» Fantasy » midnight love, gaara5 [most read book in the world txt] 📗

Book online «midnight love, gaara5 [most read book in the world txt] 📗». Author gaara5

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we could visit.” I felt a little better when my mom told me this at least I would see them again. I knew that if I was going to live with Dmitri I would be living with other vampires. I sighed and looked at my mom before getting the courage to grab my bag from my sisters shaky grip and make myself go down the stairs through the hall and out the front door. It was my moms courage that gave me strength to do so. I felt like I was fearless walking out that door head held high and back straight. I knew that this was only a breif I would go back to being scared but at least when that time came I could look back and know that I was strong at this time and I could be again.

Chapter #2
We were finally here at last. It had seemed like an eternity since we had drove out of my drive way with me looking back glancing at my parents for one last time not knowing when I would see them. I felt anxious to be there. A part of me wanted to get there and get it over with another part of me wanted to stall getting there. But now that I was here I had the I wanted to jump out of the car and run the other direction. That however became hard when I looked at the mansion in front of me I was Momentarily breathless before entering the driveway there was a stone bridge the driveway there was a stone bridge but that wasn’t what left me breathless it was the water fall under it I wasn’t sure if I should be scared of it or awed it was magnificent it was the bluest water I had ever seen and the mansion (I think castle would be a better word to describe it) was had a gothic Victorian look to it As much as I didn’t want to be here I couldn’t help but admire it. But what I saw next was even more beautiful then everything else. She was standing on the stone steps that lead to inside the house. Her hair was long and curly it reached to the middle of her back, it was pure gold. It put my mothers favorite gold necklace to shame, her skin was smooth and pale. But her eyes were the best part about her, when I looked into her eyes it reminded me of a lion who was about to pounce. But at the same time they reminded me of honey. I sighed wanting to stare into her eyes and never stop Dmitri’s chuckle brought me back to reality and it was then I realized I had somehow walked out of the car and stood in front of her. without even realizing it, I felt myself blush and I looked down embarrassed.
“Autumn this is my wife Helena she is also my eyes and ears here.” I gasped I couldn’t believe this women in front of me was his wife. I had to admit he did good but I wondered what she could have seen in this guy. I had only been with him for a few days and I already knew he was arrogant and stubborn. But the girl in front of me I somehow knew was gentle and sweet. I was proved right when she smiled and put her hand up.
“merry meet autumn daughter of the moon I have waited for your arrival.” she then put her fist over heart and bowed her head. I gasped I rembered how when someone greeted me like this it was to show loyalty and respect. In other words she was showing loyalty and I had the feeling she was really respected. I was speechless. She smiled in understanding.
“you are wondering why someone as high up as me is swearing loyalty.” she stated more then asked. I slowly nodded.
“it is because I consider all the kids who moved here as my children and since you have moved here I consider you more important then my life.” her eyes were soft and I felt tears form in my eyes. She reminded me of my own mom she was gentle yet strong it made me almost happy to be here. almost
“thank you, but I was also wondering how many other people live here?” I asked dreading the answer.
“we have thirteen others that includes you. I understand you are not thrilled about living with the other supernatural beings but I think you might find them quite nice.” she smiled and then clapped her hands together.
“I think we have talked enough here how about I show you your room.” I nodded in agreement. She turned around and started to lead me inside I sighed I guessed there was no stopping it I had to enter the house I would call home sooner or later. Helena looked back at me.
“you wont have to worry about meeting anyone tonight I sent them all out to hunt.” I frowned.
“I thought that not everyone here was a vampire or werewolf.” I said. She nodded
“you are correct but the witches and physics’ make sure no humans are harmed.” I nodded that did make sense.
“I made sure your roommate was a witch I thought maybe it would be easier then with a vampire. I think you will get along with her well. She has only been here for three weeks her name is Brie.” I only half listened to what she was saying I was distracted by a door that stood in the middle of the room. It was about eleven feet tall and was stone on it was pictures of gargoyles. It wasn’t the door that was calling me it was something behind it. I felt like all I wanted to do was open it. I walked towards barley even knowing what I was doing all I knew is that I wanted that door open. I was just about to put my hand on the door handle when I felt myself being pulled away. I looked up and saw Dmitri’s pale face. His face if it was possible had gone even paler then it had been before. Him and Helena exchanged a look. Then he looked back down at me his face grim.
“You need to stay away from this door you are forbidden unless we give you permission. Do you understand?” I nodded speechless. It wasn’t their reaction that confused me. It was mine. What was behind that door that had made me act like that? I turned around and vowed I would find out even if I had to sneak in there and disobey orders. I shuddered I would likely not do that but maybe I could find some other way…
My room was absolutely amazing the carpet was deep dark purple, the walls were black, and next to one of the beds was a fire place. It was amazing I had to admit this girl had good taste. I smiled we did have some in common. My favorite colors were purple and black and she had nothing but purple and black even her cloths were purple and black. ( I hoped she didn’t notice I had looked in her closet) she also liked the same books as me she had all the eragon books. I felt my eyes grow heavy I was exhausted. I found the nearest bed and collapsed on it my eyes were closed before my head had even hit the pillow.*** Dmitri and Helena
Helena passed the room frowning muttering to herself as she often did when she was frustrated. She looked at Dmitri’s amused face and growled.
“How can you be amused at a time like this!” she demanded.
“Because we aren’t even sure if it is really her.” he answered calmly. She threw her hands in the air.
“ how can you say that when the proofis right there. The prophecy says that a child of the moon would wake up…” she stopped unable to say the next words. Even saying them in her head made her feel nothing but dread. Shewasn’t sure if she could do what she had been told to do. If it was true she would have to make sure that the child did her duty. Even if she had to force her. She hoped that if it were true the girl would except her fate. She knew though that was not likely she had only just meet her but she could tell she wouldn’t like that.
“ we should wait until we know for sure before we seek the councils presence. We don’t want to make a big deal of nothing” he suggested although he knew deep down in his heart his wife was right she had been drawn to the door that held the sleeping vampire. Even though he would not willingly admit it he was starting to care about her like no other person besides his wife of course. He never cared about this place or what happened to them he was as people so much called him cold hearted. She sighed.
“your right and even though she was we should give her sometime to seatle in.” Dmitri pulled his golden headed wife in his lap and put his arms around her and nodded.
“Then wait we shall”

