» Fantasy » Running, Autumn Usrey [sight word readers .txt] 📗

Book online «Running, Autumn Usrey [sight word readers .txt] 📗». Author Autumn Usrey

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of arms surounded me. Let go of me, I said kicking whoever grabed me. I turned to look at Jack. Why? He asked.So I can leav, I have to leav now. I said trying to get free. Why are you running Cathy? He asked again. If you found out what I am that means the hunters will find me. Cathy look at me. . Cathy you don't have to run. Yes I do.Now pleas let me go! No. But he still whouldn't let me go. I had just relised whenever he touched my my puls went up, and I felt strang inside. Crap; I know what that means... he's my mate. Jack Let me go now!!! I said to him, while I was trying to get out of his graspe. I'm sorry, but you left me no other option. With that he through some type of powder at me. It knoked me out, and I know what type of powder they used on me, its called Shadownight. The last thing I herd was Jack saying  sorry to me.

______________________________________________________________________________* Jack *

My grandmother had gave my some dust to knok Cathy out If she tried to run.I didn't want to use it, but I had to. I took her limb body and made my way back to my house. When I got to my house I opened the door, and layed Cathy on the chair. My grandmother came in, and looked at me. It looks like you had to use the dust I gave you. She said. Yeah I didn't want to, but I had to. Its ok son, my dad said coming in. Grandmother how long will she sleep for? Hmmm about another hour. Oh ok. We all sat there waiting for here to wake up. She started to way up after a while. Wh- where am I? She asked. Why hello dear I'm Jack's grandmother Stacey. Can you tell me what happend? Well I went to get you but I had to knok you out with some magical dust that my grandmother gave me. My grandmother then said, The weird thing that dust should of lasted for about a hour.

 Was the name of the dust called Shadownight? Cathy asked. Yes my grandmother said a little comfused. Oh that, the reson is becaus Shadownight has been used on me before so my body can fight it off beter than it whould as the first time. Whait its been used on you before? My grandmother asked. Yes. When? I sall her body stiffen. It was used on me by the hunters. Why are you being hunted? I asked. Well that's a long story. We got time, my grandmother said. Ok well Ghosts, Shape Shifters, and Dark Angles, Like me are hunted because thay don't know our power. They hunt us even if we use our powers for good. What type of powers do Dark Angles have? My dad asked. Well a Dark Angle can get powers like seeing the futuer, tellaporting, leting the dead pas through them, telling if there is danger around theme, and bringing the dead bach to life. Whitch one, or ones do you have? I asked. Well I don't know yet. What do you mean sweetheart? Asked my grandmother. Well you have to be 19 till you get your powers. Oh.

May we see your wings? Um S-sure.

____________________________________________________________________________* Cathy*

Why they just had to ask about my wings. I stood up and opend them. There beautiful. Stacey said. How did they get burned? Jack asked. hunters had found me, thats when the hit me with the Shadownight. I woke up in there base. They had me tied up in a cell when they took a hot metal rod, and put it against my skin.I paused for a seconed, and then countinued. Next thing you know they throw me into a room with gassoline everywere; they lit a match and had set the room on fire. I went to fly away but the fire hit my wings and well. So in the end I ended up geting my wings burned, and running to Califirnia before I came here. Can I talk to Cathy alone? Asked Jack. Yes, yes you can. Stacey said. With that I sat back  down in the chair. Jack sat next to me. Cathy tell me why you tryed to run.  I looked at him. Its usually hard for anyone to detect what I am. Usually the hunters have gropes all aroun. So when you found out what I was I did what I always do. I ran. HE looked at me. Cathy I told you what I was. So why did you run after I said that? Well Werwolves arn't being hunted, and so sometimes hunters team up with Werwolves or Vampires because of there sense of smell. They whould be able to detect us. Cathy? Yes? You know sense your my mate you cant run, and if the hunters come looking for you, we'll handle them. I smiled at him. He leaned in and kissed me. We pulled apart. Jack your the first person to acualy care for me. Did you know that? No I didn't know. Well now you do. Thank you Jack. For what?? For being there for me.





