it was. It was my mother. She was standing right in front of me, alive. She looked exactly the way I remembered her. With her long red hair in a fat braid going do down her back. Her brilliant silvery-teal eyes dominating the rest of her flawless face. She was wearing the dress we put her in the day of her funeral. It was the most beautiful gown you ever saw, it was white with silver floral stitching. She had an identical moon pendant around her neck, but hers was silver instead of teal. I spoke first.‘’ Mother?!’’. she nodded once. ‘’but it cant be , your- ’’ she finished my sentence for me. ‘’ Dead, yes I am . But my spirit has always been with you. I never left you dawn’’. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I did the only rational thing any teenage girl would do when they missed someone so much. I ran into her arms and cried. She caressed my back and kissed the top of my head. ‘’ mom its too late , I failed. Now Ileana and Adam are going to wreck havoc on our world, and its going to be my fault ,I wont be there to save those people. Oh how I couldn’t bear to see father fall to his knees to that troll . When they find out I’m dead ,they’ll have no hope what’s so ever’’. she pushed my face up so that I could look at her. ‘’It is not too late because it is not your time to join me’’. I looked at her confused’’ what do you mean its not my time?’’ she smiled at me. ’’ you were never meant to die honey, its why You have to go back dawn, your people need you, your father needs you your brothers and sisters need you , he needs you’’. she nodded towards Taylor. ‘’But how will I..’’. ‘’ there’s no time to explain , you have to hurry before I run low on power . Close your eyes and take a deep breathe’’. ‘’but mom will I ever see you again?!’’.
‘’ close your eyes dawn!’’. I did as I was told, I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. Then I felt heat run through my whole body. I screamed and just like that I was back into my body. I heard Taylor’s voice. ‘’ dawn can you hear me, can you hear me dawn?!’’.


It took me a little while to regain the feeling into my toes and fingers, but it all came back to me within a few seconds. I could feel Taylor’s arms around me still. I could feel his heart beating again. I took slow and steady breathes of air into my lungs, but then a surge of pain shot right through me. My chest heaved upwards once and back down again as I opened my eyes and gasped for air. ‘’ Dawn, are you okay?’’. I blinked a few times and remembered were I was, I turned to face him. I couldn’t help but smile when I looked into his deep golden eyes. I could feel again because my heart was doing back flips as usual. Something in me made me reach out and wrap my arms around his neck. So I did, I reached out one hand to touch his face and caressed his cheek then I slide my hand down to his neck and pulled him into my arms. I whispered into his ear. ’’ the last thing I was going to tell you before left was that I …’’ I couldn’t finished because at that moment he pulled me back to face him again. My heart skipped a beat , he looked so helplessly vulnerable . He spoke . ‘’ don’t ever tell me you just want to be friends because we both know what’s really happening between us. I cant bear to feel what I felt when I though I lost you. I’m in love with you dawn, I have been since the first time you beat me up in front of the whole school. You’re the only girl I know who’s not afraid to get a little grease under her nails , or when I take out on a date orders not a salad but two burgers with extra fries and a chocolate milkshake on the side then says what are you going to have?’’ he laughed to himself, then continued speaking . ‘’you’re more then just the girl next door, you’re the girl who stole my heart at first touch’’. Its like he stole the words from my very lips. Hot warm tears began to trickle down my face, I didn’t even know he felt this much for me, even though I did do all those things which come to think of it was embarrassing ,especially the date part. I shut my eyes and let the tears roll down my cheeks. ‘’dawn now that your back , I just want to ask for one thing, that’s if you’ll let me?’’. I opened my eyes, and placed my hand on his cheek again. He melted at my touch, he closed his eyes. I spoke ‘’ anything you want’’. he slowly opened his eyes again and spoke. ‘’ kiss me Dawn’’. I was speechless I couldn’t move, but I guess he read my expression and made the first move. My senses were sharp and keen. His lips were just inches away from mine. I could taste the sweet cent of his breathe on my tongue. That was when I lost control of my mind and listened to my body. I went the rest of the way and pressed my lips against his, and melted into is arms. My heart couldn’t stop pounding hard against my chest, my breathe was unsteady, It was embarrassing but I didn’t care. I grabbed a hand full of his hair and pulled at it playfully. I pulled back to looked at him and smiled my devious little smile, he smiled right back . I sat upwards and wrapped my legs around his waist. His right hand was strong but gentle on my neck, but his left was at my waist pulling me in closer to his body, I purred softly as he was kissing me. Then my head shot back so quickly I didn’t have time to breathe in for air. I let go of him as a surge of pain shot through my chest, I yelled painfully. I went backwards , but before I could hit the ground Taylor caught me half way. ‘’ Dawn, what’s…’’ but then he stopped to see that I was holding my stomach and remembered why. ‘’ your wounded , we have to get you to the hospital quick before…’’ I stopped him and
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