Chapter #3
I woke up to the sound of voices. Even though I was awake I didn’t open my eyes. I knew I had slept through the whole day and that it was around eight at night. So that ment everyone was back. I was not eager to meet them just yet.
“Her hair is so pretty don’t you think?” I heard someone snort.
“yes well she’s still in your bed. Where did you sleep?”
“In her bed see now were even.” answered a cheerful voice. I realized they were talking about me. I blushed ashamed I had took her bed wishing I had been paying more attention to where I was laying down. Finally my curiosity got the best of me and I opened my eyes and looked at the door where the sources of the voices had came from. One girl was small with curly brown hair, her eyes were a hazel and wide witch made her look innocent. The girl next to her was the exact opposite. Her head was bald witch made her more rough looking, her eyes were pure black, and to top it all off she had to many piercing to count. They both stopped talking and looked at me. Sense I had no idea I just smiled sheepishly at them I couldn’t believe I had slept in her bed. Before I could try and brake the silence I felt a force knock me down.
“You woke up! I cant believe I finally get to meet you. There’s been rumors of a real life moon child.” her cheerfulness stated to rub off on me and I found myself smile a real smile for the first time in what felt like ages. “Yea its nice to meet you to sorry I slept in your bed.” she waved away the apology.
“It’s no big deal the other bed was just as good.” she threw a glare at the bald girl.
“My name I’m sure you already know is brie and this is my friend Dee.” shelooked at her in away that said she was to say hi. The girl lifted and waved at me half heartedly. I had a feeling this girl didn’t like me very much. Brie rolled her eyes.
“your going to have to excuse her rudeness she kind of holds a grudge against vamps so don’t take it to heart.” she giggled when
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