Poison me, Please., Christina.D [first ebook reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Christina.D
Book online «Poison me, Please., Christina.D [first ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Christina.D
‘What the hell?’ I swung myself towards him. He embraced me strong enough that I had to pull away. Not because I wanted too, because I had to breath.
‘You didn’t expect me just to let you go?’ He smiled wildly.
‘You can get killed! Are you crazy or something?’ I shut the door behind him looking out just in case someone comes.
‘Oh, you mean the big fang boy?’ I nodded ‘He was the one who let me in, he said you deserve a goodbye’ He took my hand. ‘But I will get you out so there’s no point of saying bye’ He kissed me softly. For the first time I could taste him. I could feel his tongue slowly make his way to mine. I relaxed on him letting his hand slide down my back and up again. Then I pulled him away.
‘You lied to me!’ He seemed dazed.
‘You didn’t tell me you’re a witch!’
‘Well sorry, but the last time I checked you’re not very show-and-tell person ether.’ I looked deep into him. I thought about how the kiss revealed how different he feels to what he said. I knew that he didn’t want to tell me. If he would have told me I would have most probably stayed away from him. Well that’s a fact actually. A witch can damage a shapeshifters aura even more, as they have magic in them that a bunch of million years ago killed us. I’m not good at history.
‘That’s different!’ There was a knock on the door. ‘What?’ As the door opened Orlando popped his head over the door. I felt a blush on my face, as I realised I was being rude.
‘Sorry to interrupt you, but Audrina has to go out in a minute so can you two finish up.’ He winked at me and then closed the door.
I looked back at Artemis. ‘You have to go. And stay away.’ I opened the door for him.
‘You need to get out of here! The guy will only do you bad things!’ He grabbed my arm.
‘No! You’re the one damaging my aura!’ I pulled away quickly.
‘That can be fixed. In time.’
‘Well I haven’t got time, because I’m not ever changing again!’ I pushed him slightly, but he didn’t move at all.
‘That will kill you.’ He looked petrified.
‘I know!’ I shouted while I was pushing him out my door. He’s stronger then he looks. I finally made him shove a bit; this gave me time to close the door.
Breathless, I sat down on the floor. I could hear his footsteps down the corridor. This is stupid, why should I explain myself to a witch? So what If I die sooner, at this rate I’ll probably die early without the help of the animal that is killing me inside anyway. I don’t really understand why I’m letting myself get close to him, Its that stupid magical attraction. Any magical creature feels close to another one, it’s just sometimes it manages not to happen when you get scared enough for you to be shitting bricks...In my case I have no attraction towards Orlando.
I sat there for a long time thinking things through. Yeah I can fix him damaging me, but that would mean me turning into a tiger. That’s the only way that I can heal my aura. Hugh... It seems the only solution around here is to turn. Not goanna happen.
I lay here on my new bed which seemed like it could fit another ten of me. I sat up, looking at the mirror which was fixed on the wardrobe. I flinched. Pale blond hair, pale gray eyes, and fat. It seems I get fatter by the minute. I stood up to see the full view. My jeans are down to the end of my belly. The lacy top was hiding the fat. I pulled it up to see my hip bone covered with a thick layer of skin that looks very puffy. I calculated how long I will need to not eat, before I lose all this.
I looked deep into the mirror, and then behind me, I heard silent breathing, which belonged to Livos.
I turned to him slowly.
‘Hey, Orlando wants you to go out with him tonight. And well he said pick a dress and get ready, he wants you down in half an hour.’ He winked and left. I can feel he isn’t human. More like a shifter. Changed recently though because he smells very...Clean and woody. But then agin I doubt he is a shifter, as then I would see an animal in him. He’s something else. I’m just not sure what.
I ended up picking the dark purple dress which was with a corset and a puffy bottom; it seemed to be something from the early 1850’s.
