» Fantasy » the hunt, joe kennedy [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «the hunt, joe kennedy [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author joe kennedy

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mike looked towards the tree the hooded figure was gone he prayed that it had fled something told him that there was more to him that met the eye while he was distracted a creature lunged at him he brought his spear up but not quick enough the creature cut his face narrowly missing his eye but at a cost the spear had hit it as it jumped he looked around all he could see was a sheer mass of creatures john Sarah and Rachel were somewhere within he saw a burst of fire shooting into the sky “Rachael” he thought he tried to get to her through the mass of creatures but there was far too many of them he charged spear in front of him like a javelin most of the creatures were smart enough not to stay in his way and dodged him Rachael was doing well hitting every creature around her but still she was struggling a creature lunged at her from behind she couldn’t see it mike threw his spear it missed though there were so many it was impossible not to kill one he heard a howl of pain in the distance suddenly john was beside him he threw a knife and this time it found its mark the creature hit the ground silently john and mike stood back to back fighting the seemingly endless flow of creatures “ have you seen Sarah I can’t see her” mike shook his head they heard a scream from in front of them instinctively they both ran towards it knowing it was Sarah but they were stopped by countless creatures in their way they cut them down the fear giving them renewed strength they reached her she had a huge cut on her arm it wasn’t serious but it looked painful again they stood back to back however mike spear was now imbedded in a creature john gave him one of his knives but he was nowhere near as good at using it as he was with a sword or spear he remembered the sword in the ground and desperately wished he had it there was a flash of blue light and it appeared in his hand he was too stunned to use it at first but a creature at his leg soon diminished that he swung at it, surprised it was clumsy and tried to jump but mike hit it in midair and yet more were still coming with no visible sign of ending behind them Rachael was now charging them sending creatures flying everywhere all the while breathing fire a creature was sent flying into the ranks teaming towards john mike and Sarah sending a dozen creatures sprawling but one got through and lunged at Sarah it hit she went down without a sound this caused john to grab her knives and throw them at the creature that did it using two silver knives and this time he charged the creatures alone cutting faster than they could move he had soon disappeared into the midst of the hoard but mike and Rachael could still see the effect that he was having half of the creatures were running away while the others were running towards him leaving mike and Rachael alone they looked at each other Sarah was hurt or worse and john was still fighting off hordes of creatures like a mad man Rachael turned into a giant hawk and soared into the air trying to find him and Sarah in the mass of creatures but it was no use there was far to many to see any individual then she spotted an part of the horde breaking up and heading towards the trees but they were far away and moving very fast she couldn’t reach them before they disappeared into the trees she flew higher still searching desperately for john but still she couldn’t see him fear and rage consumed her and she dive bombed the creatures scratching them with talons the size of swords now the creatures were running for their lives the hooded figure still nowhere to be seen with the creatures gone Rachael once more flew up in to the air searching for john or Sarah but they had disappeared with the horde.
Sarah woke with a start though it didn’t make much difference it was far to dark to see deprived of her sight Sarah had to rely on other senses she slowed her breathing and heart rate and listened and heard a trickle of water that wasn’t much there was something else two sets of breathing one was harsh and heavy while the other was slow and weak as well as a scraping sound she had heard it so many times before but she couldn’t think what it was but she knew it wasn’t friendly she tried to move her hands to see if she could feel anything around her but her she couldn’t move them she felt the rope cutting into her wrists she couldn’t move her legs either as she did hesitantly she sniffed a foul smell greeted her the smell of death she again tried to get free of her bonds but to no avail her eyes were now becoming used tot the dark and she could see vague shapes in front of her and the shape she saw was unmistakable the guardian was just a few feet away ignoring the pain in her neck she looked left and saw another shape this one was human and lying completely still she hoped it wasn’t john but she knew it was a noise alerted her that the guardian was coming she closed her eyes again and went limp it went behind her the desire to open her eyes was incredible but she knew she mustn’t just as this thought flashed across her mind she felt a sudden sharp pain on her back she suppressed a scream and waited hoping the guardian would give up she felt more pain in her back it was clear it wanted her to wake up but again she didn’t scream almost instantly she felt it again and this time she couldn’t help but scream the guardian appeared in front of her and looked into her eyes brown eyes met icy blue eyes it was a battle of wills but Sarah knew she would lose she found those eyes scarier than any monster eventually she looked away the guardian snarled at her and walked off into the depths of the caves and into the darkness again Sarah took the chance she turned her head slowly and looked at john and whispered “ john are you ok are you awake” in response he drummed his fingers against the cave floor something he used to do in school at least she knew he was alive he motioned to the far wall Sarah looked and saw her and johns weapons she knew what he was planning whether it would work or not she wasn’t sure the guardian still wasn’t back yet but for all she knew it could be waiting just what little she could see she gestured for him to wait but he focused and got a small throwing knife from the pile and slowly put into Sarah’s hands behind her back she grasped it ands started trying to cut at her ropes she could feel the ropes start to giveaway but they were thick it would take some time to cut them but she began to cut faster and soon the ropes fell away completely she then set to work on the ropes around her legs desperation made it quick she silently moved forwards towards the knives and grabbed them and quickly went over to john to cut his ropes around his wrists and legs soon they were armed and ready to run behind them there was just cave wall which meant they were at the back of the cave meaning to get out they had to get past the guardian to escape and then they had to find the others assuming they were still alive which was looking less and less likely the more she thought about it an army of deadly creatures against a shape shifter and a boy with a sword however together they advanced towards the exit of the cave wherever that was. The guardian was still nowhere to be seen and that made the two nervous soon they came across a series of tunnels john lit one of his many matches the flame flickered blown by a slight wind he flicked it out and chose the tunnel where the wind was coming from faint hope was still hope using the silver light from their knives as a light the tunnel they had chosen was smaller than the one they had been in meaning that they constantly hit their heads after swearing a bit they moved on in silence for now they were safe but they were very nervous the guardian would appear in a tunnel behind them however given how tall the guardian was it would have found it hard to move fast in the tunnels soon they came across another series of tunnels again john lit a match and again it flickered it flickered in two directions left and backwards meaning that either both tunnels lead to the surface or one had a trap in it john closed his eyes and focused he soon chose the tunnel ahead of them advancing without fear Sarah followed behind more nervously knives ready just in case he was wrong this tunnel was taller and wider so they didn’t hit their head but that just increased the fear that the guardian would come for them in the tunnel john stopped ahead Sarah got her knives ready in case it was a monster or trap she asked him what was wrong but he just told her to be quiet and continued in his trance like state she listened intently but couldn’t hear anything then she heard a noise behind her a noise all to familiar for her she broke into a run ahead john was also running not bothering to look for traps they sprinted through the tunnel gradually the guardians howls were lost amongst the cave walls they soon came to a large circular room with a high ceiling no more claustrophobia but they were by no means out of danger in the middle of the room stood a stone statue with a sword in hand it was facing them it could have just been a coincidence but for these two that was never going to happen there fears were soon realised when they moved around the wall to get to the exit its head turned to follow them when they were in front of the exit it started slowly walking towards them its intention clear john and Sarah tensed ready for a fight without warning the statue jumped in the air sword high above its head it brought it crashing down onto the stone they dived out of the way ground cracks appeared in the floor john was the first to recover and tried to stab the stone it deflected off and jarred his hand the statue swung for him but he ducked out of the way he threw one of his throwing knives it just bounced away harmlessly “ how the hell do we defeat this thing” Sarah shouted in frustration stone? John suggested he didn’t wait for answer he grabbed one of his throwing knifes and aimed it at a crack in floor the floor broke into small fragments of stone
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