» Fantasy » the hunt, joe kennedy [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «the hunt, joe kennedy [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author joe kennedy

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The storm clouds were coming closer the icy rain cascading onto the hard stone ground outside the school. Inside, Sarah, Rachel, John and Mike were watching the incoming storm nervously. It was not the rain, the thunder or even the lightning that made them nervous, it was what was in the storm cloud that was scaring them, they knew the guardian was causing the storm, swirling the clouds around him concealing himself, his icy spear in hand.

It was after school hours the four were in detention again but this time it wasn’t because of johns big mouth or Rachel’s refusal to sit still it was because there pe teacher Mr. woods hated all four of them, for the rather good reason that mike had humiliated him in front of the entire school by beating him in tennis, since then the coach would actively look to put him in detention. John, Sarah and Rachel would then deliberately misbehave during his lesson so that they could be in detention together, however he was so stupid that he had not figured out there plan, nor had he figured out how important they were and what they could do.

Mike had discovered his power when he was just five years old he had been drawing a picture of a cat nothing special just the basic shape and colour of one when he was finished he signed his name as he had been taught to do that day in school it started to glow blue as the colour intensified and brightened mike ran out of the room screaming unfortunately his mum had gone down to the shops to get some food. Soon blue light was seeping through the cracks in the door then without warning the blue light suddenly vanished, curiosity won out over fear eventually and he went back into the room. There was no sign of the mysterious light, he looked at the table and to his dismay found his drawing was gone, something moved behind him, he whirled around fear in his eyes. To his surprise and confusion he found a tabby cat just like the one he had drawn, experimentally he stroked it the fur was defiantly real he sat down at the table and tried to draw a dog when he had finished he looked at the paper expectantly, nothing happened, half glad have disappointed he looked away he then rememembered that last time nothing happened until he signed his name, he signed his name and the paper started glowing blue around the edges, the light spread inwards and when it reached the middle it exploded outwards when the light faded there was a noise behind him and a small dog came bounding out from behind the sofa and jumped towards the cat at full speed both animals disappeared in a streak on fur and teeth into the distance.

Rachel had discovered her power when she was out on a walk through the woods that surrounded the town despite never being able to sit still she could be very sneaky and as such she always saw the wild animals that were in the forest. The forest was old and had ruins hidden within them one such ruin was an old stone house that had collapsed leaving only the fireplace and basic shape left On this day Rachel discovered it.The house intrigued her there was no sign of anyone else that had been there comforted by this she sat by the fireplace and closed her eyes something she didn’t normally do this continued for about 10 minuet’s she let her mind go blank and continued to sit perfectly still a noise alerted her prompting her to open her eyes when she did she was lucky enough to see a rabbit she then thought about what it would be like to be a rabbit she thought about all the advantages of it then she found herself shrinking her clothes changing into fur , her hearing was improved dramatically as were her sense of smell and sight, she was scared though. One second she was a normal human girl walking through the woods now she was a rabbit she could run a lot faster than usual. Eventually she calmed down and tried to focus “ if I can change into a rabbit I can change back to a human” she thought to herself However realising how far from home she was she thought about becoming an eagle praying it would work she grew a little and her sight was improved yet again, her arms felt very strange she looked round and found that it had worked she now had wings as well as a slight desire to eat a vole. She flapped her wings tentatively for a while nothing happened but she soon found herself being lifted off the ground she kept flapping getting higher and higher until at last she was high above the houses thankfully she wasn’t afraid of heights. She vaguely remembered which direction she had come from and started flying towards home when she was close she folded her wings and went into a dive and spread her wings on instinct at the last second she was gliding just above the ground and going very fast she saw her house and pulled up slightly she landed next to her tree and at last on solid ground turned back into a rabbit knowing her dog would soon find her and knowing from experience what he did to stray rabbits in his garden she turned into a simaller version of a dog only bigger her dog saw her and bared its teeth and snarled a snarl so terrible it made Rachel tremble in fear it hadn’t occurred to her that her dog wouldn’t take kindly to another dog in its garden the dog lunged towards her all she could think to do was to snarl back she thought about all the shoes he had eaten his way through and snarled back her dog stopped sharply and turned away running with its tail between its legs she quickly changed into a ant and went through a small crack in her door at least now she knew how they got into her house now. She scuttled up stairs and into her room luckily her parents weren’t there she at long last turned into herself again she grabbed some clothes off her wardrobe and went down stairs all that running and flying had made her hungry late at night she would practise changing into different forms her favourite forms were an eagle and a tiger because they gave her freedom only the other three knew what she could do

Sarah was always a shy girl always had been as such she loved her power of invisibility she had discovered her power two years when a guy she fancied had asked her out she had literally melted into the background at first she was scared but then realised how great it would be to become invisible at will she had first met Mike John and Rachel when she was sneaking around school and had seen them demonstrating their powers in a secluded part of school and had lost focus and become visible at first the three were angry but when Sarah explained and told them she knew how they felt they calmed down and after making her swear not to tell anyone started talking to her about their powers.

John was the most powerful of the four his power was telekinesis and telepathy he was also incredible smart which made him a favourite with the teachers but not with the students he had known his power since he was born he could here everyone’s thoughts and random objects started moving around after years of practise he could control what he heard and what moved he was always called a freak when ever people made the connections between his presence and objects moving at random he could also control peoples thoughts but he only did that in an emergency and never to his friends he would also sometimes lose control and hear peoples thoughts or move objects this proved to be dangerous when he was angry however he was almost always focused he had met Rachel and mike when he had accidentally read their thoughts and discovered their powers he had confronted them and had told them to meet him in a secluded part of school which was out of sight when they got there he had told them of his power and they had been accepting which was a first for him even his parents sometimes gave him weird looks he hated it and the angrier he got the more he could hear their thoughts which in turn would make him angry when Sarah had first appeared he had read her mind and found that she was not scared or repulsed by their powers on contrary she found them fascinating and incredible he loved her for that but he never got up the courage to tell her

The first flecks of rain reached the school john telepathically asked the others
“Are you ready?”
they all nodded Mr. woods looked up in disgust at the sound of rain as if it was somehow their fault he then returned to his sports magazine Sarah turned invisible while Rachel turned into a ladybird and crawled out the door john put the thought that mike was the only one in detention in Mr. woods head and walked out holding the door open for Sarah Mr. woods looked up and said
“I assume you have learned your lesson Michael”
Mike hated being called that and it took all his will power not to punch him but he swallowed his pride and said
“Yes sir”
looking down he knew Mr. woods would like that “ you may go” Mr. woods said practically beaming with a mixture of pride and glee mike left before he could say anything else and joined the others in the corridor. He got out his notebook and drew two knives the page from the book floated up and was soon engulfed in bright blue light two very sharp knifes clattered to the ground when Sarah picked them up they became invisible Mike then went back to his notebook and drew two small hand axes again the page floated in the air and with a flash of blue light two axes nearly fell to the ground but john stopped them and hid them lastly mike drew himself a spear but made it collapsible so he could easily hide it in moments he held a spear in his hand.
Without warning the roll of thunder shook the school, the guardian was close, Sarah John and mike all drew their weapons while Rachel turned into a bear and roared a roar that was equal to the thunder there was a brilliant flash of light and the doors at the other end of the corridor exploded open ripping the doors off of their hinges and sending it flying towards them they smashed into the lockers beside the four.
The guardian stood in the door with a look of pure hatred on its face. The guardian was an ancient creature the horns protruding from its head as sharp as swords its face resembled that of a human but with skin like a boar and teeth like a lion its spear had strange symbols all over it and the tip glowed with an icy blue light he stood in the

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