» Fantasy » Enchanted Academy, Tierra Washington, Kpoplover101 Gem, Wonwoo"s Wife, TT TT [list of ebook readers txt] 📗

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a cranky one.

"So are you feeling better?" Sam asked me and it took me like 10 seconds to process what she was had asked. A strike of realization hit me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied not wanting to feel like I was being interrogated.

"That's good." I had almost forgot that Emmie was here until she spoke. Sam must've told her what happened. Yipee! First day and I've already got problems.

"Sit down. We can get to know eachother considering we'll probably be living together for the next 10 months.

I complied and sat down near the head of the bed.

Sam started, "Well as you both know my name is Samantha Peters or Sam. I'm 15 and moved to Manhattan to live with my aunt 6 months ago. That's when my powers turned on and here I am. She didn't want to enroll me late so we waited until this year rolled around. And I have super speed by the way." She finished off with a chuckle.

"My turn." Emmie shook the bed with her excitement.

"Well my name is Emmie Adams and I'm 15. I actually live here in Westerwood. My house is down the road from here. Um... I love the color blue and chocolate pie. I'm also a romantic and snore really loud. Oh and I'm a fairy!" She said so fast and showed her hyper side.

Well she's a fairy. That explains the puffy pink hair and huge bright green eyes. She was also really short and had a high pitched voice. I'm glad I brought my headphones.

"Well here I go." I took a deep breath. Sam and Emmie looked at me ecpectantly.

"My full name is Kobi Rose Lex, I'm 15 and used to live in Ruberstein with my mom. I love to read, eat, and sleep. I'm also a bit sarcastic and grumpy when I'm sleepy-

I shot them a look.

-I'm a telepath like my father was and I barfed all over someone today." I finished with a sigh.

"Cool, now that we're all-

Emmie didn't let Sam finish. "You what?!" She grabbed my shoulders and shook them. 

"Emmie!" I shouted and she let go.


"But you just said that you threw up on someone-


"Whatever. Anyways what?!" 

I rolled my eyes. "I was just nervous. I bumped into him and couldn't hold it anymore." 

"Wait him?" Sam joined in.

Oh Lord.

"Yes him."

"Was he by any chance really tall with olive skin, green eyes, and messy black hair. And with a touch of douchebag attitude?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.


They both gasped. 

"What?" I asked confused and a little uncomfortable.

"YOU THREW UP ON KAI MANSON?!" Emmie shouted in shock. I quickly covered her mouth.

"You good?" I asked and she nodded. I slowly removed my hands.

"Who is Kai Mason?" 

"The guy you barfed on. I saw him going into one of the Men's restrooms earlier with his clothes messed up. Did you have grits for breakfast?" Sam explained.

"Yeah. Country bacon and cheese." I smiled remembering my love for bacon and cheese.

"Guys, seriously?" Emmie tilted her head to the side.


"You really don't know who he is do you?" 

"Uh no. That's why I look so clueless." I smirked my signature smirk.

"Oh boy."

"Kai Mason is the son of of George and Laura Mason." Emmie began.

"Of Mason Tech?" I asked actually paying attention.

"Yes. Now hush child." I rolled my eyes but let her continue.

"He's 16 and a training level above us. Everyone is pratically afraid of him because of his mysterious aura and all." A sigh.

"He mostly keeps to himself and only talks to like two guys. Nobody knows his deal or tries to get close to him. Oh and he's also a telepath."

"And how do you know all of this again?" Sam asked raising a brow. Emmie just rolled her eyes.

"I have my sources." 

The whole time Emmie was talking I wasn't really paying attention until that last part. "Oh and he's also a telepath'' My mouth was left a gape and I only got out of my shock when we heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Said Sam walking over to open the door.

"Are you okay?" Emmie asked me looking concerned. I just nodded while pursing my lips. I had kept my feelings bottled up a lot today.

"Hi. I'm Lizzy and I'll be your supervisor for the next 10 months." A average sized girl with peach skin, gray eyes, and sandy blonde hair stood at the door with a smile plastered on her face.

"Um..." Sam gave us a look.

I stepped in.

"It's nice to meet you Lizzy-" 

"Call me Liz."

"Well ok Liz. I'm Kobi, this is Sam, and that's Emmie." I pointed to them as I spoke.

"Great to meet ya!" An overly excited Emmie nearly ripped Liz's arm off.

