» Fantasy » midnight love, gaara5 [most read book in the world txt] 📗

Book online «midnight love, gaara5 [most read book in the world txt] 📗». Author gaara5

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Chapter #1
I could feel it. I could even smell it. There was a change that was going to happen. For what I do not know I wasn’t even sure if it was going to be in my life or to the world all I knew was something big was about to happen. And it was not good. The sense of dread told me that. I was dreading this change. I sighed I hate it when I got these feelings they always darkened up my mood. It was fitting that the sky was gray and that the sky was roaring with anger and as I heard that anger I felt angry to. Why was I always so paranoid. Yesterday I had been sure I was being watched everywhere I had gone even when I was in the shower. I shivered at that thought it was creepy that was sure. But I was also used to it I had always felt that way when I was little and my parents had always teased me about it. I smiled at the thought of them. My mom and her wide smile and her eyes that were as deep as the sea. When you looked deep into them you would find yourself feeling lost and confused. My mother was always confusing but my dad was the opposite his eyes were hazel and when you looked in them you always saw warmth they could melt the coldest heart. Thinking of them I walked faster I was eager to be home it was the only place on this earth that I felt like I belonged it was somewhere I understood and a place where I understood people. I always felt like I didn’t fit in with the people in my school I was as people would say a loner well sort of I did have one friend. I was ripped out of my thoughts again with the feeling I was once again being followed. I looked down the street I had only two houses down to get to the place I was walking but I still felt like it was miles away. Let me say this it was the longest three minutes of my life but despite that I made it and was soothed by the smell of my dads homemade chocolate. This meant we had a visitor. Just then my sister Lynn walked in giggling.
“you will not believe how cute dads new friend is” I rolled my eyes.
“Of course you would have a thing for one of dads friends. He’s probably what fifteen years older then you.” I teased. Lynn shook her head her eyes wide.
“He looks like he’s only twenty.” I had to admit I was curious I mean why was dad hanging out with someone so much younger then him?
“Autumn is that you dear.” My mom stood at the door twisting her hands. I frowned my mom only did that when she was nervous. But I decided to act like I didn’t notice and smiled.
“yup it is.”
“why are you home so late?” she asked. I felt a moment of confusion. I was always home at this time and it was only eight at night everyone knew I went to the library after school.
“I was at the library.” I reminded her.
“well I think you shouldn’t stay out after dark its not safe. Now you should go to the living room we have a guest.” before I could even reply she was already down the hall. I looked at Lynn who only shrugged.
“she’s been like this for the last week.” I decided to think about this later and see who this mysterious guest was. I was not prepared to see what I was about to because there on the couch was not a cute guy no lynns word cute did not give this man justice he looked like an elf that came right out of a fairy tale only he was tall. His hair was long and reached down to the middle of his back and was silever and his eyes was between blue and gray it was as if the colors were trying to over take the other only instead they were clashed together. His beauty left me breathless. I was snapped back at the sound of my sisters giggling and I realized my mouth was wide open. I quickly closed it and blushed. I was such an idiot I thought.
“Dimitri I want you to meet autumn.” I was surprised at the sound of my dads voice instead of friendly and warm he was cold and distant while talking to his friend almost as if he didn’t trust this guy. And when he got up to shake my hand I knew why, there was something disturbing about him as if he had other intens then to be friends with my dad. I shook my head what was I doing? I was judging him before I even knew him or let alone shook his hand so I pushed these thoughts away and shook his hand. He smiled
“it is so nice to meet you I have waited a long time to meet you.” I blinked he had? I looked at my father and silently asked him how long he had even known this man but he only looked away as if he were ashamed I felt even more confused and once again I felt like there was something off.
“Lynn go to your room and leave us for a moment will you?” my mother told her. She nodded and made her way to her room. I couldn’t believe how she wasn’t asking any questions or wondering why they had wanted her to leave but not me. I shook my head then again she did live in another world entirely. When everyone was sure she was out of hearing range my father motioned for me to sit next to him.