Jacks grandmother and father came back in when I asked, What are we going to do if the hunters find me?  Stacey sat beside me. Oh sweety if they find you they wont get to you, ok. I smiled at her. Now comeon then I'll show you to your room. I looked at her with a puzzeld look. You mean i'm staying here? Jack walked up behind me. Why of cours. Your not going to be staying it that hotel anymore. Ok well lead the way, I said looking at Stacey. She led me to a room that had a bed, and a bathroom in it. This is was bater that than hotle, I said to Stacey. I hope you like it. Goodnight dear. Goodnight thankyou. She had left me alone in the room. I went to the bed. I had atempted to sleep, but as usuall I don't sleep as much. Being for the fact that I traind my self to stay awayk for if the hunters found me. It was about 2:00 when I herd a knok on my door. Come in! Jack came in. Her sorry to wake you. Oh its ok I wasn't asleep, I said


* Jack *

Oh its ok I wasn't asleep. She said. I came to see if you were ok with all of this. Yeah I gusse. So how can you still be awake Cath; I mean don't you need to sleep? Well I traind myself to not sleep because if the hunters find me when i'm sleeping I woun't be able to get a headd start. She said as sshe sat up. I went over the bed to set next to her. Cathy you can relax. As long as I'm here the hunters won't get to. She smiled. Thanks Jack. No problem. I layed in her bed talking to her about stuff. She was finally starting to fall asleep about three. Goodnight Cathy. She was to tiyerd to respond. I sat her down on the bed and walked out of the room; back to my room to go to sleep.The next day- Well the same day Cathy and I were walking into town when Cathy tenced up. What is it Cathy? There here. Jack they found me. Are you sure? Thats when a group of guys came out of no were. Looks like we meat again little Dark Angle. Told you we'd find you. Jack we need to run. She grabed my hand and started to run. We need to get to the pack house. My father whould know what to do. Ok here this is faster. We were running through the woods when she said that. What is faster? She grabed me and startedto run. I look back and black wings are all I se. But Cathy your wings are still hurt. I'm fine. She took of in the air. I could tell she was having trouble.You coward little Dark Angle stop running from us and face you futur. The hunters yelled at us. Cathy continued to fly untill we reached the pach house. She fell right after she closed her wing. I picked her up and ran into the house. Son whats wrong?  My dad asked. The hunters... they found her. She had to fly to get us away. Her wings they put her into to much pain. What are we gaing to do abaoit the hunters? I don't know. Let me talk to the pack. What about Cathy? Take her to your grandmother. My grandmother somehow got Cathy's wings to oped.She had put some type of cream on it. Grandmother what is that cream your putting on her wings. Oh this. She said. Its a cooling cream. It will help her wings from the burning feeling.

____________________________________________________________________________* Cathy * 

I woke up in a room where I found this cream stuff on my wings. I had started to panic; untill Jack came up to me. Hey shhh, its ok Cathy. Your ok. What happend? You got us here than you colapsed. Jack I told you that they whould find me. What are we going to do? I asked. I don't know. My dad said that he whould talk to the pack. It was like 9:00. Me and jack just layed ther in sighlent. Not akward at all, but the nice type. I shortly fell asleep with my head on Jacks chest.





 * Jack * 

I was in the kchitchen at 9:00 this morrning; while Cathy was still asleep. Son; I need to talk to you. My dad said walking in. I talked to the pack. They said that we can try to resone with the hunters. You know find out why they want to kill Cathy. Are you sure this is a good idea dad? Well its the only one we got. Ok, when is the meating? To night, and Cathy needs to be there. Ok i'll try to get her to go. Good. Make sure you two are ready at 5:00 ok. Yeah sure dad. With that he walked off. 


Cathy woke up around 3:00. Hey Cathy I need to talk to you. Yeah what is it Jack? Well my dad talked to the pack, and they

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