Poison me, Please., Christina.D [first ebook reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Christina.D
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I turned towards our clothes. Getting up seemed hard. I looked at my leg that was filled with scratches. The blood was running on the grass softly as it was mixed with the water.
Artemis set next to me looking at the leg.
‘What did you get caught on?’ No expression on his face.
‘Don’t know.’ It was nothing. I think.
‘Why did you do that?’ He looked me in the eyes, with disappointment on his face.
‘Do what!?’
‘Jump in, when you can’t even swim!’ He searched for answers in my face. I kept my face with no expression. He didn’t know what happened.
‘I know how to swim, it’s just when you jumped you made me go under. Then I got caught on something.’ I looked back to my leg with pure blood running down.
He didn’t say anything. He put his hand on my leg, pressing it strongly. I felt shivers on my body when the wind blew. The drops of water from my hair; dripping on my back felt like ice.
I don’t know what pulled me down. I don’t want to know. I put the life of a shape shifter behind me. Not everyone approves of me. I don’t shift. It’s almost like making a sin to all the other shifters. That’s what makes them want to kill me. They think I’m on their side. I can be with humans, but I can’t be a human, easy as that. No exceptions.
‘I think you should put your clothes on.’ He smiled pulling his hand away. ‘Your lips are blue.’
I tried smiling back. I don’t know why or how but I couldn’t swallow the sob that came. I felt his hands wrap around me, pulling me closer to his muscly chest.
I don’t want to be what I am. A monster. An animal. There’s no way I could get used to the shifting. I can’t stand my flesh ripping apart to be changed to something with blue blood. The cold blood that can’t be parted from me. Dying would be an easy way out, but the shame that I would put my ‘’family’’ is unreasonable. That’s how I lost my best friend, not shifting; it seems that the animal in me is ruining me without even having to come out.
‘It’s ok. You must be in shock.’ He let me go to get my clothes. He put my top on, and then he put his large jacket on me. The shorts I put on myself. They seemed hard to put on with blue fingers. Artemis was standing by my side with his, jeans and t-shirt within a few minutes already on. My jacket was in his hand.
The walk home seemed endless. It was dark by the time we got to his house. I took his jacket off, but in reply I got one big glair.
‘What, you expect me to leave you to walk home on your own.’ I smiled amused.
‘I live around the corner. Basically next door.’ He shook his head. ‘Besides I want to think about some things.’
‘Fine but promise you’ll call or text when you get in.’ He took his jacket without looking at me and strolled off. He must think I’m a freak, by the fact that the entire walk home we didn’t talk, I should’ve had time to think. I did want to think but when I’m on my own I can concentrate.
It didn’t take long though, as when I saw the police car parked outside my house, I ran.
What if either Julian or Darren got hurt? What if both. They can’t go to the hospital, everyone will find out!
I jogged to the front steps where an elderly man with a police uniform opened the door with a note book in his hand. Rosette popped her head over his shoulder and ran to me.
‘Oh God, where have you been!’ She screamed in my ear, shaking me with her brown hair tickling my face.
‘No where! What happened? Why is there police here?’ I demanded for answers, taking her hands of my shoulders that were scratched from the shaking.
‘Well looking for you! Edwin came, and you didn’t come, nine o’clock came and still no Drina! What do you think going out like that in the morning and now coming back at twelve in the night!’ she took a deep breath and carried on her lecture. I didn’t listen, I was amused. To think she is younger than me by a year. Yet still she acts like the oldest in the group. I still remember how we were best friends. No one could get in our way, well apart from me.
‘ Julian and Darren are out with the car looking for you, Nathanial’s gone ballistic, so he’s out to the neighbourhood and even Sian left Edwin to take care of calling everyone.’
She finished with a big hug. This is really weird. They never look after me that much. Not that I ever go out. To think about it, that’s most probably why.
‘I’m sorry; I was out with a friend.’ I mumbled in her ear silently letting the police man get by.