''Can I come in?" Liz asked cautiously after Emmie finally let go.

"Sure. Come on." We let her through.

Field Day

 It's been two weeks since I got here and it hasn't been as bad as I thought it'd be.

I made three new friends, Sam, Emmie, and Liz. We've gotten pretty close and are always together. Even though Liz was a training level above us she still made time to hang out with us. And you know what's really cool? She has mixed powers, which means that she has two. She's and elf and has super speed. The weirdest combination right?

The girls and I were now at lunch talking about random stuff. Today's menu consisted of Hot dogs and chips or Sloppy joe hamburgers. I chose Hot dogs.

"If oranges are called oranges, then why aren't apples called reds?" Emmie thought out loud and earned confused looks.

"Honey, I've told you a million times." Sam began.

"The person who came up with the name just wasn't creative enough." She finfished. Emmie nodded with an ok look on her face. Sam rolled her eyes.

"You know sometimes I wonder about you sweetheart." Liz said patting Emmie's head like she was a puppy. 

"Wonder what?" Was her response.

"I'm wondering why you haven't touched those chocolate-chip cookies yet. Hand em over." I held out my ahnd with a serious expression on my face. She was like whatever but gave them to me anyways. We all laughed.

It was like this everytime we were together. Emmie was your typical airhead always thinking randomly. But we wouldn't trade her for anything, she's the sweetest person ever. Sam was the bold and sassy one of the group. She was never afraid of a challenge and I admired that about her. And she'd do anything for her friends. Liz was the mother of the group and always looked out for us. She was a bit weird but that's what we love about her. Lastly there's me. I'm the youngest of the group but you wouldn't think that if you met me. I'm was always a bit sarcastic and introverted but wise beyond my years. I wasn't rude but I never took s*** from anyone. I was the glue of the group.


An hour later...


"Are you excited?" Emmie asked me jumping up and down. I gave her my most serious face.

"No." I put it bluntly.

"Come on. Not even a little?" She fake pouted pinching her fingers together while saying "a little"


"What's so bad about it?" Sam walked over to us from the other side of the room.

"Are you serious?" I asked shocked. Nothing could be worse than what was about to happen.

"Very." She smirked folding her arms. 

"ARE YOU READY FOR FIELD DAY?!" The next thing we knew Liz barged through our door like a crazy person.

"Not Kobi." Emmie pouted.

"What's up with you?" Liz asked me with a very serious demeanor. I couldn't help but laugh.

Everybody just silently judged me.

"Ok. So I can see that you're all upset for some reason unknown to me." I said like we were in a therapy session. 

"We are very serious and excited, so why're you being such a downer?!"

"Huh?!" Sam nudged me before I even opened my mouth.

"I just don't like anything sports or physically active related." I admitted and eyebrows were raised.

"Mmhm...I see." Liz started.

"You're trying to avoid Kai aren't you?" She asked expectantly.

"Ok you got me. I just don't want to kill the guy, you know?" I exaggerated hoping to be left alone so I could study and binge-watch "Sailor Moon".

"Nope, non, no way!" Sam began to pull me towards the closet.

"You're getting dresses. You are not gonna let a boy affect your grade. Cuz if ya didn't know already, Field Day is a grade!" She rampaged through the closet for outfits for us. 

"Sam's right Kobi." Emmie placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Here." Sam handed me my clothes. My eyes rolled as reflex, of course.

"Fine." I snatched the hanger and walked towards the bathroom. 

I turned to them before I closed the door.

"Losers." I smirked and got sarcastic laughs.

About 15 minutes later we were out on the virtual field in Mr. Rimpskie's Training class. You know all training had to be Virtual Reality since we were in the woods and all...and we couldn't let anyone see us.

"Alright everybody listen up!" Mr. Rimpskie's voice boomed over the area and almost gave me a heartache. 

"Welcome to the annual Field Day!" He continued.

"This year there will be four teams and it wan't be boys against girls this time either." Everybogy gasped except for the Levels 1 beginners for some reason. 

"So you chose a team captain, they come up here and chose a team name out of the bucket and strategixe for the obstacle course."

"Basically the usual." I heard Liz say under her breath.

"Alright here are the teams..." 

About 30 minutes later...



Publication Date: 11-29-2017

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to my past self and for the drive that I developed for writing books and short stories. Thank you 13 year old me for getting that idea in your head. Also I admire all of my favorite authors and want to write as well as them one day.

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