“What’s going on?” I asked. Dimitri looked at my father.
“Do you want me to tell her or should I.” my father looked at him angrily.
“I think she should hear it from us not you.” I looked back and fourth between them one angry one amused.
“very well then just please hurry I do not have much time.” my mother put a hand on my fathers shoulder stoping him probably from doing something that he would regret.
“Henry you need to be calm I don’t think punching him would be smart he could rip your throat out.” my father with a look of regret sat back in his seat. Even though I knew that what ever they were going to say to me I wouldn’t like my curiosity got the best of me. So I put my hand over dads and asked him
“what’s going on?” he looked me in the eyes and I saw pure heartbreaking sadness.
“you have to go with this man and live with him.” I was shocked I mean I was imagining lots of things he was going to say but not this.
“What why?” this time it was my mom who answered.
“Because you arent like us.” she walked over and ran her hand through my hair to I guess atempt to soothe me. I frowned more confused then anything else at the moment to process anything else they had said.
“how am I any different then anyone else?” dimitri was the next to speek it seemed everyone was takeing turns.
“they call you a child of the moon.”
“and this is?” I asked dimitri looked irritated.
“I was getting there. They are are rare or as most had believed impossible it was when two human parents have a vampire child.” I was shook again this was not something I had been expecting.I was expecting it to be at least something more normal then this. This man was deranged.
“Is this some kind of joke?” Dmitri sighed
“I always did hate this part of the conversation. And no child it is not and before you even think of going on about how your not craving blood or have no supernatural powers blah blah. I will point out that you have had a very dry throat am I correct?” I was speechless. How could he have known? So ok he had me there I had been experiencing a dry throat for the past few weeks but I wasn’t about to admit that. Because maybe if I lied I wouldn’t have to go with him. All I had to do was convince him I was normal so with that I frowned.
“No actually I haven’t.” I lied as smoothly as I could. His only response was to burst out laughing.
“you know I am a vampire I can read your mind so I know your lyeing. You have to come with me. Now you can chose to come with me the easy way or ill drag you out myself.” he shrugged.
“Either way you will still be coming with me.” I felt myself begin to shake with helpless rage. Who was he to say what I was to do and not to do. One of the things I had always hated was when someone tried to control me. If this had been another situation a more normal one I would have done the exact opposite but even I knew that this was a battle I could not win. Dmitri smiled when he saw my shoulders slump in defeat. I heard a movement behind me and when I turned around I saw my sister behind me. From the look in her face I knew she had been listening the whole time. Her face was a cross between wonderment and horror at the very thought of me being a vampire.
“when do I leave?” I asked as calmly as I could.
“You leave tonight.” My father answered before Dmitri could speak. He glared. My sister took my hand.
“I can help her pack.” I was surprised how in control and strong she sounded. I had always thought I was the strong one but once again she surprised me. My mother nodded in agreement. I numbly let Lynn lead me up the stairs to my room and when I got there all I could do was stare at the place I had always know it was then that it struck me. I would be soon staying in another room.
“I always did no you were different.” my sister whispered with a small smile.
“Even the way you saw the world was different.” there was tears in her eyes.
“I know your scared but I don’t think you should be because I know deep inside that where you are going will bring you a happiness that being here could.” she paused and took a shaky breath and lifted her head and looked into my eyes.
“Even if it takes you a long time to figure it out one day you will realize that is where you are suppose to be.” I wasn’t sure if I should have been angry or sad. I leaned towards being sad. I didn’t have enough energy to be angry. So all I did was sit there and watch as she threw random things in my trunk. It only took her about ten minutes to pack all the things I needed. Just as she was zipping up my bag my mom walked in. I could tell she had been crying but now she wore a face of determination to be strong. She sat next to me and put her arms around me and smiled sadly at me.
“I know this is hard but I know you can do it plus Dmitri said

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