I let my hair be as it was, left straight with my side fringe down. I put on some makeup, concentrating on my red lips I left the room with my shoes in hand. I hope no one will see the converses. At least their purple.
I went across the corridor to the stairs; it seemed hard to walk down without getting caught on the large marble steps. I hovered at the end not knowing what to do. Then Kaika stepped out of one of the rooms. ‘Don’t worry you will get used to the rooms soon enough.’ I smiled after wondering what to say. Then she put her hand on my back and led me to the left of the house. All the rooms look like they’re on show, so there’s no point pinning down what room is used for what.
Orlando was dressed to impress. A black suit with his ties at his hand. At a moment’s hesitation, as he looked at me, he picked the dark purple tie which was matching my dress.
‘You look beautiful.’ Orlando finally said, smiling while he was fitting on his tie.
‘Thanks, you look great too.’ I mumbled it slowly. I looked around for other people , but no one was there. Just the three of us.
‘So ready to dance?’ I looked at Orlando with my eyebrows digging into my eyes.
‘What now?’ He took my hand and let me away.
‘No, at the ball of cores.’ Yeah because I know that. In return I just sighed.
We reached the main door and stepped outside. It was getting dark now, and the woods seemed to be watching us. I moved closer to Orlando. As I felt him smile I looked down to the pebbles.
Instead of taking the Audi, we took a limo that has Livos in the front as the driver.
‘Ah, my brother, back to business. Just like the good old days.’ They both laughed and let me sit inside. It was plane inside, with the leather chairs squeaking, that was the only noise that was made during the ride.
I wanted to ask a million questions, but just as I was about to I got scared with the look Orlando was wearing whilst looking out the window.
The suddenly Livos made me jump.
‘Were here!’ I turned to look out the window, to find an old looking building with a huge front door with a few people walking in. Dressed way more extravagant than either of us was.
‘Well, here we go. ‘ He turned to look at me. ‘Ok , so all through the night you’re going to have to pretend that you are my girlfriend. You have to pretend you want me. But flirt with other men. That’s a must . The more you flirt, the better. Flirt with vampires especially.’ Ok that’s just stupid. Then he turned to get out. But then twisted his head to me. ‘And if you don’t. Well then I’ll need to find a new escort.’ I understood perfectly. I swallowed deeply as I climbed out.
We went inside holding hands. It seemed wrong, not just because I was holding hands with his, but because it seemed too modern.
When we got inside , there was a great big hall. It was filled with tables at the sides, and a great dance floor in the middle. Everything was old-fashioned. From the statues to the flowers. Each table was filled with food, but no one was eating, just drinking.
I didn’t get to look around for long as a man stood in front of us. He has light blonde hair, that was short, but seemed perfect on him. He was wearing tux that were very old fashioned.
‘Orlando, how good to see you my friend, haven’t seen you in decades.’ He smiled greatly at both of us. ‘ I see you bought a beautiful young lady with you. I’m glad.’ He quickly went over to me to shake my hand. ‘Edward, It is a pleasure to meet you.’ He bent over to took my hand and then kissed it. I felt weird, but when I remembered what Orlando said.
‘The pleasure is all mine. I’m Audrina.’ I smiled with teeth. And looked him in the eye. He seemed gladly amused with his blue eyes dancing.
‘Well I’m glad you could make it to my humble party. I hope I get to see you around.’ He smiled and kissed my hand again. He didn’t take his eyes of off me until he was out of sight. I looked up at Orlando. He had his eyes widened looking at me.
‘Well I didn’t expect that. You’ve got the most important person tonight under your foot.’ He didn’t even blink. ‘I don’t even know if we need to stay.’ Right no more silence.
‘So what is the point of us being here?’ He didn’t change his expression.
‘Politics. We need as many creatures as possible to vote for me. I want to be in control of magical creatures. So I get people on my side. You help me look nice and keep everyone wanting you. This way it attracts the attention to me.’ It made a lot of sense actually.
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