‘So ladies I guess the case is closed.’ He searched me with his eyes. ‘No harm done?’ He asked me with a strict voice. ‘No broses from boyfriends, no knife cuts?’
‘No officer, thank you.’ I smiled making him believe me. He didn’t need many arguments. Rosette led me through the door to the living room. There was a guy sitting on a sofa looking at my school photo with a phone in his hands. He has dark brown hair and deep blue eyes; his fringe is covering his forehead making his eyes the centre of attention, as they were very deep making his nose look larger than most people could pull off. He looked at us and put the phone down. Standing up he slid the picture back on the table.
‘Oh, hi’ He smiled willingly.
‘Hi’ I mumbled back. Rosette popped me on the sofa with a thump.
‘Il just go and get everyone. Geez, I bet you haven’t even eaten, you never eat. I don’t get how you can survive.’ She wiggled the phone and stepped back outside with her voice fading as she got further away, but I don’t think she stopped talking, that made the tips of my lips ranch up. The guy who I’m guessing is named Edwin as Rosette informed sat down too.
‘What happened to your leg?’ I looked at his horrified face, then to my leg. On the right foot; just above the side bone was a large brose, almost as if someone burned all the way around my foot. I smirked. It was full of cuts before.
‘I don’t even remember’ I looked at him with a smile. He went down on the floor and slid my foot to the sofa. His hands were warm.
‘That is brand new. Did you burn it somehow?’ He sat next to it and slightly touched the side. The pain made me squeal. A tear in each eye warmed up. He looked at me with a smirk.
‘No, a vampire did that didn’t it? What did you do? Try to stake it?’ He seemed amused, but sad at the same time.
‘Close enough.’ I replied looking down.
I knew I was destined to be for someone else. The mark on my foot is like a collar. If a vampire burns it in you, then you’re kind of like his dog. Not a lot of shapeshifters are cursed like that. Usually humans. The creature that I wanted to be treated like. Well In a way I got my wish.
The rest of the night was a blur. I remember falling asleep and someone bringing me upstairs.
Waking up was painful. Really painful. My leg muscles were pulling themselves. The cramp was unbelievable. I felt a hand rub my leg softly. My eyes shot up in surprise, as I saw Artemis sitting on the side of my bed. The pain went.
‘What the hell?’ I jumped out of bed staggering to the flour. The burn on my leg ached.
‘You didn’t call last night. I got worried.’ He looked down to my purple sheets.
‘So what you just decided to come in?’ He shot up in defense.
‘No, a girl let me in and said you were upstairs.’ He looked me in the eye, so deeply that there’s no way he could lie.
‘Oh, ok so yeah, sorry about yesterday.’ I mumbled clinging to my bed for support as I was standing up.
‘It’s ok; I hope we could go out again?’ He seemed pleading.
‘What. Serious?’ For a response he gave a simple nod. I looked in the large mirror opposite me. I could see him at the other side of the bed also looking in the mirror at me.
‘I don’t get it. What do you see in me that makes you overlook the freak that I am?’ All I can see is a pale blond girl wearing pajama shorts and a sleeveless top with pale blue patterns. My eyes seemed even a deeper gray, than usual; they almost seemed silver.
He smiled lightly looking at me.
‘My future.’ The words echoed in my head. I didn’t seem to know the meaning. I didn’t want to know. Maybe it’s a new catch phrase. He can’t be serious. My body felt the sweet wash of the sentence, the closeness of the words. The only thing I could concentrate on where his eyes in the mirror reflection. I turned to him with no expression.
‘That’s not funny.’
‘Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.’ He jumped from the bed to my side. Now I know what he meant as I looked back in the mirror. My face went ghost white. He sat me down closing me in.
‘I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to look into a shapeshifters future. I know it’s illegal, but you understand right?’ I hesitated for a moment.
The damn liar is a witch! Well
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