» Fantasy » Poison me, Please., Christina.D [first ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Poison me, Please., Christina.D [first ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Christina.D

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‘You killed it’ Sian’s voice was spiteful, but almost amused.
‘It’s not dead.’ I know he or she isn’t. I can feel the heart beating. Then I looked at Sian. She was smiling. I wonder deeply how someone that looks so pure can be so evil. She has jet black hair with a middle parting that makes her look even slimmer. She has deep hazel eyes that can make anyone freeze. Her face is pale with a natural blush. She looked at me flickering her eyes.
‘Why are you staring at me’
‘Because, you can be a bitch sometimes.’ I don’t try to be nice.
‘Hey! I agreed to teaching you how to drive, that’s got to count for something.’ He hands went to her hips.
‘Only because the new guy is coming and you want to make a good impression.’ I leaned over to the black cat. It was on its side. The paws were small and seemed fragile.
‘ That’s no crime.’ I looked up at her.
‘ No but if its dead we will both be in trouble. Me because I hit it. You because you let me drive.’
She didn’t seem to care at all.
‘I’m going to park the car in the garage.’ She walked steadily away; like a wolf.
I didn’t have time to think what to do, as I heard a figure running towards me.
‘ Hey! Is that Tiger?’ The boy got closer and looked at the cat. ‘ Oh no, he’s dead’ You couldn’t hear any emotions in his voice as it was taken over by all the deep breaths.
‘Actually no.’ I said looking at him. He has dark brown hair and if I can see right, blue eyes.
‘Oh, ok. Do you know what happened?’ He asked calming down. I stood up.
‘Yeah, I didn’t mean to. But.’ I looked from him to the cat constantly. ‘I hit it.’ He didn’t seem upset.
‘Well the cat isn’t mine, It’s my grans. If its fine I'll just say I found it sleeping.’ He gave me a smile, so I smiled back. ‘So you just turned 18?’ He asked taking a deep breath.
‘Nope. Well unless you’re a cop.’ I smiled teasingly. He smiled back. Now I can clearly see his eyes were deep blue. He seemed normal enough.
‘Huh. Thought so, I’ve never seen you drive a car before.’ I looked at him, and dropped the smile.
‘What do you mean?’ He looked deep at me.
‘I live two doors down.’ That made me feel bad. He seems friendly.
‘Oh. I’ve never seen you before though.’ I tried to smile. He laughed. Not a angry laugh, more of a sympathetic laugh.
‘Yeah, I see you all the time. You always seem distant. You’re always looking somewhere else. This seems sad but, I remember going up to you and saying hi.’ He leaned to the side a bit with a grin.
‘I’m sorry if I didn’t say hi back. You see if I’m thinking, then you can’t crack me.’ I smiled and put my hands in my hoody’s pockets.
‘Well you didn’t exactly ignore me.’ He laughed agin. Oh no. ‘If I remember correctly, you called me a creep and told me where to shove it.’ He smiled warmly.
‘Ok, now I feel bad.’ I looked at him biting my lip. ‘And now, you’re going to think I’m just even meaner, but I really have to go.’ I looked at his reaction and started to step away. I was about to say bye.
‘First can I have your number?’ Wow, I did not expect that.
‘Oh. Well can I ask why?’ I stepped closer.
‘So that I could get to know you better.’

I gave him my number. I never give my number to anyone. Not that anyone asks. I found out his name is Artemis. That is really an unusual name. But he's nice. And annoying. I don’t know how long it took him. Five, ten minutes. He already texted me.
Text 1 : Hey Its Artemis ;)
Text 2 : Is this Audrina.
Text 3 : If it isn’t I’m sorry.
Text from me : Yeah, Its Audrina :)
I knew it was a mistake. He called me. I didn’t pick up.

New roomate

My room is at the end of the corridor, I have to pass 6 rooms to get to the stairway. Not including the room opposite me; since no one has ever been living there. No one was in their rooms. I suspected everyone to be out, but I got a shock with everyone sitting on the couch and the floor. I have no clue why everyone seemed so exited, but for once in this whole house no-one was arguing.
It almost seemed odd. I could see their animals coming out by just looking deeply at them.
Sian was sitting on the couch crossed legged; the wolf. Rosette was standing behind Sian with a cup of coffee in her hand; the snake. Nathanial is closest to me, he was leaning on the stair wall looking deeply happy; the lion. Julian was sitting on the floor looking at Darren; Julian’s the Panther. Darren was also sitting on the couch, all eyes on the fox. If you’re wondering, there animal is nothing like their personality. Well, mostly.
‘Oh hey Drina!’ Darren turned flashing me a large smile.
‘Ok, this is getting creepy. Why is everyone happy? TOGETHER’ I made a circular motion with my hands looking for an answer from anyone.
‘Edwin’s coming!!’ Sian shrieked.
‘Who?’ I looked at Darren, as Sian seemed in no mood to actually make sense. As usual.
‘The new roommate, he’s a bear.’ They all smiled at each other wildly.
I felt a vibration from my jean shorts. I took the phone out and found a message from Artemis.
Y didn’t u pick up last night?

I looked back up at the happy circle.
‘But why are you all so happy, all you could know he’s a spoiled brat?’ Darren clearly disagreed by showing it with a snort.
‘I met him last night; he is way to cool to be a brat.’ Ok. This is weird!
I texted Artemis.
Still want to know me better?

I walked to the door slowly. It didn’t take long for a reply.
Well yeah, but when?

I texted straight away.

I heard someone call my name from the room, but I walked out the house steps to go to my date.
You can’t call it a date, but anything to get away from them. As if the fact that we can shift into animals wasn’t weird enough, now there all playing nice.
I didn’t expect Artemis to come so quickly but here he was. He seemed flushed from running, or from me.
‘Well you surprised me!’ he came close to me; I could smell his cologne mixing in with the air around us.
‘Well if you didn’t want to, you didn’t have to come.’ I smiled to my remark.
‘I didn’t say that I didn’t want to.’ He smiled back warmly.

The stream

I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I wasn’t prepared, but neither was he.
‘So where are you taking me’ He looked at me putting his hands in his jean pockets.
‘For a swim’ I looked straight ahead to the river. He turned to me astonished.
‘Is this some kind of joke?’ He looked around the bend. No one ever comes here. The nearest house is miles away; the road is only a pathway that’s been driven by a few cars once a season.
‘No, I like coming here’ I smiled looking at the streaming blue water.
‘But you’re planning to swim. In there’ He was smiling but looked astonished. I pulled his hand to go with me.
‘You are going in too.’ I stepped close to the end, where all the pebbles laid.
‘But then it will take ages for our clothes to dry’ He laughed looking at me.
‘Who said were getting our clothes wet?’ I took my jacket off. He didn’t say anything just looked at me strangely and then started to undress too.


The muscles on my body screamed as I jumped into the water with only my underwear on. I looked at Artemis who was in his boxers still looking at me at the shore.
‘You're crazy!’ He jumped as soon as he said it. The wave that he made forced me go under. I felt my leg being pulled down. I screamed letting my air out that I was holding in. I kicked hard as I was trying to push away the hand that was on my leg. I wanted to go down and scratch the hand, but I needed air.
Then I felt someone’s hands go at my waste, they pulled me up. As I reached to the top, I gasped for air. Artemis looked at me with deep Blue eyes; filled with concern. His hands were cold from the water, making me shiver.
‘Your shaking, I think we should get out before you get a cold.’ He twisted behind me, pushing me closer to the shore with his hands still on my sides. I didn’t say anything.

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