» Fantasy » the hunt, joe kennedy [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «the hunt, joe kennedy [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author joe kennedy

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doorway snarling, they all tensed getting ready to either fight or run away the guardian advanced towards them slowly on its clawed feet then roared its rage and charged them they ran to the left towards the exit the guardian close behind them spear in front of it like a javelin they reached the door with seconds to spare once they were all through John made a barrier on the outside of the door a moment later they heard a huge crash as the guardian smashed into the door and the barrier at most they had stunned it but more importantly they had made it angry a moment later the door turned to ice and exploded open chunks of ice flying everywhere the barrier destroyed the four were long gone racing up the streets as fast as they could they heard a roar which shook the very earth beneath them they stopped briefly and ran with renewed speed at last they deemed it safe to stop desperately trying to catch their breath Rachel now changed human again was breathing heavily at last mike asked the question they were all thinking “ where do we go now” the only answer they could come up with was as far away from here as possible so they continued until they reached the forest that surrounded them hoping it would make them harder to find it was false hope but hope none the less however it was still raining and the black clouds made the forest look almost black inside deciding it was the lesser of two evils and entered the ever darkening forest most of the animals were hiding from the storm but occasionally one would rustle in the bushes and they would draw their weapons until they were sure it was not anything that would try to kill them after a while they stopped bothering to check and just kept walking they came across a stream and jumped over it and found an archway with strange writing on it despite the others objections john touched the wooden archway nothing happened he turned around and was about to say I told you so when the writing suddenly began to light up with a golden light the middle of the archway started shimmering the dark cold forest was replaced by golden sands and an intense heat they could see a desert starching as far as the eye could see and for Rachel that was a big deal where better to hide then a vast desert in possibly another dimension they walked through the archway together as soon as they were through the archway began to shimmer turned to sand and was blown away by a sudden gust of wind “ so much for an escape plan” whispered Sarah because she was still nervous the chances that this was a trap was becoming more and more prominent she kept a hand on one of her knives “ if this is a trap I don’t want to wait around for the guardian to come and get me let’s find a way out of here” Rachael said angrily “lead the way “ mike said with a half laugh Rachel stalked off up the nearest dune not even looking back to see if the others were following john gave mike a quick punch and said try not to piss her off to much he smiled and he and Sarah walked up the dune after Rachel mike sighed and followed them , Rachel didn’t so much as look at him. Even though his watch said it was half past five in the summer the sun was still setting the sky was slowly getting darker and it was getting colder fast
“ we should made camp soon it’s going to get really cold”
Rachel whirled around as if he had just hit her and shouted
“fine but we move at first light”
then turned and walked off again
“ at least she is showing you she is angry you’re in more trouble if she’s angry but hides it”
mike drew them all some tents and coats and after everything that had happened they were soon saying goodnight mike stayed out though and was looking at the stars there was thousands of them and they were flickering like candles in the sky after about half an hour john came out to join him “can’t sleep either someone should keep watch we will take it in turns” he turned to go back to his tent and said “don’t fall asleep Rachel’s next if she catches you asleep you may get a few scratches “ this thought banished all tiredness from mike he got out his spear and sat back down with it in his hands the next hour and a half seemed to be the longest in his life soon he started to pace to keep warm but again fell to watching the stars instead suddenly he heard a noise behind him he grabbed his spear and turned sharply it was Rachel the spear was inches from her neck “ try it” she said with a snarl mike collapsed his spear and said “look Rachel” but she cut him off “ you just don’t get it do you” mike didn’t need telepathy to know not to answer “ you are the only one that I trusted completely with my secret when I talk to you you make me laugh more than anyone has before and we are always hanging out together how thick do you have to be I love you” the last three words hit mike like a hammer without thinking he hugged her and whispered I’m so sorry I was an idiot” he could tell she was deciding whether or not to hit him thankfully she hugged him back they stayed up for another hour just talking and laughing however mike needed sleep so hugged her said goodnight and turned to go into his tent but she tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned she kissed him “ goodnight” she said and turned into a hawk and flew high above circling the camp.
Morning came early for the four they were all tired but mike got rid of the camp quickly and he and Rachel walked on together across the barren desert. Soon they came across a huge sand dune as tall as a house it was steep as well and the sand below was deep Sarah slipped a few times but john caught her and helped her up ahead they could see huge grey storm clouds soon the rain was upon them cascading down in icy droplets the sand beneath their feet was now crumbling more than ever even john who was the best climber had trouble getting up near the top mike slipped and fell and was hurtling towards the icy river below Rachel turned into a giant hawk and grabbed his out stretched hand despite the fairly deep cuts on his hand he was unharmed.
They got to the top and saw a sight that made their hearts soar a golden light the sand dune they were on was circular and resembled a dome the golden light was shining from behind an even bigger dune on the other side of the dome however the dome still had icy water in it, it looked deep as well Rachel now a smaller hawk tried to fly across but she was stopped half way across and had to fly back “it seems we have to go around said john be careful their will most likely be traps ahead so they set of around the dune the rain had stopped when they had reached the top of the dune till now it had seemed far to easy to get here a well prepared human could have done it Rachel was the only one who had used her power plus the path they were on did not leave many options between the barrier and going back and going back was not an option so cautiously they continued towards the light and home they walked together constantly scanning the ground for any signs of a trap they soon found one it was Sarah who had first noticed it the sand had started to move a little when Rachel who was in front as always had stepped on a stone soon the sand was falling down the dune at an alarming rate after about thirty seconds the path had become so narrow that they were walking in single file and were still very close to edge and it was getting smaller by the second soon they broke into a half shambled run no longer caring what happened the sand was being stretched far across the desert the sand in front of them flew away john was only one who didn’t hesitate and cleared the gap easily but the sand was still falling Rachel now a golden wolf with piercing green eyes she jumped and again cleared it but only just Sarah was next she jumped and landed on the edge arms flailing wildly john grabbed her just as he did the sand she was standing on disappeared into the hole below mike was the last to jump he was as white as a ghost he jumped, time stood still as he realised he wouldn’t make the jump he fell short and was falling fast the sand below offering little comfort against the immense height that he had fallen from john was at the edge trying to slow his fall mike felt himself slow down but he was still going far too fast with one final effort he slowed him down enough that he wouldn’t be killed mike hit the ground and heard his wrist snap he had dislocated it but that was all he dared not look at it he looked up instead john was nowhere in sight and Sarah and Rachel had their backs turned something was wrong not caring about his wrist he started to climb back up slowly ten minutes later Rachel had turned and was encouraging him up the dune when he was close enough she grabbed his good wrist and hauled him up Sarah was on the ground next to john who was unconscious he had blood coming from his nose she was wiping the blood off of his face the sand around her was crimson is places mike rushed over he was alive but his pulse was slow Sarah bent over and kissed his slightly bloody lips his eyes slowly opened and he kissed her back” you ok man Jesus you saved my life I owe you one” john replied with a weak laugh and said you owe me a fiver I couldn’t let you die without paying mike got out his notebook and drew a five pound note there was a bust of light and a five pound note fell to the ground mike picked it up and gave it to him he got up and almost fell but Sarah caught him “ take it slow you nearly died there” she helped him up putting his arm over her shoulder and helping him walk they walked more cautiously than before whoever had set the traps was not trying to scare them they were trying to kill them and was very powerful john was regaining his strength and stability and was soon standing on his own he was slower than the others now though and was at the back the others kept looking back and Sarah slowed down to walk beside him they were halfway around the
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